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  • As a fan of the 1990s Batman animated series and the one with Kevin Conroy as Batman/Bruce Wayne, this was the next best thing in the Batman TV show lineup. It's Batman, but with cyberpunk (one of my favorite kinds of science-fiction) and futuristic technology. Flying cars, biker gangs, sky-high buildings, and laser guns all make it a sci-fi Batman. This was the first sci-fi superhero series I actually enjoyed. And Boy Meets World's Will Friedle joins forces with Kevin Conroy to deliver the ultimate superhero duo since the original Batman and Robin (not the 1997 Joel Schumacher debacle). Plus a whole bunch of new supporting characters and new villains. There's plenty to like, but if you're not into science-fiction and only like superhero action, this may not be your thing. Still, it doesn't hurt to try it. Not only do we get Kevin Conroy again, we also get some cameos from old villains from the original Batman. I'll leave that up to the viewer so as not to spoil anything. By all means try it!
  • J. Ryan24 January 2000
    Cartoons have come a long a way since I was a kid. Back then Batman and Superman were always 2-dimensional cardboard cutouts with interchangeable personalities. Depsite some commercial success, horribly retrograde filth like Pokemon do nothing but propagate this lack of imagination on the part of animators.

    Now we have Warner Bros., whose Batman and Superman animated revivals challenge the long-held belief that cartoons are plot-wise inferior to their big screen and big budget brethren. The Batman and Superman cartoons of the early 90s have shown us a deeper, more tortured and angst-ridden side to our comic book heros while at the same time remaining firm to their virtue and nobility. This is the stuff that real dreams are made of.

    Batman Beyond is just as ambitious. In the new world of technological revolution there is still need for a protector of justice. Like the original Batman, this one was again forged out of the victimology of social corruption and decadence.

    By combining complex plot, intelligent dialogue, great Japanimation, an incredible cast of voices that at times have included Stockard Channing, Paul Winfield, James Sikking, Michael Gross, and Kevin Conroy, Warner Bros. has recapitalized the Batman myth for yet another generation. This new series is so smart and so edgy that I am constantly amazed by the levels of irony and metaphor. This is definitely entertaining for both kids and adults.

    But don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself. You won't be disappointed.
  • The first season opened with with new-age jokers and a focus on our hero, Terry McGinnis, dismantling government corruption. The characters were engaging and interesting, and each episode is packed with fun action sequences. I couldn't get enough of this show after watching the first few episodes, I finished the entire series in a matter of 3 days.

    That said, the following seasons, 2 and 3, did not live up to the events that were set up in the first season. The episodes focused more on Terry's life in high school, and the villains were also more teen based. That didn't make the series bad, but it did make way for some extremely terrible episodes and a side kick who was more grating than helpful.

    I still wish the show hadn't ended so soon, there were a few villains who I don't feel got appropriate closure. Overall, it is a very memorable series that I highly recommend.
  • I know many a hard core fan that resent this series based simply on the fact that Bruce Wayne is not Batman. Get over it. I find this to be a very well written, interesting show. The show is great looking, improving upon the stlyized animation of its predecessor. The only real flaws are the lack of memorable villains and the silly looking new batsuit. The show is still young, though and if given the chance to blossom further this could be a fantastic series. There have been many "what if" stories regarding what happens to the mantle of the bat after Bruce Wayne is no longer able to carry on. I think Batman Beyond handles the concept better than any other attempts that have been made thus far. So to all you purists who NEED Bruce Wayne in the batsuit, try and look beyond that one dimensional thinking and take the show for what it is. There's plenty to be enjoyed here.
  • I kind of liked Batman Beyond a little better than Batman: The Animated Series. I also liked the really cool new Batman costume! It was a shame that my favorite Batman villain, Poison Ivy wasn't in this cartoon. She was my favorite because I had this huge crush on her! This series starts off in the future days of Gotham City where Bruce Wayne was retired and created this high-tech batman suit which was the last superhero suit he ever used. Terry McGinnis, a teenager whose father was killed because he was going to expose criminal activities at the company that he works for which just happens to be Wayne Enterprises. So then when Terry and Bruce meet with each other, Bruce trains him to become the new Batman! This show was really cool and had a lot of episodes. I wish another show that was like this, Spider-Man: Unlimited had the same number of episodes as this show did. I remember when this show first aired on Kids WB in early 1999 and then after it was canceled off of Kids WB, then Cartoon Network picked it up after Kids WB canceled it and showed reruns for a while and then canceled it again. I thought it was really cool with the new Batman costume and having a teenaged Batman do all the crime fighting and we also get to see a returning Batman villain, The Joker. Another villain I liked who I had a crush on was Inque. The action in this show was pretty neat and same with the animation! Pretty cool overall.
  • It has taken me 27 years. 27 years to finally make time to watch Batman Beyond for the first time. I started it last week and had just not long finished watching the final episode as well as rewatching Return of The Joker. Funny enough, Return of The Joker was my introduction to Batman Beyond as a kid. Never knew there was a Beyond series until a couple of years later. It's always been in the back of my mind to watch the TV series, even during my rewatches of Return of The Joker but never made time until last week

    I really love Batman Beyond seeing it for what it truly is. It not's only a legacy or a spinoff done right it is a masterpiece and right up there with the legendary Batman The Animated Series. The Neo Gotham which very cyberpunk mixed with like the Gotham City from Tim Burton's Batman 89, buildings on top of buildings. The high techs, flying cars, laser guns and all things sci-fi.

    One of the best highlights and focal points of Batman Beyond is the relationship between the new Batman, Terry McGuiness and Bruce Wayne who is old and very cranky. Bruce coming the terms with his own mortality with the ol " Getting old sucks" as he mentors Terry as the new Batman

    The new villains for Terry's Batman are pretty good actually with their best villain being Blight who should have been Terry's Joker from the start but sadly Blight never cameback after season 1. Such potential wasted considering Terry made Blight and Blight had Terry's father killed

    Needless to say if you havent seen Batman Beyond yet, make time for it. You will not be disappointed.
  • Okay, I don't think it is as good as Batman:The Animated Series, which is a perfect example of how an animated series should be made. But it is better than The Batman, that was okay, but this is better. Batman Beyond is not as dark, as complex or as edgy as any Batman I have seen, but it is intelligent, interesting and smart. The animation is well above average, the music is wonderful, the characters especially the villains and Bruce Wayne are interesting, the stories are well-woven, the writing is intelligent and the voice acting particularly that of Kevin Conroy is dynamic. Will Friedle slightly lacks the edge and grit of Conroy, but he is appealing in a way. Overall, this is a good show, ambitious, but surprisingly intelligent and smart, it is a shame though it didn't last longer. 9/10 Bethany Cox
  • This show was really great and had a lot of episodes. I remember when that show, then after it was canceled, then Cartoon Network picked it up after Kids WB canceled it and showed reruns for a while, then canceled it again. I thought it was really cool with the new Batman suit and having a teenage Batman fighting crime and we also get to see a Batman villain returning, the Joker. The action in this show was pretty neat and so is the animation! Quite interesting overall.
  • Absolutely perfect. If this is what the future looks like I wanna live in the future very relatable character and Bruce Wayne in this is the best I think he'll ever be.
  • While only running a short 52 episodes, Batman Beyond makes its mark in the DCAU time-line with memorable villains, chilling plot twists, and meaningful character development. It is set 20 years after TNBA series, and can be thought of as a direct sequel. While featuring the same animation style as the series before it, it adds a Gothic, gritty, and at the same time epic coat of paint to both Gotham and the environments Batman finds himself in. Batman Beyond also features a different musical theme than the previous series with powerful guitars, interspersed with pumping dance vibes, and even some fresh remixes of classic themes. Even though this show aired in 1999, some of the comedy is timeless, the jokes are laugh out loud funny and don't detract from the serious butt kicking that occurs when Batman has to deal with his rogue gallery. It's a shame that the series hasn't received a reboot or more than one feature length film, but DC Comics has breathed some life into it with a new comic series.

    In summary, Batman Beyond is a definite must watch in my opinion; It makes no difference if you have been following the series from the start or if you are just getting into the universe of the Dark Knight, Batman Beyond is truly a worthy continuation to a legendary series.
  • Batman Beyond was described by Paul Dini as meant for "selling toys." It goes without saying how much merchandise works into Batman- lord knows that the toys and videos and movies make more money than the comics have in general in years- but it slightly underrates the strengths in this show. As a kids program, it's often very exciting, and even as a guy now moving along in age (i.e. 20s), it's recognizably a cool, if updated, Batman reboot. To also say that it's nowhere near as groundbreaking or amazing or sometimes genius as Bruce Timm's original series from the 90s is also a given; they're out to carve some new ground here, but it's only with new variations on characters and bringing back the 'relics' (i.e. old Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Mr. Freeze and Bane in a couple of episodes) on top of the new 'versions' (i.e. Jokerz gang, which is in no relation to the Return of the Joker movie).

    As it stands, solo episodes not dealing with that opening struggle between CEO-cum-radioactive man Derek Powers and Terry McGinnis are not always that great. Sometimes they are, in spots, and other times they're mired in predictable action, plots, and characters that come out of the stockpile of clichés that kids can gobble up like M&Ms without much afterthought. In a sense it's like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, only not quite as imaginative or funny, yet still filled with big amounts of action and cheesy one-liners and villains that spring out of nightmares of high school and craziness. That's part of it, anyway; as the series goes along some of the themes start to run deeper- not least of which Bruce Wayne's role as surrogate father/mentor to Terry- and occasionally it's even poignant. Most of the time, it is what it appears to be: Saturday morning fodder that is a step above The Batman series of late and is just a bit more than the 'toys' angle.
  • I am 35 years old now. I watched this when it first premiered on tv and my god I still love this show. I still watch the reruns to feel the brutal realism, dark noir, grim future, and even great voice talents from Will Friedle and Tim Conroy. As a kids show, it was one of the darkest ones I have ever seen. I fully 110% recommend this series. Although not for kids under 12 but still at any age for all Batman fans watch this show to be blown away by the stories, the characters, and even the imagery that just glued to your memory like fine wine. If you have not watched this show and you're a big Batman fan, you obviously are missing out
  • Batman Beyond has many things to recommend it. The animation is generally superb, with highly imaginative sequences. Likewise the voice artists are excellent bringing an authenticity to each character. The writing is very good too, with fully rounded characters and (generally) well thought out situations.

    However, after the excellent Batman series, this sequel does not live up to expectations

    First, the setting. A futuristic Batman is a fantastic premise and, with a bit of imagination, we could have had a Batman operating in, say, a societal breakdown or an authoritarian government. The possibilities are endless. But here we have a future which is exactly the same as the present day only with a few more gadgets (but not many).

    This leads me on to the second point, the lacklustre villains. This rather ordinary future is run by evil Capitalist Derek Powers, basically a Lex Luthor wannabe who soon becomes glow-in-the-dark man. Almost all villains in season 1 are in someway relatable to him, something which becomes incestuous after a while.

    Of the villains, Inque, despite the dull name, is the best. Otherwise we have revivals of hardly stellar silver age villains (The Royal Flush Gang and Spellbinder), a sonically powered villain called Shriek, and a veiled middle Eastern woman with a scimitar oddly called Curare, a name that has nothing to do with her appearance or her powers.

    So not much in the way of originality in the 1st season and it is fitting that the best episode is Heroes which affectionately pastiches the silver age (but strangely Marvel not DC's silver age) not merely for a parody of The Fantastic Four but also a nod to Spiderman issue 33.

    However the makers seem to be aware of the failings and season 2 is an improvement. Derek Powers disappears and the series grows mightily because of it. Here the future trend predictions become interesting. A gang of anti-social Joker imitators called Jokerz who appeared in series 1 as minor vandals develop some real menace. The theme of gene splicing is explored. And Batman battles his own suit.

    The villains however remain pretty ordinary and there seems to be some pandering. In mid season 2, Batman is saved 3 times in a row but females, one a child. This diminishes the character of Batman.

    Verdict: great animation but very average scripts.
  • If instead what you enjoy about the batman is human flaws being overcome through sheer determination and will, genuine pathos, villians with equally involved and developed motives to the hero, or detective stories then keep moving because this show is trash meant to turn batman into spiderman.
  • This is so good! i ate this show up with a gold spoon..i love batman (except batman and robin), and was blown away. Part blade runner..part Akira, part spiderman 2099 (if anyone remembers that comic). this is a great way to give batman a twist and i welcome it on saturday mornings...just wish i'd get up for it! I'm so glad the shows branching off and being true to the comics it's like an animated "Elseworlds" issuse...terrific.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    !!!!!-SPOILERS-!!!!!!! I was watching YouTube whenever a video came up on my recommendations list, it was an underrated Batman show. I was intrigued so I watched it and instantly wanted to watch the show for myself. I quickly pulled up my tv app and was happy to see that my dad had purchased the series. This show has the wonderful idea of bringing us to a futuristic Gotham where we follow the story of Terry McGinnis(think I spelled that right) and Old Man Bruce Wayne with the adventures of the new Batman! My favorite episode has to be Splicers where a new trend that takes the teens of Terry's school by storm, this trend is DNA splicing. People get animal DNA mixed into their own so they have the features of that animal, at one point Terry is forced into taking a large amount of vampire bat DNA and he has to find Bruce so that the effects can reversed.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Truly astounding television, so good they made a cannon comic series due to it's success. I always thought of his as an almost spiderman of the batmen. He has a great sense of humor, very quippy, and tries to live a double life. The dynamic between Bruce and Terry makes total sense when revealed in Justice league that Bruce is Terry's biological father. Although unnecessary to go over the amazing soundtrack, it gives me chills. The only downside of this show is it grows less creative in the second and third season. It makes up for it in more comedic episodes like "The egg baby," which is still one of my favorites. If you havent watched it before do. Great for kids, and adults with the hidden dark themes. Terry may not be the original black and grey, but he is Batman nonetheless.
  • During the 90's, Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment made some classic animated show's such as, "Batman: The Animated Series" and "Superman: The Animated Series". But in 1999, they released, "Batman Beyond".

    Set in a futuristic Gotham City, the show is about a a 16-year old trouble maker named, Terry McGinnis. When his father get's killed, he get's help from Bruce Wayne, who use to be Batman, to get revenge. After when Terry get's his revenge, Bruce want's Terry to protect Gotham City from evil criminal's including familiar face's like Mr. Freeze.

    I use to watch this show on Cartoon Network when I was little and it did impress me.

    Pro's: The character's were interesting. Terry is a rebellious teenager who end's up being a good person in the end. Bruce is old and still has that tough attitude of his. Also, the villain's were pretty interesting including the teenager who has telekinetic power's (Forgot what his name is). The animation was amazing because it has a nice, "Blade Runner", feel to it and it stay's true to how dark the setting is.

    Overall, "Batman Beyond", is a great animated show for any Batman fan or anyone looking for a good animated show to watch.
  • It pays homage to the original without using it as a crutch. Terry had a great arc and Bruce was like Alfred to Terry and that is really nice. I think that, in a way, it's better than the original because it stands on its own, it lives up to the original, and it had an audience with higher expectations.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's an absolute tragedy that they discontinued this series. I am now 17 and would put a lot of money down that plenty of other late teens or even early 20's kids loved nothing more than sitting with a blanket on Saturday mornings watching this show.

    While, at times, overly intense for the probable audience, the show was different, and great, because of this.

    The story begins in a way that hooks everyone in. Terry McGinnis is a 17 year old high-schooler. With divorced parents and an overly-aggressive attitude, Terry seems to be struggling, like many teenagers, to find his place in the world. Little does he know that that place will be as the next Dark Knight.

    Advice to people who are interested in beginning to view this series:

    The best episodes:

    "Dead Man's Hand" Season 1, Episode 8 "Spellbound" Season 1, Episode 10 "Earth Mover" Season 2, Episode 2 "Bloodsport" Season 2, Episode 6 "Once Burned" Season 2, Episode 7 "Eyewitness" Season 2, Episode 14 "Plague" Season 2, Episode 21 "King's Ransom" Season 3, Episode 1 "The Call: Part 1" Season 3, Episode 7 "The Call: Part 2" Season 3, Episode 8

    The episodes that COULD be disturbing/frightening to younger children (10 and under):

    "Shriek" Season 1, Episode 7 (Simply for a few scenes with creepy voices) "Earth Mover" Season 2, Episode 2 (For frightening images and a frightening/intense storyline) "Eyewitness" Season 2, Episode 14 (Purely for the intensity of the episode) "Plague" Season 2, Episode 21 (For frightening images)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Batman Beyond is a sequel to the popular Batman the animated series. Batman beyond is a surprisingly good and original follow-up to a great show like Batman. Batman Beyond does not mainly follow Bruce Wayne, but a new Batman named Terry McGinnis. Bruce Wayne has a big role in the show, but in mainly focuses on Terry and his problems, and how he deals with being the new Batman.

    Many times with sequels like this, it is basically is either just the same character wearing the costume, just with a different name, or the new person is lame in comparison to the old hero. However neither of those things are the case with Batman Beyond. Terry is nothing like Bruce. He is his own man and, as Batman, is nothing like Bruce's Batman. Terry gives a fresh new take on Batman. The style of the series itself is nothing like Batman the animated series. The setting of the show is more cyber-punk. The villains and Batman himself have very futuristic designs and abilities, to compliment the futuristic setting.

    Terry himself is a very likable and relatable character. If the audience does not initially like him at first they can at least relate to him. He has a similar past as Bruce where his parents are killed, though in Terry's case it is only one parent. Bruce is also a very relatable character. I really like what is done with Bruce in this. Instead of him only being in a couple episodes or merely referenced, they made him a secondary main character. Bruce is more of a mentor to Terry and helps him out a lot. The other characters are not really worth discussing.

    The villains are pretty decent. They are not as memorable as Batman the animated series' villains, but good nonetheless. I like how most of the villains are new and not rehashes from the animated series. The ones that are carried over from that series are updated with futuristic technology. This cements this series as a different Batman from the animated series.

    The animation is top-notch. It is even better than Batman the animated series. The action scenes are also very well done.

    Overall, if you are a fan of batman the animated series, I seriously recommend this series.
  • I've seen hundreds of hours of DC animation at this point, and Batman Beyond is a welcome addition. Although not the best that DC offers, this show is a must watch for Batman fans at the very least, and especially fans of BTAS and The New Adventures.

    Positives: Terry McGinnis is a genius evolution for the character of Batman and a great contrast for Bruce Wayne and his Batman. Watch closely when Terry is fighting his villains, he makes mistakes that Bruce never would've made and that's indicative of a major character point: he's NOT Bruce. He's not as experienced as Bruce and hasn't had the training he's had. He doesn't think like him, fight like him, and uses the upgraded suit as a crutch unlike Bruce with a regular suit. Batman doesn't mean for Terry what it meant for Bruce if that makes sense. My point is, I really appreciate Terry being his own character; he's not quite Batman and he's definitely not a Robin or Batgirl. I would very much like to see more of him.

    Negatives: The villains are very forgettable and underwhelming, and when the majority of the episode's plots revolve around the villains, it kinda drags the whole show down for me. The are overall enjoyable, but they could've been a lot better. They kind of resemble the format of the early seasons of Smallville if you've ever seen that.

    A solid DC show but not the best. Lastly, ABSOLUTELY check out the movie Return of the Joker. Amazing.
  • Angelus211 February 2011
    Warning: Spoilers
    Bruce Wayne has retired from the life of crime fighting, alone in his mansion on the outskirts of the city, he ponders of what was. And then Terry Mcginnis arrives on his door step and thus a new age of Batman begins.

    At the time when this show first arrived, I was Twelve, and I was totally blown away. The story lines were complex and, the action was just as brilliant; the characters were all interesting and intriguing. It was a brilliant show.

    Today, I caught a couple of episodes on syndication and I found myself picking up on innuendo's that I missed as a twelve year old, and how 'saucy' certain scenes were in the show. Something, I think you would definitely not see in today's terrible animation.

    Honestly, this show has not aged in my opinion; the animation is, dare; I say it...better than the stuff today, its realistic and gritty. Amazing cartoon.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If you liked Batman: The Animated Series, then you'll be happy to know that the same Batman is back. This time it is forty years later, Bruce Wayne has quit being the Dark Knight and lives alone with his dog Ace. Terry McGinnis is a teenager that comes across his mansion while being chased by a Jokers gang. He stumbles upon the Batcave through the clock in the wall. Later he suffers his fathers death and decides to steal Wayne's improved Batman suit to track down the person responsible. He also plans to stop the new manager of Wayne Enterprises Derek Powers from making nerve gas in Wayne's company. A very good new instalment to The Animated Series. They even made a straight-to-video movie where The Joker returns from the dead. Batman was number 84 on The 100 Greatest Pop Culture Icons. Very good!
  • Literally nothing about this show is representative of batman. The suit has jetpacks in the feet, yet he still glides. I appreciate the original voice actors reprising their roles from batman TAS, but it was not enough to justify the boring teen dramedy we have to sit thru for their brief, diminished appearances. I also think DC has done the GIRL TURNS INTO PURE ELECTRICTY gimmick enough in their animated ventures. Overall, I watched most of the first season, but did not feel compelled to finished it. I have, and will continue to enjoy the previous animated series however... if you want Batman, just watch that. If you want a kid in a silly over powered suit, negligently roaming the city streets for minor vendettas with school bullies, watch the first Spider-Man film. If you want white noise to fall asleep to, well then it might be time to turn to Batman Beyond.
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