
  • I saw the title and art and that was it.

    I started off and I understood it was low budget. That's not my problem with it. I actually like Draculas delivery and there were some scenes I think were shot well. The Invisible Man also stood out.

    Issues were its consitency. The story flow was bad. The points to move the plot forward flopped. I wish I had more characters to describe how irrational upset I was at this movie. This had a great premise and it failed to give anyone developmenm. Without spoilers I just feel they could have done a lot more for The Mummy, who I felt was just a tag along the whole way. Same with the Werewolf. This was Draculas movie and the Invisible Man helped him get there.

    I honestly would have loved this movie if it sat in the camp, but it pulls away so often and takes itself seriously. Its attempts in parts to be an homage to classics didn't work out. The part with CGI was bad, but it reminded me of old 40s stop motion, so that gets no bad marks from me.

    Wasted potential. Funny bits. I MST3Kd it with a friend, which took it from a 2 to a 5 for me. Cleaning up the story, embracing the camp, giving more of the characters things to do would have sent me over the moon.

    I want to see more from Ethan Daniel Corbett.

    Could have been an Are you Afraid of the Dark episode. Thats what this movie was.