User Reviews (56)

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  • You know how you often get extremely disappointed when you re-watch movies that petrified you as a kid and almost single-handedly were responsible for the development of your future phobias? Well, the Danish horror/suspense masterpiece "Nattevagten" is the symbolic exception that confirms the rule. More than a decade after its initially shocking & nightmarish impact, the film still is as unsettling as when it first came out. I saw this film shortly after its release in 1994, but most of the time my eyes & ears were covered by the sheets of my bed. In my defense, I was only 12 years old and the film is truly creepy! Although I now admit that the basic story and screenplay aren't entirely flawless, the atmosphere of "Nattevagten" is still indescribably tense and haunting. In order to make some extra money to finance his studies, 24-year-old Martin takes on a new job as the night watchman in the hospital's morgue. At the same time, however, the city is plagued by a maniacal serial killer who scalps his prostitute victims and drives the local police inspector Wörmer insane. Pretty soon the gruesomely deformed corpses end up in Martin's mortuary and he makes himself a suspect because of a series of strange betting games with his best friend Jens. Ole Bornedal's script isn't always 100% plausible and convincing, but at least it dares to feature some hugely controversial undertones (like necrophilia, religious blasphemy and under-aged prostitutes) and it patiently takes enough time to properly introduce the main characters and make them amiable. Some sequences are truly portentous and genuinely make the hairs on your arms & neck stand up straight, like when Martin hesitantly has to check out who set off the morgue's emergency alarm. There are several highlights of brilliant suspense in "Nattevagten", as well as prime examples of brilliant acting, beautiful art-direction and a truly peculiar sense of (pitch black) humor. There isn't that much gore or bloodshed in the film, but the few visceral moments are quite disturbing and in-your-face confronting. Great film, highly recommended to fans of superior horror cinema as well as the more established art-house fanatics. Also, Danish seems like a fascinating language to learn!
  • I haven't watched any other film by Bornedal(including the American remake, which I understand is inferior to this), but he certainly nailed this one. From start to finish, this establishes and maintains an atmosphere and crafts a tension so thick, you *can't* cut it with a knife, you'd need a razor-blade. The editing and cinematography, with only a handful of exceptions, are inspired, using light and darkness immensely well, and utterly terrifying the audience. This is marvelously well-shot. The plot is excellent, and the twist is unexpected and has a relatively subtle, yet nicely effective reveal. Granted, when you think it all through, you do have to accept one or two details that strain credulity. Still, this is exciting and creepy whenever it attempts to be, and the relatable story and credible, well-developed, human characters are the driving force of the movie. Inbetween the sequences of suspense - to keep it from overstimulating the audience - there is humor, and every joke and gag are funny, none fall flat or try too hard. The acting is impeccable, every performance is spot-on. While there are jump-scares, most of the build-up pays off, big time. The music is excellent, and contains a good bit of rock, as well as a cue that they must have composed with Psycho in mind. There is a lot of disturbing content, some sexuality(including in dialog), brief nudity and a little bloody violence in this. The DVD comes with a well-done half-hour long behind-the-scenes featurette that covers the majority of the areas of production, and the theatrical trailer. I recommend this to every fan of horror. 8/10
  • Even though this is not a perfect movie, it still does nothing really wrong either and this movie is basically being a great example of how to do a great and effective, more classic type, of thriller.

    The movie combines many different genre elements and it keeps throwing you around. Is it going to be a horror? Is it going to be psychological thriller? Is it going to be a thriller involving a serial killer? Every time you think you have the movie all figured out it does something new and surprising. So really, it's best to simply watch this movie, without knowing what it truly is going to be all about.

    And the good news about the movie as well is that it handles all of its many different themes effectively. When the movie is supposed to be horror like it's being really horror like with its atmosphere and buildup and when the movie is supposed to be more thriller like it's really being suspenseful and mysterious. What I also liked was that the movie was having some clear Giallo genre movie elements in it but then again, every modern horror/thriller involving a killer is being in one way or another derivative of the classic Italian Giallo genre.

    It really was foremost the atmosphere of the whole movie that kept it going and suspenseful and interesting. The story itself, when you really start to dissect it is being quite standard for its genre. Yet the movie still manages to surprise you, due to the way it handles certain scenes and its typical genre ingredients, such as the look and feeling it has to it.

    The movie also truly benefits from it that it has some good and likable characters in it. No cocky kids, or persons who think they know best and are afraid of nothing but instead some real people, with real fears and emotions. Yes, it might be true that the characters feel that way simply just because this is a Danish production, which of course has a different approach and feeling to it than a more standardized and stylized Hollywood production. Or perhaps it's just all due to some great casting and performances by its actors. This actually was being one of Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau's very first movie roles and he now days has a pretty decent acting career, with already also movies such as "Black Hawk Down", "Kingdom of Heaven" and the television series "Game of Thrones" behind his name.

    Guess there is still plenty of stuff you could complain about, such as the lack of blood and gore, while there was plenty of opportunity for it, or that the killer gets revealed far before the finale and end of the movie but that doesn't take away anything from the fact that this is simply being a very effective genre movie, that's perfectly watchable, even on repeated viewings.

  • This is a great little film, with some genuinely creepy moments. Yes it is fairly predictable and not exactly original. However it makes up for its unoriginality with good acting and competant directing. The close-up of Ulf Pilgaard's (Inspector Wörmer) face when he realises that Sofie Gråbøl (Kalinka) was at the murder scene is both funny and terrifying as he weighs up his options. Anyway it is far superior to the US remake (it seems as though people are split on this: generally Americans like the remake, Europeans like the original). Stick with the original, 7/10.
  • The title is not a joke. This movie had enough of an impact that it made more than 100 people withdraw their commitment for organ donations. After having watched the film I understand that now.

    Ole Bornedal wrote a fantasticly sick and suspenseful film and when his script and directing is joined by the acting of Nicolaj Coster-Waldau, Kim Bodnia and even Ulf Pilgaard you know you're in for an amazing ride.

    Growing up as a horror fan in Denmark I was always told about this movie but never got around to seeing before now. After having seen this for myself I don't know what took me so long. I'll also say that I feel proud that my small country produces entertainment of this calibre.
  • Nattevagten (1994) (aka Nightwatch) is a stylish thriller/horror from Denmark. I just finished watching it and I was blown away. It's the most edge-of-your-seat thriller I've seen since A Tale of Two Sisters. This guy, Ole Bornedal, plots like a devil! The way he sets everything up is masterful. The script is so tight, practically every element that's established is later on used. Reminded me of early Coen brothers scripts. It also provides the viewer with sufficient food for thought, what with its underlying themes about the connection between sex and death, man's self-destructive tendencies versus his instincts for survival and self-preservation, and more.

    There are a lot of creepy sequences, and one or two boo moments. The soundtrack is excellent. There's one unforgettable scene where something hideous happens to the sounds of this cheery, boppin' Danish song that seems to repeat the same verse over and over again. The result is very disturbing.

    The style contains a lot of Hitchcockian characteristics, and the movie is done so well that it would have made Hitchcock proud. Everything is pulled off perfectly, and not once do we hear the gears of the plot grinding.

    Considering how little known this movie is, I was very pleasantly surprised. I highly recommend it.

    P.S. The main actor has a striking resemblance to Ewan McGregor, who reprised the role in the American remake three years later.
  • I rarely, VERY rarely watch Danish movies from before 2000's so this was a weird surreal experience to me. But, with that said... "Nightwatch" was pretty predictable, I knew immediately who the killer was BUT, it more than makes up for it in acting. Nicolai Coster Waldau is a gem as usual, this man is so underrated, and yet I still only know him from this and Game of Thrones. He need more big roles.

    But not just Nicolai. The killer played a marvelous role too and convincing acting, especially near the climax of the movie. But as there was positives, there are some qualms too I got with this movie such as the sound design... I dont know if i've just gone deaf, or most movies from 1990's just got low sound. It was occasionally hard to make out what the characters were saying, but luckily I speak Danish so no big problem for me there. And another thing, I don't personally think they nailed the whole shock factor parts of the movie. It was like they tried too hard, but at the same time, i'm happy that Danish movies arent afraid to cross that barrier of what can or can not be shown on screen. All in all... 6/10 rating from me. Could've been way better, but wasn't bad either.
  • Miramax made a huge mistake keeping this film from distribution in order to make an American version. Though I can only imagine how much more horrible the situation would have been if Nattevagten would have been dubbed in English!

    This is a thriller that has it all: tense atmosphere guaranteed to give you the creeps, characters with believable quirks (though I doubt a prostitute would actually try to bury her face in a guy's lap in a crowded restaurant), and twists that were not actually expected or used as a weak plot point (Malice was a film that tried to throw the audience off and just wasted our time).

    Martin (Nikolaj Waldau) takes on a night watchman job at a morgue to help pay for his law education, doesn't fully appreciate his relationship with his girlfriend (Sofie Graaboel) thanks in part to his jerky friend (Kim Bodnia) who keeps pulling Martin into silly bets. The loser has to get married, a rather interesting comment on the worth of relationships (something I believe the doomed moths trapped in a light fixture represent, along with other obvious meanings). Once at work, immediately things take on an eerie bent with Martin staring at himself in a glass window and out into the dark halls, his apprehension at having to use a key that's on the other end of a room full of corpses (that's one question I had, would they REALLY put that key there? Oh well, it DID make it more creepy!), and a body that tends to move around.

    Turns out much of this is because of part of a bet gone basically wrong, but figuring out the complexities of the name switch pot point and the prostitute's connection to the killer makes for fun sorting! The climax tends to fall into some minor cliche with the heros being hogtied (with the time it took to do that the killer could have easily killed them), but the snappy pace keeps you from picking it apart as you are watching.

    I was also impressed by the fact that not the entire cast was made up of youthful characters, and even reversed the sex appeal factor by not having a usual love scene--this time you basically get to see a rather naked Martin instead of the typical "let's try to find a way to get some breasts in here and there" scheme.

    I was very impressed that Anchor Bay has released Nightwatch/Nattevagten in Danish with English subtitles, giving the film the respect it deserves. For those who gripe that subtitles are annoying, all I can say to you is that you are either lazy or need to brush up on your reading skills. I find that if I am absorbed in a good film I don't even realize I'm reading subtitles, it just works naturally. I was still engrossed in this film and was affected by its scary nature. It is quite astounding how superior and effective this film is when compared to 1998's remake, which director Ole Bornedal must have done with some hesitance.

    At the time of writing these comments I haven't heard the DVD's audio commentary by Ole Bornedal (and I hear it's a rather honest commentary from him too), so I don't know if this matter is dealt with, but I noticed at one point the subtitles for Martin say "If this were a movie it would be called 'The Nightguard'...." So, then why is the English title Nightwatch?

    Anyway, this is one thriller that succeeds practically on every level and people need to seek this one out! With all the processed Hollywood drek being pumped out every week in theatres and video, you owe it to yourself to go out and look for something NOT on the top hits list. Most likely this original Danish filming of Nightwatch won't easily be found as a rental, but I can assure you it's worth the purchase!

    When you hear a foreign film is being remade for American audiences, see that foreign version first! It's amazing how many Americanized versions have fallen flat and yet Hollywood still chucks 'em out. So, while you can, for instance, see the foreign version of Insomnia before the American one surfaces....
  • McBuff19 July 2001
    After decades of gritty social realism, lamebrained comedies and pretentious art trash came this fullblooded genre movie with plenty of blood and guts, thrills and chills with a talented cast of newcomers and a few surprises from a wellknown veteran. Humorist, TV-writer and stage director Ole Bornedal made his feature directing debut with this serial killer thriller starring the excellent Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as law student Martin who takes a job as a night watchman at the city morgue. At the same time, he is playing a dangerous game of challenges with reckless buddy Jens (Kim Bodnia, in a starmaking performance). Eventually he develops a kinship with determined police inspector Wörmer (a welcome change-of-pace for comedian Ulf Pilgaard, who has never been better), who is hunting the serial killer. No further revelations here, but check it out for yourself, BEFORE or even INSTEAD of renting the US remake with Ewan McGregor and Nick Nolte. This one is the genuine article, stylish and scary, admittedly with the usual plot holes and flaws, but a winner all the way with a couple of great laughs to vent the tension. The songs performed by Sort Sol adds just the right touch. That´s Ulrich Thomsen (the speaker from FESTEN) as the bully in the bar, by the way. ***½
  • "Nattevagten" is a slightly murkier Hitchcockian thriller than most. The script manages to hook from the beginning, with a story about a bet and a night stand that get out of control. The first act is highly entertaining, it goes into a second act that becomes a bit cloudy (the restaurant scene is quite painful), the third act is full of suspense causing one as a viewer to worry about the characters. The cinematography gives a conventional air during the day scenes and the night scenes give a sense of tension, and the camera movements are a delight. The soundtrack is quite effective especially in suspenseful scenes. The edition that looks conventional has novel moments in its way of increasing suspense. Ole Bornedal's direction is tremendous, highly inspired by the work of Alfred Hitchcock, while achieving both a tribute and a unique way of doing a thriller. The cast is quite talented, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau demonstrates his great histrionic capacity, Kim Bodnia manages to play a somewhat annoying character but who ends up really pleasing in the end, Sofie Gråbøl is tremendous in all her scenes, Lotte Andersen, Rikke Louise Andersson and Ulf Pilgaard also deliver very effective dramatic performances. A classic of Danish thriller cinema!
  • Danish film "Nightwatch" (1994) was the feature film debut of director Ole Bornedal. 23 years after its release, it's still truly thrilling.

    The story is simple enough, but the subplot with Martin's friend Jens and the young prostitute Jens sees adds another, darker dimension. It's a well-acted movie with three Danish acting stars-to-be: Kim Bodnia, Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau and Ulrich Thomsen. Remarkably, both Coaster-Waldau and Thomsen make their very feature film debuts here and Bodnia made his second feature film role only. They later became some of the greatest stars in Danish cinema and Coaster-Waldau has a significant career in Hollywood TV and cinema. Cinematographer Dan Laustsen photographed this movie and later followed director Bornedal to Hollywood for his 1997 remake of "Nightwatch". The same year, Laustsen had his first collaboration with director Guillermo del Toro on "Mimic", del Toro's first Hollywood feature and his second feature ever. Laustsen and del Toro were to collaborate again on "Crimson Peak" (2015) and "The Shape of Water" (2017).
  • Well, I've wanted to see this film for so long that I actually put off watching it when I first got myself a copy for fear that it might disappoint. It is my greatest pleasure, therefore, to state that Nightwatch did not in any way disappoint me! This film is an out and out masterpiece and by far and away the best film I've seen in some time! Nightwatch is an intriguing blend of slow burn horror and murder mystery that manages thrills and surprises throughout. Denmark is not a country that springs to mind when thinking about horror films, but that hasn't stopped director Ole Bornedal from giving the best directors that the genre has to offer a real run for their money! The plot centres on a morgue where a young law student named Martin has just taken a job smoking, drinking, listening to rock music…and checking up on the corpses at night. It just happens that around the same time there's a maniac going round bumping off prostitutes, and of course the bodies are being taken to the morgue where Martin works, and that's where his troubles start as he finds himself getting caught up in the investigation...

    The plot runs rather slowly, but the director ensures that the film is always interesting. Nightwatch is predominantly a horror thriller, but there are also themes of romance and comedy thrown into the mix which help to ensure that the film always feels fresh. Nightwatch is very high quality too, the acting is superb and it's clear that the director values this art form as the attention to detail is stunning and there isn't a shot in the movie that feels wrong or out of place. The characters are the most interesting thing about the film; they're all well defined, and that's a huge positive since the story really relies on that. The way that the director keeps the action mysterious and brooding means that the audience is always expecting something to happen, which ensures that the film is always full of tension. The director throws in a lot of red herrings and leads the audience astray before unleashing a well worked and really quite shocking twist towards the end. Overall, Nightwatch is everything you could want a thriller to be and more. There's not a great deal of films out there that are good as this one – so if you're lucky enough to come across a copy of Nightwatch, make sure you don't pass it up!
  • Not everyday you see a Danish horror movie, and it was actually pretty well done. Good acting, interesting story, even if it was pretty predictable and slow. The biggest problem I had with it was the poor subtitling. There was an American remake made in 1998. If I see it around, I might check it out.

    The cast was all Danish, I think. I know there was no one I recognized in this flick. Still, they all did a really good job. Kim Bodnia was pretty unlikable, but I guess that's what he was supposed to be, but there were times when it seemed like he was trying a bit too hard. Nikolaj played a good role, especially considering this was only his second film.

    The story was a good `who-done-it' mystery/thriller. Whether or not I'd classify this, as a full-blown horror movie is iffy. Sure, you could watch it on Halloween night and get a kick out of it, but you'd just as soon see it on A&E Mysteries. Does that make it a bad movie? No, it just means that the audience is slightly different. A classification difference aside, the story itself is interesting but there were times when it seemed to drag. There were scenes that could have been tightened up or taken out entirely. Also, I thought it was pretty predictable, but maybe that's just me.

    What bugged me the most about this movie are the subtitles. Now, I don't mind subtitles or subtitled movies, but these subtitles were poorly done. So what's the big deal? Well, when the movie is in Danish it means you can miss a lot and get confused easily. Bad subtitles are one of the main reasons I didn't give this movie a higher rating.

    If you're looking for a full-blown horror movie, look elsewhere, but if you're looking for a good mystery/thriller, check this one out.
  • The lavish praise for this movie suggests that it was a very important film for its time and place. However, I find that Nattevagten/ Nightwatch isn't a particularly tense thriller.

    The atmosphere of the morgue is interesting, and there are some suspenseful moments. But the narrative is lacking. There aren't enough suspects to go around. For a good whodunit, there need to be many viable suspects. I wanted to keep guessing, but I couldn't. In addition, a lot of the drama is created by people bumbling around making bad choices instead of getting caught in an expertly woven net.

    The characters don't have much motivation for the things they do. An hour or so in, I didn't care what happened to them. The movie makes several joking references to clichés in Hollywood cinema, but doesn't seem that interested in breaking them.
  • NIGHTWATCH (Ole Bornedal - Denmark 1994).

    Danish writer-director Bornedal made an extremely suspenseful film about young law student Martin (Nikolaj Coaster Waldau) in Copenhagen who takes a job as the nightwatchman at a mortuary. A serial killer is lose on the streets, leaving behind a string of scalped female victims. Soon after Martin started his new job, one of the victims is brought in. That's when Martin meets homicide detective Peter Wörmer (Ulf Pilgaard). When one night one of the victims in the morgue is molested, Martin being the nightwatchman is suspected and soon finds himself trapped in a carefully planned frame-up.

    Suspenseful, black humour, some necrophilia, this is superior genre movie-making. Bornedal goes for an ultra-realistic style and certainly employs some very skillfull set-ups that will have you on the edge of your seat. The performances are all-round perfect. In fact, I cannot recall a genre film of this kind with so many impressive performances. Superior scripting and character development by Bornedal helps this, but exceptional nevertheless. Kim Bodnia's role as Martin best friend Jens Arkiel got him noticed and he would later star in an equally impressive role in PUSHER (1996). Bornedal also directed an inferior American remake in 1997 starring Ewan McGregor.

    Camera Obscura --- 9/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Quote above isn't a hypothetical question yet doesn't require an answer, however it's a bold statement from our sadistic killer.

    The movie is a thrill to watch if you like mystery/crime movies, it has great plot, cast and somehow obvious twist. The movie didn't fail to provide some comedic portions in between. That's why it has been adapted in an English version years after.

    The movie follows a Law student which gets a student job in the forensic medicine institute, while a series of murder occurs among women in Copenhagen. Bearing in mind various unexplained issues, he becomes a prime suspect.

    Waldau & Bodina chemistry is enlightening which you don't want to miss.
  • I follow Nordic Movies ever since I lived and studied in Sweden. I do follow Nordiskfilm releases and I saw that there is a movie called Nattevagten then I discovered that it is a sequal and there was in fact a movie which was very popular in Scandinavian countries back in 1994. I have found the movie and this movie ended up a great one. The movie is eerie and the atmosphere is horrifiyng. The most important thing about this movie is that it is almost like The Youth Setup in Football of the Danish Movie Industry. We have Sofia Grabol a Danish legend actress who became worldwide famous with The Killing and we have Kim Bodnia a Danish legend actor who became worldwide famous with The Bridge. In addition to them, we have another Danish legend actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau who is worldwide famous with Game of Thrones. And finally we have Ulrich Thomsen another Danish legend actor who is worldwide famous with James Bond The World is not Enough, Forhøret, Trom and Department Q Franchise. On the other hand, a Danish veteran legend actor Gyrd Løfquist is also in this movie (He passed away back in 2012, RIP). Great movie and I give 8 over 10 to this Danish classic ! I watched it after 30 years but it is an absolute thriller !
  • NIGHTWATCH is an acclaimed Danish thriller that I'd wanted to watch forever, after catching the passable English language remake with Ewan McGregor many years ago. Having just finished it, I'm quite surprised in that it's nowhere near as good as I was expecting. It's an interesting and quirky little thriller, low budget and with a finely creepy setting in the morgue, but I felt it was lacking something. The cast, including future megastars Coster Waldau, Bodnia and Grabol, are fine, but the characters less so, the two male leads extremely unlikeable in fact, especially in that awful scene with the prostitute. The first half is as slow as molasses although once things become murderous in the second half it gets a lot better. Not quite the masterpiece I was hoping for, though.
  • A student takes a job as a night watchman in a morgue. Very quickly he becomes the chief suspect in a series of grisly murders that are happening around the city…

    There aren't too many Danish thrillers out there. Nightwatch along with Pusher proves that back in the 90's the Danes were certainly capable of making very good ones. This film is another in the serial killer cycle of movies that was especially popular back in those days. It doesn't especially break the mould to be perfectly honest but its pretty effective never-the-less. The morgue setting is good and does lend a certain morbid atmosphere to proceedings. Where the film falls a bit short in my opinion is in the domestic scenes. The watchman and his buddy set themselves a series of challenges throughout the picture. I found these to be mostly annoying distractions that, with the exception of the introduction of the young prostitute, don't really add anything to the overall whole. I guess they are mainly there for character development purposes and I concede that on that score I suppose they do actually flesh out the principal leads but only to make them seem like a couple of unsympathetic bozos. The film works best when it concentrates on its thriller principles. There is one very creepy scene in the film where we experience the killer at work, and the aforementioned parts in the morgue are very worthwhile too.

    Ultimately, Nightwatch is something of a mixed bag. But the most important thing is that it does work well as a creepy thriller. If you like serial killer movies then I certainly think this one will be right up your street.
  • In the second half of the '90s two Scandinavian directors made a successful debut that gave rise to an American remake a couple of years later. We are talking about Ole Bornedal ("Nightwatch", 1994) and Erik Skjoldbjærg ("Insomnia", 1997). Ole Bornedal made the American remake himself in 1997. The remake of "Insomnia" was made by none other than Christopher Nolan in 2002. Till the present day (May 2020) their debut is still the most valued movie for both directors.

    Although both "crime movies", "Nightwatch" and "Insomnia" are very different films. "Insomnia" is charachter driven, "Nightwatch" mainly plot driven. It is difficult to write a review about a plot driven film without adding spoilers. Let me just say that "Nightwatch" is very tense with a hint of necrophilia.

    Without giving away the plot I can draw the attention to two film quotes in "Nightwatch" The first is the fact that the perpetrator is eventually betrayed by the tune he whistles (alluding to "M" (1931, Fritz Lang)). The second is the fact that student Martin takes the job in the morgue thinking that it is just a form of paid studying, just like Jack Torrance thinks that being housekeeper in the deserted Overlook hotel is just a form of paid writing ("The shining", 1980, Stanley Kubrick). Both Jack and Martin get more than they are asking for.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was a film that I had a bit of trouble finding at first, but I do have to admit, I was glad that I took the time to find it. It is an interesting premise for sure, although I do have to argue that some of the comparisons on my DVD copy are a bit out there. The synopsis is a law student starts working as a night watchman at the Department of Forensic Medicine in Copenhagen. His mad friend gets him on a game of dare that escalates him to being targeted by a serial killer.

    We start here around a table where we have two couples. Our main character is Martin (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau). His girlfriend is Kalinka (Sofie Gråbøl). His friend Jens (Kim Bodnia) is also there with his girlfriend, Lotte (Lotte Andersen). There's a news report on television about a serial killer who is targeting prostitutes. It is brought up that Martin has issues as he is starting work at the building where his victims is being brought to.

    His tour of the new gig is given by an elderly man who is the former night watchman and it's his last night. During the tour, Martin is shown a couple of rooms that are unnerving to him, especially one that is a room full of bodies awaiting autopsy. He is told by the elderly man to get himself a radio where Martin tells him he is there to mostly study.

    We then see Martin and Jens in class. Martin is quite charming and Jens asks if Kalinka is enough for him, where Martin informs him that he'd never cheat on her. The two of play a game of dare, where the stakes are raised to whoever loses has to give up their life, in Jens' eyes, to marry their girlfriend. It really does seem that Jens isn't ready for a life of settling down as of yet.

    Things become quite complicated when Jens tells Martin he had sex with a prostitute, Joyce (Rikke Louise Andersson). She is quite young and his dare is for Martin to do the same thing. The problem is that Jens tells her his name is Martin and in order to keep up this charade, he has to tell her that his name is Jens. During an odd dinner scene where the real Jens is humiliating her, she reveals that she may have the serial killer as a john.

    At work, Martin is freaked out by an alarm if one of the 'bodies' in the morgue isn't really dead. This gets the night doctor to not like or trust him. Martin does befriend the Kommisæren (Ulf Pilgaard), who shows him a bit more than this student should probably see. Things take a dark turn though when Joyce reaches out to Kalinka. She gets into it with Martin; until he realizes what she told Kalinka is him, but actually telling her about the serial killer. The problem is the killer is framing Martin for his crimes.

    Now I do have to say, this film does have a pretty interesting story. I think that Martin being a law student is intriguing, because he is given a taste of the career that he wants to get into. I'm not entirely sure if Kommisæren would really involve him like he does, but then again, this could actually be something that in Denmark they might, where the film is from. It feels like a giallo movie in that, where they would involve people in solving a case that might not in real life.

    Something that I could definitely connect with her is Jens. He has a girlfriend who cares about him and they're to that point in their relationship where they have to figure out what they're doing. He is starting to panic something he is sabotaging himself, through this dare game. He's even pulling Martin into it as well. It becomes quite intriguing way to tangle with the killer as well.

    I did have a slight issue though with how the film plays out. We only get to see one murder in the movie and we see the aftermath of another one. I personally felt this might have been better served if we did get to see more of them, but I can't fault how it decides to play out. With the mystery, it actually is more of a police procedural or a giallo without seeing the killer really work. They are gloved in a scene though and I was left guessing until the end, which I did like.

    This does hurt the pacing a bit for me though. Because we don't get to see most the killings we hear about, we just really get the character development. I don't dislike the film, because of this, but I do think that it does bog down the pacing a bit. Learning more about Martin, Jens, Kalinka and then ultimately who the killer is I feel is good, but it really becomes a slow-burn without enough buildup overall. I did like how it ends and it does get exciting there. Seeing Martin descending into madness and then becoming the prime suspect was good and it did make me pause, but there is a great long play of the story overall.

    The acting in this film really does carry this. I, of course, know Coster-Waldau from Game of Thrones. I did like seeing a young version of him here, because you can definitely see his talents. He was really interesting in his role, especially when he is drug along by Jens. This ends up getting him in trouble and I liked his descent into madness and losing himself. Gråbøl is also good in a supporting role to him and how she develops the story. Bodnia I really liked as well. His destructive personality helps drive the story as well and makes things quite interesting. Andersen was solid in support as well, especially to offset Jens. Pilgaard, Andersson and the rest of the cast also round the film for what was needed as well.

    This is another film that I would have liked to see more from the effects, as what we get is really good. There is a death scene and the climatic sequences are both great. Joyce's friend who was murdered, the body there looked good. Again, I would have just liked more, but I really can't hold it against the film too much as it isn't that type of film. It is also shot very well. There are some interesting angles that are used when Martin is doing his rounds.

    Now with that said, this film was another one I hadn't heard much about, but was quite impressed with what I say. The film has an interesting, complex story with some good subplots. I do think that the pacing is hurt mostly by a lack of what we don't see, but I think that it does find its tension to a satisfying conclusion. Acting really helps to drive this film and the effects are good, I just wanted more there. The soundtrack of the film really didn't stand out to me, aside from a pretty funny scene with Martin trying to stay awake. It did fit for what was needed though. Now with that said, I would say that this film is pretty good, but just lacking a few things to really set it apart. I will warn you that this film is from Denmark. I watched it in its native language with subtitles on.
  • Nice thriller noire . Classical style thriller,somewhat Hichcockian in it's nature.Very well done,even though nothing really special ...
  • Scream-1617 February 2000
    This film is one of the most outstanding thrillers ever made. The fact that it comes from "little Denmark" does it even more impressive!

    The main character, Martin, is a student, but has a job at the local hospital to make money. It`s a very disgusting place and Martin doesn`t know what he is going to experience...

    The screenplay is tremendous, the characters as well, and no one who loves horror-movies can lose the chance to watch this film!

    You`ll p**s in your pants and you`ll bite all your finger, but you`ll never regret you`d see it! Enjoy!

    My vote: 10!
  • Not to be confused with at least two other films of the same title. This is a little Indi film hailing from Denmark; concerning a student nightwatchmen in a hospital. Perfect nighttime viewing as some of the scenes are both thought provoking and tense. There is also a parallel story of a serial killer on the loose and the movie is well paced and atmospheric. Keeps you guessing throughout and whilst being a bit creepy to.
  • I guess I will be the only one to put disparagement on this beloved work which anybody on the site praises to the skies.Frankly I do not like it ,not at all.

    POSSIBLE SPOILERS:the screenplay is not that much strong,and the suspense is not really here.The first hour is boring and what remains is a spate of clichés:best/worst example:the killer,leaving "clues" on the dead body ,I've seen it (and read it) so many times that it leaves me amazed :how can a writer ,fifty years or so after Agatha Christie and co,still think of a such hackneyed idea?Giving the killer's identity or the key to the mystery half an hour or more before the ending can be rewarding (such was the case in "vertigo" (1958)),but here ,it destroys any fear:who could reasonably think that the hero -and his girl-could be really in jeopardy after that?Only a whodunit could sustain the interest till the very end.

    But there's something more annoying:one of the characters is unbearable,the notorious Jens:the scene in the restaurant with the prostitute makes me sick:this bourgeois student really demeans this girl thanks to the power of his dough.Seeing him humiliate this human being while taking out his banknotes is one of the most despicable scenes I've seen in years ;and that does not make the "hero"-who's watching- nicer either.Besides guess who will be sacrificed when the others survive?Another gratuitous scene which comes at the most awkward moment involves Jens and his priest girlfriend in the church .It's really nauseating.That makes the very last scene even more disgusting.And you know ,I 'm far from being holier-than-thou.

    I know a lot of people will disagree... but once more,there's no accounting for taste.
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