• Downvote the positive reviews all you want but this movie is really fun. I think the spin off movies for netflix (which are like extended tv movies) are a great way to give the other characters more spotlight and backstory. I really liked the cheeks family and the backstory of Sandy being in a circus with her family before she moved into the ocean. I liked the plot of the entire bikini bottom being scooped up by the scientists that sandy use to work for, just so they can clone the characters into marketable toys. The villian is very goofy and over the top cartoony despite being live action was pretty funny mixed with the dry humor with her 2 employees. The entire movie is very surreal with crazy visuals, and the actual animation is extremely expressive and fluid for a straight to streaming movie. I'm impressed they were able to have the characters (especially spongebob) have the exaggerated spongebob style in 3D, it has very strong boarding and poses. It's very goofy and silly, i think some people need more whimsy and fun into their lives. Yeehaw.