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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Most people say this movie sucks, but it is actually not that bad. To start out, the plot isn't very good. Basically, MD Geist is about a genetically engineered soldier named MD Geist who was locked away in a space capsule, and has now returned to the planet Jerra. Then, he joins the army in their quest to stop a doomsday weapon called the Death Force, a machine army. In the end, he kills all the other soldiers and starts up the Death Force. Thus, the plot is just an excuse to be violent. Another, bad thing is the dialogue. So don't watch it if you want a story, but if you want action, MD Geist has got it. From start to finish the violence never stops for more than a few minutes. Though, the violence is extremely graphic and contains many scenes where people are killed so that their guts are spilling out. The best part of this anime to me was the mechanical design. Its truly amazing and is even better than many other anime including some of the gundam series.

    All in all, if you are looking for something violent and don't care much about story than give MD Geist a try.
  • al_phillips200017 December 2001
    This is an Arnold Schwarzenneger film for anime and it is way more violent and gory. But fans of Arnold should like this too. Yes, there is little character development or plot, so you must like the animation and/or the violence. There does seem to be a lot of these types in the world of Japanese anime.
  • M.D Geist is a post apocalyptic 1980's anime about a super soldier named Geist who is an unstoppable killing machine who wages a war against evil robots. That's pretty much the gist of it. There's more going on but the plot is mostly incoherent and the English dubbing is some of the worst i've heard in a while.

    So the plot and voice acting are pretty bad but the action scenes and the designs of the robots and mech suits are really awesome especially the one Geist uses. He looks like a cross between a Gundam and an American football player and i just think it looks super cool. The chaotic action really well done by old school anime standards and the soundtrack is great with some blistering guitar solo's as you watch the gory action. This is pretty harsh stuff with heads being ripped off and crushed and people being eaten alive by evil creatures and i loved that aspect of the anime. There's a grim, nihilistic tone during the whole movie and i find this appealing, some people likely won't. Worth a look if you're a fan of old school violent anime like Fist of the north star but don't expect animation of the same quality of something like Wicked City or Akira. This is a B movie through and through.
  • Haha, I'll probably get flamed out of my mind for saying this, but hey, that's movie watching for you.

    MD Geist is a rock-solid hardcore action Japanimation, and I watched it twice. Alone. It's a cool anime.

    Anime lately in North America is way too light. Love triangle, deep engrossing plot, big eyes, lame kiddie garbage, of which has no lasting appeal except to leave you awaiting your buddies online to use words such as "kawaii" or "bishounen" to describe it. MD Geist is not like this at all, and it comes from a different end of the Anime spectrum. In tradition of Fist of the North Star, or Genocyber, this is a bloodbath of an animated movie.

    MD Geist is a Militaristic Super Soldier whom has returned to a post-apocalyptic earth. Okay, the plot is decent, but nothing special. Essentailly, MD Geist is a badass of whom I found hard not to like simply for his frank, harsh, and cold personality. For the love and anime god, a non-orthodox lovie dovie character. He's a real cool cat, and one of my favorite anime characters. So he doesn't have some huge plot to back him up, he's a badass with a blonde mullet.

    The animation bites. Seriously, it needs massive editing. But guess what, I don't care about that! It's sufficient, and even a bit stylish, the Fightechs are awesome, too. If you want good animation, check out MD Geist II -- It's much better and more like modern anime. At any rate, I excuse it willingly.

    45 minutes of rage, killing and a journey through a strange world. One thing I like is a weird, ridiculous anime, like Vampire Hunter D. This is one of them. Things just don't make sense. I laughed through this entire movie, and despite the fact this may imply I thought it sucked, it's surprisingly good because of this laugh factor.

    I recommend it despite the world of negativity existing against it. It's a classic, and it simply has become an anime I want to show my friends just to see their reaction.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What can I say about M.D. Geist? Not much, because there isn't really much there. It's 50 minutes of some still and moving frames of anime.

    I can sum the whole story, such as it is, up right here:

    Most Dangerous Geist (ghost) wakes up.

    Girl clings to M.D. Geist as protector (not really a smart move).

    M.D. Geist gets in with the army--

    goes with army as they go to shut down a doomsday device.

    Army gets (mostly) killed in assault on doomsday device.

    M.D. Geist has to fight powerful thingie.

    M.D. Geist wins, kills the rest of the army, and makes sure the doomsday device gets activated while girl looks on in horror.

    THE END (or is it??? there is an M.D. Geist II out there somewhere)

    You can probably come up with a better way to kill 50 minutes, like hitting your head against a wall or something.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    (Note: This review is based on M.D. Geist Director's Cut. M.D. Geist Director's Cut is not actually a director's cut version of the film. It's actually a digitally remastered version of the original 1986 OAV with new scenes added, altered sound effects, and poorly animated scenes fixed.)

    >>Pros: Pretty good animation; decent '80s Japanese rock soundtrack; good action scenes and character designs

    >>Cons: Unbelievably bad dubbing; lame plot; very little character development

    >>Plot summary:(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS!) In a distance future where mankind has reached the age of terraforming planets, one particular planet known as Jerra has been devastated by a civil war between the the Jerran resistance(the "regular army") and the Nexrum Army, an army organization that opposes Earth government over all the terraformed planets. At one time, the regular army was getting their a**es handed to them in battle so much that they ended up making genetically engineered supersoliders known as the Most Dangerous Soliders(MDSs) to fight back against the Nexrum army's attacks. One of the MDSs, Geist, was TOO good in the art of war. The second and most dangerous MDS, Geist was considered too unstable to be put in society, thus bringing his imprisonment on an orbital sattelite to never be seen again. Somehow, the orbital sattelite ended up crashing back to Jerra, setting Geist loose on the planet once again. Geist becomes the leader of a mercenary biker gang, and then joins a unit of the regular army to stop a doomsday program called the Death Force. The Death Force is an army of millions of robotic war machines that will kill humans indiscriminately, and they got less than 12 hours to stop the program. Col. Crutes, the leader of the regular army platoon, sets Geist up to be killed by a gigantic robotic sentry at the Death Force's base, but the colonel's plan to eliminate him has failed. Geist ends up defeating the robot sentry, kills the colonel in retaliation for him being the one that made the decision of putting him in an orbital sattelite, and reactivates the Death Force program after Colonel Crutes deactivated it to wreak havoc on the planet. The end!(END SPOILER)

    >>Review: M.D. Geist is a cult classic among anime fans, despite how horrible it is, and I'm one of those fans. Geist's sole purpose in this film is to kill, and he does it with great gusto. In the film, you're lead to believe that Geist is the hero, but in reality, he's the film's truest villain. There's virtually no character development in this film. Any other character that even starts to show some character development is killed off on the spot. The English dubbing in this anime is painfully bad. The original Japanese voice acting wasn't anything special, but is light-years ahead of the American voice acting. The animation and character designs, albeit dated, are pretty good, and I love the '80s Japanese rock soundtrack in this film. M.D. Geist would have been better if the producers explored the M.D. Geist universe a hell of a lot more, but unfortunately, it seemed liked the producers didn't know where to go with this anime title. And Geist's mullet rules! Anyone who has seen this anime might notice that Geist bears a strong resemblance to Billy Idol. Hell, the mercenary biker gang boss that Geist kills looks like Stevie Wonder on steroids! In the end, M.D. Geist is a brainless anime OAV that is best enjoyed on a Saturday afternoon if there's nothing on TV and you have nothing to do.

    >>My last 2 cents: If you think M.D. Geist is bad, then you should check out its sequel, M.D. Geist 2: Death Force. It's far worse than its predecessor.

    >>My rating: 3 out of 10
  • Sure I have seen better anime in my day, but this is a lot better than what they are trying to pass off as "good" in modern time. To say that Arnold Schwarzenegger fans would appreciate this movie is a very fair statement. If you like simple story plots, explosions, violence, and straight up destruction, then look no further!

    Call me a "purist," but yes you will want to see it with the original sound track and Japanese voices - the English dub does indeed suck! It won't kill you to read a little!

    Insult me all you want for having a different taste in anime, but some of us just aren't into this modern day TV friendly, boring as crap stuff that they try to pass off as anime.
  • manofst33l4 April 2006
    4 stars

    In a far-off planet named Jerra, many years in the future, a catastrophic war nearly destroys all civilization, leaving only ragged bands of weary survivors to fight over the remaining scraps of society. Orbiting space is a capsule containing a single man, M.D. Geist, who was bioengineered to be the ultimate warrior, but was exiled because he was simply too dangerous to be left on Jerra. Of course, the government never figured that one day, that capsule would fall back down on the planet ... but has Geist returned as a savior or a destroyer?

    Recommended Audience: Plenty of body parts and heads being severed. There is also an attempted seduction (which falls completely flat). The only people who like this stuff would be the teens who shouldn't be watching it. Not that anyone should be.

    Genocyber is another title by the same artist. This one is right up there with Fist of the Northstar, Megazone 23(Part1&2), Angel Cop & Urotsukidoji(minus the x-rated scenes) M.D. Geist.. Most Dangerous Soldier. Was one of my teen-hood heroes with Kenshiro.. Just remember when it was made an just enjoy the carnage.

    Titles to checkout if you haven't: Bleach Naruto Get Backers Gundam Seed Tenjou Tenge Baki: Grappler Street Fighter:Anime

    Check out Bleach
  • First, I laugh at the critics who say this great anime had little character development, senseless violence, bad dubbing and sound. M.D Geist is not that, is a fantastic , war anime in space, that's actually very realistic. Also I saw that the Uncut Japanese, English subtitled version, not the crappy dubbed version these idiots watched. lol

    The plot, and it's a great one is the Geist is part of space soldier team. They have a great war against an enemy and Geist is one the few men still alive. His platoon though deserts him, and leaves him for dead.

    If the plot sounds familiar, its exactly like "Soldier" with Kurt Russell in animated form.

    Geists though, only on brawn and brains survives and destroys everything in his path. Well not everything, he does come to a city invaded by a bunch of deadly gangs (like in Fist of the North Star) and eventually he wipes them out too...

    Geists platoon eventually find out that he's still alive and want to use him, check that abuse him.

    Geist has other plans , and what results in a hour of the best hand drawn action anime you've seen.

    The other critics don't know what they're talking about, so check it out.

    I know great anime (Macross DYRL, Gundam Wing) and M.D. Geist is great.
  • This movie is great, it has cool animation and battle scenes. It also doesn't mind showing how people can think more of something than it really is. MD Geist is a killing machine, that's all he is, yet you find yourself rooting for him. When all is said and done though, he's here to kill and that's all. If you can't accept that you can't accept this really downbeat movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Like A Clockwork Orange, this anime asked the question, "Is it really your fault if the government engineered you into a killing machine? Are you really responsible if you are just following your programming?" Giest is a super soldier engineered by the government to kill. His only purpose for existing is to kill.

    SPOILER: Skip the rest of this review if you don't want to be spoiled.

    It's so sad, because at the end, when he about to was releasing all those robots to kill off humanity, the girl asked him what he was doing, and the camera zoomed in onto his eyes, and you, the audience, can see the sadness in his eyes. At this point, you begin understand that he does not want to do what he was programmed to do. He was programmed to kill, and kill he must. He can't stop it.

    Turned into a series, M.D. Giest would turn into a cult classic like Ghost in the Shell, while dealing with important questions about human nature.
  • This was the first actual anime I saw, I watched it at a friends house when I was nine. So naturally I was very confused and shocked at what I had seen. I had almost forgotten thins movie until I saw It at a different friend's house a while ago. Watching the second time, and not at 1:00 am helped a lot! Like most anime, you have to pay attention when watching. I don't see why people say this anime is sucky, I admit, it's not the Best of anime, but it's not trash. Hey, if it made a sequal it can't be that bad, huh? anyway, I think it's an okay movie and good for any movie marathon night. I recommend this film to most people that enjoy action flicks.
  • Full on adrenalized mecha-mayhem wherein the singularly savage Most Dangerous Soldier Geist awakens in a gravely bellicose frame of mind, and proceeds to gruesomely annihilate everything in his steely-eyed sights!!! In this bleak, war-torn dystopia it's kill or be killed, might is always right, and to the mightier come the blood-spattered spoils! The very last of his unkind, highly trained, armour-plated super soldier Geist wages total war just for the sheer bloody hell of it! A refreshingly brutal protagonist, the psychotic M. D. Geist isn't so much an anti-hero as vehemently anti life itself! Some manga fans disdain its unleavened nihilism, while others relish it, but Ohata's ordinance overloaded, carnage crammed, End of Days, mind warpingly mental militaristic Manga is most certainly never dull!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    (Spoilers; not like it matters with this title) This is exactly what anime should NOT be; the characters are all shallow, one dimensional figures, who are gruesomely killed as soon as they start to display any likeable qualities. The plot is absurd; on a far away planet torn apart by civil war, a supreme genetically engineered warrior arises with no other purpose than to kill people, which he does with great gusto. Not only is he seemingly invulnerable to all forms of attack, he can survive in airless conditions for ridiculous amounts of time, and he has no personality whatsoever. He exists solely to kill; indeed, the sole purpose of this film is to fulfill some kind of mindless, pornographic bloodlust. By the end, not only have all the 'characters' perished save Most Dangerous Geist himself, but an indestructable fleet of robots has been dispatched to wipe out all life on the planet EXCEPT Mr. Geist, for whom they provide endless entertainment. Thoroughly pointless, needlessly gruesome, and lacking any intelligence whatsoever; avoid unless truly desperate.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    MD Geist is like if you took Dragon Ball Z and took the story out of it all and made the characters look like real people. It's just like that. Need I say more? Of course I do.

    STORY MD Geist is a super Soldier gone rouge. He hates the military of Jerra the planet and wants to avenge it by killing brain palace. It's something ripped straight out of a video game like Gears of War.

    Spoiler: He fails to do his mission and insteads makes Jerra fall to it's knees to robots at brain palace which makes no sense

    CHARACTERS Geist is a man of few words. All he knows is kill.

    Vaiya is Geists side chick. She's good for nothing but to stand there and be supportive.

    He meets a biker gang.

    Geist meets his old army of Noah to take down bad guys

    This writes itself.

    ANIMATION Are you ready to go back to 1985 Japanese television with a little extra pocket change? When here you go! MD Geist is dated in everyway and I love it. Oily gritty desert backdrops and shiney metal with a bunch of terrible overly dramatic special effects are there.

    But wait theres more! The animation and weapons and vehicles,complex, are rather detailed. Sure the character animation isn't much to write home about it but the manly designs will make you feel very comfortable.

    Plus there are incredible fight scenes that are plain thrilling and I love them. They are all so violent. You will love the blood and gore. It's so satisfying. Heads explode, arms fall off, heads get stabbed.

    SOUND First lets talk about the music. The OST is really good. It's really 80's hair metal cheese with loud screeching guitars,basses, with sax, and high hats.

    The music goes as such WIDDLY DIDDLY DIDDLY DIDDLY WIDDLY DIDDLY WEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRR WWAAAWAWAAWAWAAWWAWAWA! It also has Hironobo Kageyama singing the theme song and ending from Dragon Ball.

    Not a single string quartet to make anything feel like it's middle aged.

    Watch the sub not the dub. The dialogue is bad.

    OVERALL-MD Geist is a anime I'd casually watch. It's an OVA that's totally worth it.