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  • Another dystopia. Here the powers that be have feasted on the fruits of people who are put in stasis. That is, at some point it was decided that there wasn't enough to eat or enough work for the whole population and so they would sleep for a period of time and then return to their work life for the next period. This is a nice arrangement until we come to realize that even if things start to get better, those upper crust folks (like in The Hunger Games) aren't about to give anything back to the long suffering workers. Not only that, they have some other plans for the moisture in their bodies. This is a story of three people. Two fall in love but are in different shifts. The other is a play-by-the-book guy who seems to have power and fears losing it. The interest I had in this was to see how the writers would tie things up. Not a bad episode but covering old ground.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This has got to be one of the best episodes they have produced.

    It kept me guessing right up until the end.

    The plot and storyline are remarkable and got me to thinking about how things can be if population were to get so bad that we can't sustain all of humanity. The thought of being put into stasis for three days and then to be pretty much in solitude for the three days we are awake is frightening.

    In this episode they show you the horrors of what can happen when the government tries to dictate how we live (or not live) and the pleasant surprise ending that occurs when humanity strikes back for their own survival.