User Reviews (15)

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  • The alternate title of this made-for-TV whodunit is "Who Killed Joy Morgan?", yet that's far from being the only question laid down by the film; we are also constantly asking ourselves "Who was killed?" and "Who is lying?" and "Did Joy Morgan ever existed in the first place?". The twisty script makes sure that WE are never sure about anything. And if you like films of this type, this one is guaranteed to please you. A compact, gripping mystery with a competent cast - plus an early appearance by Kim Basinger, who looks more sensuous here than she did in later years. (**1/2)
  • This is a neat little film, that should satisfy fans of suspense/mystery/whodoneit genre. Since this is a 1981, made for TV film, the gore, harsh language and violence that are the staple of many newer films, are not present here. <p> Therefore, the writing, plot twists and acting move this film along. I was guessing up until the final scene. I would consider this film to be a "must see" for fans of the TV series, The Sopranos. Shades of Livia Soprano can be seen in Nancy Marchand's performance .... especially the dynamic between her character and that of her son.
  • BandSAboutMovies30 December 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    You may have also seen this movie under the name Who Murdered Joy Morgan? Either way, it's a very early role for Kim Basinger, who plays Laury Medford, a woman caught between two men, pursued by a driven older detective (Robert Culp) and way more than she appears.

    Dr. Max Heller (Stephen Macht, The Monster Squad) and Dr. Paul Trenton (John Rubinstein, The Boys from Brazil) are the two men after Laury, who may or may not be the murdered Joy Morgan, who may or may not exist. What is real is the fact that Dr. Paul is totally dominated by his mother (Nancy Marchand, who would go on to an even more famous matron role in The Sopranos as Tony's mother Livia).

    What moves the story forward is when a bartender hands Laury and Paul an envelope meant for Max - who has become Laury's fiancee, mind you - with keys and a love letter for that mystery woman Joy Morgan. Inside an apartment, they find Max's new coat and a framed photo of him, which seems like a set-up, because whoever marries Laury is going to move on up, seeing as how her father is a big boss at the hospital where they should all really be working.

    The real mystery is Joy, who may have been the woman we see killed in a POV shot in the beginning or a fake actress set up to act as her or even a woman who didn't exist in the first place. Or maybe she's been Laury all along. The film really piles on the tension until its morgue-set close.

    This is the kind of whodunit that made for TV movies were made for. And who better than John Llewellyn Moxey to be at the helm? This was written by Sam Rolfe, who also created The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and Have Gun will Travel.
  • KILLJOY opens with a woman's murder, then quickly switches to a hospital, where a soap opera ensues.

    Dr. Paul Trenton (John Rubinstein) is in love with Laury Medford (Kim Basinger), who is engaged to Dr. Max Heller (Stephen Macht), who just might have been fooling around with the murdered woman!

    Enter Lou Corbin (Robert Culp), who dated Joy Morgan, which was apparently the dead woman's name! Lou is a total pest, haunting Heller at the expense of his relationship with Laury.

    Containing several improbable twists and a fairly obvious killer, this made-for-TV movie is more fun than a barrel full of coconuts! Laury's inordinate interest in tracking down Ms. Morgan borders on the frighteningly obsessive. Her "Nancy Drew" sleuthing is highly entertaining. Dr. Trenton's willingness to use elaborate subterfuge to break up Laury and Max is absurd, but fun!

    The fact that every major cast member goes rummaging through Joy Morgan's house at some point is quite amusing! Of course, nothing compares to the preposterous, jaw-dropping, yet totally satisfying finale... in the morgue!

    1980's TV at its zenith!...
  • Rainey-Dawn9 December 2019
    What a very lame film. I normally love the old made for TV movies of the 1970s - most are diamonds in the rough but this one is just terrible. Over acting, not much of a decent story and - just all over dull film.

  • The only reason I checked this film out was to see the "early" Kim Bassinger. That, and the fact that my TV guide said it was a "gripping suspense", and it was three-star rated. The rating must have come from the man who wrote this drivel because the only suspense in this movie was whether I would finish it or not. Robert Culp turns in what has to be the "disaster" of his career as a cop who is not even close to being believeable. At one point, EVERYBODY is a suspect, including a frail old woman. If you want to deliberately set out to watch a badly written, badly directed, badly acted movie...then go for it. It may make you appreciate fine films by comparison. I wish I had that hour and thirty six minutes back.
  • This is an amazing thriller that you must watch!! If you like suspense than this is what you need! You will see how the story is actually interesting, and how the performances of some good actors, like Kim Basinger and Robert Culp are. This is one small TV made thriller or mystery that you will really enjoy if you like suspense, don't miss it!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A young woman is murdered, stabbed to death in the opening scene, and who she is comes to be revealed in the confines of this ridiculously convoluted mystery with elements of REALLY bad soap opera, featuring a femme fatale (Kim Basinger), daughter of the hospital chairman of the board, veteran doctor Nancy Marchand, overbearing mother of surgeon John Rubinstein, fellow young surgeon Stephen Macht, big hearted barkeep Anne Wedgeworth, and mysterious detective Culp who shows up inquiring about one Joy Morgan who seemingly has a doppelganger (Ann Dusenberry) who shows up at one of Marchand's parties.

    This is just plainly one of the oddest mysteries I've ever seen with badly created characters, overwrought performances and a slew of ridiculous twists that make no sense. I found it fun watching Marchand who is far too classy for crap like this, and she chews the scenery so much I was afraid she might choke. Basinger didn't yet have the "it" factor that made her a big screen favorite just a few years later. It is another case of a script thinking that it's much smarter than it is, much more absurd than any "General Hospital" or "Doctors" storyline could ever hope to be, completely eye rolling. Definitely has to be seen for its shear audacity. Truly awful.
  • This is very interesting forgotten TV thriller that is worth to watch. It really deserves to be watched because you can see some great actors in their early appearance and their very good performances. The plot is very interesting and it keeps you in suspense until the end. If you have any chance to watch this early Kim Basinger's film, than don't hesitate!!
  • At first sight i thought this film is going to be awful,boring thriller because it was released on our very bad TV channel, but when I start watching it, it was becoming more and more interesting. I was surprised when I saw that one of the leading actress is Kim Basinger who is very good, Academy Award winner. Her role in this film is OK, but she has some better films. However this one is worth to watch, it is a great suspense!
  • arcticsnows11 January 2003
    Robert Culp is one of the most unique actors/writers/directors ever to hit the seen... unfortunately, he's been so UNDERRATED as of late. His hit TV series of TRACKDOWN and I SPY launched his career and he deserves much more recognition. This particular movies echos his ability as an enigmatic detective on a case of a murdered girl... I only wish the hell it was available to buy or rent! Any suggestions? Robert! I'm seeing Bill Cosby in concert tonight... I hope I run into you--You're the greatest!
  • nickgodfrey7 May 2021
    Funny the things you remember from your childhood.... I first saw Killjoy around 1982-83 in England when I was 9 or 10 and it's always stayed with me, especially the beginning. The film was shown in the U. K. as part of a regular Saturday night collection of films under the title Murder, Mystery and Suspense and I believe Halloween was another.

    Killjoy is great. The wonderful cast elevate it to beyond just a TV movie and they are obviously enjoying themselves. Robert Culp steals the film in my opinion. He creates a wonderfully quirky character who keeps popping up all over the place (the bit outside Kim Basinger's house always makes me laugh).

    Also along for the ride are the lovely Miss Basinger (only around 26 here and it's difficult not to notice she doesn't appear the be wearing a bra), John Rubenstein (Crazy Like a Fox, The Boys From Brazil), Stephen Macht (The Monster Squad) and the always wonderful Nancy Marchand (Sparkling Cyanide, From the Hip).

    A sharp script by Sam Rolfe and excellent Bruce Broughton music score along with John Llewelyn Moxey's steady direction make the whole thing very enjoyable. The film centres on a city hospital and the mysterious disappearance of the elusive Joy Morgan, whom we aren't even sure exists.

    Rubenstein, Macht and Marchand are doctors at the hospital and Basinger is involved with both men. Enter Robert Culp who is trying to find Joy Morgan for reasons which aren't obvious. At first.

    I managed to buy a copy on dvd as an American import a year ago. Bit pricey but well worth it for me.

    If you like twisty murder mysteries give it a shot.
  • When my friend told me that there is a good film on TV tonight ii said that I am not interested in those old underrated movies. But when I saw that Kim Basinger is the leading actress I have become more interested in watching it. I didn't sorry because it was great, interesting thriller that I didn't expect. Everyone who has a chance to watch this film, than watch it, because it is really interesting!
  • I always wanted to see this film, because I simply adore Kim Basinger, but I couldn't find it in any video-club. I was thrilled when I saw it on TV, and pretty surprised how the storyline was interesting, keeping you in suspense, so doubtful. Kim looks great in her late twenties, and also her performance is not so bad at all. Very interesting film that I would recommend to everyone who likes tough suspense-mystery stories!!
  • I watched this film few days ago on TV and I was surprised how the story was exciting and interesting. Great thriller, and excellent cast by Kim Basinger. She also looks great in her late twenties, I simply adore her and all of her movies. Great actress, now beautiful woman!