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  • A smart comedy parodying the space racing between America and URSS in early sixties when the reds got a successful endeavor send to space the first man on earth in a voyage around the world Yuri Gagarin, both powerful nations aftermaths gathering efforts, also in scientific knowledge to able starts a space running into the moon, in this context the film unfolds in a Brazilian comic style with ascending star Ronald Golias.

    Everything began when the Brazilian space project is ongoing in advanced state, led by the clumsy genius Professor Inácius (Alvaro Aguiar) that already had a successful enterprise to launch into space an Orangutan on the rocket at "Cape Carnaval" mocking the famous Cape Canaveral, the next step claimed by Inácius is find out two men that are utterly worthless to society due in case of a possible failure on assignment, then appears a moronic Gargarino, another facetious over the Famous Soviet astronaut.

    However sudden appears out of the blue an alien girl Krisna Ires (Neyde Aparecida) aiming for get rid of cobalt bomb and also learning to Earthlings forget those high expensive Space programs and spending those money for benefic of social causes, disappearing afterwards, meanwhile they grab a robbery man Zeca (Átila Iório) to joint in the venture outer space, in the countdown of the rocked launch the smart Zeca gets rid of the astronaut's suit putting in the rocket's seat the black guy Zenóbio (Grande Otelo) a member of Braziliam FBI, another joke, Zeca got running in time, having in mind steal the Professor Inácius safe that contains a lot of money and the cobalt bomb, the Rocket was launched into space toward the moon in order to take the natural satellite to our country for good, defeating the majors powers as USA and URSS.

    This funny parody was made when Gagarin was the worldwide star for this successful task, based in this factual occurrence, Herbert Richers assembly this clever comedy where Brazil enters in the game targeting the moon, supported by a well-craft screenplay, a fine casting and some innovative ideas, the picture flowed easy, aside some punctual mistakes here and there as overacting of Ronald Golias on those weird grimace, let it see plenty,

    Thanks for reading.


    First watch: 1976 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 7.25.