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  • I started to watch The Joy of Painting thanks to Twitch, and it changed my life.

    No matter what you do with your life, Bob will help you to be persistence, to never quit, to always go after you dreams. He was so calm, so kind, such a inspirational person.

    You don't need to paint, you can just listen to him talking to you and you will feel the peace. If you feel angry, if you feel demotivated, just watch Bob painting his beautiful paintings and listen to him talking to you, I guarantee you will feel better.

    Thanks you, Bob!
  • Public television is usually loaded up with Public access programming and educational know, boring stuff that usually gets maybe 1,000 viewers per taping, and prank call video posts on Youtube 10 years later. The kind of stuff you'd watch on Sunday afternoon.

    Enter Bob Ross, a former member of the U.S. Army stationed in Alaska who began a TV series where he would paint a picture for one half hour while educating his viewers on how to do paintings like him. At first glance, one would think that a show like that couldn't last a season. 31 seasons aired over the course of 11 years. Why? It's all the little things that made Ross's program so entertaining.

    First of all, just look at the guy. He's enjoying himself the whole time. There is not one moment on his show where he's just wanting the show to end so he can go home. He really enjoyed what he did.

    Second, there's his image. While he hated his afro, the only reason he had it was to save money on cutting his hair. But the afro became part of his iconic image, particularly on the painting materials he sold with his name on them.

    Third, the guy's voice. It's as calm as a majority of the pictures he painted. Many of Ross's Viewers claimed his voice could quite often put them to sleep, and not in a bad way.

    Fourth, All the fun things Ross would say. He coined a lot of phrases that his viewers love to quote. For example, 'We don't make mistakes, we just have happy accidents.' and 'Beat the devil out of it!' and a few other things that were just so entertaining.

    Finally, watching a blank canvas become a masterpiece in one half-hour. There's something truly magical about it.

    Sadly, Ross could not continue his show after 1994, as he had contracted illness from exposure to chemicals in paint thinner. the next year, Ross passed away because of it. But he left behind a great legacy, and to this day, people still enjoy the joy of painting on youtube.

    God bless, and happy painting!
  • Never has there been a TV personality as kind, gentle and genuine as Bob Ross. My mother was an amateur painter and I used to watch his show along with her as a child. Together we would delight in the magic that occurred each time Bob put brush to canvas in a short 30 minute episode. As an adult, I have rediscovered the joy & pleasure that comes from watching Bob paint a masterpiece before my eyes! His soft, lilting voice instills peace. His positivity and encouragement inspire confidence. The technique and instruction he shared provided the world with an opportunity to discover hidden talents. I miss Bob Ross; the world was truly a better place with him in it. I can only imagine the large number of beautiful paintings that would've been created, had he lived longer. But I am grateful for the life he led and the legacy he left behind!
  • I so enjoy Bob Ross "The Joy Of Painting" and used to watch it each day it was on. I found it entrancing the way he can create, describe and instruct us to do the painting. He has such a soft embracing voice as he instructs as though he really cares about what he is doing. I have not watched till recently when I decided to paint again went searching internet and TV guides to see if it is still on. It is but not the "every day" it used to be but once a week. Although I would like more I will take what I can get. I like the way he would instruct by saying, "this is your world put as many trees as you want wherever you want them. It was as if he were saying you do not have to copy me you can create how you want it to be. I would love for it to be back on TV everyday. I just watch the first show since I found it again and he answered a question I had about how to create a certain illusion in my painting.
  • megcov26 January 2018
    Amazing show. Anytime I need cheering up or just want to relax, I can turn it on and enjoy time with Bob. He's so encouraging and positive.

    His paintings looks amazing, even though I've never tried sitting down with oil paints and attempting them myself.
  • Each of these words perfectly describe the artistry and nature of Bob Ross. Not only was Joy of Painting a formative experience during my childhood, but as I have grown, I still watch Joy of Painting with the same sense of wonder I had as a child. The timeless nature will enthrall generations to come. Ross's style of entertainment is a mark of an era of kindness and warmth long lost to televised entertainment.
  • Ty_Rants15 July 2020
    I agree with Peep Show. Bob Ross must be God. He am become life, creator of worlds.
  • sstarolympia24 August 2019
    I watch Bob Ross on Twich now a days but I used to watch him as a child too back in the day with my grandma every afternoon. It is very nostalgic to watch The Joy Of Painting again, and I have it in my background when I need to focus on my studies, and it keeps me focused. Thank you for everything Bob. You really are amazing.
  • plan9924 September 2020
    I had never heard of the wonderful Bob Ross until 2020 when BBC4, the UK channel, started to run his shows and I find them strangely addictive. His voice is so soothing that I find myself starting to nod off. I'm sure that if these shows were shown to people suffering from stress that they would show an immediate improvement.

    I had thought that it took an artist a few days to produce a painting but Bob does it in 30 minutes. I feel like running out and buying some paint, brushes and canvases. I wonder if other artist were happy about Bob revealing how easy it can be to quickly produce good paintings.
  • Bob Ross is such a positive mild mannered guy, this is the most relaxing show ever.
  • I have zero interest in learning to paint. But Bob's quiet, gentle comments, coupled with his astonishing skill in creating a scene with effortless ease, make this my favourite programme. The fact that Bob is no longer around to produce more shows is a great loss.
  • I remember my mom showing me this when I was 3 years old. I loved it so much, he was one of my inspirations for drawing and painting. We can all Agree that he is one of the greatest painters of all time. Rip Bob Ross. Keep going with your dreams in heaven :(
  • It is hard to believe that Bob Ross was once in the air force barking orders. As in this show he had such a soft and gentle manner.

    Also he has been dead for over 25 years having succumbed to cancer in 1995.

    The Joy of Painting has been broadcast on the BBC for the first time. To allow those who are stuck at home during the Covid pandemic to take up painting.

    I remember as a kid watching Paint Along With Nancy which used to be shown on ITV. This has a similar feel to it.

    I have never been that artistically minded. Bob Ross used a technique called wet on wet painting. It allowed him to finish a painting in 30 minutes.

    Landscapes was his forte. Forests, mountains, rivers. It was amazing that he could complete a painting from a blank canvas so quickly.

    With Ross's soothing manner, this is comfort television. Now they just need to make a biopic of Bob Ross. I suggest Owen Wilson.
  • phychotron9412 February 2005
    Bob is a good teacher, i have always loved this show growing up, and it's great to catch an episode on PBS when it comes on. His methods are made simple, and when watching, you will see a beautiful painting made right in front of you. Sometimes you'll be watching, and you'll think "man, that looks weird" and then he does 1 or 2 brush strokes, and instantly it's the coolest thing you've ever seen... it's really too weird. If you've never seen the show, i would suggest that you look for it on your local access or PBS channel. If they don't have it, do as Bob always suggest and "request" that they air the show.....

    Just beat the devil out of it!! :D
  • There's a cynical part of me deep down that knows that Bob Ross is a purveyor of kitsch; and if you watch enough episodes of "The Joy of Painting" there's a repetition that emerges. But here's the thing: I'm not buying his work, I'm watching it happen - and that's precisely where the appeal lies.

    He starts out telling us what we're going to paint today, and it takes a bit to see it on the canvas. One plane of color is layered over another until it's suddenly a landscape. It's his technique that sells this; the way he scrapes in a cloud or a mountain with his palette knife or dots in some fir trees with his fan brush. This blew my mind as a kid - these methods would never have occurred to me when painting trees, mountains, what-have-you, and it's still enjoyable as an adult.

    What I really like about this is his attitude. It's not just folksy expressions, but the idea that this is fun, it's spontaneous and (most importantly) that we're painting this together. That sense of inclusion is gratifying, even if I'm not actually painting along with him. His is such a likable personality, just a laid back approachable presence.

    It's very easy to get lost in his brush strokes; there's a serious hypnotic quality to this show. It doesn't matter what Ross is painting because it's always fun to watch.

    And I would totally buy his work.

  • Seems the world is getting more divided and filled with hate. Many of us due to COVID are now working from home while dealing with mental health, loneliness, addiction issues and you name it. This is one show that honestly helps me find peace and even hope when at times it can feel there is none. Bob Ross is an amazing person who has helped many people he will never meet. I'm one of them, perhaps he can help you too.
  • This show is the most wholesome, healing, beautiful show there is out there. It is full of wisdom and kindness and creativity. I freaking love you Bob.
  • I actually met someone - from school of all places, when I was taking graduate courses - who I later on found out didn't like Bob Ross. Looking back, that was one of the signs I should've ended the friendship. He was/is a person who's quite impossible to dislike. The man is legendary not just for his amazing painting skills, but also because he was kind, generous, and loved animals. His painting techniques were nothing fancy, but he made such breathtaking pictures of mountains, trees, rivers, and cabins. He was also gracious towards fans. He's an example to people living in the modern world. Narcissism and rudeness seem to be fashionable these days. No matter how talented you are at something, you should never let that make you become arrogant or egotistic. This is a wonderful show for anyone who struggles with anxiety or PTSD. He had such a calming voice. Sorry, but if you don't like Bob Ross, then you need to do some major self-reflection.
  • I watched this amazing program from the age of 11 until my mid 20s and I still watch it today in my 50s, Bob was an amazing artist and has you mesmerized by his fantastic paintings time and time again, so sad he passed so young, got me into drawing as a child, a great show for any would be artist even today, it's a shame this show ended after 13 years, I think it could have carried on forever.

    A timeless classic, I would have loved to have met Bob and thanked him for years of fun watching his creations in less than half an hour, great tuition and always a fantastic result, RIP Bob your legacy lives on.
  • jadey187 June 2021
    Bob ross is the best always and forever. Very calming show.
  • BOB ROSS: THE JOY OF PAINTING (1983-1994) featuring the amazing painter Bob Ross was an excellent retro painting and art series. Bob Ross is / was a very lovable, calming person and a very gifted artist in his own right. This series clearly demonstrates his skill and eye for detail. While some may argue that his artistic style is far less creative, transgressive and rebellious than many, we can all usually agree that he is certainly a genuine and talented artist, focusing mainly on natural beauty of the wilderness.

    Specializing in scenic nature and vivid realism landscape portraits, Bob Ross inspired generations, and many more to come in future. Like him, this series is very tender, gentle and sweet. Warm and inviting. It is positive and uplifting to everyone, whether artist or aspiring artist. Bob Ross has became an icon and a nostalic figure to many artists, young and old alike.

    "In this half-hour program, artist Bob Ross paints a beautiful oil painting on canvas."

    Overall, this series is a wonderful and super relaxing show to watch, and surprisingly inspiring. The appeal of Bob Ross is evident in all episodes and the hidden tragedy of his personal life makes it difficult not to admire him further. A great show starring a great man. Rest in Peace.

    ( R. I. P. Bob Ross, creative genius)
  • mnaso12 September 2005
    I used to watch this show whenever I had the chance when I was a young child, and it would always relax me. The soft voice...the "Dab..dab...dab" and the "happy trees....they are happy" would relax my mood and make ME happy. Not to mention the very amazing works of art Bob Ross would create, I found amazing that if people put their minds to it, we could all have those wonderful works of art in our homes. Bob Ross was amazing with what he could do with a brush and some just 30 minutes. The Joy of Painting was a very good show, however since I was born just seven years before it went off air, I did not have the chance to watch it as much as I would have liked.
  • The Joy of Painting was a good program. It was hosted by painter and artist Bob Ross. A unique individual with thick bushy hair and a beard. He would actually host this short show very well and give directions on how to paint these lovely pictures quite nicely. Its been a very long while since I have watched this show. I am not sure if this television program is still on television but if it is check it out on PBS or another channel that airs older programming because this is a different and interesting hobby and if you like nature and love looking at the sky and trees and like to see beautiful paintings then check out how there were created!
  • One of the only things I can watch as many times as I want and not get tired of it. I watch it for bob ross. The painting is just a bonus.