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  • PeteRoy31 July 2004
    I enjoyed this game, nice visuals, good music, nice storyline and good solvable puzzles and mysteries.

    The story is about Atlantis, the mystery island that disappeared into the ocean and rumoured to be still living under water.

    Anyhow, this game is about Atlantis as it was before it drowned, you are Seth, a new companion for the queen and you find out that the queen is missing, which sets you off into a rich adventure.

    This game is a quest type of game, meaning that you have to solve puzzles and talk with characters to understand what to do.

    I loved this game, will be a classic in my opinion.
  • Kosmopol19 July 2007
    I also enjoyed the game, not only because of great music, graphic and challenges. But also because of great authenticity of the Atlantis mythology.

    Before I've played the game, I've read a lot of books about Atlantis Myth - and the most hypothesis, most themes and motives were used by the designers of this game: the menhirs, Carnac, even Caves of Santorini and Shambala... Everywhere, in ever corner you can see the various allusions and references.

    Really great concept and excellent competence of the authors.

    The visual effects were - for that time - really nice, even for PCs without graphic cards. Smooth animations and animated panoramas made the experience very "realistic". It was great production of Cryo Interactive. Unfortunately even great quality and cultural backgrounds of each games were not so public-attractive. Indeed, there wasn't so many action in their games. So the mainstream gamers don't really liked the Cryo productions, and the "underground" gamers were too few to support Cryo... Alas.