User Reviews (24)

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  • If you've seen this movie you might have realised it, but this wasn't even actually intended to be a "Meatballs"-sequel. They just put a "Meatballs"-sticker on some random summer camp movie and hoped that somehow would make it suck less. But anyway, a couple of playmates that do absolutely EVERYTHING topless, an annoying fat teenager who looks 42 and will definitely take a playmate home and Corey Feldman at the highlight of his career all take on an evil rich woman who wants to steal an old guy's (played by Jack Nance, WTF?) summer camp. The guy sees no other option than to sell the camp but Corey Feldman, who looks really bored throughout this movie, has an idea: beating evil woman's team at water-skiing. I don't know much about that constitution, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't say: The ownership of all properties will be settled by water-skiing contests. From what I know, it works with paying money and stuff like that. But anyway, you'll never guess how it ends.

    However, does anybody care about how boring, predictable and unfunny this movie is? I mean: it's T&A, there's T, there's A, no reason to complain. Stuffing plot holes with boobs is still as brilliant as it was when it was invented, may the tradition go on forever. But still, this is a way too light movie that you forget the instant it's over. What the heck am I commenting on again?
  • Jack Nance (ERASERHEAD) learned of his wife's suicide during the filming of this movie. This personal tragedy influenced his performance, which -- although oddly situated in this teenage titter-tease -- was both memorable and powerful; Nance's scenes are a must-see for his many fans.

    Details of this history are presented in the Jack Nance documentary, YOU DON'T KNOW JACK, which also contains a clip of his performance in MEATBALLS 4.

    I suppose there are other reasons to watch this movie -- at least two them for every second unit teen in a wet t-shirt -- but otherwise significant only for Nance...
  • Teenage, Summer Camp, Tits n'Ass movies can almost justify a minor sub-genre of their own - I'll wager there is the odd student thesis floating around, discussing their effect on late 20th Century American history.

    'Meatballs 4' is a sequel in name only (in the UK it was retitled 'Summer Vacation'), and is a dumb pointless release which will provide shallow laughs for the most undiscerning adolescent male. The story, for what its worth, involves the rivalry between two summer camps, one of which is trying to buy-out the other. Things stumble along until the watersports competition finale between the camps which will decide the fate of each.

    It's a complete waste of your reading time and my typing fingers to go into any more detail. The film is rubbish, but there is no point in criticising it for this - it doesn't fail to live up to expectations because it doesn't have any. You don't go to a burger bar for nouvelle cuisine and you don't put 'Meatballs 4' in your video hoping for 'Battleship Potemkin'.

    BEST SCENE - the film peaks early with a superb naked college girls shower scene.
  • How's that for an endorsement? This movie is just bad..Corey Feldman stars and tries to save a water ski camp (huh?) from being taken over by the evil competitor..the usual hi jinks ensue with the usual T & A not that T & A is bad ...there are some former playmates here but it is definitely not worth this drivel..on a scale of one to ten..0
  • Jack(eraser-head) Nance must have been in a bad place in life to accept this role. Feldman, what to say besides; Drug use. His solo dance sequence plays out like a vivid fever dream. Watch at the end of the film as Feldman is delivering a joke and his frigging' tooth falls out.The script is non-existent, I mean even in some of the worst T and A pictures of all time there are some chuckles to be had;not here. Most of the cast made me fighting mad with their hair do's (or don'ts as the case may be)and who in the fun*k is going to believe that people think Feldman is cool. He looks like a 12 year old who got into his mom's cross tops, he kind of reminds me of an old neighbor I hate, which makes me want to fight him even more. In the end, I can only wish bad things on the people that made this picture, I would have rather had them spend their money on hookers and hard drugs, at least then we know some professionals would have been involved.
  • You know you're dealing with a bad movie when Corey Feldman is the best thing about it, and even he is at his worst in this one. The dialogue writing is atrocious, the story is worse than cliched, and the characters...well, there aren't any characters in this one. The only reason you'd ever want to waste time seeing this is to laugh at Corey Feldman's solo dance scene. I find it hard to believe that anyone connected to the movie thought that his dancing was "cool". I watched this on the local late night movie channel, and really wished I'd fallen asleep instead.
  • I can't say enough bad things about this heap of garbage. If a movie makes you roll your eyes and say things like, "Ugh, how stupid" every 5 minutes, then you know it's time to toss the bastard in the garbage. And that's what should have happened to this script. It's amazing to think that a studio actually granted this piece of crap.

    What makes 'Meatballs 4' really sickening is Corey Feldman's ego maniacal character. Talk about a guy who strokes his ego more than his carrot! Apparently, Ricky is infallible in damn near every water sport and revenge tactic. It never makes much sense, and it infuriates me that so much money was spent and wasted in making this heap of crap.

    I understand this was never intended to be part of the Meatballs series, but seriously, somebody should have sued. At least someone would have made some money from this movie! I recommend to stay away from this and rent 'Surf 2' instead. You'll get more laughs, and plus there's a plot to go with it.
  • domochu4 November 2014
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is quite possibly the worst movie ever made. This movie was made in 1992, but it can still be seen occasionally on some of the less reputable cable TV channels in the middle of the night. If I had to choose between watching this movie again and death, I would choose death! I will not watch Corey Feldman dance like Michael Jackson again. He must grab his crotch about 50 times in 10 seconds of screen time. If I "spoiled" this movie for you, you should be thanking me. Trust me, do not waste a second of your life watching this movie. Any remaining VHS copies of this movie should be dropped on North Korea. I don't think they bothered producing any DVDs of this piece of trash.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A goofy teen comedy about a water-skiing camp. This one was even more stupid and clichéd than I expected. But it did have one thing going for it: Corey Feldman at the height of self-absorbed d-bag greatness. The movie borders on vanity project in the way it presents Corey's character as the most awesome human being of all time. If nothing else, try to find his "dance" scene on YouTube--I wish I had just watched that instead of the entire film. There is a plot about a rival camp taking all the business away from the small, family run camp, but no one will care. The filmmakers were so short on ideas they ran not one but TWO camp vs. camp competitions. There was also a subplot about a clumsy nerd and cruel jocks, and some stuff about how the evil camp was sabotaging the good-hearted camp owners. I didn't laugh once, but I like watching Corey's awesomely terrible attempts at projecting "cool." On top of it, there's some enjoyable dated 90's music and fashion. Again, I don't recommend sitting through the whole thing, but I do want to seek out other bad Corey movies, so I guess it has one entertaining facet.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Bob Logan made a movie called Up Your Alley that dared to pair Murray Langsdon, the Unknown Comic, with Linda Blair. That is reason enough to allow him to direct the fourth Meatballs movie and in true form, this has nothing to do with any of the other films in the series. It was originally going to be called Happy Campers.

    Ricky Wade (Corey Feldman) is the best waterskiing teacher around, but he'd rather chase girls. There's a waterskiing competition coming up to determine which of the two summer camps in this movie will survive and just when I was thinking how trope-heavy this movie is, Jack Nance, the star of Eraserhead, shows up.

    This is the movie Nance was making when his wife Kelly Jean Van Dyke committed suicide. She called him to tell him she was goign to do it and he was attempting to talk her down over the phone when lighting took out the phone lines. By the time the LAPD got to their apartment, she had hung herself.

    Christy Thom (Playboy Playmate of the Year 1992), Monique Noel (Playboy Playmate of the Month May 1989) and Neriah Davis, who was in both The Bikini Carwash Company movies before being selected as the March 1994 Playboy Playmate of the Month. These things are, of course, important to these types of films. Perhaps more interesting is that Sarah Douglas, the villainous Ursa from the 70s Superman movies, is in this too.

    It's hard to say that this doesn't really live up to the Meatballs legacy, when said legacy includes a great first movie, a film about an alien and a street boxer trying to aardvark the girl from the Witch Mountain movies and another installment where God demands that a porn star help Patrick Dempsey lose his virginity.
  • Why would I watch such a terrible movie? After all, I have reviewed thousands of art, classic and foreign films. Well, it's because in addition to watching good films, every so often I try to watch a truly horrible film--so bad that it makes me laugh. A few good examples are "The Apple", "The Room" or anything by the likes of William Grefe, Ed Wood or Al Adamson. And, since currently "Meatballs 4" is #100 on IMDb's infamous 'Bottom 100' list, it seemed like it was just up my alley. Unfortunately, it was NOT like these other 'so bad they're good' movies--"Meatballs 4" is just bad!

    When the film begins, you know you are in trouble for two huge reasons--it's a #4 and because it stars Corey Feldman. Neither bodes well for the quality of the picture, that's for sure! Sadly, it is much worse! It turns out the picture is a good camp versus bad camp film--a plot that was bled dry in the MANY other films (including, of course, the other "Meatballs" movies, but also variations of this in "Revenge of the Nerds" and too many other films). Add to that, completely unfunny jokes, bad writing, lots of horny and soul-less nude teens* and a stereotypical 'stupid fat guy'** (Brad Grunberg) for everyone to laugh at, and you definitely have a recipe for a terrible film. Overall, a smutty little film with little to recommend it. And, unfortunately, not at all fun to watch--which is what I was hoping for when I rented this mean-spirited and nasty excuse for a film.

    *I am not a complete prude. But the nudity in this one just seemed really, really sad. The characters were just meat and the nudity was so incredibly unsexy.

    **What is funny about an awkward obese man? And, why is it funny to CONSTANTLY make fun of him and treat him like he's subhuman?! Would this sort of thing be acceptable if he was black or disabled or a Hindu? Rather pathetic as a plot device if you ask me.
  • paulONeil6812 October 2019
    Basically every one says its crap, it supposed to be. Everyone says no storyline, yep its supposed to be.

    It's got pointless script it's got naked girls and tongue in cheek one liners

    Most teenage boys would love it.

    Anything millennial isnt gonna get and shouldn't watch it. After all they would only be offended.

    Corry fieldmans MJ dance, I think it was meant to be like like that on purpose.

    A pointless stupid movie , best for hanging out with friends,remembering the good old days eating pizza and drinking beer, before pointless smut created by reality TV

    Give it a watch it's a epic fail
  • hollyworld-0763224 December 2020
    My friend went to school with Sarah Douglas, so I've always followed her career. Especially in Superman. But having her in a camp movie was pretty funny. I also miss Corey starring in movies from the 80s and 90s!
  • Four Meatballs movies. Does the world f*cking hate me? Does the world hate all of us? Did we all f*ck up and now the World is punishing us? Uh do you need to know what happens in Meatballs f*cking 4? Are you f*cking curious? Do you not know what could possibly f*cking happen in Meatballs f*cking 4? Have you ever seen the first 3 goddamn Meatballs movies? Well it's the same thing. Yeah this is the fourth time you've seen the same f*cking thing. Still the same. Like the title of a Bob Seger song. Still the Same, it's got awesome bass, like get a sub woofer or bass bazooka in your car and bump some Still the Same, it will shake the rear-view mirror off of your windshield, how is that not f*cking cool? Get some f*cking bass!
  • I saw this movie and actually though it was pretty good. If you compare it to the other Meatballs movies. The writers seem to went back to what the original Meatballs movie had. Simple fun for adults...not kiddie camp stuff like 2 had. No Aliens, no dead sex star ghosts. Back to the original theme of male chauvinistic rivalry and competition between camps. But as Grum-3 says..yes the best thing about is Corey Feldman...but is obvious the script dialog was pretty poor but it still had me laughing and enjoying the fun of it. It wasn't ever meant to be a blockbuster, just simple fun.
  • I recently rewatched Meatballs 4 (1992) on Tubi. The storyline follows the legacy Meatballs camp that gets a new investor on the other side of the lake. The old camp counselor from that camp decides to leave it and join the Meatballs camp to hopefully revitalize the activities and save the camp from going out of business.

    Directed by Bobby Logan (Yard Sale), the film stars Corey Feldman (Goonies), Jack Nance (Eraserhead), Sarah Douglas (Superman), Jo Farkas (Good Burger), and Paige French (All My Children).

    The standout moment of this movie is the closing line, "I was in Goonies." That line perfectly encapsulates the film, essentially being "Corey Feldman: The Movie," with bad dancing, weak one-liners, and a flimsy story built around him. There are some expected elements like splashes of nudity, classic shower scenes, and a poorly executed camp love triangle. While the soundtrack isn't awful, unfortunately, the movie is.

    In conclusion, Meatballs 4 is a complete waste of time unless you're a die-hard Corey Feldman fan. I would score this a 3/10 and recommend skipping it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    There are certain films that distinguish themselves for a multitude of significant reasons. This remarkably profound and provocative celluloid meditation on man's deep-seated need to party, have fun, and, most importantly, see beautiful young women naked rates highly as a true work of cinematic art. For starters, the almighty Corey Feldman hits it out of the ballpark with his exemplary performance as cocky and charismatic maverick water skier and recreation director Ricky Wade: Whether he's busting some flashy Michael Jackson-style moves on the dance floor or dropping an ingenious reference to "The Goonies" while looking directly at the camera (and staring straight into the viewer's very soul), The Feldog's magnetic presence positively galvanizes the screen. The brilliant acting by the rest of the cast likewise warrants major kudos: Jack Nance works twitchy magic as madcap camp owner Neil Peterson, Sarah Douglas bitches it up with divinely snarky aplomb as the evil Monica Shavetts, and Brad Grunberg delivers a heart-wrenching portrayal of hapless bumbling fat guy Victor Thigpen. The bevy of fine looking gals in juicy roles helps a lot: Paige French as the sexy'n'spunky Jennifer Lipton, ravishing redhead Deborah Tucker as the sweet and pretty Kelly Peterson, and, best of all, delectable Playboy Playmate Cristy Thom as the scrumptious Hillary (who bares her marvelous breasts at one crucial point simply because she can). Writer/director Brad Logan not only provides a wealth of hot babes in skimpy bikinis and loads of delicious copious gratuitous distaff nudity (yep, we even get a very tasty group shower sequence!), but also deftly milks the inspired and incisive giddy lowbrow humor for maximum hilarity. The water skiing set pieces are staged with utmost precision and dexterity. Vance Burberry's exquisite cinematography vividly captures the merry frolicking while the cool rocking score gives the picture an extra rousing kick. Masterful stuff.
  • Jack Nance being himself(also this movie is a big point in his career as his wife ended her life during filming, absolute shame), T&A, and Corey Feldman during the beginning of the end. If You're a high school boy, what's not to like? No comedy, but Jack Nance always puts a smile on my face and there are boobs everywhere, so I'd say there are much worse hour and a halves out there.
  • I can't believe only 2.5?! What was everyone expecting? This is suppose to be a boob flick! I thought Feldman was his usual self and his one liners actually had me grinning, I really cant think of anyone else who would've fit the roll better. I remember watching this when I was in junior high back in the day, and water skiing was what summer was all about. Does anyone water ski anymore?? The movie was really lacking in that aspect, but as previously stated I think it was more focused on the boob shots. The nunzio and dick mafia guys were actually pretty funny for being typical Italian wanna be gangsters. Its by no means a 10, but deserves better than 2.5, this wasn't like Adam Sandlers "Overboard" for Christ sake..... or any other movie Adam Sandler comes out with now days.
  • no-one other than 13-19 year old boys will enjoy this movie. Me, being 20, can say it is one of my favorite movies, and has been ever since I saw it 4 years ago. Corey Feldman is a genuinely funny guy, if your not laughing at him for his poor acting, your laughing at him because he tries so hard and gets so little. He is an absolute star in this movie, he makes ridiculous jokes that I could not stop laughing at, and for some ridiculous reason he is an elite skier, despite the fact you never see his face when skiing. But seriously I enjoyed Corey in this movie and lets start with the girls..... they are fantastic!!!! eager to display their awesome bodies non-stop, this is a movie made from heaven for all teenage boys collectively. I can safely say that if you happen to be a female or an older-male you will find this movie utterly offensive. For the rest, see it now!!!!!!!!!
  • If you are at the video store or see this starting on cable, do you really expect that it will have any close proximity to the original? Come on now. After the original, the others basically were awful. So, the only real reason to watch this is to see various anatomically gifted or silicon-padded beautiful women frolick around topless. With those expectations in mind, guys, you won't be disappointed, especially with Playmate Christy Thom allowing you to peek at her assets. What a tease.....
  • christinalou28 June 2005
    Admittedly I like cheesy movies. But this movie is HILARIOUS. It is a no brainer full of laughs and great cheesy moments. The characters remind you a least a little about each group of people you went to school with. Depending on what side of the fence you were it will change your view of this movie. I love it when the jocks loose, the goofball wins and the nerd gets the girl. The water-ski competition is amusing and you feel the silly excitement as the plot (yes, it has one) gets underway.

    When you watch this movie, sit back and think of all the stupid silly things you have done or wish you would have done. Guys will love this movie because of the viewing content, and girls there is some romance in the movie. Ricky Wade gets quite sentimental and sweet during his pursuit of an old romance.
  • Meatballs 4 (1992)

    ** 1/2 (out of 4)

    If you're looking for something that will one day appear on one of those Sight and Sound polls then you're better go elsewhere. If you're looking for something truly stupid, vulgar and funny then MEATBALLS 4 is just for you. Now listen, there's no question that the majority of people are going to hate this movie but if you enjoy silly comedy that is clearly leftover stuff from the 80s then this here offers quite a bit. The story is pretty simple as Ricky Wade (Corey Feldman) is hired by a camp owner (Jack Nance) who finds his business falling apart due to a rival camp. Wade's main goal is to win a water sports contest but soon the stakes are higher than normal. Again, if you're looking for something smart then look elsewhere. I've always enjoyed watching this film because it's just so childish and so bad in so many ways that I can't help but laugh at it and have a good time. Feldman is clearly the perfect choice for this guy as he can be stuck up and deliver smart lines like no one else. Fans of his will enjoy watching him here and while the performance isn't Oscar-worthy it's at least good enough for this type of film. Nance comes across with a maniac performance that is so goofy and over-the-top that you can't help but love it. The supporting cast fit their roles just fine for what it's worth. The comedy is all very childish with the typical sex and fart jokes but we've also got the fat guy no one likes but of course he's going to prove to be a winner by the end. MEATBALLS 4 is a just a cheap sex comedy but it made me laugh.
  • lor_17 July 2023
    My review was written in June 1992 after watching the movie on HBO video cassette.

    Wise-cracking Corey Feldman highlights this summer comedy, which should do just fine for HBO Video in the rental market. Film received a modest theatrical run in March in Cincinnati and various Southern cities.

    Series dates back 13 years to the Ivan Reitmn-helmed Canadian comedy "Meatballs", which launched Bill Murray as a major movie star. Subsequent entries have strayed from the young campers format; the fourth more closely resembles "Hot Dog... The Movie" on water skis.

    Feldman portray a ne'er-do-well water skier hired by owner Jack Nance to serve as recreation director of Lakeside Water Ski Camp. Their enemy is Sarah Douglas of nearby Twin Oaks camp who wants to buy Nance out and use his site for real estate development.

    Two cmps are competing in an annual sk mee and Douglas' henchmen contrive to sabotage Feldman's efforts. Lakeside wins anyway an the film climaxes in a corny, winner-take-all rematch.

    Lame plotting is just an excuse for some okay water skiing stunts. Filmmaker Bob Logan takes care to include t&a jiggle scenes of his scantily clad female cast (such as a game of strip charades), which should gain high marks among adolescent video renters.

    Feldman's act is obnoxious, but that's what the script calls for. He even includes some self-deprecating humor at fadeout, when he turns to the camera to protest that he's a movie star: "I was in "Goonies'".

    Nance, prematurely aged looking since starring in David Lynch's "Eraserhead", is amusing, as is the colorfully monickered chubby comedian Johnny Cocktails. Distaff cast is pretty but not given much to do acting-wise.