• The problem is , in order to tag along with what will be the vox Populi of comedy opinion, I would have to say I like Steve Martins comedy I don't, Im not a prop man, very few can pull that off Tommy Cooper (England), The Pythons, Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin. This group is very rare company.....Martin is closest to the Pythons, its his obvious influence.

    I found this "docu-expose" solipsistic. I'm sorry I don't see Seinfeld Shandling, Carlin ETC doing this self aggrandizing puffery, puff piece

    That said what Steve does for laughs, doesn't make me laugh.

    As for his acting, its ok, he is brilliant in Trains Planes and Automobiles, but only because of John Candy, WHO WAS an acting and comedy genius. John Candy carried Martin in that film.

    As for the rest yeah, Martin can come up with some cute ideas, he can write some good screenplays. He can act. But its not top tier, none of it is. He is not Dan Hicks, or Carlin , Bill Burr, Shandling, Maria Bamford, he is not that clever. He doesn't have the pathos. Generally incredible comedy comes from pain. It comes from TRUTH that is so true its funny.

    And as for that forkin banjo playing , PLEASE STOP.

    Im gonna be shot to hell for this review but I don't care. Either you are funny or you are not You cant fake it til you make it.