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  • vlad191710 September 1999
    An interesting premise is ruined by the distraction of Oliver Platt's ethnicity. I'm not sure what Yaron Svoray really looks like, but there is NO WAY platt, in real life, could trick dozens of skinheads (which is highly unlikely in the first place) into letting him infiltrate the highest commands of neo-nazism just cause he's a nice guy!?

    You think the KKK would allow Denzel Washington to join ranks?

    My skepticism suggests though Yaron may have infiltrated a few skinhead gangs, the frolicking with elder Nazis and "kissing the lips of Hitler" bit was added for theatrical, aggrandizing purposes. I don't believe it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I saw Romper Stomper on that same week. So when I saw a DVD on this true story. I need to watch it due to developing an understanding of Aryan Culture and White Supremacy.

    My verdict: I applaud the story line on how one Jewish Man (Oliver Platt) must stay neutral to go beyond his beliefs, tenets and heritage to expose the neo-Nazis, and the reformed National Parties. However the details of the immigrants were non-consistent and the writers were confused. It was Kurds from main land Turkey that migrated to Germany to find work or prosper settlement in Germany. Turkish People were well-off and able to find work in their own Country, and only Turkish Business men travelled to meet Germans for trading purposes. So there was misinformation in the movie.

    I also remember Midnight Express, another True Story about depicting Turks all dark-looking played by Greek actors, when in fact Turkish people are actually white, many have blonde hair and blue or green eyes - and as a Turkish Cypriot with pale white Skin and light brown hair, people think I look Irish or American. It is the same stereotyping in this Movie here, by using Greek Actors (again!) to play Turkish Kurds this time, when I can tell a mile off that they are Greek in origin. I am sure there are Kurdish Actors that are willing to play this role to make it more engaging and realistic. Also the Music score cacophonically overrides the actors voices, and ruins the movie, I even tried to adjust the sound ratio without any luck, and that is a pity, because this seemed like a good film. So I give this an average rating since I love True Stories.
  • Yaron (Oliver Platt) is a Jew journalist assigned for a matter about Neo-Nazis in German. He poses of Neo-Nazi and the skinheads believe he is the representative of a wealthy American, who wants to sponsor a German Neo-Nazis groups.

    This film is very scary, since it is based on a true story. It is almost unthinkable that, in 2004, there are persons having such a feeling of rage in their hearts against other human beings, just because of their religions or ethnicity. Oliver Platt has a great performance as a brave and audacious man. "The Infiltrator" is a very disgusting, but also a very important and highly recommended film about intolerance and racism. My vote is eight.

    Title (Brazil): 'Infiltrator – Em Busca da Verdade' ('Infiltrator – Looking For the Truth')
  • Based on the true story of Yaron Svoray, an Israeli freelance reporter living in the US. "The Infiltrator" recounts Svoray's infiltration of Nazi-sympathizers in Germany and beyond.

    Oliver Platt plays Svoray, and does a good job in a very serious role. But Svoray's self-imposed mission, with the cooperation and support of the Wiesenthal Center is a Bunyonesques task, and, he is somewhat ill-equipped. If the film initially is to show us how direct exposure to the atrocities of Nazism might fuel unbridled fire within a person, Jewish or otherwise, then it fails in act one.

    It's exposition regarding the state of Nazism today, is important, somewhat startling, and much more dramatic. That a Jewish reporter could infiltrate this infra-structure is somewhat unbelievable, but it serves to validate Svoray's passion.

    All in all, the film struggles in no-man's land between documentary and thriller, battling to fill time between real life events. Curiously, actor Arliss Howard takes a major role as an Israeli agent-he will go on to play Mossad operative Peter Malkin in the bio-pic 'The Man Who Captured Eichmann (1996)".

    Svoray's story is compelling, sadly the film gives us a less than satisfying conclusion. A worthwhile watch, nonetheless.
  • Apparently that's the moral of this movie. The movie could have been an interesting depiction of a true story, but it isn't. Mainly coz the screenwriters and director have done such a messy (and in one instance, downright vulgar) job, that a child wont believe the ludicrous goings-on in this braindead movie. The guy meets his ethnic friends in broad daylight while working undercover as a proNazi. He tells the Nazis he represents rich people interested in the cause, and the Nazis believe him straight out without even asking for any credentials. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. All this is explained, in a not-so-subtle case of begging the question, by a dialogue about the Nazis which goes "These guys believe anything.. Greed has made them blind". Or shaving the head has made them stupid.
  • after seeing the movie, I had a chance to read the book that the movie was based upon.

    Of course no movie can reproduce a book perfectly; there just isn't time. But the basics of the film and the book match up-- the smoke screen magazine "The Right Way", the eager fake millionaire, the snuff film, Hitler's goblet, the rallies, befriending Nazi skinheads...

    And while Oliver Platt doesn't look exactly like Yaron Svoray, he is as believable as an Aryan as Svoray.

    the book, "In Hitler's Shadow" includes many photos of Svoray at Nazi rallies, hanging out with Skins, and has a picture of the "investor" with Hitler's valet.

    So, unless the book itself is a complete fabrication of lies, the movie does a pretty good job of summing up the story.
  • JBoze3132 October 2000
    Now, I don't know about the guy Platt portrays in this film. I think it is based on a real life story, but I'm not sure all the facts. I do know that this movie makes you think a lot. There were points in the film where I was on the edge of crying. Platt plays this character wonderfully, and I think that he did an awesome job when it came to showing his horror as a jew when he would see disgusting acts by the nazis. In this movie, you're rooting for Platt's character all the way, and you find yourself asking the can people be friends with this man, and then hate him because of his religious beliefs and ethnicity? It's a movie that makes you ask questions like these. It's one of the best movies of its kind in my opinion.
  • wafcon28 December 2006
    One of the most riveting films I have watched in a while. While the credits reflect that it is a depiction of a true story really becomes irrelevant when understands the reality of the issues. Bigotry based upon religion, race, sexual preference, or any other condition is a very real statement of the human situation today. Keeping in mind that the movie was made over ten years ago, today we are not much different. Platt's portrayal of Ron Fury draws you into the film, into his feelings, and into the turmoil of the situation. There are real divisions of the issue of hatred which are brought out by the connections and feelings of Fury for the pacifists like Nazi Gunther. Though supporting a rise in Nazism the level of those who act out the violence and blatant hatred of the Jews, the one like Gunther who simply supports the cause by handing out leaflets and tries to convert people are left to the viewer to judge.
  • I'm not sure why the other reviewer found the movie so hard to believe as it is a true story based off of Yaron Svoray's life and his book, "In Hitler's Shadow". Yaron is an undercover writer who was able to 'infiltrate' a Nazi party and have them believe he is writing to support their cause. Working with the Simon Wiesenthal Center they attempt to setup Nazis in order to give concrete proof to the German government that the groups exist and who their leaders are.

    The acting was superb, and Oliver Platt, as usual, delivered a genuine performance. You truly felt for the characters in the movie. The movie did a great job of showing the Nazi influence in all levels of the public and government. They made it a point to show that not all Germans are Nazis with a few German citizens criticizing the Nazis in public. The movie shows the situation from all sides (Nazi, Jew, immigrants, etc) without trying to hide facts or issues.

    There are several lessons to be learned from a well done movie like this, I wouldn't want to ruin it for everyone, see the movie, its well worth a rental.
  • whatsupdoc_5520 September 2006
    This film was exciting and very suspenseful. It kept my interest throughout. If you like Nazi-related films, you will want to see this one. I found it thought-provoking also in how it portrayed human emotions and sensibilities. It was a worthwhile view. When I originally saw it scheduled on cable, I intended NOT to watch it; I ended up catching a glimpse of it as I was switching the channels and became mesmerized.

    The topic of Neo-Naziism has been dealt with ad nauseum. I originally felt that this would be another predictable re-hash of the subject matter. A few things attracted me: 1) the acting was really good; 2) the graphic visual images left no room for debate; 3) it was very well written.

    It's definitely worth an inspection.
  • This is absolutely unbelievable! This is the story of a Jewish journalist who's assigned to a story in east Germany, and then is arrested, and somehow tricks skinheads into believing that he's a sympathiser. So the skinheads take him out for a drink, and shoot the hey with him for a while. Of course, although he's a foreigner, and skinheads' attitudes towards foreigners aren't as open-armed as they are in this film, I'm surprised that Yuron didn't get his jaw busted open against a sidewalk shortly after.

    Anyhow, the next day, Yuron goes on to meet up with a few skin heads that he met the night before. There, they take him to a snuff-film. Of course, this scene's completely unnecessary and gutwrenching. As if even a few loose-knit skinhead gangs are to trust some dude they've met out of the bloom with something that can buy them life in the can or the chair!

    Then Yuron goes to the police-station, and meets up with the hot officer-ette who busted him the other night, and tries to file a report. He tells her of what he saw, and of course, for some reasons unexplained, she refuses to file the report, but sympathises with Yuron so much she goes on a crusade to put these thugs behind bars.

    Then the next memorable thing, is where Yuron goes to meet the granddaddy of the organisation, who insanely shoves a gun into his face, before they remove it. Of course, not realising that their elder may have some good advice, they allow Yuron to go unchecked from there on out, until some guy Mark Webber's mentioned of hearing about him.

    My advice is to not waste your time... Unless you're a masochist.
  • juanmetal-1685014 July 2021
    Good movie a saw when I was a teenager.

    The sad reality.