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  • Larry gets jealous when the Darryls prefer to hang around with their new friend, gas station attendant Sam.

    A funny episode, Sam turns out to be a guy who is into the same things as the trio of brothers. This makes Dick say "Oh no, there's another one!" A funny moment has Sam going off with the Darryls while Larry is left alone at the cafe, he turns on the jukebox which plays "One" by Three Dog Night. Michael and Stephanie have a housewarming party at Michael's apartment (even though he lived there 3 years, they did it to get presents) the brothers and Sam crash the party, taking the spotlight (literally) away from Michael and Stephanie.
  • There were parts here where I hurt from laughing. My favorite part was the boys cleaning up after the restaurant closed, especially putting the straws back in the container. Also, Darryl wiping down the counter! Things focus most of all on the brothers and the addition of Sam, who sort of takes over for Larry, who becomes depressed. Then, of course, we have Michael and Stephanie throwing a party that is the height of self centeredness. They are only throwing it to get housewarming gifts (even though Michael has lived there for three years. But to their chagrin, the boys and Sam show up and become a monumental distraction. Some of the funniest stuff involves Bob Newhart's pregnant pauses when some ridiculous thing is said or asked. He is the master straight man. Great episode.