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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I for one love the character of Abby and her relationship with John. I mean after all John yelled at her to go away in the last episode so how she's handling this is pretty much like a female and she wants him to apologize. John showing up at her apartment even though I really enjoyed that scene, was hard for her to understand as he probably did not contact her at all while he was gone. The character of Carter has a lot going on in his life with the loss of his grandmother, having to be responsible for the Carter Foundation now, the lack of motherly love, the father who sounds like he's partying since his divorce and not there for John emotionally. A lot on one episode!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Carter is back and Abby is being all nasty. he should have thrown the keys into her face and never really talk to her. It can be all a good thing for him to get rid of her, but I hope they won't make him be all sad about his "mistake", just like they did with Luka. It is unbelievable anyone even talks to the nasty person that she is.

    In the hospital there are new things happening. Gallant is now a doctor! And there is a new student Neela who has to deal with all the new things for her. Also there is some construction happening that makes the hospital seem even more intense.

    I like how they made Neela pick up the phone to find out about Luka's death as she never knew who he is, and the reactions of others were just great. Sad that he died, there are other characters that one should have been gotten rid of before him. But at least it makes Carter go back to Africa, let's see how it goes this time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Exciting start. The reconstruction in the ER brings out the worst and most annoying, neurotic Weaver to date. Frank sums up the recent seasons of ER pretty well when he meets the new med student, Bend it like Beckham, who all star playa Pratt can't help but spin his Mack daddy BS all over. Tired of his character; no growth, boring and one dimensional.

    Speaking of tired characters, Chen's count is 12...a little below her average. She's not anyone I remotely care about in the show so it's funny to see her little green monster emerge when Pratt's attention is all over the new med student. She's a slight to the history of this show or to quote herself In this very episode, 'it's humiliating and embarrassing'.

    Abby feels justified in giving John the cold shoulder and a hard time. She seems to forget, in typical female fashion, that she blew John off to chase her missing brother when his grandmother died last season and then had the audacity to bring her crazy brother, who drank in the limo, to the funeral. Her stock is dropping fast and she's becoming a victimized character, the last thing this show needs.

    It seems the writers made an attempt to rekindle ER magic with this episode. The stories are there but the show no longer has the characters, save John and Romano who act well enough for the audience to give a damn about.
  • moov_e_c_er12 September 2021
    I absolutely hate timelines that move all over the place. This and next episode went with this mish-mash style storytelling. This is ER not the Congo so overall I think is a misstep on production/control/crews part. Great actors as believable.