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  • The top secret prototype called Nova Stealth fighter has been hijacked by a Libyan spy during testing , as the Pentagon launches warning ; the aircraft shouldn't come into enemy hands. There is only one man who can retrieve the plane ; the test-pilot Vince Conners (Michael Dudikoff) . Vince is assigned by general (Michael Cavanaugh) to carry out the dangerous mission and set out in pursuit the stolen plane by means of a stealth jet nicknamed ¨Black Bird¨ SR 71 . He and his pal hot-dog pilot Jannick (Gary Hudson )pursue the Nova to Libya but when they land at the place their objective failure . ¨. Jannick has been trapped and top gun Conners is on the run. Without friends or allies they have to attempt to encounter the Nova without falling into the hostile hands of the military regime and before Libyian terrorists utilize the aircraft to blow up a meeting of the United Nations in Paris, with nerve gas , using bombs with chemical and nuclear power . Vince links with an equally rebellious fighter woman (Nancy Valen ) and blasts away at the ending . Meanwhile terrorist groups are united for buying atomic weapons to realize a nuclear massacre and world big alarm . But also Connors receives help from USS Sarasota carrier commandant (Frederic Forrester) and his assistant (Catherine Bell).

    Lower-budget extended adventures produced by Robert Corman about a maverick pilot and his partner undergoing risked feats on air and earth . A standard actioner plenty action , struggles , shootouts and spectacular dogfighting . Dudikoff shows professionalism as crack fighter pilot assigned to get back an invisible jet . Comic touches by Gary Hudson provide some relief from the flights and explosions here . Acceptable aerial photography and functional musical score. The motion picture is regularly directed by Rick Jacobson . He is an usual director of TV movies as ¨Xena¨, ¨Hercules¨, ¨Cleopatra 2525¨, ¨Baywatch¨ and the successful ¨Spartacus¨; and occasionally directs for cinema as ¨Bad guys¨ , ¨A bold affair¨ and ¨Strategic command¨ in which play similar actors than ¨Black Thunder¨ . It's a predictable movie but often exciting . Rating : Passable , 5.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    BLACK THUNDER is one in a glut of straight-to-video B-movie thrillers that were released in the late 1990s and about stolen military jets. The progenitor for these seems to have been John Woo's BROKEN ARROW which, while not a brilliant movie, is still much better than these lunk-headed rip-offs which all seem to share stock footage of aerial combat and explosions.

    This story sees a super-duper prototype stolen by a renegade pilot and taken to Libya, where it will be used by Arab terrorists to bomb the West. Only Michael Dudikoff can stop the bad guys. Dudikoff looks surprisingly aged here considering it's only a decade since he first came to fame in the late '80s; he looks almost constipated at times and like he needs to go on a diet, although not quite as bad as Seagal. Richard Norton has a tiny cameo. The thrills are diluted and the whole picture feels quite insipid, especially with the addition of some ludicrously cheesy sex scenes that feel like they've been shoe-horned in from one of those late-night erotic thrillers starring Shannon Tweed.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A man named Vince Conners (Dudikoff) is "the best". Because he's a test pilot (and also the best), he is tasked with retrieving a stolen plane from the evil Libyans. But it's not just any plane. This one is so stealthy, it can actually disappear from the human eye. It's called the Nova (which is Spanish for "it doesn't go", which is why Chevy didn't sell many in Spanish-language countries). So he ventures into enemy territory with his partner Jannick (Hudson). When Jannick is captured, held hostage, and tortured, Vince has to go it alone. He eventually has to face his ultimate nemesis: "Ratch" Ratcher (Norton). Will Admiral Pendleton (Forrest) ever get his precious plane back? Why is there always an Admiral Pendleton? And what is the true meaning of BLACK THUNDER?

    Well, here we go with another plane slog. Why did they keep making these? Why are there so damn many of them? Why are they all so similar and bland? Sure, they tried a couple times to spice up this mush with a bit of nudity, but it's not nearly enough. It was 1998, when DTV was in the doldrums. Director Jacobson worked a lot with Don "The Dragon" Wilson on numerous projects around this time for Corman. But when it came to Black Thunder - which is a title that would seem more at home for a 70's Blaxploitation film - and a meet-up with two of our favorite people, Dudikoff and Norton, it seems that Jacobson couldn't summon up the energy to give these two guys a platform they were worthy of. It's a shame and a missed opportunity for sure.

    Once again, there is no character development so we as the audience can't possibly care about what's going on. Which isn't much of anything to begin with. Putting in endless scenes of snooze-inducing plane footage is not a substitute for good characterization, plotting, or anything else, really. Why they thought it would be remains a mystery. And not just for this particular slog. For all the countless others as well. Even Dudikoff's normally cool hair is tamed into something not as cool this time. His wardrobe suffers as well - he was given a bunch of puffy jackets and high-waisted pants that make him look fat. Why would anybody do that to Dudikoff? Was someone jealous of how cool he is so they tried to sabotage him? Well, it only ended up hurting us, the viewers of this muck.

    There are a small handful of positives (man, we're really trying to be nice here): there are some decent shooting-and-blow-up scenes (which should have been at the beginning and not the end, so it doesn't seem like "too little too late"), the aforementioned nudity (it was Corman after all and that's in the contract), the 90's CD-ROM flight simulator stealth graphics (i.e. The "invisibility"), and there's a baddie named Stone that looks like a cross between Sinbad and Ice-T. Sin-T if you will. Or perhaps Icebad.

    Because of the above-stated reasons, Black Thunder is, surprisingly, better than two other similar films we can name: Active Stealth (1999) and Air Rage (2001). Granted, that's not the highest bar you can aim to reach. Like many other Corman outings, he had the good sense to make this 85 minutes long. Any more than that would really be trying anyone's patience. It may not be the best thing we've ever seen, but at least it's the right running time. We'll give them points for that.

    Needless to say, a confrontation between Dudikoff and Norton deserved a better stage than Black Thunder provides. A bit more behind-the-scenes effort could have raised this above the typical plane slog, but clearly the filmmakers couldn't be bothered. Consequently, the viewer doesn't have much of anything to grab on to, and it's ultimately condemned to eternal "shelf filler" status. We would say Black Thunder is for Dudikoff, Norton, or Frederic Forrest completists only.
  • BLACK THUNDER isn't really a good movie, but it's definitely fun and is one of my favorite Dudikoff movies. Several of his movies have had interesting concepts, this one included: a prototype fighter jet with a stealth mode that hides it not just from radar, but from the human eye as well, rendering the plane completely invisible. When karate expert Richard Norton steals it, Michael Dudikoff is recruited to steal it back. Flying into enemy territory with an SR-71 and comedic sidekick Gary Hudson, Dudikoff sets out to recover the stolen aircraft, finding help from a local villager, BAYWATCH beauty Nancy Valen. (Sadly, that's a body double for Valen during the nude scene.) One of my favorite scenes is towards the end, when Dudikoff takes on a whole airfield full of enemy soldiers with a machine gun and a couple grenades. The climactic dogfight between Dudikoff and Norton has some cheapo effects (especially of that missile flying around), but it's all tongue-in-cheek fluff that can turn a rainy Saturday afternoon into something fun.
  • Freak-623 March 1999
    This movie is a B-action. It´s just made for showing how bad Dudikoff can play sometimes. But still I like action so I gave it a 4/10. It´s almost the same in quality as Aces Iron Eagle 3.
  • Most air-action movies are riddled with errors. Very often the aircraft required (ultra-modern, soviet) are unavailable. Of course using other aircraft makes sense (Using a F-100 as stand-in for a Mig-21 in `Skyjacked' for instance). Alternatives are to use models (as was very well done in `Firefox') or use computer graphics. So, F-16s are shown as US fighter jets. Nothing unusual. To depict the `Nova Stealth' a IAI Kfir is used although the intro shows a Mirage 2000. The angular lines of the Kfir do not make a realistic modern fighter. Ok, the choice is limited. Using the F-16 again as the `B-3' bomber (without any external stores) is confusing. It gets even more confusing as the villain pursues our hero using again a F-16 (supposed to be Libyan). The airfield from which the villain started has a line-up of Kfirs. Why the Libyans have several of this modern stealth `Nova' aircraft is not explained. There is supposed to be a single prototype of this aircraft! Maybe the viewer will not recognize the similarity? Ok, using a SR-71 to pursuit a fighter aircraft is ridiculous, but landing this aircraft in the Libyan dessert (not shown) is probably more science fiction than the supposed stealth technology. The `Nova' is completely invisible, except the infrared for some minute.

    The acting is really deplorable. The action (non aircraft) is worse than done in the `A-Team' television series.

    The aircraft action probably consists entirely of existing footage, making this a very cheap movie to make. Some footage (as the low-pass of the Kfir/Nova) is shown at least three times!

    This move is definitely a must-see for aircraft buffs. If only, to have a good laugh.
  • Not too bad for a typical Dudikoff film. Nancy Valen is always a treat but has a terrible "Libyan" accent. Artistic license is taken frequently with basic geography and flight times but if you can ignore that it's a harmless way to waste an hour and a half. Watch for the same guy dodging the same Jeep twice and two soldiers getting blown up twice (actually just recycled footage).
  • Typical B grade action movie, probably made with a desperately tight budget & in a record time! The series of flight action scenes are tailored for the adrenaline junkey, but they were clearly extracted from other film footage. Don't expect too much on the acting side of is well below par. For me, the worst portion of the movie came via the ridiculous and suicidally dumb Libyan soldiers, charging the opposition openly and without proper cover. How stupid can you get, Mr Director ? And how is it possible for two guys with hand-pistols and limited ammunition to fight off several soldiers with machine-guns and other automatic weapons...doesn't make sense. Even more so, the director finds enough time between gunfire exchanges to allow the "hero" to say farewell to one of his wounded buddies...ridiculous.

    On the positive side, I must say, I've heard alot about Landon Hall, and the scene (or scenes)where she struts her stuff, makes this film worth the while. She's simply gorgeous. Rent this if (a) you're a fighter plane enthusiast or (b) a Landon Hall fan. As simple as that.
  • madeazy22 January 2000
    Lots of action in this Michael Dudikoff thriller. Plot wasn't too bad and the acting wasn't that bad either. Lots of recycled footage but it was still a pretty good movie. 7/10 stars, I'd recommend this movie to everyone.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** This is really a very very bad movie. Actually, it's easily the worst I've seen in a long time.

    The plot is quite old, it actually reminds me of 80's B-action flicks: A rogue pilot steals a Mirage (sorry, Nova stealth plane) and brings it to Libya, where a terrorist group plans to use it's ability to go invisible, to bomb a meeting of ministers and heads of state in Paris. Now, there's only one man who can take the plane back: Michael Dudikoff, aka Vince Connors, a pilot for the US airforce. Err, why not send a SEAL team in instead, or bomb the terrorists back to the stone age with a few tomahawks?

    Furthermore, I'll write down a few little details that make this film so bad, but so enjoyable at the same time.

    -According to a digital map in the control room, Libya is located in Saudi Arabia -Soldiers guarding a US airbase carry AK-47's -Recycled material from older Dudikoff films -the Nova Stealth fighter actually being an ordinary Mirage -bombers referred to as "B-3's" designated to carpet-bomb the terrorist base actually being F-16's. -Same terrorists being blown up twice


    -in the last dog fight, when Dudikoff blows his adversary away, isn't that the Mirage (Nova) exploding? Huh?

    *****End of SPOILERS*****

    I laughed out loud a few times, particulary at the "Libyan terrorists" who are obviously American extras and the Libyan landscape which looks a heck of a lot like southern California.

    That being said, the acting isn't that bad, considering the awful dialogue the actors have to work with.

    All in all, it's enjoyable but don't expect a serious action movie.

    PS: Producers, please note: A low budget can generate a pretty good movie, if you try.