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  • coltras351 May 2022
    Undeterred by appearances, Father Dowling sets out to prove the young priest innocent of murder, discovering he has been framed by a member of his own family. But when the real assassin is himself killed, Frank must rely on a family member who is afraid to tell the truth.

    Part 2 is better than part one with things getting a bit dramatic. There's some twist and turns and a great bit for train fans. Sister Steve demonstrates her skill of driving a train - backwards!!
  • I have no idea why an Assistant District Attorney could be hired to carry out a hit. With Douglas dead, John Luciani's name is yet to be cleared.

    Father Dowling thinks that someone in John's family tried to frame him and focus goes to one of his brother's. Well the remaining one as the other is shot dead as he leaves Father Dowling's church.

    Shades of The Godfather II, one of the brother's succumbing to evil. Having a brother killed and his wife wants to leave him as well. I think he even gets Al Pacino's lines at one point.

    It all makes little sense and Sister Stevie gets to drive a train as well.