• This seems like it was conceived as a mash-up of Jesus of Nazareth and I, Claudius. The problem is that the two stories, that of Imperial Rome and that of the early Church, although they were historically simultaneous, really have nothing to do with one another. Each is a distraction from the other, attempts to link them are contrived, and it is impossible to hit a tone that is right for both: it has neither the X-rated intelligence of the one, nor the intense (albeit conventional) piety of the other.

    Actually, even more than either, it is like a reverse spoof of Monty Python's Life of Brian: that is, as if instead of the usual procedure of seeing a 'straight' film and turning it into a spoof, they watched a comedy and have tried to turn it serious (very serious!). Many shots and scenes, particularly early on, are incredibly reminiscent of the famous Gospel parody, so that you're expecting to hear 'Alms for an ex-leper!' or whatever.

    Though the cast and production values are good, it is slow and stodgy. And poor old James Mason, getting blown about by the wind on top of Capri (or wherever it really is): is that what finished him off?