User Reviews (15)

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  • Historess21 September 2006
    Although the time frame covered a number of years and started in 1910, World War I seems to have been skipped altogether and Thomas would have been prime cannon fodder. Although the stories seemed to cover the time during the money making on Wall Street, they skipped the war. The plots seemed to shift Thomas from being just a rogue looking for an opening to get ahead and to America to a man with a really ugly soul, at least as far as Sarah was concerned. Sarah's character seemed always to think things would sort themselves out for the better even on the gloomiest day. The title for the finale was very apt. After doing some research, I think I know whose funeral it was or at least whose funeral I hope it was.In some episodes Ms Collins seemed uncomfortable, as though she'd rather have been doing something else.Perhaps Thomas'attitude was wearing thin. I'm a fan of both Ms Collins and Mr. Alderton and saw them on the stage in London in 1980 when we lived in England.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    We had great expectations for Thomas and Sarah after enjoying them so much on Upstairs/Downstairs. Sarah was always flighty and unpredictable and continues to be so in this series. However, Thomas appeared to be more level headed and sensible in U/D and in this series, he seems to have followed Sarah into unbelievable situations. I just couldn't picture this staid auto mechanic doing a Chinese magic act in a theater or running a matchmaking service? Sarah yes, but Thomas? I don't believe the writing of this series was on a par with U/D. They are both fine actors but I think it was too much to ask for them to carry this series alone for that many episodes. U/D had the benefit of an excellent ensemble supporting cast which is lacking in this series. Finally, did anyone notice that the main character of the final episode, Richard DeBrassey, was played by the same actor (Anton Rodgers) who played the artist in an early episode of U/D who painted portraits of Lady Marjorie and Rose and Sarah?
  • We just watched the last episode and we were thoroughly charmed by the series. Each episode stands alone, but it's helpful to have watched Upstairs, Downstairs to have a bit of context. Settings, costumes, staging are all authentic and the scripts are witty and and plots are clever, if sometimes far-fetched. That said, each story is diverting and the relationships between Sarah and Thomas and their casts are well drawn and believable. You really care about the people and their predicaments.

    After leaving the Bellamy's, Sarah and Thomas have become equals, they push and pull and the plot lines seem to give each character equal worth. The idea that a woman could choose to simply travel and work and live with a man she's not married to is a surprise for that era. And the idea that a woman of that era not only challenges but succeeds in knocking back polite snobbish society is fun to watch.

    These period pieces are enjoyable and interesting, and Pauline and John are exceptional actors who've worked in theatre, TV, movies. They are attractive and adept in building their characters.

    If you're tired of screeching car chases, exploding body parts, pathologically abusive relationships that get more graphic with each episode... then you'll enjoy Thomas and Sarah.

    Give it a try!
  • fred-7928 May 1999
    This lovely series has recently been re-run on Granada. The two main characters made their first appearance in Upstairs Downstairs. This series follows their mixed fortunes when they try to make it on their own.

    The series captures Edwardian England in a way that only the English seem to manage with accuracy and sympathy.

    Each 1 hour episode is self contained and whilst not always completely plausible, the series is a great pleasure to watch. Then again with such two outstanding actors in Pauline Collins and John Alderton, what could possibly go wrong? Pauline Collins even manages to breathe life into the otherwise very ordinary current series "The Ambassador".

    The episode in the Welsh village was quite excellent. And, in a typically English manner (thank god), the ending of the series is left open to the viewer to interpret.

    Why the hell aren't they making TV series like these anymore?
  • Thought struck me - possible sequel.Thomas and Sarah make fortune out of munitions in WW1, get to know the right people - Sir Thomas Watkins?
  • Moments ago, I savored the final episode, after enjoying the entire series over the past couple of weeks. First I must confess, I was an immediate fan of both characters in Up/Down. For me, Pauline Collins as Sarah was my favorite, and certainly she was the most interesting and complex of the bunch. Then enters John Alderman (Sorry about that, chief. You know I meant Alderton!). From his very first lines, facial expression, voice tone and accent I was sold on this intriguing, semi-lovable rogue. You knew something was up, the plot had thickened, the game was afoot from his very first lines with "Miss Elizabeth" during the 'job interview.' From the first to the last, you were never quite sure if Thomas is being sincere, facetious or calculating! What a talent, and what a delightful viewing pleasure. Thank you, Pauline and John! (FYI - they are and have been married in 'real' life for many years - how cool is that! And, make sure to check out Pauline's rave success in 1989's, "Shirley Valentine".)

    In Thomas & Sarah, I love their ambiguous, dynamic relationship, and thought all the plots, situations and various characters were most entertaining. Entertainment, for me, on par with Up/Down -- again, possibly in large part due to my entrancement with the characters/actors (i.e., I have no interest in reading stories about T&S, as I need Pauline and John to be part of the equation). So much so that, I'm eagerly looking forward to watching them in "Wodehouse Playhouse," and hope that I can, someday,find "No, Honestly".

    Last comment: Most definitely, first get to know these two characters in Up/Down, before watching them in this classic, sadly-short TV series
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Upstairs Downstairs is often cited as the pinnacle of British TV drama during the 1970's. Fine acting and writing overcame low budgets and the occasional contrived plot point, and the show never strayed too far from the orbit of the the Bellamy household and staff. The consistent quality kept viewers coming back for years.

    As a spin off of Upstairs Downstairs, Thomas and Sarah started with similar high hopes, but poor writing and a heavy reliance on the comparatively inexperienced lead actors of the title doomed the show to a single season before folding.

    There was little consistency between episodes, and halfway through the first season Thomas and Sarah end up wandering the British countryside, going from adventure to adventure in a style more suited to Dr Who or the Goodies than fine drama. Some of the episodes were pure farce played with a straight face and one can only guess what the writers were thinking. The character of Thomas veered between lukewarm "husband" to soulless raconteur and conman with alarming regularity. Sarah's character was similarly opaque and one dimensional, and the show lacked supporting cast capable of filling out the storyline. The final episodes are excruciatingly bad even by 1970's standards.

    Although the demise of Thomas and Sarah is blamed on a writers strike, it was destined for failure after the rapid decline in quality. The funeral attended by Sarah in the last episode is not that of Thomas or her recent beau, but almost certainly one or more of the writers responsible for running this show into the ground.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I personally don't like cliff hangers that you can never know the answer to. I saw on a different site that another season was planned but did not come off due to a strike. That information, if true, would tell us the answer to one thing but not "what happened next".

    Prior to this episode this was indeed a very good series. I was especially surprised as Thomas and Sarah were never my personal favorite characters in Upstairs, Downstairs. I found Sarah particularly headstrong and annoying. For this reason, I put off watching this spin-off series for several years. Recently, however, I watched it, and due to some excellent, if somewhat unbelievable scripts and dialog, and some very good acting by all involved I found this well worth watching.
  • I could not believe that anyone could reduce themselves to this mediocrity after the success of Upstairs Downstairs. What were the producers thinking of? I only watched it because someone had the bright idea to attach it to the Box set of Upstairs Downstairs. After few episodes I quit. It is the same oxymoron. Sarah and Thomas with their shameless and shady antiques which is so far fetched at times that it comes down as an insult to our intelligence rather than entertainment. I found Sarah's overacting, loud and ear scratching cockney diction quite irritating and Thomas' dishonesty and conniving superficial and borderline ridiculous. I strongly recommend that the fans of Upstairs Downstairs stay away from it not to diminish their uplifting enjoyment of UD. The fact that Thomas and Sarah only lasted a few episodes speaks in volumes.
  • To answer the first comment - They aren't making series like this anymore because they've forgotten how. They did recently try with "Berkeley Square" about a group of governesses/nannies in 1902 London. Even though that series manages to work on its own terms, it doesn't come close to having the kind of heart that "Thomas and Sarah", and its predecessor "Upstairs Downstairs" did.

    I've noticed a trend with recent historical programming from Britain. They're now more concerned with making the characters (of whatever era is being depicted) have a more modern EDGE to them. The recent series about Henry VIII is a prime example. Since when did Henry VIII have a cool East-end London accent anyway? They no longer care about accurate costuming and period detail either. Costumes and settings reflect this theme of appearing more modern/relatable to today's viewers - and it all comes off looking like rubbish.

    I think one of the most tragic aspects of the kind of historical drivel being churned out by English TV these days is that they've forgotten a key component that made both "Thomas & Sarah" and UD work so well - HUMOUR! Humour is sadly missing from these badly scripted dramas that take themselves so damned seriously. Someone at the BBC needs to re-visit the vaults and see what real historical drama is!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Although the characters Thomas & Sarah were not in the series Upstairs Downstairs very long i do think this was a mistake as i just loved them together, and so glad a spin off was made. I never saw it originally as i wasn't in the country.

    Again i am catching up in 2017. I cant believe they never made a season 3 as you are left wondering what happened although i have devised my own ending.

    Back to the series. The first one is Sarah without Thomas, he does turn up and they do end up back together i wont say much as it spoils plots. From then on they go on to have many a adventure together. Some of them surreal, some quite humorous and a few quite dramatic.

    I loved the one in the school which showed their compassionate side and they saved the children there who were being badly cared for by a greedy principal.

    I loved the old classic cars which were in some of the stories, especially so the Itala grand Prix car which was fabulous and the silver ghost again which was the Bellamy's car and was sold and ended up in Thomas hands through innocently taken on a chauffeur job and the employers were criminals.

    Every story was complete, you get to meet Thomas family his mother and brother who is a rector and has a nasty secret, but not to worry, Sarah finds out about it and exposes him.

    You get to see Thomas in a rage with revenge in his heart over something Sarah did to him.

    You got to see them go from downstairs to upstairs but as usual it doesn't go well for them and they end up back in service where they meet Richard De Brassey a strange and lonely man who drinks too much, but love comes in odd places.

    The very last scene of this lovely series is of Sarah at a graveside after Richard De Brassey and Thomas are caught in a barn fire, you never know who died who survived although wikipedia does say thomas survives they did film some of the next series so perhaps that is why then can say that.

    For me they both couldn't have died, as she would have been burying two people. One would have died and one would have survived but hurt i am thinking in hospital, Thomas and I hope he went to America.

    Its sad we never got to know as this last episode was brilliant and I really enjoyed it. Sarah really loved Richard and finally had the chance of a real life, but it was again taken from her.

    The series shows a couple who live by their wits enjoying their life, aving a larf and even just about but not quite breaking the law to get what they want. Its funny, sad, surreal, but fabulous. I will watch it again.
  • IcyTones15 July 2020
    Twas nice to see a 'spin off' series from 'Upstairs Downstairs', so that the 'Upstairs Downstairs' vibes can continue - and it does for the first few episodes but Thomas & Sarah become a boring couple after a while - ie: The series drags on & becomes un-relatable to Upstairs Downstairs.

    I suppose different writers, directors, budgets, cast members & studios etc all add to the very different feel of Thomas & Sarah being a spin-off series. The series then transforms itself into a series that warrants its own merits. I wouldn't have chosen those two characters from the Upstairs Downstairs cast to make a spin-off series. I woulda chosen what I consider to be the 5 main characters: Lord & Lady Bellamy, Rose, Hudson & Mrs Bridges.

    However it is in this series that we get to see Sarah perform - 'What Are We Gonna Do With Uncle Arthur...' 'What Are We Gonna Do With Uncle Arthur... 'becomes the Upstairs Downstairs closing signature tune on later episodes.

    The ending theme tune 'What Are We Gonna Do With Uncle Arthur...' is what moves my Star Rating from 2 for contents - 5 for entertainment.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    'Thomas & Sarah' was the only spin-off from L.W.T.'s hugely popular period drama series 'Upstairs Downstairs', reuniting Pauline Collins as the perky 'Sarah' with ( her real-life husband ) John Alderton as ex-valet cum chauffeur/mechanic 'Thomas Watkins'.

    Contrary to what was established in 'Updown', Thomas and Sarah never married. As the series begins, they have been apart for some time. He ditched her while she was pregnant. She is now looking after a rich woman's child, while he has his own garage business, which does not appear to be doing too well. They meet up by chance when he almost runs into her as she is out pushing a pram. Naturally, she has a lot she wants to say to him.

    Over the coming weeks, the series evolved almost into a period version of 'Budgie', with Thomas seeking to make a fortune, and usually failing flat on his face. The title sequence neatly summarised the premise ( as they should do ) by featuring Thomas throwing a coin into the air to see what side it would fall on - it went down a drain! Harry Rabinowitz provided the excellent theme tune. In 'The Silver Ghost', Tom is entrusted with the job of selling Lord Bellamy's Rolls, and gets caught up in a jewel smuggling plot. 'The Vanishing Plot' has him and Sarah buying a Chinese magician's stage act, only to find it is worthless. 'Alma Mater', on the other hand, sees the pair coming to the aid of children being exploited by a greedy headmaster. 'Return To Gethyn' features them in Wales, where Tom is accused of fathering an illegitimate child. Probably the best of the bunch was 'The New Rich' in which they move into a house that looks uncannily like 165 Eaton Place, and come into conflict with a snobbish butler ( played superbly by the late Nigel Hawthorne ).

    Apart from 'T & S', no other characters from 'Updown' appeared. There were behind the scenes problems - Alderton kept sending back scripts for rewrites, and clashed with producer Christopher Hodson. The show was good overall, but never came close to rivalling its predecessor in terms of popularity. Only one season was made. A second got abandoned thanks to the infamous 1979 I.T.V. strike. The final episode - 'Love Into Three Won't Go' - ended on a cliffhanger, with Tom seemingly perishing when stables caught fire. Sarah is seen weeping over an unidentified grave.

    Given the staggering success of 'Updown' in America, it is surprising to hear that 'T & S' was not shown out there for many years.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I shall no doubt merit a number of 'not helpfuls' here when I state that I didn't like this series very much.

    This is not a reflection on the stars, who have had terrific careers.

    It was the characters they were called upon to play.

    The originally planned spinoff from UD was to feature Hudson and Mrs Bridges (perhaps at last, married) running the seaside guest house they had purchased for their retirement. The final episode of UD explains that they took Ruby with them, taking pity on her apparent lack of intelligence: but Ruby shows she isn't quite the fool they take her for, being well aware that she may inherit the property when they are gone. No doubt other ex-cast from UD would have dropped in from time to time.

    Sadly, Angela Baddeley's passing only a few months after UD concluded scuppered these plans.

    I am not afraid to suggest that the envisaged spinoff would have been vastly more entertaining than this production proved to be.

    Thomas and Sarah lacked the innate warmth and 'family' ethos of UD, which essentially featured the Bellamys and servants dealing with ongoing events in world affairs.

    Both series featured a good presentation of Edwardian/Georgian England.

    Sure, plotlines were occasionally contrived to provide an unlikely outcome: Lady Marjorie, First Class Grand Dame extraordinaire, somehow managing not to end up on a lifeboat off of the Titanic but suddenly rushing off to rescue the peons she had latterly disdained, like a Victorian Wonder Woman - perishing in the attempt and leaving Roberts with her jewels. Hazel dying melodramatically of Spanish Influenza on Armistice day. It seemed no major even proved unexplored for plot facility.

    Yet, the scriptwriters managed to make you care for these UD characters, facing off as a group against a changing and occasionally dangerous world.

    Thomas and Sarah did not fall into the 'lovable' set of UD characters. By turns morose, self-centred, conniving, hectoring, scheming, lying and stealing, they never seemed to fit in and I greatly disliked both characters. Their regular 'comebacks' (particularly Sarah) were always annoying to behold. In the end, Richard Bellamy had to pay them off £500 to be rid of them and I personally was glad to see them go.

    I gather than even John Alderton - hitherto always portraying loveable if naive characters, didn't like his role as Thomas Watkins too much.

    I wasn't therefore particularly happy to see these bad pennies turn up yet again in this series; this time unleavened by any more sympathetic characters but now centre stage.

    I can only imagine that the creators of UD and T&S held the erroneous opinion that they were a pair of 'loveable rogues'.

    This was a misconception.

    They were, simply, rogues.
  • How could anybody who has ever seen and loved the original Upstairs, Downstairs show not love Thomas & Sarah, the only spin-off series from the former show? In reading some of the other comments, viewers say T&S doesn't have this or didn't have that as opposed to what 'Updown' had. People!, it's not supposed to. If one remembers, the characters Thomas Watkins and Sarah Moffatt were the chauffeur and under-house parlour maid on the original Updown having left at the death of Edward VII, in May 1910. This new show is about them and their adventures, or misadventures, depending on how you look at it. It takes place roughly 1910-1912, but certainly before WW1. In Updown Sarah and many of the other characters always talked about their adventures away from 165 Eaton Place, where they had been, ...for instance James Bellamy had taken Sarah to Paris near the end of series one or earlier when Sarah had first left she had been with a circus for two years. But we never see her and James at Paris, just talking about it. Here in T&S much more is played out. T&S has more location photography that only some Updown episodes had ie the trip to Scotland in the final series. In T&S we get to see the kinds of things Sarah always bragged about to Rose in Updown when they used to share the same bedroom in the first Updown series. The decision to do more adventurous stories and location work is a good extension or extrapolation from the original Updown which was more studio bound, but couldn't help to be with a much larger cast and more subplots. The decision to shoot Updown & T&S on videotape is why these two period pieces are quite viewable today.

    Alfred Shaughnessy(1916-2005) is the main producer/writer T&S and in 1990s commentaries on Updown, we learn he had grown up in large wealthy houses and knew about the era just preceding his 1916 birth, the prewar era in which T&S takes place. It seems the only person missing is Shaughnessy's writing partner from Updown, John Hawkesworth. On his own and right after Updown ended in 1975, Hawkesworth produced "The Duchess of Duke Street", with as much attention to period detail as Updown and T&S. When T&S began in 1978 Hawkesworth was about to produce the excellent WW2 series "Danger UXB", so his absence from T&S is understandable. The final episode has a 'Jules & Jim' nature to it joining Thomas and Sarah with a grieving landowner named Richard De Brassey whom Sarah falls for and wants to marry. Others have commented on how this episode ends and what was later to be contemplated with a second series. The finale ends ambiguously with Thomas and De Brassey going into a burning barn. We later see Sarah at a graveside attending the burial of one of them, the name is not on the wooden coffin or is surrounded by a wreath or laurel of flowers. Just my opinion Thomas faked his death in the fire and used the opportunity to flee Sarah, leaving her to marry De Brassey, and go to America as he always wanted to seek his fortune.