• In a series of flashbacks, Felix and his boyfriend Will argue about Felix being torn between protecting Leo and staying with Hope and Iris, leading to Will going in Felix's place. Huck secretly meets with Kublek who orders Huck to speed up the process of bringing "the asset" to them and to isolate her from the rest of the group. In the present, with only a little more than a hundred miles to go, Huck purposefully crashes the truck and then discreetly injures Felix to slow the group down, making efforts to divide them.

    At the same time, a distraught Elton finds and protects an unconscious Percy who he hallucinates talking to him, conveying Elton's own mixed emotions. Percy eventually wakes up and reveals that it was actually Huck who shot him, not Silas. Huck apparently succeeds in driving a wedge between Hope and the others and they set out on their own. However, Hope had actually figured out how to break the CRM message codes and learned that Huck is a double agent. In a post-credits scene, Will is chased through the woods by CRM soldiers who are trying to kill him.

    The episode unfolds with the group splintered and navigating through both literal and metaphorical minefields. The central focus is on Hope and Iris as they deal with the revelation of their father's ongoing manipulations and the deeper implications of the Civic Republic's experiments. This discovery strains their relationship, pushing them to confront their ideals and the harsh realities of their world. Their journey, fraught with danger, symbolizes their transition from naivety to a grim acknowledgment of the complexities of their situation.

    One of the most striking scenes involves a confrontation between Hope and Huck, whose true allegiances are laid bare, adding layers of betrayal and deceit to the narrative. This confrontation is charged with emotional intensity and showcases excellent character development, shifting audience sympathies and raising questions about trust and survival. The episode deftly handles these revelations, weaving backstories and current motives into a tight narrative that enhances the overall arc of the series.

    In conclusion, "The Deepest Cut" is a compelling setup for the season's finale, masterfully blending emotional depth with suspenseful storytelling. The episode excels in developing its characters and pushing them to their emotional and ethical limits. The pacing is taut, and each scene meticulously adds to the buildup of the impending climax. As the series heads toward its finale, this episode successfully heightens the anticipation and sets up a complex tableau for the concluding chapter. It stands out as a testament to the series' ability to maintain tension while deepening viewer investment in the characters' fates.