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  • Sheena Easton, big star of the eighties and nineties, plays a rock and roll singer who has plummeted from fame. She has hit that wall where people have lost interest. She still draws a few hundred people but does not command the attention she did at one time. She has turned to alcohol and drugs and has dropped into deep depression. After one of these lesser concerts, she decides to take pills and end it all, when something like chunk of glowing ice knocks the pill bottle from her hands and sends an electrical charge through her body. It turns out that a young music fan from the future has invaded her body with the purpose of changing the facts of her life. She should have died and that complicates things. To make matters worse, her husband/road manager is having a good time with one of the background singers. Also, the people from the future show up and aren't pleased with what the young fan has done. Our main character now begins to realize she no longer wants to die and the sparks fly (literally). If you think too much about this it becomes so silly, it's hard to take it seriously.