User Reviews (3)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Baywatch pulls out a surprise for it's first season finale. They remembered Rocky the dog! But not Ms. Keller.

    Everyone is off doing things when there's an earth tremor. Then a fully fledged Earthquake hits. Cue stock disaster footage. The main plot is Cort and Craig getting trapped in a cave.

    Oh and Shauni and Eddie have a silly fight.

    Nobody missing this week. Even Gina. This tries for spectacle on a modest budget. And it's not too bad. But it's Eddie and Shauni doing things for the sake of the plot. Again.

    Logic also goes out the window when the only way to rescue people in a cave of natural gas is with explosives.

    On the plus side Captain Thorpe, whilst annoying in the first scene, comes over well when being a leader.

    Cort isn't driving a storyline, and as before is more tolerable as a result.

    And that's all I got.

    Better than some others I've given seven out of ten to. But as ever, could have been so much more.
  • Best place to go during an earthquake? An underwater cave! Trite baby delivery. Kramer and McClain stop bickering for once.

    Some say that the bad writing makes for ridiculous storylines. But just consider the idea that we're witnessing dadaism at work.
  • bombersflyup15 April 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    These people almost die every episode and doing unnecessary activities, that's the entire outline of the show. The dog pulling Hobie away from the soon to be falling cabinet a stretch.