• Warning: Spoilers
    It's a derivative film showing too much of its influences without originality. Cage does fine in another quick paycheck role. He's not the main character and is knocked out most of the movie. The acting overall isn't too bad. The writing has a lot of holes and unnatural dialogue. They tried to do the big sacrifice for your loved ones scene but it didnt make any sense and the sacrifice was pointless. The main problem with this film is the monsters. At first, they're kinda creepy. They mostly seem to be inspired by some kind of werewolf from Bloodborne or other gothic horror. This was pretty cool. But each time they come on screen, they're different. Very inconsistent design. At one point, the creatures do this thing where they clap their jaws really fast and loud. After I stopped laughing, I turned to my wife and said,"thats why this movie has a 5/10 rating'. It was a jarring and terrible design decision. It destroyed all tension and made the movie a joke. Then they made it worse by having the creatures join up into a goofy looking wagon wheel structure to chase people down. I thought the concept could have made a decent b-horror movie, but it was ultimately ruined by baffling creature design decisions.