User Reviews (13)

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  • Very, very humdrum movie fare here with Stella Stevens taking directions from someone in disguise(it didn't take me long to guess who it was) in Old Nevada Town outside Vegas for a money heist in the Circus Circus Hotel in Las Vegas. Stevens leads her girl gang of three, and they find out that they must act much quicker than had been anticipated. Despite some neat looks at Las Vegas in the 70's, very average yet credible acting from most involved, and a plot line with potential, Las Vegas Lady lays one big boring egg. It seems forever for the film to kick into gear,and when it does it just sputters here and there and never really speeds up. I was somewhat disappointed with this film. Sure, I wasn't expecting anything great, but I at least thought this might be one of those neat exploitation films from the 70's or something like it. Not even close. No one dies. There is a lame gunfight between creaky Stuart Whitman and officious George DiCenzo, one year prior to his grand performance as the prosecuting attorney Bugliosa in Helter Skelter. The gunfight has all the suspense of watching a waterfall. There is one punch and one head hit with a blunt instrument. Beyond that nothing in terms of action. And as for the girls, don't expect much there either. Stella and her girls(both very mediocre yet pretty talents, get in a sauna and a bath. What do we see? Nothing but a fleeting side profile. Stella wears these nice open blouses accentuating her real talents, but I wish she would have been a bit more open with her performance. That way I could write one thing that would recommend the film. Alas, it was not to be, and I have little to say in this film's favor. It isn't a horrible film in any way, it just has nothing going for it either. YAWN.
  • You would have to say that this Crown International Pictures feature sounds like it would have to be a winner. After all, a 70's era Las Vegas heist movie revolving around a foxy lady sounds like it cannot truly fail. In truth, Las Vegas Lady doesn't really live up to its potential and under-plays its hand a little too much. Its story focuses on three women who carry out a robbery of the Circus Circus casino in Vegas after taking instructions from a shadowy mystery figure. Their objective is to steal $500,000.

    Heist movies are generally quite a bit of fun but this one is sadly a somewhat uninvolving crime caper where the heist itself is achieved with very little tension and what seems to be the minimum of effort. The trio of women include a trapeze artist and showgirl; the former is utilised to climb the vertigo inducing outer building in order to help execute the mission. While the villain of the piece is a casino boss who is a nasty bit of work with a penchant for roughing up women. So there are pretty decent characters in this one but they exist in a story which could certainly have been presented with a little more effort. Given the good set-up this could have been good movie if it had put more emphasis on generating tension and with better plot development. Still, I didn't mind it too much due to its 70's time capsule elements. 70's Las Vegas sure looks great in any case and it's really the time and place captured on screen that ensures this one is worth a look.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ....Stella Stevens! Holy crap, what a body! And if her deeeeep cleavage is not enough for you, there is some peek-a-boo nudity from her in a jacuzzi. Meanwhile, the ladies get shirtless Stuart Whitman. The first half of "Las Vegas Lady" is glitzy but dull; the second half, when the heist plan is actually put into motion, is somewhat better, but be warned: this film is not exactly the lighthearted romp it appears to be, and one of the women in particular (I hope it's a coincidence that it's the black one) is mistreated harshly. George DiCenzo, as the casino boss, is so dripping with sleaze that you get the feeling the floor around him is slippery. ** out of 4.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    There's really not a lot to say about Las Vegas Lady. It's harmless enough, but it is little more than a dull heist film from the 70s. The movie is neither as clever nor as sexy as it strives to be. The plot is a retread of the tired old casino robbery storyline that's been done to death. Except in the case of Las Vegas Lady, I think the robbery plot was designed by a 3 year-old. The plan involves three women – one to unnecessarily and in plain view scale the outside of the Circus Cicus building, one to pose as a waitress only to blow her cover at the first opportunity, and one to stand around exposing her cleavage. That's pretty much it. Intricate, huh? Other than Stella Stevens and her aforementioned breasts, the other women involved in the plot aren't particularly memorable. Las Vegas Lady co-stars Stuart Whitman. When not pawing Stevens, his involvement in the movie is highlighted by one of the most idiotic gun fights ever put on film.

    I really wanted to like this movie. It does have that 70s feel to it that I always enjoy and some nice shots of Las Vegas circa 1975. But the movie itself is too dull to rate any higher than a 4/10 – and that's probably overstating it. In the end, Las Vegas Lady is a waste of some perfectly good cleavage.
  • With a title like "Las Vegas Lady", and being released by Crown International Pictures, one might understandably think that this movie is some kind of sleazefest. But surprisingly it's far from that. For one thing, the movie barely warrants a PG rating, with some very brief nudity and a couple of harsh words. Plus, the movie aims to be a caper movie. Nothing wrong with that aim - caper movies can be fun - but the execution of this caper movie is almost totally botched. The first half of the movie is almost totally made of low energy scenes that seem to serve no purpose except to pad out the movie. Viewers will get really impatient quick. And when the caper is executed, there is absolutely no tension and no energy. There is a "twist" in the final few minutes of the movie, but it's a twist that you'll guess in the movie's first ten minutes! On the positive side, there is actual filming on Las Vegas and surrounding Nevada locations, which helps the look of the movie. Also, Stella Stevens and Stuart Whitman have welcome presence, and generate some chemistry in their (limited) scenes together. But this positive material won't prevent you from falling asleep long before the end credits start rolling.
  • SnoopyStyle13 July 2015
    In a wild west park, Lucky (Stella Stevens) meets a mysterious man where she's given a plan to steal $500k in Las Vegas. Lucky and two friends showgirl Carol and trapeze artist Lisa try to rob the sadistic manager of Circus Circus Casino Eversull who is also secretly an illegal gun dealer. Lucky's boyfriend Victor is 5 months from retiring as a security officer at the casino. Carol is in debt to the thug A.C. who suspects she's making a run for it. Lisa is suffering from bouts of vertigo.

    Stella Stevens is not necessarily a bad actress but the other two are pretty close. The heist isn't that impressive and it takes way too long to get there. The production is poor although somebody hanging outside of the casino is fun. The movie oscillates between functional to badly made.
  • sandcrab2776 January 2018
    The only problem with this film is george dicenzo ..this slithery eely , oops, bad to trash the dead....point made,,,he's the sleezeball that made this film come to fruition...the only good part of this film is stella ...take care
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well, i could nt get into the plot, but thats just me maybe. Listless camera-movements at times, nevertheless this movie has got a charming vintage quality.The acting is genuine at times and entertaining with the occasional chase sequence involving scantily clad ladies, which was nice. The climax is confused and disjointed, but still ...err riveting, thanx to Stella Stevens.

    The stunts are interesting, specially because of the 70's las vegas backdrop. There are a few jerky hand-held camera-movements at the end, which keep me guessing, for a while. But i don't think I ll b chasing the DVD, just yet.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Crown International Pictures serving up that sweet, sweet movie sugar that I love so much, with Stella Stevens (The Silencers) and Stuart Whitman (Demonoid) as a Vegas couple looking to get out by pulling a scam.

    Stevens is Lucky, who is being ordered by a man in the shadows to use two of her friends, Carol (Lynne Moody, Nightmare in Badham County), who is in debt, and Lisa (Linda Scruggs), a trapeze artist with vertigo, to rob Circus Circus of $500,000.

    Frank Bonner (Herb Tarlek!) is in this, as is George DiCenzo, who was the voice of Hordak.

    You know who else got a role? Stella's son* Andrew, who may have failed to win the role of Luke Skywalker, but got to simulate arrdvarking Shannon Tweed in four movies. Of course, those would be the seminal Night Eyes II, Night Eyes Three, Scorned and Illicit Dreams.

    This was directed by Noel Nosseck and is not the first movie I've watched from him. Yes, he also directed Best Friends and No One Would Tell - where Candance Cameron is trying to love a steroid addicted Fred Savage! - amongst many more efforts.

    My favorite part of this movie is when Stella's character sings "Happy Birthday" - did they pay for the rights? - to Whitman's and he answers, "Is it February 1st?" That's his real birthday. Obviously - as you can tell by reading the above deep dive into all things Las Vegas Lady - I know way too much about these movies.

    *Stella and Andrew also appeared together in Down the Drain, The Terror Within II and Illicit Dreams.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A man called Hoover requests Lucky (Stella Stevens) and her girls work a party and steal money from the manager he keeps in a drawer. The floor plan looks like refrigerator art. That is pretty much the film except for a slight twist. Stella Stevens boast some major cleavage. It is an okay film that is available on multi-packs, not that great to buy as a single, unless you are some major league collector.
  • This film essentially begins with an attractive woman by the name of "Lucky" (Stella Stevens) working in a Las Vegas casino with two other friends named "Carol" (Lynne Moody) and "Lisa" (Linda Scruggs). Although each of them have different duties they all share a special dislike for the owner "Mr. Eversull" (George DiCenzo) who is cruel and mean. To that effect, when the opportunity to steal over half a million dollars from him comes their way they decide it's worth the risk and come up with a daring plan. The only problem is that the security is extremely tight and the smallest mistake will result in severe consequences for everyone involved. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was an adequate crime-drama which certainly benefitted from the location. Likewise, having the three aforementioned actresses certainly didn't hurt the scenery either. Admittedly, this film could have used a bit more suspense and some better action scenes but I suppose it was sufficient for the most part and for that reason I have rated this movie accordingly. Average.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This on the money solid and enjoyable Crown International Pictures crime caper affair comes across like a cheerfully low-rent drive-in discount version of "Ocean's 11." Adding immensely to this film's already considerable entertainment value is the always charming and delightful presence of the divine Stella Stevens, who portrays the titular shady lady casino hostess with her customary winning blend of brassy firebrand panache and sassy sophisticated sexiness. Tired of her lackluster lot in life, Stevens plans on stealing a hefty multi-million dollar sum of cash from Circus Circus in order to make things better for herself. Helping Stella out with her daring heist are friendly security guard Stuart Whitman, rascally old high stakes gambler Jessie White, and the foxy salt'n'pepper distaff duo of Linda Scruggs and Lynne Moody. Standing in Stella's way is ruthless jerk casino manager George DiCenzo. Director Noel ("Youngblood") Nosseck keeps the pace quick and the suspense well-maintained throughout. Moreover, the thrilling robbery itself is staged and edited with breakneck aplomb, there's a nicely funky theme song called "Gambling Blues," Stephen Katz's sharp cinematography accurately nails the gaudiness of the Glitter Gulch in all its tacky day-glo splendor, and future big deal mainstream Hollywood feature composer Alan ("Back to the Future," "Predator") Silvestri supplies a splendidly snazzy'n'jazzy ersatz Lalo Schifrin score. Taut, involving and a definite must-see for Stella Stevens aficionados.
  • Stuart Whitman made one of his very best movies in 1976 (Magnum Special per Tony Saitta, Una), the same year as Las Vegas Lady. I was hoping for a couple of things from LVL; a little of that kick-butt Stu and some cheezy 70's Vegas sights. I got a little - very little - Vegas cheez and virtually no Stu action. He hits a fat guy in the stomach.

    This hang dog production is simply an embarrassment. We're talking Amateur Hour, folks, in all departments. There's a little swimming pool near-nudity, some implied violence, and a lot of non-suspense.

    Stella Stevens' two female cohorts in crime are Lynne Moody (pretty bad) and Linda Scruggs (really bad) and the main evil guy (George DiCenzo) is severely lacking in menace.

    Don't bother.