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  • Warning: Spoilers
    . . . to date regarding the 8 minute, 35.92-second short from 1948--THIS THEATRE AND YOU--let me try to flesh things out a little more. First of all, congratulations if you're here through "thinking outside the box" (as I'm pretty sure that this site has misspelled the title I thought I saw on screen for this short; namely THIS THEATER AND YOU, which--due to a defective search engine program--will NEVER connect you with this page, even if you try a million times; if, on the other hand, you easily got here because you're a Britisher or a fellow-traveling Anglophile, then I take back my kudos). In a word, this short claims that American movie theaters--or the more pretentious and far fewer U.S. movie "THEATRES"--can butter your toast, poach your eggs, slop your pigs, lick your stamps, change your oil, replace burned out light bulbs, educate your kids, milk your goats, file your nails, nail your--oops, I better not type that one, but hopefully you get my--and this public service announcement's--meaning now.
  • This Theatre and You (1948)

    * 1/2 (out of 4)

    The Academy Film Project produced this rather sickening look at what a theatre means to people in their small communities. I used the word sickening because you can't help but laugh and roll your eyes when your hear the narrator trying to explain the importance of theaters. There's no question that this short was made to try and make the theater owners look a lot better than they probably were and I couldn't help but laugh when we see these owners talking with movie fans about what was good or bad about the business today. Even funnier was a sequence where we're told why movies are so important and one of the reasons is that history movies can tell kids what happened in the past. Really? How many historical films can you name where you'd want someone to learn the facts about something? Most bio-pics are full of false stuff so when this film tries to tell you to use them for study that should tell you all you need to know. At just 8-minutes the film is helpless enough but there's really no point in wasting your time with this thing unless you're a film buff you must try and watch everything out there.