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  • Prismark1019 November 2020
    The medical taumas take a back seat in this one. Even though it involves a small boy who has measles and was under doctor's orders to remain at the remote farm but he later sneaks outside.

    The boy later collapses and his mother has to leave her daughter at home to go looking for him. The daughter also has measles.

    The boy is found as some men are out looking for a rabid dog who bit a farmer.

    The farmer insists he wants a rabies jab as he knew what rabies can do. He had served in the army and was stationed in India.

    Those stories just fizzle out as it is Janet's impending wedding day. Angus' sisters show up and they seem to take up much of the attention.

    A curious episode and it is Dr Neil's final appearance as he turns up from Edinburgh for the wedding.