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  • A pretty funny episode. Several great things at work. The fact that Abe developed an Aphrodisiac is the first one. He and Homer hit the road like 19th century snake oil salesmen. Then the kids come up with a theory why their parents are going to bed so early. A government plot no less. Great stuff.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is in my opinion one of the most underrated Simpsons episodes, I mean a 7.6? It deserves much higher because this episode is so well written in many aspects and has some of the most funniest lines and jokes there is, especially the Al Gore joke. OK let me calm down a bit.

    I'm actually quite surprised that no one has reviewed this episode yet, I mean it's not only a classic episode but I do believe the episode contains many memorable moments that the Simpsons have done before. Some of you might be wondering about it's title, is it a very sexual episode? Not the whole of it and it isn't nasty, but it is about Homer and Marge having trouble with their sex life. But suddenly Grampa presents a strange but helpful medicine that can give you the energy to receive the best sex of their lives.

    I think this episode deserves more credit because it's not only funny but also has one of the most (if not) dramatic moments for Homer and Grampa. I would recommend you this episode and find out what happens with Homer and Grampa because I think it is one the most dramatic moments in the Simpsons.

    Is it recommended? Oh yes. A classic that is watchable no matter how many times you see it.
  • Love any episode where Grampa and Homer are in it together most of the time, and this is another classic father and son episode. Watching Grampa selling his medicine and the result of it was very funny. This is The Simpsons at their best, and I could watch Grampa and Homer at any time, just love them.