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  • Warning: Spoilers
    In this episode the characters are getting in trouble and need their colleagues that are their friends help them out.

    Finally we heard the whole story about Pratt's brother. Having picked up a detail here and there I thought this is something like that. Tragic, but it is great to see him and Carter to get closer as friends.

    Weaver miscarries. Abby who is the one who knew about pregnancy helps her our. Also very sad, I have not expected they will end the pregnancy like that. The scene with Weaver and the patient was very good...

    Really liked the pedophile story. As far as I know there is still not enough done. There should be more help and programs for people who feel like that but know that it is wrong. More encouragement to admit it, without having to fear and have them go through whatever it takes to make sure they don't ruin the lives of themselves and kids.

    At least there was also some fun in here. Mainly the story of the electric ejaculater. This was just hilarious and it was fun to see gallant deal with it.