User Reviews (11)

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  • It must be pretty rare, if not unique, that you agree with what everyone has written, not totally of course but certainly in the main. No one could accuse this movie of being good, yet there are far worse, I know because like you, I've seen them.

    Set in a classic haunted house, complete with thunderstorm and jump scares, it looks like it could be a homage to those amateur 70's-80's Spanish/Italian horrors, but in actuality that's just due to its poor production rather than by intention. The music and foley is indeed awful, as is the film quality and editing, but the actors do there bit despite this, and it's actually quite unsettling in parts, which just about manages to keep its head above the water.

    As I and the others have said, it's not a good movie, but knowing that and if you mainly want to see some quite attractive actresses get naked, and I think they all get naked at some point, coupled with something hammy that has a bit of atmosphere, then you could do worse in my opinion.

    Ps. I've rated this slightly higher than it probably deserves, just to get my point over.
  • This seems to have been an attempt to make a mainstream "psychological" horror film with a bunch of great looking actors that can't act very well, despite a long list of "B" movie credits on many of the cast's parts. This meant mostly a lot of dead air until the extremely brief nudity and violence scenes.

    My guess is that they paid so much for the cast that they could not afford a director, although it is very well photographed.

    Formula: "B" movie - nudity - violence - acting = very long boring trailer.
  • This is categorized as horror - but it is closer to the erotic category. But even for that it may not qualify entirely. Well for most that is - because there is quite the sexual charge and power in there. It can not be denied - on the other hand, having "forces" from the outside as an excuse for your own actions ... do not use those "reasons" to try to talk your way out of anything.

    The hairdos are quite "oldschool" (sometimes they even feel more like an 80s kind of thing, even though the movie was made in the 90s) and if you don't mind beautiful women getting naked and jumping all over each other (men included), you could do worse. Still there is or rather could have been more to this. I guess you could do a party or drinking game with this - how ridiculous certain things are. There is not much else to say here, since there is not much story to this anyway.
  • This movie falls into the dubious Genre of, What the hell did I just watch? I use the term movie generously as a movie is equal parts cinematography and story. Stormswept is seriously lacking in the latter. It builds itself up as low budget horror/soft-core porn. Unfortunately, it only get's the low budget right. The story is laughably absent and plays like the filler between porno scenes. Only those are written better. And just when the movie finally looks like it's getting it's act together and get's moving on a story, It not only fails to deliver but gives us an ending that makes so sense whatsoever. I seriously couldn't spoil this movie even if I wanted to. Because the ending makes no sense at all.

    In the end, there is no reason to watch this. One could argue Boobies, But with the internet today, one can NOT be that hard up for what brief bits of nudity that exist in this horrid purgatory of a movie. If you want decent soft-core with a spoonful of plot and a dash of Satanism, Watch Damien's Seed.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The video cover makes this look like a typical straight-to-video fantasy/horror flick of the 1990s but on closer inspection it turns out to be a softcore porn movie. The story involves a bunch of nubile characters who hole up in a remote house for a weekend of psychiatry (!), only to discover that one of them holds a dark secret. The horror elements are barely existent and this merely consists of a lot of sex talk about orgasms and the like and intermittent sex scenes in which actresses strip off for lesbian scenes and encounters with the willing male participants. It's junk, in other words.
  • This movie would have to get better to be bad. Do not be fooled by the plot summary on back of the box. It is a poorly shot badly acted story about people you do not care about. It is not so bad as to be campy fun. Just say no.
  • MarshallStax21 July 1999
    "Stormswept" is bad in every way: technically inept (witness the many continuity errors regarding costuming, the frequent intrusion of the boom mike into frame or the overall poor image quality), clumsily written and spottily acted. Though sold as a paranormal thriller, it is mostly an actor's workshop; the characters are stranded in a big old Louisiana plantation house while a storm rages outside. There are numerous boobs on display, male-female sex, female-female sex and lots of talking about sex, all presented in the least visually interesting fashion imaginable. Regarding its horror elements: "Stormswept" is a surprisingly bloodless film. At least a little gratuitous killing would have livened up the proceedings; when this dud reaches its rushed ending, one is tempted to scratch one's head with a dumbfounded expression and ask oneself the question, "Did I really just waste and hour and a half of my life on that?" AVOID this time-waster no matter what; you'd be better off smacking your head with a hammer and watching the stars and planets orbit for 90 minutes.
  • I...don't get what they were trying to do, but I can tell you with confidence that they didn't accomplish it.

    I'm gonna keep it simple: The film quality is terrible, the acting is bad, and the editing is atrocious. It stars the blonde female cop from Samurai Cop, so...yeah. You know it's gonna be bad. But not entertainingly bad like Samurai Cop. Just bad bad like the Samurai Cop sequel.

    It couldn't beat my 15-minute cut-off.
  • babeulous23 April 2000
    This movie doesn't know if it wants to be a psycho slasher thing, or a ghost story, or a soft core party, and ends up being none of them.

    The only reason to see this picture is if you must see every frame of Lorissa McComas ever released. (Which would be understandable...) But if you were just looking for Lorissa, see _Lapdancing_, where she has a character you can care about, and more and better screen time.
  • This could have been a good erotic thriller. What sexual goings-on that are present at least exude a degree of passion. And the women are all yummy. The idea of a mansion haunted by a spirit that unleashes sexual and then homicidal tendencies is a good premise, it just didn't make it to the end. The only thing I can figure is that about 3/4 thru the shoot, somebody made a deal with Kinmont to grace the video cover, get top billing, and spend about 10 minutes of screentime doing and saying nothing. Trying to fit her character into the script resulted in the scrambled mess Stormswept became. The 'flashback' sequence is so hacked up it is practically non-existent. Which is all too bad, considering it was pretty well shot, and the actors are fairly convincing, especially in light of what they're asked to do. Worth at least one watch for voyuers.
  • I watched all of three minutes of this movie before turning it off. That was two minutes too long.