User Reviews (21)

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  • This little budget film concerns a a couple of American young (Chris Mulkey and Benedetti) with a little girl named Trina are searching for a familiar heritage what were lost in a Mexican steam desert when their grandmother died . But the Trina's parents are mysteriously deceased and she (Minnie Driver) , one time grown , goes on the search a box of missing diamonds against the advice of Frank (Stuart Wilson), an old parents friend . Meanwhile, Trina looks around , the treasure has already been found by two escaped convicts (James Spader, Josh Brolin) and take Trina hostage and steal her car . When the car is crashed , Trina attempts to dupe both cons against one another and so she can catch the valuable stash of diamonds . Then they're forced to struggle for stay alive , with no water, in a desperate quest for survival.

    This is a predictable adventure involving valuable diamond smuggling , it is an intriguing story that contains lust , ambition and betrayal . Packs suspense , thrills , ending twists and a little bit of action . Recounts the life survival story of a trio along a remote desert . But the director doesn't focuses totally on desperate quest for survival , choosing instead to focus on all aspects about ambition , lust and greed and including a brief psychological studio . The motion picture was middlingly directed by Christian Ford in his first and only one movie . He's usually writer for TV Sci-Fi movies (Star Trek : Deep space nine , Category 7: The end of the world , Final days of Planet Earth) and comedy (Kazaan). Rating : Average though entertaining .
  • This ending of this movie is so off that it ruined the whole thing. You go through the whole thing hoping that greed will not win, and that thought is exhausting. Minnie Driver is good, as she is in most of her roles, and her American accent is great. And, she is starring with her fiance, Josh Brolin, which is always interesting to watch. But the story just did not ring true for me, and that makes it much more difficult for me to enjoy. The story line did not make it believable, even with suspension of disbelief. Watch it at your own risk. Feel good movie, it is not.
  • NateWatchesCoolMovies10 June 2017
    Slow Burn is.. odd, to say the least. Living up to its title, it pretty much goes nowhere, tagging along with James Spader and Josh Brolin as they stumble around in the desert, both hitting on treasure hunter Minnie Driver, who constantly outwits them. This kind of lower budget, steamy stuff just seems to have a licence to languish, in the sense that story is of little concern, it's more about mood and episodic character interaction than anything else. Spader and Brolin are doing the 'Of Mice & Men' shtick here, playing two hapless escaped convicts, one a sharp tongued weasel (Spader) and the other a dimwitted lug (Brolin). They're kind of lost, in both perpetual arguments and the vast Mojave around them, when they run into Driver, whose presence, and the idea that there's a whole whack of diamonds buried out there somewhere, inevitably stirs things up. The diamonds belonged to her parents, and there's hazy scenes relating back to a tragedy involving her gypsy father (Chris Mulkey, briefly) and a mysterious character played by Stuart Wilson who serves as pseudo-narrator as he wanders around out there too. Got that? It's OK, they barely explain it better than I just did, I've seen the thing twice and I'm still not sure how it all adds up either. Sweat, sand, sensual looks snuck between Brolin and Driver, dreamy atmosphere, threats of violence from Spader's overacted, crazy eyed moron, a treasure hunt and general lack of cohesion is all you'll find out here in this desert. Good for an absent minded watch or for background noise, not much else though.
  • The reason I rented this film was because it featured James Spader. However, after watching it I would say Mr. Brolins performance deserves far more kudos. Overall, the film was so-so. The plot was a tad shaky and not layered out very well. Minnie Driver did a good job of looking haggard and perplexed but her role did not require much else. Spader was fine but his accent drove me mad. It was a funky cross between a man with a frog in his throat and a fellow from New Jersey. Despite the lackluster pace of the film I enjoyed every minute that featured Duster(Brolin). He played his character with depth and was convincing. I really liked that he had a special protection feeling for the bird, that was sweet. Overall though, this film was pretty shoddy and could have been a way better piece than it was.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    They had all the ingredients for a good film, they just didn't cook it long enough. Acting was so-so, though James Spader was good imitating Dustin Hoffman in "Midnight Cowboy". The dialog itself was good, but the overall story was incomprehensible. Some additional plot holes that need to be mentioned: Frank must have known where the diamonds were if he buried Catalina, so why the heck would he let Trina spend her entire life in a vain search for the diamonds? If Trina saw the diamonds in her Mom's backpack, why would she spend her life in a vain search for the diamonds? Do we seriously believe a 12 year old would shoot her mother because she saw someone fondler her breasts? Why did Trina put the diamonds back in the box? Other than McGuyver, who the heck has all the materials for a forge in the back of their vehicle? Why did Marcus chain himself to Duster (to give him privacy to finish the key?) Why did Trina chain herself to Frank? What happened to Trina at the end (are we to believe that she wasn't able to shoot the chain with the gun to free herself)? Why did Duster just turn around after finding the bird?

    Seriously, it's as if three different people wrote this movie and none of them talked to each other after reading the outline. The only redeeming feature of this film is that the plot holes were so annoying that you spend a good deal of time after the moving just trying to figure out what you just saw.
  • As a Minnie Driver fan, I couldn't believe the tawdry disaster unfolded in the telling of "Slow Burn." Produced in part by Two Drivers (Minnie and her sister, Kate), it gives the impression of two intelligent women based on self-destruction. For three generations, Minnie's forebears have been consumed with the search for her grandmother's remains, and with it, the diamonds with which she disappeared into the desert so many years ago. It has consumed all of Trina's (Driver's) life, from infancy into young womanhood. Now, only Trina and her older mentor (and Mom's former lover) are left. Trina has promised that this will be her final year of searching. After this season, she'll throw in the towel. Two bumbling escaped convicts, one a bit dim (but basically of good heart) - the other given to apparant glimpses of insight between fits of pique, literally stagger upon what three generations of desert veterans have been unable to find. One of the cons is played by James Spader, and I swear I didn't recognize him. (As Martha Stuart might say [as far as a career move is concerned], "This is a good thing." His agent would agree. In short, there are disabled trucks with runaway tendencies. Said trucks seem to appear meaningfully late in the movie, almost cluttering the set ... despite their mechanical devastations. With trucks like these, "OK! I'll take the kids!" There's a sterility in interpersonal relationships that makes evem Driver's character appear to be a cardboard cut out. Is this love in bloom, or heatstroke. There's even a touch of 'Marathon Man" here, for those with expensive "tastes." The premise should have been developed into a taut thriller. However, neither the viewer seeking justice nor the sophisticate in search of irony comes away satisfied. There's a lovely and colorful little bird to win your heart; but this is not the bird director Chrisyian Ford delivers to paying audiences. "Is it safe?" to see "Slow Burn?" Only if it's free and you're desperate for seeing Minnie Driver on the big screen.
  • Minnie Driver plays a woman looking for diamonds lost by her ancestors out in the desert, when she stumbles upon two criminals (Spader and Brolin) who have miraculously stumbled upon the diamonds on accident, and who quickly take her captive. Driver has to figure out how to get the diamonds to herself and try to ditch her captors, while a mysterious old friend, Stuart Wilson, watches the events unfold from a distance and narrates Driver's past.

    Minnie Driver makes an adequate lead, but it's James Spader who makes this movie. He plays a real goon; a rat-like voice and the only one with a gun. He gets increasingly desperate to escape his purgatory in the middle of nowhere and make the diamonds his. His mentally slow but good-hearted partner in crime, Brolin, and the antics of Driver lead his character. A great performance that kept me hooked, despite reading the other reviews.

    Great cinematography to this movie. It's all shot in the desert, and the dry heat is beautifully captured. Ditto for the costumes. Spader and Brolin's bumbling conmen aren't used to the weather, and their faces are chapped and blistered in startlingly realistic fashion.

    The movie's biggest problem is Stuart Wilson's bizarre, almost random narration. His character isn't very well set up in the beginning and you spend most of the movie trying to figure out his relevance to the story. It's purpose is a way to wrap up the loose ends, but I would have liked the film more if it had just abandoned the explanation of the past and made instead a character study of this trio.

    Overall, I recommend it.
  • I will not spend time dissecting each action and try to compare this to a combination of "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" (1948), and "Legend of the Lost" (1957).

    Trina (Minnie Driver) is treasure hunting at any cost. The treasure is a hoard of diamonds that used to belong to her grandmother. We see why through a series of flashbacks. Diamonds exchange hands a few times.

    This film stands on its own as a slow-paced (which gives sagacity) interaction of cunning minds in a desolate area vying for a prize more important than the other person. You have seen it before, and you will see it again; so, sit back and enjoy this variation.
  • Underrated indy film. Solid story and fascinating characters. Many elements obviously borrowed from forgotten Frank Norris classic, McTeague, first published in 1899. The Norris novel was the basis for 1925 silent classic Greed, directed by Erich von Stroheim. Greed is generally considered one of the best films ever though the nine hour original and witnesses are long gone. With respect to Slow Burn, I enjoyed watching one aspect of human nature, namely greed, play out under the blazing sun.
  • blindbiz17 February 2001
    An exciting, mysterious and surprising adventure. Minnie Driver is a wonderful actor as Trini, a woman determined to fulfill the destiny of her find the treasure of diamonds hidden by her grandmother in the desert. Great acting, delightful...James Spader is convincing as a crude but ultimately goodhearted convict. Josh Brolin is perfect as a slightly dim but sweet escaped convict accompanying Spader. Good plot twists, beautiful scenery, superb actors. A great way to spend an evening...
  • A really fantastic film, especially considering its low budget. Usually with such independent films one is disappointed in the lack of closeups, or the stiffness of direction, but not at all in this case. What makes this film excellent is its understatement -- any lesser director & cast would have made this tale of self-destructive obsessions into a self-indulgent orgy of overacting and self-consciousness, but this film is utterly believable, and its characters, although they are at the dark edges of human behavior, are entirely sympathetic and real. The script is also excellent and relatively original while harkening back to such classic films as "Treasure of the Sierra Madre" and "The Maltese Falcon".

    A high point is James Spader's heavy accent as "Marcus" -- usually you only see him playing half-asleep yuppies. This film proves he also has great technique. It's Minnie Driver, however, who is the hypnotic focal point of the film -- her passion radiates from the screen.
  • Great flick...James Spader does a fabulous job of looking grungy and sounding lowdown. I barely recognized him...a sign of great acting! Minnie Driver proves she can act AND look great even as a filthy, obsessed treasure hunter. Josh Brolin was so good at being "simple-minded" that I was surprised to see him as an intelligent character in another film. Fun, sad, with great twists. You'll like it...
  • "One dream doesn't make a whole life."

    What a gem (pardon my pun) if you enjoy watching actors and NOT all the CGI bells and whistles that can become such a bore when they are used to hide the lack of a STORY.

    SLOW BURN does have a good script and well-drawn characters. JAMES SPADER really pushes the envelope as "Marcus", a slimy escaped con. What a joy to see a great actor in an interesting role and not some "potboiler" like SUPERNOVA (what a waste of talented actors). MINNIE DRIVER as "Trina" was very believable in a role we're not accustomed to seeing her play. The biggest surprise was JOSH BROLIN as the shambling, but not so dim "Duster" a wonderful performance. The romantic tension between Trina and Duster is subtle and presented with just the right, light touch.

    The score complimented the action, not always an easy task especially for a story/character driven movie as opposed to some action flick.

    Overall, I was very pleased with this movie that is running on several of the cable movie channels right now.
  • Two of the best films with the searing for lost gems(or whatever) ' were The Treasure of Sierra madre & Lust For Gold

    Slowburn is nearly in the same league as those.(No film will ever be as good as the 2 above titles) Against a sun bleached background we find Minnie Driver in her search for an ancestors catch of diamonds that were lost in a sand dune, many years earlier. James Spader & Josh Brolin are 2 escaped dim witted convicts who now are involved in the search. Stuart Wilson is the 4th member of this cast who was involved with Minnies mother. So for over 90 minutes, we have greed, lust danger & all the other instrumnets to make an excellent film Granted I am very partial to this type of movie

    the acting by all is top draw & the entire production is first rate/

    Rent this film, I am sure you will like it may rating is ****

    as always jay harris
  • Beautiful scenery, including Minnie Driver, but not much else. She remains striking while all the other males in the cast have their skin fall off due to the climate. This movie is clearly a ripoff of the classic "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre", merely substituting diamonds for gold dust. I never could understand the relationships between the characters. Why did she not bolt at the first opportunity, or sleep with one of them? (Either answer would have made more sense than the plot line.)There wan't anyone to root FOR. A hero or heroine would have been nice!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film is a masterpiece. The characters are transplanted from the 1899 novel McTeague by Frank Norris. This movie, however, does not tell the same story as that novel. It selects the setting of the final scenes of the novel, the desert, and it selects the novel's central theme of overpowering greed. It shows the conflict between the insanity of greed, embodied by Trina and the McTeagues, and the good-hearted man, Frank Norris. The final scene, where Trina looks off at her truck as it drives away, and she is now handcuffed to the dead Frank, delivers the punch line of the commentary of this story: that greed never gets you anywhere.Many people will find this film to be low quality or boring; however, read McTeague, then watch this film. If you do that, everything will fall into place.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    Based on some of these recommendations, I rented this movie over the weekend. I kept waiting for the "payoff." I kept waiting for Minnie Driver's Trina to get sun blistered like her cohorts. Why was her so complexion so creamy after growing up in the desert? This was so, so faulty and unbelievable. You never saw her with sunscreen (not that it would help in that desert sun!) Anyway, I thought she was a terrible actor. Was she trying to be seductive during the bellows scene when they were trying to solder the car part? She had the same deadpan expression on her face! And now I learn that Josh Brolin is her real life paramour??? My main frustration, however, are the loose ends. Just what happened the night her mother was supposed to run off with Marcus? Did Trina really shoot her mother? Didn't we see an earlier flashback where the mother shot Marcus after telling him neither she nor Trina was leaving with her? And what's up with the rocks-diamonds-switch? Who made the switch? Duster or Marcus? When? And, finally, just where the hell did Marcus put the diamonds? Did he swallow them? Or were they scattered over the desert? Oh, one more thing: why didn't she just keep SOME of the diamonds in her pockets? I was actually yelling at the screen and that doesn't happen very often. As for Duster's little "leave it all in the past" speech, I kept asking just what would her plan be if she did leave the desert? She has no id, has never been to school, has very few skills, no references, no money. How would she survive? Do not, I repeat, do not waste your time on this movie. Look for GREED, as I plan to do.
  • I loved Slow Burn. It's a morality tale, a simple yet extreme one, but the depth of the characters, all played with superb precision by highly competent actors, ensures that you never quite know what's coming. The two crims are poles apart as personalities, and neither is quite a killer, which leads to several tense standoffs. The standout, however, is Minnie Driver. She emerges from her complex character as a most usual yet highly engaging, and appealing, not to mention beautiful, adventurer. She knows survival. It's really something to watch her fix a truck. The music was awesome, capturing the desert. The filming techniques were highly competent. There are several memorable images. Slow Burn is an easy movie to enjoy.
  • The plot is not what brings your focus to bear with this film - it is the absolutely horrible acting performances of the players. James Spader's agent should spend significant resources to pass the rumour that he didn't have a part in this film (he's practically unrecognizable anyway); Minnie Driver's contribution is in the body part only league; and Josh Brolin should not give up his day job. In particular, the language accents taken on by Driver & Brolin are forced, stereotypical, and false. In fact, for me, the disastrous lack of some kind of sanity in the plotline coupled with loser performances of Driver and Brolin made the desert scenes the most interesting part of the film. Spader is a fine actor who just doesn't need this kind of drivel on his record. Scale of 0-10: a 2 for Spader and the desert scenes.
  • === NO SPOILERS ==> Don't ya love movies that blatantly warn you how bad they are by their title? Here's a prime example. Oh... My... GAWD! It goes on, and on, and on, AND NOTHING HAPPENS! You feel like you're the one lost out in the desert. I only watched this for Spader and Driver. Spader is almost unrecognizable which is the only interesting thing about this movie. Unbelievably, this thing cost (according to IMDB) $10 million to make? So the backers got feel the burn as well.
  • many reviewers are unfamiliar with GREED, an engrossing and fascinating film that many critics list in their all-time top ten. This film is a blatant tribute to that film and the book it's based on. Among the many clues are the setting, the characters' names (Marcus, Trina, McTeague, Frank Norris (!!)), the theme, and probably many more things that I've missed. To all who are reading this, please immediately make plans to see GREED by Erich Von Stroheim, the Man You Love to Hate, and the butler from SUNSET BOULEVARD! To be a serious movie-watcher and not to have seen it, is like being interested in drama and having never read Shakespeare.