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  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Rumor has it that you're gay." The rumor's right." ~Gardner Vance and Brian

    Things seem to be going extremely well for both Justin and Brian at the beginning of this episode; Brian promises Justin that they are going to go to Vermont for an entire week together. Things fall through when Brian's agency is under new management and he has to prove himself worthy of staying there or get fired. Emmett also comes upon a very unexpected amount of money that was left to him by George—10 million dollars! I thought it was really sweet how Emmett thought of the others first, and then himself last. The end of the episode was kind of heartbreaking; Brian is finally going to show Justin the time of day, but he has gone to Vermont all by himself. Overall another great episode.
  • ComedyFan201021 April 2012
    Warning: Spoilers
    I really loved the story of Emmett with his new fortune. I was laughing so much when he was scared that he will get in trouble for taking the money of his account. Especially the part when Ted just told him that he only should say that it was a mistake and then we see him sitting in the office crying and saying that it is all his fault. The video of Geroge was very amusing as well, the way that he was talking to him (and even Michael put in a few words!). Very sweet also how he bought his friends presents and I wonder how this will now go on.

    It was also pretty fun how Lindsay and Mel were trying to make their relationship sexy again. And a very hot ending for it, I must say!

    I was slightly bored by the story of Brian impressing his boss. I only find Justin's reaction to it very childish. he had to understand that this it was important for Briaqn to do everything to keep his job. But I guess Justin is too young