User Reviews (18)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    For years I read about King Frat in Cinema Sewer and always debated if I could handle it. And then I came across its entry in Teen Movie Hell and realized that as I was planning a week of teen movies to go along with it, that I'd have to battle my way through it. I'm happy to say that I've made it. And really, it's something else.

    Before he became the founding editor of The Huffington Post, Roy Sekoff starred in this movie, which was filmed in Miami and Coral Gables as a takeoff of Animal House. The Bluto Blutarsky of this film is J.J. "Gross-Out" Gumbroski, played by John DiSanti, who believe it or not would go on to be in other movies (*batteries not included is one of them).

    Set at Yellowstream University, this movie follows the Pi Kappa Delta fraternity, who are only concerned with drinking. A good chunk of the film involves them mooning people, which leads to the death of the dean of the school. Then, a farting contest is announced and everyone battles to have the best farts in a scene that goes on longer than you'd expect, then goes about another seven minutes past that.

    I mean, just watch the first ten minutes of this movie, knowing that this same song plays for the entire movie.

    Amazingly, King Frat comes from Ken Wiederhorn, the same man who directed Shock Waves, Return of the Living Dead Part II and Meatballs II. What a resume!

    King Frat is literally the bottom of the absolute barrel of filmmaking and I love it. If Animal House was too classy for you, if you wondered if they could make a movie where a frat could murder a dean by farting in his face and stealing the body and then have a scene where numerous men and women fart, good news. This is the movie for you.
  • Whether this movie is supposed to be a spoof of "Animal House" or just a cheap rip-off, it doesn't work on many levels, except for gross humor. Anyone who enjoyed "South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut" might actually find it funny. And one senses there may be a funny movie underneath fighting to get out -- but not fighting too hard.

    The frat-house, one of the most disgusting sets every built, is not so much a setting as a central area from which the frat members go out on tangents. Some of the plotlines are very good -- such as the new kid's romance. Some, such as the member in the gorilla suit climbing a tree to stare into a sorority, has some funny ideas. But even the best ideas in this movie tend to fail in execution. It's not a good movie by any yardstick . . . but it means well, and is good-natured. There's not a mean bone in its body.

    The girls are inordinately attractive for this level of film-making -- but most of the attractive ones manage to keep their clothes on.

    I've rented quite a number of videos of "King Frat" over the years in different boxes with different labels, released many years apart (even Canadian versions) but it's never shown in a full version. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE AMBULANCE SCENE? Only a few seconds are missing, but they're vital to understanding the best joke in the movie -- yet every version I've seen has had those few seconds snipped, between the moment the ambulance co-driver peeks in the back and stares forward again. I remember the scene clearly from having seen the movie in a drive-in in 1979; and the cut is very obvious. Yet no one has seen fit to restore just a few moments to help make the only good joke in the movie work?

    If anyone knows why this movie remains incomplete, if the excised moments are lost or what, or knows where I can get a restored version, please let me know.
  • After the president of Yellowstream University dies (he dies via a heart attack after a mooning incident by the Phi Cappa Delta fraternity), the dean of the school pledges to get rid of the farting, drinking, mooning cretins. Oh who am I kidding? This lesser Animal House clone plot line is kept to a bare minimum used to (vaquely) tie random scenes together said scenes more often then not revolve around farting.

    I really don't mind crude, vulgar, or tasteless humor. If done in a funny way I can usually get a chuckle or two out of it at the least. However this film is just sad. Instead of laughing, I found myself yawning. This film has been done both before and since and much better I may add.

    Eye Candy: three pairs of tits

    My Grade: D

    DVD Extras: Nothng other then a 2 & a half minute slide-show (to make matters worse the DVD seems to be a videotape transfer)
  • This film opened in Seattle only in two drive-in's as KING "#*!x" FRAT with a girl who is not in the movie standing in front of a cartoon frat house. (the second week, the film because 2nd feature to PROM NIGHT). The film has some funny moments, but some gags goes on forever. Desantis, who worked for the director before, is way too old for the belushi part as a fat crazy frat guy. The title song "king Frat" is pretty catchy. The film is under several different titles on video like CAMPUS KINGS (might be public domain). Recommended to high school college kids who want to see ANIMAL HOUSE type film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I saw "King Frat" in a drive-in when it came out, passing around a bottle of bourbon around the car, as I saw my first bare breasts in the cinema (they were rarer than they are today; no internet or DTV). And fine breasts they were. The best two things about the movie.

    Otherwise, this Animal-House ripoff is one of the shoddiest pieces of trash I ever sat through. It might have been an early Farrelly Bros. movie, all the scatological and disgusting jokes are there. All they left out are the punch lines. Nothing is really very funny. And since it's ripped right out of "Animal House" every plot twist is telegraphed.

    However, it has one virtue. I started college the year this flick was released, so I had a particular interest in seeing it. And while I did not think it was very realistic in 1979, I know now just how true to life it was. Back then you could pretty much say or do anything. You could dress up in the costumes of other cultures for an evening's good time without raising eyebrows or having your party canceled. You could make scatological jokes, even make a nerf-style version of male genitalia pop up in a girl's hand unexpectedly, and she would think it was funny and not have you arrested, kicked out of school, and brought up on charges.

    So long as you didn't actually hurt anyone (back when I was in college, "rape" meant actually inappropriately touching someone, so you kept your hands--and everything else--to yourself) you were considered free and equal. We didn't have "free speech zones" where children (as I was then and as college kids are now) whose ideals disagreed with the powers-that-be had to go to express themselves (say, by the Constitution, isn't the whole country supposed to be a free-speech zone?) Persons didn't get their panties in a wad by off-color jokes; or if they did they were dismissed as prudes and blue-noses.

    I revisited this movie recently, and while the breasts are every inch as good as I remembered, the rest of the movie unfortunately stank as much as I recalled. Without my having one iota of nostalgia for the movie per se, it took me back to the days when campus life, shortly after it introduced co-ed dorms and relaxed its tightly-wound restrictions, was freewheeling; and not a mine-field where a premature kiss or a word that MIGHT somehow be construed as sexist or racist by neo-Inquisitors who fork through every sentence to find such things, can get you canned or jugged.

    Though worth watching for nothing else, "King Frat" at least gives you a snapshot of a time before newfangled fuddy-duddiness took over campuses with strict speech and behavioral straight jackets.
  • Well, I'm going to have to be more careful when I buy these used VHS's in the future because the one I bought of this movie is really the pits! And no, I'm not basing that on the wretched print I just viewed but the fact that there wasn't much creativity in making this Animal House ripoff. I mean, sure, there were some scatological gags in that John Belushi movie but this one is full of them and none of them are remotely very funny! Though the one with the farts used to fuel some fires was a little amusing, ditto that woman getting stuck on a "gorilla's" erection, they weren't amusing enough to remotely save this movie though there was also a funeral scene that, come to think of it, was probably the most absurd thing in this picture though it really made no sense. Okay, I've written more than 10 lines so in summary, if you're curious about this badly-made, amateurish comedy, King Frat should satisfy it soon enough...
  • This is a film where the idea of comedy is a peeing statue with a huge penis. Later on in the movie, said phallus falls off. Hadehaha. Before that we were subjected to the delights of a fart contest where a dog goes airborne through its gas, guests forced to inhale a massive spliff at a funeral through a air shaft and some hijinx with a blow up doll who can talk very dirty indeed with a recorded voice. Said sex toy belongs to a disgusting, fat student aptly called Gross-out, who makes himself puke so he can drink more booze and moons passing deans and sorority chicks in a dump of a car. Believe me, one shot of his flabby ass is bad enough, but after the fifth peek at his posterior it almost burnt my corneas out. Overkill, anyone? I can imagine the makers wrote him in as someone the target audience could relate to because he 'rebels' against the system, but if that's what becoming a loose cannon turns you into, sign me up for Yale right now. Heard enough?

    No? Alright..Other completely un-hilarious characters include an Native American who insists that Yellowsteam University is so named because his ancestors peed in the water because of their contempt for the white man (Hodehoho) and the campus nerd complete with ridiculous haircut and glasses who is so smart you wonder why he hangs around with a bunch of losers. In between two plays of the awful theme tune and more toilet humour than you'd find in an entire season of South Park, you see a troupe of neophyte actors flailing against a useless script by mugging to the camera and humiliating themselves for laffs, and coming up short every time. Or more accurately, missing the target by a solar system or two. I s'pose you've all gotta start somewhere, but beginning your career in this movie akin to starting your first day at the circus as the guy who sticks his head in the lion's mouth. It's cheap, nasty, and only worth showing to a convention of masochists. I give it 1/10, now go while I expunge my head of all trace of this rubbish *REPEATEDLY BANGS SELF ON HEAD WITH FRYING PAN*
  • This movie severely thrashes all the other college movies out there. It tramples on the "PCU", "Revenge of the Nerds" and "Road Trip", although if you liked any of those you'd love "King Frat". Instead of being one continuous unbelievable story, like "Nerds" or "Animal House", "King Frat" is more of a compilation of vignettes about the frat boys, which, when you think about it, is really closer to what college life is really like: one prank after another. It pulls each scene off well, except the prostitution scene, and keeps themes running through the film. But what separates this film from the rest, and even bigger budget movies with a wider release area, is the characterization. I have never seen a film where the characters are as well portrayed and with such honesty. It's a gem, if you watch this film prepare to be amazed. I've actually had friends write term papers on this movie.

    Ok, some of the scenes do go nowhere, but that's not the point. It's a movie about college pranksters and if you're looking for Shakespeare, this ain't it. But it is entertaining in a crude, heart-of-gold kind of way. A lot like "Animal House" (John DiSanti plays the Budget Belushi well), of course, but unique and special in itself. It's a shame that "King Frat" didn't get a large theatrical release, or any publicity of any kind, because it really is a pretty good goofy movie. Everyone to whom I showed this movie loved it and I've heard it has a pretty good cult following (in Australia of all places).

    If you can find it, get it. It's not for everyone but it's a film everyone should give a good fair chance.
  • I saw this movie in the middle eighties, and I never forgot...

    I love the lame humor, the pointless gags and the "every day is a party" kind of lifestyle..

    Scenes like when they place some dog droppings in the ventilation of a church,where there's a funeral going on....I love this scene.

    Or when the "Gorilla" is stuck inside the girl and a ambulance arrives is hilarious...along with the scene in the "rubble" house, where the cook dumps spaghetti on the wall to see if its memorable...

    The most funny part is the farting contest.....even the dog drinks some farting elixir...and explode like a rocket... :-) Its so lame its funny.....
  • I remember my older brother (We were 15 and 11 at the time)brought this home from the video store one day and I think we watched it 3 or 4 times on a loop. Our state of the art(1983) GE VCR sure got a workout that day. We liked it b/c the movie is just a bunch of dick and fart jokes strung together and presented as a feature film. Its funny if you are realistic about what you are watching, b/c this ain't no art film. Oh, and the theme song was terrible. It was played 30 or 40 times during the movie(mostly snippets played during action scenes). Sure it was a bad animal house rip-off but if you can get past that, and enjoy gross-out/college humor, then turn off your brain and enjoy.
  • This is one of the best movies ever made. It has a good humor and we probably won't see much like this again. It has become cult around here and it's worth watching. The Pi Kappa Delta's likes to have fun, party and drink beers. If you like a nasty movie, with toilet humor. This is the right one for you. To bad it's hard to find it in a good quality. I managed to find it on DVD. But the source wasn't the best i have seen. Let's just hope they release a very good DVD Version some day.
  • Let me first say that I don't comment on movies that much. But this is so much of an exception. A long time ago a public access cable show talked about this movie and how bad it was. So when I got a chance to see it I did....

    1) Just a TOTAL rip off of animal house... done BADLY. 2) Production values for some reason add to the GRIMY nature of this film which actually is a plus for the film ( you can just feel how disgusting it must have been to live in that place)

    with that said.. when you watch it you just want to sit there with your mouth open and just go......WHAT??? And actually for some reason with the Cheezy sound track and CORNY gross out gags in a really bad B movie way make this film actually work! If you are like 13 years old you would love this movie. I think this movie is a great example of that movie. saying "A movie so bad its actually funny". Its just so STUPID you just want to cringe at how corny it is but thats what makes it so unique.

    So really I guess I can say I liked it in a weird just put your head in your hands and just be amazed at how cheesy it is way.
  • A masterpiece in trash rip-off comedy. You can laugh with it, or laugh at it. Either way you are laughing. If only National Lampoons Animal House was this funny.
  • I watched this video when i was a kid. I was living at my moms, but i ended up bringing my dads copy home with me and watched it often. Always great for a laugh, even when i watched it recently, it still had all the magic that i remembered. That is rare. Most movies you see after 20 years are not as good as you remember. But this one is.

    It's stupid, it's gross, it's hilariously funny.

    The acting is actually quite great, and the humor is non stop and really corny.

    If you have never seen this one, invite your friends over, grab some beers or wine, and get ready to have a laugh.
  • OmegaXL16 March 2001
    I remember watching King Frat when I was growing up. My brother used to rent it all the time. It was so tasteless and just so totally gross that I fell in love with the movie. It's not easy to get a copy of it but I finally came across a copy on EBay and gladly paid $50 for it. Sure it's an Animal House clone but in my opinion, it puts Animal House to shame. John DiSanti plays the perfect slob and all of his fellow "Pi Kap" brothers are just as revolting. It's not something you'd want to watch with the children but for a good laugh, you have to go far to top King Frat.
  • Look, this isn't a good movie by any stretch BUT it's AMAZING in its trashiness and just how many fart jokes they cram in. It's so low brow and revels in it that it's nothing short of stupendous! See this movie and marvel!
  • I've just bought this film on E Bay, as my wife remembered it being quite funny when she was about 5 years old, and i have to say that it is not only the worst comedy i have ever seen, but one of the worst films i have ever seen. I couldn't believe how badly this film wanted to be Animal House, From the same run down frat house to the same fat, gross, drunken bufoon for a lead character, although John Belushi somehow makes a real good job of it, the talentless waste of space in King Frat does not. Well that's that off my chest, i was wondering if anyone would like to buy a viewed once only DVD of King Frat, It's great
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "King Frat" (1979) Enough has been written about this disgraceful "Animal House" ripoff , its boundary-pushing doo-doo humor and nauseating male nudity. From the demand that director Ken Wiederhorn have his guild card revoked to gratitude expressed that its screenwriter recently died, the movie earns some of this outrage.

    But it's really just a sloppy grind to sit through with epic amounts of vulgarity smacking you in the face. At least the female nudity is of a high enough quality to counteract all the male bare asses. Worse, the youthful heroes are all in their 40s, complete with bald spots, and this creates less of a joyful, collegiate atmosphere than one more akin to a halfway house.

    John DiSanti, age 41, is the John Belushi surrogate who burps, bottomburps, constantly takes dumps, and eventually the character plays with his own phlegm, vomits on cue, poops his pants, then makes love on a toilet while making a BM. That's a lot of ambitious writing.

    Though the movie's goal to "out-gross" "Animal House" practically reaches X-rated heights, it didn't out-gross anything at the box office. Everything is badly achieved due to wretched production values (though the frat house is beautiful), a horrible theme-song, a cast completely lacking in charisma, and it's likely only giggling 12 year olds back in 1979 granted it any praise. This, mostly for the boobies.

    Other atrocities include: a dog becomes airborne on its own flatulence and there's a fart contest. There's an Isley Brothers and even a Heart poster on the frat-house walls, but, aside from a cameo from the solid disco band Natural Magic, the only music is the ungodly theme song. No amount of 1979 pharmaceutical cocaine on set justifies this mess. Amazingly Busch beer products pop up all over the movie. Additionally, it's no surprise the DVD of the film is a lovely VHS tape rip-transfer.