User Reviews (7)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    One of the most famous, most funniest Lucys of all-time! After a few comments are tossed around, it is decided that the ladies go into the work force for a day, while the guys try their hand at keeping house. The episode is so well-written that the adventures of both sexes are hilarious.

    The ladies work at a candy factory. A lot of messiness occurs. Elvia Allman's famous "Speed it up!" is a classic line.

    The guys have their own problem, from a disastrous seven layer cake to using starch on nylons. My favorite line from Ricky: "What do you know about rice? I think a pound per person should do!!!!" This may make my top three Lucy episodes of all time!
  • JOB SWITCHING is probably the most famous episode of I LOVE LUCY. Ricky is angry because Lucy is forever overdrawn at the bank and his belittlement of her job as a housewife has them make a deal to "change places" for a week, with Ricky taking care of the house and Lucy becoming a working girl. Ethel and Fred join in on the action and while the boys make a mess of things in the kitchen, the girls wreak havoc at a local candy factory, particularly as they attempt to wrap chocolates off a conveyor belt. This scene is the one that makes this episode a classic and Lucille Ball and Vivian Vance are a riot in their attempts to keep up with the belt - or at least hide the evidence to the contrary. The superb character comedienne Elvia Allman (the first of several appearances on various Lucille Ball shows, although they had worked together on radio years before) is also fun in this segment as their no-nonsense supervisor. JOB SWITCHING is an absolute must see for anyone who aims to view all the important programs in television history.
  • This is my second favorite episode of the show, Lucy and the rest are really at their best. It's pretty much the walking in the other's shoes plotline but it's one of the best ones.

    As an old saying goes, it's never easy being me, all four characters learn that lesson the hard way. It's funny as we see Ricky and Fred are both doing some of the typical chore work but mainly trying to make a cake which of course results in disaster.

    Of course, Lucy and Ethel aren't doing any better, their story is no doubt the highlight of the episode. As we see both of them are assigned a task in the Chocolate factory of wrapping up what looks like Hershey kisses at breakneck speed. Really like the superior that directs that has that tone of an overly strict schoolteacher, she gives out one of my favorite lines "Let it Roll!" that always cracks me up.

    The scene is similar to Chaplin's "Modern Times" conveyer belt scene. We see both Lucy and Ethel trying in vein to keep up the pace of the conveyer belt just going faster and faster, which makes things funnier and funnier. I really love how both Ethel and Lucy are trying to hide the chocolates they failed to package in their clothes, hat, even mouths.

    Not much else to say, when you watch this episode just remember the words from an old theme song, "Rolling, Rolling, Rolling".

    Rating: 4 stars
  • What can I say about this episode? There are no words. From beginning to end truly entertaining there's no dull moment. The chocolate scenes are the classic but also the chicken and rice scene. It's not teaching a life lesson about men and women it's really underestimating each other's duties. No one won or lost it's silly husband and wife fun comedy. Enjoy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "There are two kinds of people. Earners and spenders, commonly known as husbands and wives." So says Fred, the spokesperson for the ERA, responding to Ricky's discovery that Lucy has overdrawn her bank account, once again, asking them to hold on to a check until a certain date. They decide to have a contest to see if each of them can do what the others do, and it starts off with Ricky cheating at making breakfast. It's amusing to watch him attempt to do what Lucy and Ethel do on a daily basis, destroying the ironing and basically turning the apartment into a fire hazard. Lucy and Ethel don't succeed either trying to find work, getting jobs working in a candy factory and dealing with the officious Elvia Allman, the aggressive supervisor to beat all aggressive supervisors.

    This leads to one of the most famous segments of the series, wrapping candies and having the conveyor belt go out of control. This scene has been parodied many times, most notably with Gilda Radner on Saturday Night Live putting whipped cream and cherries on a nuclear bomb. While the situation has changed for married couples, this episode still continues to give a ton of laughs because watching both couples fail to prove that they can do what the others do. Lucy getting all covered in chocolate is another hysterical visual, and this ends up being one of the most delightfully gooey sitcom episodes in TV history.
  • kellielulu13 September 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Arguably this episode is the one most would agree is the funniest or one of them also a classic.

    It uses all the best aspects of ILL . A relatable problem ( money), physical comedy, women vs men . Exaggerate a bit and it's the perfect formula.

    After having a disagreement not only about making and spending money the four also disagree on who has the harder job. They are to switch places for a week.

    The next morning Lucy is surprised by Ricky's delicious breakfast only to learn he picked up breakfast at the drug store ( yes that was a thing back then) Fred is already wearing an apron!

    Lucy and Ethel go to an employment agency and take a job they know nothing about, making candy. First the are put in separate departments and neither fares well. Both are not skilled enough but also too light hearted for this serious place. It's no Candy Land!

    Ricky and Fred think they have the hang of housework but run into trouble ironing and trying to cook dinner. Watching them try to clean the chickens with comet like cleaner ( a pasty like cleaner for scrubbing sinks and such) is one of the funniest things ever! Scooping up the rice that overflows with brooms!

    Meanwhile Lucy and Ethel end up together wrapping candy for the conveyor belt. First it's fine but then it's too fast and they start stuffing the candy in their mouths and the supervisor is about to enter. They stuff candy in their mouths under their work hats and down their blouses! The supervisor has the conveyor system go faster! It's a losing battle. They go home sick, full from chocolate. Rick and Fred are not home. They leave a note warning the women please don't go in the kitchen! Lucy looks in and screams . The guys arrived home and promised to clean it up . All admit they liked the other arrangement and agree to return to it . The guys admitted housework is harder than it looks. They also got Lucy and Ethel each a five pound box of chocolates. After all the chocolate they ate Lucy and Ethel keel over at the thought of more!

    This would be a good episode to introduce someone to the show. A first rate episode . Lots of fun.
  • rgxdzrybr2 March 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    A classic episode that earned its reputation.

    Deciding to prove the other has the tougher job the men and women switch jobs for a week.

    Ricky and Fred get into the spirit of housekeeping but by the end they realize it's harder than they ever imagined. A lot funny stuff going on though including Fred's apron and headscarf! They also find making dinner a much bigger challenge expected it also gives us one of the funniest scenes of the entire series. Desi really shines in it . His timing is perfect.

    Lucy and Ethel of course get jobs at a candy factory . I honestly think it's a job they would have done well at in a different factory. For a candy factory it was pretty bleak! Lucy and Ethel chasing chocolates on the conveyor belt is maybe the most famous scene ever.

    In the end they all go back to how things were with a better appreciation for each other's work .