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  • "Qualcosa di biondo" a.k.a. "Aurora" is a delightful and moving picture. Edoardo Ponti - Sofia Loren's son - performs a tender blind child, Ciro. He and his mother Aurora share an hopeful trip across Italy to collect enough money and undergo surgery to regain the sight he lost subsequently to a fall. All Ciro can remember about the last time he looked at himself is only... "something blond". Since the beginning, we are pervaded by a protective instinct towards his fragility and liking: he's vulnerable, sweet and delightful at the same time. We sympathize with his issues and the bold bond that blends mother and son together though their adventure. At one point, the emotion seizes the storyline when the young boy struggles among a legitimate willing of seeing life through his own eyes rather than those of his mother and the repulsion for what he could only perceive about humanity and its most puzzling aspects: egoism, to start with. Fearing the changing could be too much to stand, he also tries to flee away from the perspective, jeopardizing the only chance he has to become self-sufficient. Despite his little age, Edoardo gives a really touching performance along with Sofia Loren, giving us two different perceptions about the world and its contradictions in a warm, heartbreaking and sentimental journey. Recommended.
  • BOOBEAR6614 January 2004
    Truly a very good movie for its time, Aurora is determined to find a cash cow to pay for her sons surgery, she seeks out all of her past lovers & says the kid is theres, each man gives her money just so she goes away, in the end she finds true happiness with one guy & even after he knows the truth. In this movie Sophias real son, plays her son. great performance by both, a delight to watch.