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  • Phyllis announces to Mary and Rhoda that she has taken a course and is now a registered real estate agent. She comes to the station and talks to Lou and convinces him to sell his house. He and Edie no longer live together, so the house is really too big for a single person. Somehow, she lost any say in this transaction. Anyway, a young couple is willing to buy at the listed price. Everything is great, right. Most of the action takes place in the last few minutes. I have to say that there isn't much to this episode. Phyllis is pretty good, but we can see what's going to happen a mile away. Oh, Ted is in his glory when he is mistaken for Eric Sevareid.
  • Rrrobert27 October 2019
    Phyllis gets her real estate licence and talks Lou into selling his house.

    Phyllis is always fun - here she is especially self absorbed and selfish.

    Not super funny but there are some good scenes between Mary and Lou.