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  • christiancull5 November 2019
    Great fun. Incidentally, the coffin changes shape during the episode, which is either spooky or amusing - depending on how you look at it.
  • Arthur and Terry have to retrieve a coffin, then store it in one of Daley's warehouses full of shifty merch. Later it gets moved to Terry's flat while McCann is out with Suzy Quatro.

    George Cole gets a lot of funny lines in this one. I laughed out loud several times. Even Dave gets a laugh line out of his own cat getting run over on the road.

    Chishold investigates the shenanigans and as usual he's deadpan hilarious.

    Dennis Waterman fares less well here. He's reduced to being a harpy: on his rockstar GF for smoking some weed, and on Arthur for the coffin caper. It's almost as if they were told to play it broadly and he took it too far.

    Overall a lot of fun.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It is the third series and this is a rather comedic episode.

    I think this is a sign where Minder became less gritty and recognised its more family oriented viewing audience. Something that would soon irk Dennis Waterman.

    Terry has another girlfriend, an American rock chick played by Suzi Quatro. When she smokes a spliff she gets a telling off from Terry. Just in case the kids get tempted.

    Harry Fowler overdoes the Jewish accent as dodgy Monty Wiseman. He is in charge of the burial of Joseph Chambers apparently run over by a lorry abroad.

    While Monty deals with the paperwork, he wants Arthur to store Chamber's body.

    However Terry knows there is a catch somewhere. Monty is on the search of a drunk ex surgeon. Almost as if Chambers has something valuable inside him.

    Arthur thinks he has seen an apparition and that Chambers has risen from his grave. It was just the dog when the white sheet fell on it.

    This was a silly knockabout episode and I think that was Chamber's coffin which was bashed about and dropped several times.