User Reviews (7)

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  • This film is about a policeman trying to crack down a mob of drug dealers. Along the way, he discovers that good and evil may not be so well defined.

    "Loaded" is unfortunately not loaded with thrills or action. It starts off very slow, in fact the first half of the film is rather dull. It tries to brighten up the screen by a lot of rather contrived and unnecessary fights, but I don't think it works so well. The frequent use of hip hop music also does not match with the film. In addition, the lighting is very badly done. Why did they keep on shooting against a window with broad daylight? Many characters become dark as a result, and the windows are always overexposed. There is even one scene where the character is lit by a yellow light while white light bursts through the window. They even managed to overexpose characters in a night club, and their skins and clothes reflect way too much light.

    The second half of the movie is considerably better. The plot takes some unexpected twists, not unlike "The Infernal Affairs" and "The Departed". Good and evil becomes blurred, and the plot becomes more interesting. However, I still think that this film could have been so much better if it was better executed.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The action scenes was quite good. But the plot of the movie, I would have to give it a score of 1 out of 10. It seems that the producers and director of this movie didn't thought about it carefully?

    It doesn't give much value and values to it's viewers except for it's violence. The entire story was about revenge. A boy witnessing a rape and murder. I would even recommend it to be banned. Those who watched it, you've just lose some money. If you're thinking of watching it, watch something else. I would ask for a refund if I was on a movie theater. So for you guys and girls out there reading this article. Please don't waste time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    May Contain Spoilers.

    An innocent trailer park or maybe 'Compton' LA white kid witnesses a terrible childhood tragedy relating to drugs and violence. An unprofessional but dedicated police partners try to take down a 'sophisticated' high end club drug ring only to be fired and chewed out by the the drug lords high priced attorneys. The plot thickens as more people come back to seek vengeance and justice with a predictable ending. The only memorable part was a walk-on by Ron Jeremy.

    If I was in a movie theater I would have asked for a refund. I feel sorry for the poor actors in this movie. It was just awful and painful to watch. The worst part was the cinematography were the director kept flashing back within the same scene so the sound would not quite match. And NO it was not a codec nor DVD problem but an intentional technique. Ughh. Two Stars.
  • triadventures20 April 2008
    i personally had a good time watching this movie! i thought it was a great effort on everyone's behalf and i especially loved the brunette Lynn Freedman! she was refreshing and i felt i finally had a new energy in the film industry that was appealing to my eye as well as genuine on the screen! it's a different kind of story and i will always welcome that when it comes to story telling. i like twists and seeing things on the screen i am not familiar with. Being exposed to something new...if you will. Again, I think Lynn Freedman was a great choice and i understand she has done some work on Law & Order as well so I hope she keeps working in the industry for a long time!
  • escobar08134 March 2008
    Warning: Spoilers
    I really liked this low budget gangster movie set in the O.C. Wasn't like the show on TV. This O.C. had ruthless dope dealers. The movie was entertaining. Would have liked to see a small dose of T & A. I mean if you're going to show hot females as drug groupies at a pool party logic says there will be some nudity. Especially when your in the fast life of dope money. That's the only fake knock on this movie. The rest of of it is good. The acting was great. One part that was insane was when a low level street solider gets beat down then ends up dead with a broom handle where it doesn't belong. Nobody says all criminals die simple. The picture was good as anything big studios put out. Give it a chance.
  • Upfront. It is a low Budget Production and the Image and Light Quality often gives this away. If it wasn't for this, it would probably have been one of THE Action Summer Movies. And THE Action Movies generally miss a bit here and there.

    Alright that said, to the goods and bads of this Movie.

    Bad things first: One of the major Characters, played by Lynn A. Freedman, is acted very weak, that she should rethink their profession. Sorry, but true.

    Some Parts of the Plot, that seem to very important, are not followed up. This is not really effecting the movie, but you wonder afterwards.

    The Quality of the places they shot the movie. Detective bureaus are simply a white room with a desk and a lamp. Lots of the Scenes where shot in Locations which miss a realistic touch. Often a Problem in Low Budget Movies, so it was expected.

    Now to the Good things: The main Character and several small ones where acted very convincing.

    Some very nice (small but effective) Effects. The Showdown is just awesome, and can almost be compared to fighting sequences of real good blockbusters.

    All in all the best action scenes i have ever seen in a low-budget movie.

    Some nice turns and twists in the plot. Not awesome, but still good.

    this is waaay better then any Steven Seagal Movie. :)

  • tomasdiaz9 August 2008
    Loaded is a slick film about drug dealing in the fast lane. Don't get this one confused with the other Loaded with the actor from Desperate Housewives. This one is better even though it was made for less money. The flow of the story was fun to watch. There is enough action to keep you interested through out. My one disappointment with this film was the tease effect. I'm assuming the Director wanted to bring the audience inside the flashy world of successful drug dealers by showing beautiful women in club settings. Never does the tease turn in to a payoff of nudity or sexy love scenes. If you are going to show viewers eye candy deliver it. Playing up a skin angle without showing any was the only fault I had watching this film. Otherwise it was well worth the rental cost.