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  • Warning: Spoilers
    The idea of being able to isolate and bridge the previous trill hosts personality into temporary hosts is a brilliant idea for a trek episode.

    The standout scenes is when Jadzia confronts Curzon and is legitimately hurt that he would not provide a reason why he rejected her as a symbiote. Having Sisko give Jadzia the 'wise friend' talk about some of the failings of Curzon was a great moment of friendship between Sisko and Jadzia instead of being tied into Curzon.

    I enjoy the Nog storyline as I can tie-in his tenacity to succeed with a 'make it or break it' moment from when I was 25. You do not get many opportunities in this life and you need to keep your eyes open and take advantage of them when they appear.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As Jadzia prepares for the Trill ceremony of Zhian'tara. To help her in this she has invited Sisko, Kira, Bashir, O'Brien, Odo, Quark and Leeta to hake part, each of them in turn will hold the memory of each of Dax's previous hosts so Jadzia can talk to that host. The first few meetings go well but when Sisko hosts the murderer Joran Dax things go very wrong and he attacks Jadzia... this isn't the meeting that causes the most trouble though; when Odo hosts Curzon Jadzia must face her insecurities about why Curzon initially blocked her application to become joined. To make matters worse he and Odo announce that they plan to stay together which would leave Jazia without Curzon's memories. In a secondary story Rom is taking an exam to get onto a course that should help him get into Star Fleet.

    This episode might not have had much action but it was still pretty good as it gives us a further insight into Jadzia and her previous hosts. It was amusing to see Quark hosting a female Trill but the stand out performance was from Rene Auberjonois who played a combined Odo/Curzon; the linking had, unlike the others, led to a mixed personality and a change in his appearance. The story about Nog is less interesting but helps advance his character from a once annoying child to a young Star Fleet officer.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just watched this episode (again) and had two thoughts: First a minor detail, did anyone notice that when Leeta was joined to Emony, she does a gymnastics flip and is wearing just hose, but when she is stretching, she does a high kick and is obviously wearing a pair of high heeled boots? Continuity, continuity...

    Second, and more confusing is Odo/Curzon's ability to drink when they are joined. We know that Odo does not eat or drink (no digestive system), so where does all the liquid alcohol that Curzon consumed go? Does it affect him? They just seemed to ignore this.

    Any comments?

  • In the original Star Trek, some aliens who have no corporeal form any more, take over the bodies of some crew members, with their permission. Of course, eventually they are expected to return them but they choose not to. There is a bit of this going on here as Jadzia asks her closest crew members to allow her previous incarnations to inhabit their bodies. I guess when everything is made up, the writers can just make up some more stuff. If there is a real positive, it is further evidence of what Odo is. I do get tired of the Curzon guy at times. He seems like he was kind of an Ernest Hemingway figure.
  • XweAponX19 June 2012
    Warning: Spoilers
    Jadzia times Seven

    This was the point at which they started giving Jadzia and her race, the "Trill" a lot more dimension.

    The Trill derive from the Next Generation episode "The Host" - And Those Trill are not the same race of Trill as the Jadzia Host. Those Trill totally engulfed the Host personality, burying it. But the Trill, as well as a Makeup Facelift also get a "Hostlift" as their whole Species is re-defined in ways that make Jadzia and then Ezri in the 7th Season a lot more acceptable.

    And so Jadzia, and us by inference, get to meet all seven of Dax's Previous Hosts. When speaking to the Original Trill from TNG, you were speaking to the Symbiote only, and not the host. It is much better to have a Joined Species where there is actually a real Joining between each Host the symbiote has been implanted into: It shows that the Symbiote is not just using these bodies like old discarded clothing, but there is a real respect and care between the Symbiote and each subsequent Host.

    There is a slight problem when Jadzia has her tete-a-tete with "Joran" the host previous to Curzon who murdered someone from the Symbiosis Commission when they tried to extract the Symbiote from an unstable personality. Using The Sisko's body, he tricks Jadzia into lowering the security field so he can try to choke her to death. Fortunately for Jadzia and Sisko as well, Jadzia is schooled in the Martial Arts of Qo'noS, so she beats "Joran/Sisko" black and blue until Joran releases his hold on The Sisko.

    But then another problem erupts when Curzon is let into Odo's "Body"- Odo Joins with Curzon, and starts acting like Curzon, fleecing a "Tongo Shark".

    And at this point, I have to edit this review to address something that was brought up by another Reviewer. Odo drinking? This was the first time where they showed that Odo could indeed perform the same functions as a humanoid if he could become a humanoid. "To become a thing is to know its form, to comprehend its existence"- something the female changeling had told Odo. And by this time we had seen her create a perfect duplicate of Kira. But she also became a rock. And Odo could not tell, even with his Starfleet tricorder. Later in the series Odo was made totally human with a digestive track and arthritis ridden spine. And as we had seen later in "a simple investigation", Odo was "Fully Functional", just like Data. He could even sleep, but then, of course, he would turn into orange goo and slide off of the bed. We have to believe that changelings have the ability to perform whatever a humanoid can- this aspect of the changelings becomes very apparent in the Picard series.

    Initially, Odo and Curzon want to stay joined, but that would mean Jadzia would not have access to the 80 or so years of Curzon's memories which give Jadzia her Unique Edge.

    In the end, Jadzia gets her Curzon back, with the added experience of being Joined to Odo, and she realizes what Joy Odo gets from being a "Changeling." Odo "Became" Curzon, who did have a Tongue, Nose and digestive tract.

    And one Host was forgotten: Verad from "Invasive Procedures"-As we recall, in Season 2 Episode 4, DAX was accosted by a sniveling, bean counting pencil pusher named Verad who tried steal DAX and to escape to the Gamma quadrant. Thankfully The Sisko stopped him.
  • Jadzia goes through a Trill process where she can transfer the consciousness of Dax's previous hosts into the bodies of others.

    This is a reasonably good episode with some entertaining moments of performance.

    I cannot say I am that taken by the concept of what happens to Jadzia. It feels like a rather long-winded means of getting to the main revelation.

    For me the most enjoyable aspect is the body swap formula allowing certain actors to perform as different characters. Rene Auberjonois is the best of them and appropriately chosen for the job of portraying Curson. Avery Brooks does a creepy but enjoyable Hannibal Lector impression. Nana Visitor is very theatrical but also quite fun to watch.

    My favourite scene though is a pivotal confrontation in the B plot between Rom and Quark.

    For me it's a 6.5/10 but I round upwards.
  • The episode begins with Jadzia Dax asking several of the crew members for a strange favor--to borrow their bodies for a short amount of time! It's part of an odd Trill ceremony where the old hosts' spirits are brought back through some mumbo jumbo--and the spirits will inhabit their temporary hosts. They agree and the results vary quite a bit. One is an evil murderer and he only inhabits Sisko briefly (because he's so nasty), my favorite is a female host who inhabits Quark (it's pretty funny) and then there is Curzon Dax--who turns out to be quite the character.

    The other plot (and there are almost always two in every episode) involves Nog working hard to get into a special training program for folks wanting to get into Starfleet. While a minor plot compared to the one above, it was quite touching seeing him and his father-- especially with Rom being so very proud of his boy.

    All in all a very inconsequential episode since nothing earth-shattering occurs and it seems like filler, BUT it's also quite fun and great when it comes to character development. Well worth seeing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    See the lazy DS9 writers fail to devise a story or plot-based reason for Dax to meet her former hosts: she does it one afternoon because there's nothing good on TV.

    The fact that Dax employs the DS9 crew- including Odo AND Quark- to offer their bodies as Trill shells is pointless and beyond absurd. Terry Farrell- who has not a thought in her hollow little head- once again commits a crime against acting with her typically vacant dissociative presence. Much more interesting is watching young and spunky Nog in his attempt to qualify for Starfleet Academy.

    Note to DS9 writers: enough hypothetical, imaginary, spiritual fantasy horse diarrhea. I'm old enough to remember when things ACTUALLY HAPPENED on Star Trek, and I miss those days bitterly. Still, this episode gets a bonus point for Odo's rockin' fro.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The crew apparently wasn't large enough to create hosts for the two previously unknown joined Trills.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I loved Rom standing up to Quark for Nog's sake. That was the best part. The trill story line was weak, although I did like to see the actors take on the different Dax incarnations. But the Jadzia/Curzon situation was strained and nauseating, in my mind. It cheapened the whole symbiont premise, which is wobbly to start with. And the notion that Odo was a willing player in that situation is contrary to his essential character. To me that was a major fail. I think the episode would have been mildly entertaining with the first six incarnations as they were presented, and something more true to character for Odo.