User Reviews (559)

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  • Clearly, as with most of David Lynch's films, Lost Highway is not for everyone. It is, as Lynch intended it to be, a film realization of a dream. In this regard, it is comparable, in terms of artistry and raw intensity to Kurosawa's _Dreams_. Indeed, in terms of sensory experience - cinematography and sound, for example - Kurosawa and Lynch have few rivals. However, the comparison falls away rather quickly in consideration of the film's content. Lost Highway is really no dream, but a nightmare.

    Let's face it, like it or not, everything Lynch does is intentional. This film has inspired polarized reviews here on IMDB. Those looking for a plot-heavy movie that they do not necessarily have to pay attention to tend to despise it. Those who are open to allowing this manipulative, intensely disturbing and thought-provoking film to carry them into its own parcel of hell love it. This is, in my opinion, what good art can do.

    Like a dream, Lost Highway has as many plots as it does viewers with their own individual interpretations and perspectives. It forces itself upon you with a vengeance, but simultaneously encourages the kind of disengagement you experience when you are conscious that you are dreaming.

    I recommend Lost Highway highly. See it with intelligent, open-minded friends who like to talk about film experiences. And expect that the conversation will keep you up way past your bed time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First of all let me say, that it is not as serious, if you don't get the movies of David Lynch at once (or even never). Lynch is not a film maker who tries to make movies with a problem-solving message, but an artist. Moreover he started as a painter and so he tries to create an atmosphere more than to develop a story.

    Most viewers will have realized that "Lost Highway" is a story about a schizophrenic murderer (even Lynch mentioned it). But that is not the complete clue to the movie. Cause everyone is aware of Fred's metamorphosis (although no one seems to really care about). So his mutation seems to be real and till the end no one proves the opposite! But "Lost Highway" is not a common movie about schizophrenia like "Beautiful Mind" or "Das weiße Rauschen" (Which is a must-see, too!). INSANITY IS NOT THE SUBJECT, BUT THE NARRATIVE PRINCIPLE OF THE MOVIE! In other words: The movie is not a presentation of mental sickness, but a complete sick presentation, which means that the subjective perception of the protagonist becomes the objective reality! You'll find this way of telling a story quite often in surrealistic literature (i.e Franz Kafka's "Die Verwandlung" engl.: "Metamorphosis" - just note the title!!).

    All Lynch-Movies refer to mental illness or the state of dreaming: No character ever seems to care about the illogical and irrational twists of the plot(just like in dreams), the landscapes are unrealistic and change appearance or size and the story takes place at deserted areas (forests, claustrophobic rooms, industrial areas, desserts) far away from civilization or reality!

    Insanity - Sanity/ Evil - Good/ Reality - Fiction are no longer categories one can rely on. The protagonists see their surroundings and environment always threatening, but they never question it! They act with such a matter of course, that one has to ask whether it is ignorance, naiveté or self-deception. Perhaps you don't have to ask yourself how far you are able to UNDERSTAND the message. Perhaps you have to ask yourself how far you are willing to ACCEPT the message. Be aware, that once you started seeing the world at a different way you will follow that white rabbit right the way in his burrow...
  • This was the first time I was in anticipation of the release of a David Lynch film. Having only discovered his movies (and Twin Peaks) in the period of 1992-1997. I became a huge fan, owning several films on video as well as the complete Twin Peaks series.

    I was not disappointed with Lost Highway. A film that left me totally stunned. A film that I did not want to end, in the hope that I could figure out what was going on. A film that left some scenes imprinted on my brain like a tattoo. A film that is a dream.

    This film is what dreams are. There are times when you feel you control the dream, and times where you feel it escapes you. Slow and rapid events. Images that don't make sense. Fantasy. Horror. Surrealism. Symbolism. All part of a long dream, that I doubt anyone can decipher, including Mr Lynch.

    Seeing this film for the second time with a person who truly did not "get it" (though I thank her for her patience to watch the whole film), made realise that there are two kinds of people in this world. I love this film. I can't wait to watch it again.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just watched this for the first time, and enjoyed it immensely. Some here have suggested that there's no 'real' story at all. I don't agree: Lynch doesn't work like that - no matter how bizarre and reticulated, there's a story there, all right, but you have to dig for it.

    'Mulholland Drive' informs this film considerably. Having deconstructed that one to my satisfaction, I have a clearer view of how Lynch does things; how he shows us the elements, the language he uses, and what he leaves out for us to discover. So, then - *SPOILERS*, if I'm right:

    As with MD, there's a big clue in the first few seconds: Fred is shown in close-up, looking thoroughly wrecked, smoking a cigarette unsteadily. There's a buzzing sound, and light sweeps across his face and the room. *The sound is one you'll become familiar with later, in the jailhouse.* Fred looks up, warily.

    Major premise: I believe this scene shows Fred, in the last moments of his life, having his last cigarette before they come to take him to the chair. This may, in fact, be the only 'real' scene in the film, with everything else being Fred's distorted recollection, and the rest a psychotic break fantasy he constructs to escape from his grim situation.

    As the door to his cell opens, Fred rejects the awfulness of reality, and transforms the buzz into the sound of his door intercom, and at this point we go into his personal flashback as the story continues.

    The acting and dialogue is often stilted and unrealistic in this flashback. What we're seeing is Fred's recollection, which - as he himself says - is not necessarily the way it actually happened. His relationship with Renee is tense and unreal, with lots of suppressed rage. Cleverly, the undercurrents are conveyed mostly by the background sounds - listed in the credits as 'Ominous drones' - and these provide the significance that the dialogue alone would lack.

    At the party scene several events take place: his suspicions about Renee and the impossibly sleazy - because he's seen through Fred's eyes - lounge-lizard Andy are effectively confirmed (for him). And he meets the 'Mystery Man', a devil-figure who tells Fred "You invited me (into your home). It is not my custom to go where I'm not wanted". I suspect that this figure is Fred's attempt to unload his guilt onto someone else: a 'devil who made him do it' - don't you have to invite the devil into your house? Perhaps he's the personification of Fred's insanity, or his jealousy. Or all of the above - all the dark influences in Fred's life and head.

    As the flashback continues, we see the progression up to the point where he finally does murder Renee, horribly. Again he attempts to reject the reality by showing it all on video, but reality intrudes and a few seconds are shown of him 'really' sitting among the dismembered parts of his wife. His subsequent trial and sentencing are skipped over - they're a blur to Fred - and he winds up on Death Row.

    Facing execution, and unable to tolerate his real state, Fred then creates a fantasy in which he escapes his fate by miraculously turning into another person - an innocent: young, enjoying a simple life, good at his simple job; with groovy, understanding parents and a pliable girlfriend.

    The scenes around Fred's miraculous replacement are classic Lynch fantasy-made-real: the dialogue is ludicrous; the events comic-book. We see the same in the fantasy world of the central character in MD.

    Although safe in this new fantastical environment, Fred/Peter is unable to resist being drawn back into danger, initially via his unlikely relationship with the - again comic-book - gangster boss, Mr. Eddy. This gangster character is a one-dimensional, violent crazy man who recalls the fantasy mafia types invented by the central character in MD to 'explain' her bad break.

    Even so, Peter's life will remain peaceful if he avoids any dealings with Eddy outside of the grease-monkey relationship. But Fred's paranoia demands danger, and Peter begins an even less plausible and obviously perilous association with Fred's new incarnation of Renee: the pure-hearted damsel in distress that is Alice.

    Except that, once again, Peter's life is contorted by Fred's paranoia, and Alice slowly metamorphoses into a spiteful, greedy psychotic who leads Peter further into danger.

    (I looked for the 'Eye of the Duck' peripeteiac scene that Lynch always puts into his films, and one of the candidates is, I think, the moment where Alice points the gun at him after raiding 'Andy's' house. The tableau is held long enough to allow you to contemplate all that could happen if she shoots Peter and takes off. But that's not possible in a Fred/Peter fantasy, so we continue, with the point about her ruthlessness made.)

    What else? The storyline continues as might be expected, with Alice now in total control. The cabin we've seen before just prior to Fred's metamorphosis. Alice disappears. The Mystery Man returns, and so does Mr. Eddy and Fred. All of this in a fight, during which the devil-figure hands him a knife that allows him to defeat Eddy/Dick Laurent (as we have discovered), and finally everything turns to crap as Fred heads back onto the highway with retribution on his tail. Things look hopeless, and the escape fantasy has brought him back to the point where he came in.

    And then Fred begins another metamorphosis, which we never see completed, and the film ends. Is this another fantasy escape, or his death in the Chair?

    I don't know how much of this is correct. Perhaps one day someone will tie Mr. Lynch to a rack, put electrodes on his nuts, and extract the line-by-line details of his wonderful creations. Until then we must wonder and worry. And marvel.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    (Don't read this unless you want it explained). Fred found out that his Wife had done adult films in the past. She promised him she wouldn't do it again. He can't handle it. He's super stressed out about it and can only feel release through playing jazz and having frenetic sex with his Wife. His behavior freaks her out.

    She starts to reconnect with her friendships she had neglected due to her marriage. One of them is a former adult film producer/star with whom she had worked years before. Fred sees her talking to him at the party. Their somewhat over friendly behavior gets Fred really angry. They return home with Fred still seething. His Wife tells him that Dick Laurent wants her to go back to her adult film career. His hatred for her past life explodes in a moment of rage when he murders Her in their bedroom. This is the Woman he loves and married. How dare She dirty them both? He gets arrested and thrown in Jail.

    While in jail he reminisces about when he met her when He was younger (as Balthazar Getty), more carefree and when She was still pure in his mind. This is why we see two version of his Wife, One pure and clean the other dark and dirty. The fantasy image he wants to hold onto vs the dirty whore. He has fantasies of killing Dick Laurent too, but he can't because he is in jail. His mind finally cracks and he goes crazy, his mind wanting to only remember the good things, but the truth of the horror of his actions keep invading his thoughts. This is what the Mystery Man is. Truth. The truth about his guilt. This is why he follows Fred whever he goes. Because the Truth of our bad actions will always haunt us. Just like the intrusive video tapes. It could be argued then that the whole movie is Fred sitting in jail stewing in insane grief and guilt, yearning to escape and run free ... down The Lost Highway.
  • Buckle your seat belts: this film is quite the ride. As so often with David Lynch's movies, 'Lost Highway' doesn't bother with a traditional narrative and follows its own, dreamlike (or nightmarish) logic. It is a wild, expressionist work of art, and while it starts on a slow, brooding note, the film soon explodes into a crazy, violent trip that hooks you competely and doesn't let up. My advice to people unfamiliar with Lynch's work is this: just enjoy the experience and let yourself be immersed. While it is fun to analyze Lynch's movies, especially his most surreal ones, they're not mysteries that require resolution in order to be enjoyed.

    As for the filmmaking itself, the pacing is fantastic throughout, the cinematography outstanding and the cast of character actors like Bill Pullman, Robert Loggia and Patricia Arquette simply a joy to watch (especially Loggia gets to shine in a wonderfully over-the-top part). Another aspect that should not go unmentioned is the music. The orginal score by Angeolo Badalamenti (who is to Lynch what John Williams is to Spielberg) is hauntgingly beautiful, but equally important is the amazing soundtrack - featuring greats like David Bowie, Lou Reed, Rammstein, Marilyn Manson, Trent Reznor and more - which fits and enhances the images on screen perfectly.

    As far as I'm concerned, this is Lynch at his best. 'Lost Highway' is a dark, violent, surreal, beautiful, hallucinatory masterpiece: 10 stars out of 10.

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  • I started this film upon renting it one night at 11:00 PM. I finished at about 1 in the morning. I was so stunned and awestruck that I stayed up until 3 in the morning to watch it again. This is one of the most spell-binding movies I have ever seen. Each time I see it my theory of the plot thickens. What I love about the movie is that it leaves you with the option to fill in the blanks. You will keep asking what happened and why that happened, but that is what makes the movie so awesome. David Lynch's skewed opinion of reality is very inspiring and I feel that my reality has changed ever since I watched it. Having watched it 13 times I can pretty safely say that my theory of the plot is set, but I still love to ponder exactly why.
  • This is the first film directed by David Lynch I've seen, not counting The Elephant Man, which is another great film, but is an outsider in his career, since it is not surreal. This film is, however, making it the first typical Lynch film I've seen. And I'm honestly not sure what to make of it. I had heard a lot about Lynch's films before watching, but I guess I hadn't heard enough. I went into this film hoping for a good mystery, an interesting puzzle to solve. As the end credits rolled I didn't know what to make of what I had just seen. I didn't get an answer to the question I kept asking while I was watching; "What exactly is this film about?". As soon as the credits were over, I read a comment or two by Lynch fans... and the truth dawned on me. It's not supposed to be solved. It's not a movie where you, when you see the very end, exclaim "Ah! Now I get it!". This film won't provide you with some twist ending or have a character come up to the lead and explain it all. It's not supposed to make perfect sense or be easily explainable. It's not real. It's fantasy. Fiction. The whole film is like a dream, or, more appropriately, a nightmare. The film is great; it's just not for me. I won't let that affect my rating, however. This was an excellent example of masterful film-making. Lynch's direction is eminent, evidenced by the fact that I kept watching, despite not understanding half of what was going on or being able to sympathize with any character(something we are much too used to from mainstream movies). The lighting is great. Lynch really plays around with it, and it's always interesting to look at. It also really adds to the mood, nicely set by careful editing and music usage. The acting is flawless, and that is not a term I use lightly. All in all, a wonderfully well-done film, but definitely not for everyone. Wasn't in my tastes, but I enjoyed how well-made it was regardless. I recommend this to fans of art films, rather than conventional ones. Fans of Lynch should enjoy this. Very surreal and loose. 10/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    David Lynch is one of the few directors that have managed to sustain a niche audience for his movies. His perception of movie making and how he views the world was very evident from his debut "Eraserhead". Many critics have questioned his style and some have not been convinced also. Many people refer to him as the master of mystery and horror. However a majority of his features have dwelled more in to the mind of the individual rather than presenting a linear story. It has not been his style to present everything understandably. To confuse the viewer and raise questions has been his speciality. Each one of his movies have been different to each other. But the common factor has always existed, character driven. One element that has been very repetitive in his movies is 'black comedy'. This theme he manages to beautifully blend with mystery and horror. I admire his obsession with the mystical world and surrealism. He really has the ability to depict all this in a convincing and believable manner. He is a director to be reckoned with. One would have hoped that he would make movies more occasionally. In recent interviews Mr Lynch has commented on saying that he draws inspiration from dreams and nightmares that he has. This is easy to relate to and this is transcended to the screen. Many of the mystery elements that pervade in his movies have never been explained by him. But he is an artist and I feel that as a movie viewer one should admire and appreciate his work as a piece of art or a painting rather than attempting to decipher and unravelling it.

    Lost Highway is one of his movies that I highly regard as having cult status. It may well be in the archives for being the most complicated movie to understand. However I doubt it could hold a candle to the recent "Inception". It is presented in a mobius strip format where the beginning comes back in full circle. The noir elements very much exist in every form and character, right from the Patricia Arquette's femme fatale wife to Robert Loggia as the gangster. David Lynch used his own residence in the first 40 minutes. It may have saved on production costs but the setting was appropriate for mysterious environment. Initially we feel that we are about to watch a movie about a couple trying to discover who is sending them videotapes with the footage of their house. But this leads to more suspense and mystery after the wife is murdered. And the movie takes a totally different turn. The movie could have turned in to a murder mystery, but Lynch cleverly averts that. Barry Gifford supported Lynch on the script and has presented a fabulous outcome. A simple plot has been presented in a complicated manner. Every scene mystifies and raises questions to the point that it feels difficult to digest. Lynch once stated that O.J Simpson's murder trail inspired him to make this movie. To what extent that is true, I could not say.

    SPOILERS Fred Madison and Renee are couple that live together who seem to have secrets that are hidden from each other. Fred doubts Renee about what she may be doing in her free time meanwhile Renee acts very mysteriously. One morning Renee picks up a video tape from the door step. They watch it together and there is a footage of the exterior of their residence. Later that night after a miserable session of attempted sex, Fred begins to doubt Renee even more as she sympathises with him. The next morning they receive another tape. This time it shows footage of them the couple sleeping together. This immediately become a concern to them and they contact the authorities. Two detectives arrive and after inspecting the residence fail to find any signs of forced entry. The same night at a party of Renee's friend Andy, a mysterious short man calls Fred's house and surprisingly he himself answers. The couple return back home to find nothing. Fred is then arrested and given the death sentence for Renee's murder. He however does not recall anything. After complaining of headaches his identity changes to a young mechanic Pete played by Baltzar Getty. He is released from prison and two detectives watch his movements. Surprisingly a woman who resembling Renee appears with the gangster Mr Eddy, by the name of Alice. She is a adult movie performer. Both Pete and Alice romantically acquaint secretly. However she holds a secret and has intentions of her own. END OF SPOILERS

    This is one of those movies that really requires attention to the highest level. Uninterrupted concentration too can help fully enjoy the feature. To truly appreciate the movie for what is it is I would recommend that the direction and cinematography is payed attention to. The sub conscious mind also has to be engaged while viewing. Lynch and Gifford have written a script that is flaw less. They have incorporated their imagine to the full potential to create a mystery noir. This is one of Lynch's less disturbing movies but is full of psychological moments. There is confusion at every turn. Everybody will have their own individual theories and takes on the mystery elements. But I can't recall ever having heard of any being an official.

    The background score by Angelo Baddlamenti is top rate and suits the tone of the movie perfectly. Many camera shots are sound effects help to assist the movie in terms of special effects. Bill Pullman has the best performance in the movie. The role required a lot of emotional acting and less dialogues and his paranoid expressions are speechless. Patricia Arquette is ravishing in her two different get ups. For a 2 hour 10 minutes movie it may seem long, but it is worth it for a true noir movie fan.
  • Coventry11 February 2004
    I believe it was the legendary Homer Simpson who once gave the ideal description on David Lynch productions. During watching a ‘Twin Peaks'-episode he said, `Brilliant…but I don't get it'. Too true…you love what you're seeing and you want to be a part of the mysterious Lynch universe! You actually feel the urge to search for solutions, you want to solve the riddle that is Lost Highway and you desperately try to do so…until you realize it's in fact a puzzle that cannot be solved. Therefore, my advice would be: Don't try to be Einstein and develop too many ‘theories'… just get overwhelmed by Lost Highway and enjoy the mixture of weirdness, violence and erotica you get to see. It's amazing what David Lynch pulls off here! He serves an absurd and impossible structure that involves an inexplicable metamorphosis of the protagonist and he actually gets away with it!! Meanwhile, he introduces a bunch of bizarre – but extremely fascinating – characters of which you don't know they're real or just creations of a mentally ill mind. Lynch in top-condition, in other words…you almost start to suspect he's laughing with his audience. The quality of Lost Highway is brought up to an even higher level by the terrific musical score (Angelo Badalamenti), a blasting soundtrack (Rammstein!) and sublime acting. Bill Pullman and Balthazar Ghetty supply each other terrifically, even though they don't have ONE scene together. And Patricia Arquette…either blond or brunette… looks gorgeous. No wonder men in this film fall into madness over her.

    Lost Highway comes with my highest possible recommendation, yet I still prefer the David Lynch of the lat 70's and 80's. Can't really give a reasonable explanation for this… Films like Blue Velvet and Eraserhead had something extra.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In interviews Lynch has said that he tried to imagine what it was like in the mind of a murderer. He wondered how someone can keep on living after having committed this crime. He made a movie about it which ended up being Lost highway.

    Sound like fun? Not really. The film is a trip through Hell and it's disturbing, frightening, eerie, unsettling, bleak and depressing as you might expect.

    What's the point of making a movie like this? It's an examination of the psyche. A presentation of Lynch's speculation and imagination. A serious affair. But to what end? In my opinion we're better off going to the cinema to get inspired, thrilled and entertained.

    That's not to say that Lost highway is bad. Far from it. It's a well made film technically and artistically. It's just that it's a depressing affair which if you ask me is rather pointless in the end.

    When shown to psychologists it could spark a discussion that's interesting to them though. But at the same time, it's not like Lynch has shown anything new. He has also stated that someone came to him during or after the production and said what the correct medical term was for the psychological state of the main character of the film. So once again, what's the point?
  • Med-Jasta27 November 2019
    The first time I watched this movie I enjoyed it but was left confused as to what was really going on. As a huge fan of Lynch I was expecting as much. So a few days later I watched it again and everything clicked and made perfect sense and seemed so obvious this time.

    If you hated it the first time and found nothing interesting then you probably shouldn't watch it again and put yourself though the torture a second time. But if you feel how I did, watch it again and you'll enjoy it much more.

    This movie does require a second viewing for a complete understanding of what's happening. In Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire you get what's going on the first time. Multiple viewings make the details much clearer but you don't leave confused like with Lost Highway.

    Great story, the first part is truly one of the scariest things I've ever seen. I think one thing about this movie that is interesting is that almost all of the actors are playing roles that you've never seen them do before. And they do it very well. I was a little apprehensive about Pullman being the lead, as I know him from Spaceballs and Independence Day, but he is very good in this. You rarely get a bad performance in a Lynch movie.

    My only criticism is that the movie is a little slow and long. Not in a bad way but I do find myself waiting for the end as opposed to some movies where I don't want them to end.
  • If you can, rewatch it, keeping in mind that this isn't reality. It's a man's brain splattered all over the screen. And he's not ok.
  • Lost Highway appears to have a plot, but if you're bourgeois enough to be fooled into following what plot it appears to have, you deserve to be bored and frustrated. That's because Lost Highway is a film by David Lynch about how brilliant David Lynch is and nothing else.

    As long as you accept that David Lynch has no intention of entertaining you, has no obligation to repay the time you spend engaging with his work, and in fact considers an audience completely superfluous, you'll appreciate Lost Highway in the manner intended.

    Like the saxophone player at the beginning blowing random notes as hard as he can with no regard to whether anything coming out is harmonious, expressive or even listenable, your writer/director has only to put his boring, self-indulgent, onanistic stream of consciousness on the screen. You don't matter, he doesn't care. Job done.
  • I'm not going into the plotline here because I'm limited to 1000 words. I don't think I can wrap up the plot that space.

    I'm a recent inductee into the strange and twisted world of David Lynch. It all started when I caught a rerun of "Twin Peaks" on a low-budget digital satellite channel. Since then I've been hooked, and have had fun with cult films and filmmakers since.

    Lost Highway is, as descried by Lynch, a new twist on film-noir. And only Lynch could put a twist like this on a classic genre. People keep wanting to draw comparisons to other films, saying: "Well, it's not Blue Velvet" or "It's not Mulholland Dr,"...they're right. It's Lost Highway, a unique and twisted foray down a dark highway that may or may not be entirely metaphorical...or metaphysical.

    One of the things that I've noticed about David Lynch--and what probably inspires much of the hatred non-Lynch fans have towards his work--is that he doesn't explain everything. He lays it out, says "Here's my story. What do YOU make of it?" It's an incredible artistic attitude, much like viewing a Dali painting as opposed to a Da Vinci, and not for everyone's tastes.

    Lost Highway is open to many interpretations, as are most of Lynch's works. Are we in our world, and being invaded by some outside force? Are we in a world we don't know we're in? Are we in Hell? What would you do if this happened to you? Maybe we are all someone else, really.

    This film is at the same time allegorical, philosophical, incomprehensible, and satirical. It warps understood movie conventions, and is always pulling the unexpected.

    All that praise aside, it is NOT the best of Lynch's work. One would have to be a fan to enjoy this, and should establish that fanhood with his better works, like Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet, or "Twin Peaks."

    If one has a set standard of how movies should be, an A-B-C pattern, stay away. But if it's originality, unanswered questions, and a break from standard Hollywood convention, go full ahead.

    In my humble opinion, it's better than Wild at Heart and Dune, but not most of Lynch's rest. It is definitely an experience, but not one everybody will enjoy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    'I like to remember things my own way. Not necessarily the way they happened.'

    These are the words of Fred Madison (Bill Pullman), a man with an unfair share of problems. He lives in a deadly quiet neighbourhood, in a dark, oddly designed house. He works as a jazz musician in a nightclub and suspects his beautiful wife Renee (Patricia Arquette) of cheating on him. But, without knowing it, he's caught in an infinite, time-travelling, paradox conundrum. Confused? It gets even more complex.

    Someone is leaving sinister video tapes on their doorstep. At first it only shows the exterior of their house. But the subsequent tapes reveal a little more and more.

    At a party hosted by one of his wife's sleazy 'friends' a mystery man appears out of the crowd and tries to convince Fred that they've met before. Not quite aware of the true nature of the nightmare he's falling into, Fred dismisses this man as crazy and promptly leaves the awful party. At home, Fred disappears into the shadows of the labyrinthine hallway and isn't seen again til next morning.

    The last videotape reveals Fred brutally murdering and dismembering Renee. Only he cannot remember doing it. Caught by the cops and sent to prison awaiting the chair, Fred begins to suffer agonising headaches. Then, one night, in solitary confinement, he goes through a psycho-genetic fugue and transforms into a completely different person.

    Next morning the guards and warden are freaked to discover Pete Dayton (Balthazar Getty), a 24-year old mechanic, in Fred Madison's cell. With no choice but to let him go, Pete goes back to his parents house while closely tailed by the cops. Something has happened to Pete a few days earlier and his parents are keeping their mouths shut. They can barely comprehend it themselves and it appears that Pete is involved in the same nightmare plot as Fred Madison was.

    A powerful gangster named Dick Laurent/Mr. Eddy (Robert Loggia)has a fondness for Pete and his ability to fix any car. But when he swings by the garage with his new floozy Alice Wakefield (Patricia Arquette again) he falls instantly in love with the woman, despite having 'femme fatal' practically tattooed, in bold, on her forehead.

    Pete and Alice begin a relationship of nothing but aggressive shagging. And slowly, but surely, a world of mystery unlike anything you've ever seen is so vividly realised that you are practically pulled right into the film itself. The atmosphere is so thick that it'll flood over into your living room.

    David Lynch's direction is honed to perfection. The cinematography is flawless and expertly framed. Lynch is a master of space and sound and the world of Lost Highway is at once beautiful and downright evil. He uses sly editing tricks to keep you paying the utmost attention and even if you don't take your eyes off the screen for a slit second it will still takes dozens of viewings to even begin solving it.

    The ingenuity of Lost Highway is that it can be interpreted in so many ways but there is always one piece of the puzzle that Lynch has deliberately warped or hammered out of shape so that it doesn't fit and negates any theory you may have. You could spend hours (and I have) painstakingly trying to make sense of it all and you can some close to the answer but be so far from the truth.

    Be it a dream or reality, a trip down the Lost Highway is one you seriously need to take. Though you might not come back.
  • I absolutely loved this movie. I have always loved to watch a good flick that puts my brain to the test. Maybe the film isn't suppose to make much sense, but that's what I love about it. You have to try and analyze it and make your own theories about what just took place. This movie isn't for a lot of people and I mean a lot. You have to like movies like Mulholland Drive, Memento, The Man Who Wasn't There, etc.. to even begin to like this one. I'm not necessarily a big David Lynch fan, but this movie rocked big time.

    One of the most eery parts of the film is when (Bill Pullman) is making love to his wife (Patricia Arquette) and her face turns into the mystery man (Robert Blake). A very freaky looking individual, indeed. In my eyes, he represents the devil. But, that's my take on it.

    Another great scene is when Pete is making love to Patricia Arquette in the Desert. The lighting, music, camera angles, emotions and everything is just one of the best pieces of cinemtography I've ever seen in my life.

    My recommendation is this: If you liked Mulholland Drive, Memento, Pulp Fiction, Fargo, The Man Who Wasn't There, Blue Velvet, then this movie is your cup of tea. If not, don't waste your time, cause you'll hate it, more than likely. 3 1/2 *'s out of 4 *'s.
  • I don't think this film can be fully enjoyed or appreciated without digging deeper into various analyses and interpretations. Or without having a broader understanding of Lynch and the way he creates films or uses symbols. While enlightening, it does point to the film perhaps not fully standing on its own. It's really a piece of a much larger puzzle in the Lynch universe. To really understand it requires effort. I'm not sure if that's a good thing. It will depend on the viewer.

    I'm not sure if there is much content or ideas in Lost Highway that aren't explored in a more satisfying way in other Lynch content. I think calling it a test run or precursor for Mulholland Drive (as I've heard) is apt. It almost feels like a shadow reflection or imitation of his other works.

    To watch the film as it is presented, on a surface level, would leave most viewers completely unmoored, frustrated and confused. There's an icy, aloof detachment and distance to the film (including some very subdued performances) that almost pushes a viewer away in an unwelcoming manner. As if to say, you're just not smart enough to understand this, with a patronising pat on the back - like the important one given to Fred within the film. I can understand why many viewers would bristle at this kind of artsy condescension. It's definitely not a film that wants to hold a viewers hand, quite the opposite.

    I think this film is a moody and disconcerting experience, but not the most enjoyable of Lynch content to consume. I definitely wouldn't call it a fun watch. If I was to revisit the films of Lynch I don't think this would be a priority, but I appreciate it for what it is.

    I don't know if the long runtime is justified. It makes watching it even more of an investment. I'd be curious to see if the same ideas could be conveyed in a more condensed fashion.

    I do enjoy watching Bill Pullman and Balthazar Getty in the film. Their performances are pretty spot on I think. But performances become pretty irrelevant when the whole idea of plot or narrative breaks down. It just comes untethered.

    It pretty much goes without saying that there is some spectacular imagery too. It is Lynch after all.

    I had a really bad headache while watching, which made my viewing even more uncomfortable. The fact that wife killer Fred was simultaneously experiencing one was a bit trippy.
  • The thing that's great about Lost Highway is there is no absolute solution to the events in the film, everything about the film is open to interpretation and after you watch it you either need to thing and talk about it for a couple of hours or watch it again. In Mulholland Drive, people say that it needs to be watched twice to be fully understood. Lost highway needs to be watched about 3 or 4 time to be slightly understood and will probably never be fully understood. All the clues are there in the film but to include all of them to make sense is very difficult. However it is very rewarding to try and find out the meaning of Lost Highway.

    Although it is described as a modern film-noir, it's more inspired by Alfred Hitchcock. The use of music to increase the suspense of the film is used a lot here and in many Hitchcock films such as Psycho. Even if you cant work out what it is about, it is still a very tense thriller.

    Final Score – 10/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is like a complicated jigsaw puzzle, only when you finally fit the whole thing together you discover that each piece is from a different jigsaw puzzle -- part of a cowboy boot here, a puppy dog's nose here, a chunk of an El Greco skyscape somewhere else. It's one of David Lynch's less coherent efforts but I couldn't take my eyes off it.

    Okay. Here's what I make of the story. I'm going to try to cut some of the diverting flab off it. Bill Pullman and Patricia Arquette (in a long auburn wig) have one of those marriages where the couple no longer has much to say to one another. At a dull party, an eerie Robert Blake pulls some supernatural stunt while conversing with him. They really are supernatural. Puzzled, unhappy, Pullman gets his wife and they leave. Then Pullman begins to get headaches and nightmares. Suddenly, he's found leaning over his wife's battered body and sentenced to death.

    So he's sitting in his death-row cell, right?, a little gloomy, and he begins to get a really TERRIFIC headache. One of the corrections officers hears the commotion, strolls over and takes a peek through the cell window. Then he calls his boss over. "Captain," he says shakily, "there's some really spooky s*** going on here." And indeed there is. Bill Pullman has changed into Balthazar Getty. Getty is properly identified and, the cops having no reason to hold him, allow him to go back to his job as an expert mechanic at an auto shop run by poor Richard Pryor, disabled by the disease that would finally kill him.

    One of the shop's regular customers is Robert Loggia who likes Getty and embraces him and pinches his cheeks with a warmth only a Mafia capo could muster.

    And here the story gets a little twisted, as if it weren't twisted enough. Loggia has a sexy girl friend, Patricia Arquette in a long blond wig, and the two of them get it on behind Loggia's back. Loggia traps the two of them in a run-down desert shack. Then -- I THINK this is what happens -- Pullman and Arquette make love outside but it's love interruptus when Loggia prepares to kill them. Arquette walks naked into the shack and morphs into the supernatural Robert Blake figure, who shoots Loggia full of holes. Pullman get into the car and drives off at high speed. A moment later, he appears to have another terrific headache, as if he's about to morph again, and then -- The End.

    I take it that Loggia had Pullman's wife killed and framed Pullman for the job. Blake is the spirit of justice who sees that Hammurabi's code is properly followed. As the wanton blond, Arquette was only Blake in disguise. Getty is an innocent bystander pulled into the story merely to pin Loggia to the board like a butterfly. Loggia is the only guy who is exactly what he seems, an expansive murdering thug.

    If you call me on that interpretation, I'll fold and you'll get only a small pot. I anted nothing.

    It may be a lesser effort by Lynch but there's nothing quite like it around. Nobody, except the Coen brothers, are making such idiosyncratic movies. The music is as jumbled as the plot. Source music includes cowboy songs and whatnot. The overscore ranges from bossa nova by Antonio Carlos Jobim to something called "Rammstein" sung or chanted in basso profundo German. The interior sets are sparse, almost barren, and the color of internal organs. Women wear excessive makeup. Daytime outdoor scenes are few and there is, lamentably, no sense of "place," usually one of Lynch's strong points. We know some scenes take place in the desert but mostly because we hear of it. There are few glimpses of Death Valley, and all at twilight.

    It seems incomplete, mystic, mystifying. But, again, it demonstrates a vision that is anything but commercial and deserves applause if only for that.
  • The jazz saxophonist Fred Madison (Bill Pullman) is married with Renee (Patricia Arquette) and they live in a comfortable house. Fred is suspicious of the relationship of Renee with her friend Andy (Michael Massee). One morning, Renee finds a videotape on the doorstep of their house and when they watched the footage, they find that someone has broken in to film inside their house. They call the police, but the two detectives do not find any clue. Fred and Renee go to a party at Andy's house and Fred has a bizarre encounter with a mysterious man (Robert Blake) that tells him that they have met before and he is at Fred's house. The upset Fred calls Renee and they go back home. On the next morning, Fred finds another videotape and when he watches the film, he sees a bloodbath with Renee murdered in bed with him. He is found guilty of murder of first degree and sentenced to the electric chair. While waiting in the death row, he morphs into the efficient mechanic Peter Raymond Dayton (Balthazar Getty) and is released from the cell, but followed by two detectives. Pete fixes the car of the powerful and dangerous gangster Mr. Eddy (Robert Loggia) and when he meets his mistress Alice Wakefield (Patricia Arquette), they have a love affair and the woman convinces him to escape with her from Mr. Eddy and travel to some other place.

    "Lost Highway" is one of the most intriguing, bizarre and challenging cult-movies that is to be loved or hated but never fully understood. I believe that even David Lynch that directed and wrote "Lost Highway" does not have answers for all the mysteries of the plot. The best and most provocative scene is when the mysterious man tells Fred that he is at his house and gives a cellular to Fred to call him. The film is shot following the style of film-noir and Patricia Arquette is the "femme fatale". The beauty of the half-naked Patricia Arquette is astonishing and her strip-tease is very erotic. The soundtrack with music of David Bowie, Angelo Badalamenti, Rammstein, Lou Reed, and Tom Jobim (with Insensatez") is spectacular. Last time I had watched this movie was on 23 December 1999. My vote is ten.

    Title (Brazil): "A Estrada Perdida" ("The Lost Highway")
  • sol121826 November 2006
    (There are Spoilers) Not really a story but a mind altering nightmare for jazz saxophone player Fred Madison, Bill Pullman. Fred goes through a life-changing experience that has him go through the film at first as a victim of a brutal crime where his wife Renee, Patricia Arquette, is murdered. Then later Fred become a participant of another murder of porno film maker Andy, Michael Massee. It's after that where he's evolved into an entirely different person altogether! Then later back to being himself Fred Madison as he again becomes involved in yet another brutal killing in the slashing/shooting of a murderous mob boss Eddy aka Dick Laurent! All this is with the help of this creeped-out looking Mystery Man, Robert Blake, who pops up in the movie in a number of scenes, unannounced and unexpected. The Mystery Man looking like he was made up to be an over-aged and over plastered Japanese Geisha Girl.

    The nightmare begins for Fred when he receives in the mail, with no forwarding or return address, a video tape of his house an later another tape of not only his house but himself and his wife Renee sleeping in bed. Going to the police Fred is told that they can really do nothing since no crime, other then voyeurism, was committed. Earlier we see Fred invited to this strange party where he's introduced to a friend of Renee named Andy who in turn introduces him to the Mystery Man. The Mystery Man tells Fred that he not only knows where he lives but that at this very moment he's in Fred and Renee's house! Calling home on the Mystery Man's cell phone Fred is answered by the Mystery Man himself who seems to be at two places at the same time!

    As both we and Fred are trying to figure what exactly is happening in this weird movie that were watching he's suddenly arrested for the murder of his wife Renee and put on death row, without the benefit of a trial and conviction, waiting execution. Freaking out to whats happening to him Fred then seems to morph into a much younger man named Peter Dayton, Balthazar Getty, in his jail cell. The warden then has no choice but to let him go free. We then learn that Peter was arrested some time ago for car theft, and given a years probation, and lives with his parents William and Candace Dayton, Gary Busey & Lucy Butler. Peter also has this hot to trot girlfriend Sheila, Natasha Gregson Wagner, who's always taking off her clothes when she's with him as both her and Peter are almost always eagerly making out with each other. If it wasn't for Fred coming back on the scene later in the movie I had the feeling that actor Bill Pullman walked off the set being disgusted in what he was offered to play in the film and was replaced by actor Balthazar Getty without the writer/director David Lynch not bothering to re-shoot the scenes with Pullman in them!

    It turns out that Peter is a crack a jack car mechanic working at Arnie's, played by a wheelchair bound Richard Pryor, garage who's very well regarded by gangster Eddy aka Dick Laurent, Robert Loggia, for his mechanical abilities in fixing his car. Eddy is a hair triggered hot tempered hood who you don't mess around with. We see him in action later when he works over this tailgater on the highway, who also gave Eddy the finger, by first ramming his car and then beating and pistol whipping the guy almost within a inch of his life.

    Eddy is also seen at the garage with this blond bombshell of a woman Alice Wakefield who's his personal squeeze and gun moll, also played by Miss Arquette. Alice get's Peter so turned on and excited and ready to go into action that he can't seem to keep his mind on his work for even a moment. Peter is instead played by Alice like first-class sucker in having him not only risk his life and freedom but also lose his overly friendly and sexually active girlfriend Sheila.

    Playing around with his moll behind his back can have the loose wired Eddy put an end to Peters life with a gun stuck up so hard and far up his behind and then having his brains, like Eddy told him, blown out of his head. The manipulating Alice also wants Peter to murder her former porn movie producer Andy and then take off with her to this creepy hotel in Death Valley and from there take off to Mexico. Thats after a night of fun and games in the sack, or in the desert, with her that turns the cool night temperature of the area up some 50 degrees.

    Getting all that she wanted from him including murdering Andy Alice then leaves Peter with his pants, in fact all his clothes, off and takes off leaving him to his fate; being murdered by her outraged lover Eddy. It's just then Peter turns into Fred and the Mystery Man, camcorder in hand, shows up together with a couple of cops looking into Renee's, remember her, murder and what at first seemed like a dream or better yet nightmare becomes a reality.

    Very strange movie that doesn't make any sense at all until the ending that gives you the impression that it was all some kind of hallucination on Fred's part. In that the entire story was the result of him being on drugs or somehow hypnotized until he finally snapped out, or the drugs wore off. It was then that he finally realized what he did! As the mysterious saying at the start of the film "Dick Laurent Is Dead" takes on a whole new meaning when it's repeated, by Fred, just as "Lost Highway" finally, after 135 minutes, comes to an end.
  • p_monkey1 December 1999
    Lighting. That's the thing I remembered most from the first time I saw this film. Amazing lighting. Certain directors, Lynch included, are able to tell the story using camera movement, what's seen/not seen. Lynch, however, has taken that a step further with the way he chooses to light his scenes - he sculpts his shots in a manner that seems almost more like a theatrical lighting designer's work. The use of shadows within the home, the stark colors that accompany certain scenes, even the car lighting in the titles - all of this is used to draw the audience's attention to a certain point, and all of it thrills. With the terse, "European art-film" dialogue style (at first the most distancing thing I found in Lynch's work, it is now one of my favorite elements), sharp sound work, a strong cast, and the marvelous, spiralling structure of the film only reinforcing it's strongest feature - its atmosphere - this is a work that will be discussed long after the credits fade. In my short 22 years, the best film I've seen, bar none.
  • omelette00713 March 2012
    Lost Highway, even by David Lynch standards, is a strange, schizophrenic movie. It is split into two stylistically and narratively distinct halves. The first half is easily the best of the two. It unfolds like a minimalist horror movie, as Bill Pullman and Patricia Arquette slink around their dark apartment, with suspicions of infidelity between them and unnerving appearances of a seemingly omniscient mystery man. While even this superior first half has none of the soulfulness that makes even the most bizarre of Lynch's works truly great, it is sleek and stylish, and Lynch has never used his knack for suspense to better effect. The scene with the mystery man at the party is utterly unforgettable - the kind of warped, genuinely scary scene that only could have come from the mind of David Lynch.

    After about an hour, Lost Highway dramatically and abruptly switches gears. The second half is more akin to one of Lynch's previous films, Wild at Heart - it's grotesquely violent and sexual, a darkly comic film noir on acid. And also like Wild at Heart, there are indelible moments of surrealism and twisted genius in Lost Highway's last act, but it all seems far too soulless, affected and meaningless in its depravity. The violence and nudity becomes tiring, and just seems like Lynch showing off - I craved more of the subdued eeriness that permeated the first half. It's unfortunate, because Lost Highway does seem to be pursuing genuinely interesting themes in the last half - ones that Lynch would cover more fully and poignantly in Mulholland Drive a few years later. If seen as a sort of dry run for the masterful Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway's shortcomings become a bit more forgivable. As is, Lost Highway is a fascinating mess, sometimes offensive and sometimes head-scratching, but often brilliant and always intriguing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm actually feeling pretty good about things: I've been liberated. After seeing *part of 'Lost Highway', a life's truth has been revealed: I don't ever have to see another David Lynch film. Hip, hip, hooray!

    *The more you see, the more "mysterious" the film becomes, or, putting it another way, the sewage of this guy's mind, badly transferred from film to DVD, in this case,(or perhaps that was the **'look' he wanted) finally bored/aggravated me enough to turn my interests to more engaging things.

    **Which look was physically and mentally off-putting and tiring.....literally.

    Having spent some years in the film industry,and got to know a couple of dozen producers somewhat, I marvel that Lynch can get the financing to make a film as miserable as 'Lost Highway'. This may be his greatest talent. (How does he convince some financially tough hombres to invest in a story of such low merit?)

    So I'll extend myself in the future, with as much time and energy as I can, to continue trying to get Criterion to restore the films of Satjajit Ray, perhaps the greatest filmmaker, who struggled his entire career to raise funds for his movies.

    Final comment about some previous rave reviews of L.H.: Comparing Lynch's writing/ideas to Kafka's suggests a superficial misread; Lynch revels in obfuscation while Kafka torturously and brilliantly tries for meaning.
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