User Reviews (29)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just seen this episode last night and i must say it's one of the best i've seen in a while. This series has had many great episodes, which does lead my to ask why the cancellation of the show,

    anyway i thought the episode came together pretty well and even though it seemed a bit rushed at times,i can understand as they do only have an hour!.

    The references were hilarious, farscape ~ brilliant, unfortunately i knew it was coming as my sister had already seen it, The thunderbirds reference had me in stitches, especially the general wanting the wheel to spin "i want spinning, NOW!" absotively priceless

    The star wars and star trek were also really funny with the highlight being the ewok thumping his fist moments before their planet was destroyed, Being the 200'th episode think it did give them license to go somewhere different (although not for the first time) with the show, almost like a present for the fans and the actors.

    This truly can be an episode which can be treasured for years to come and be re-watched without the fear of it becoming tiring - which is also the case with most of the sg1 episodes. Overall very good. not perfect but it is hard to see how they could have done it better-- special feature length episode??
  • I spent several grueling hours trying to figure out who played "Scotty" in the "Star Trek" parody scene of StarGate's episode "200". The face was very familiar but I just couldn't put a name with it. IMDb to the rescue! A quick IMDb search revealed it was Brad Wright, beloved writer and producer of StarGate, who was so funny in the role of "Scotty". The writers are the brains behind all the excitement and even the wit we viewers attribute to the main cast of actors. While the acting talents of the stars make the show great, the writers are the puppet masters. Alfred Hitchcock, master of the camera lens to create tension in the viewer, made a cameo appearance in all of his films. The StarGate writers/producers are every bit as good as Hitchcock with a bonus of being even more charismatic than Hitchcock when on screen. We have seen all these guys in the "behind the scenes" productions and even in the "extras" features on the StarGate DVDs. I would love to see more StarGate cameo roles of the writers and producers as would many fans.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First I will say this was a silly episode, and there have been a few in the series but why not. For those of you that take shows like this too seriously, get out of your momma's basement sometime and take a pill. This was fun, and stupid and a break from the more serious stuff that is happening in the last episodes. You gotta love Marty, great actor and fun to watch, perfect comedy relief. Then factor in all the references to other classic movies and TV and it makes for a fun episode. As a fan of Farscape I really liked the fact that they took the time to do a whole little take off on that, it was great and good fun. And bit with Wizard of Oz was funny as hell. Let's not forget the sons of Dom DeLuise work on this show and all those guys have a great sense of humor. Dom even played a fun character earlier in the shows run and he was lots of fun to watch, and the sons have had plenty of on screen time as well. So at this point half way through the last season and 200 shows in why not cut loose a little with the cast and crew and have some fun with it. For those that want only a serious show give it up and write your own and good luck with that. For the rest of us a little laugh now and then is fun and healthy for a show like this and I really enjoyed it, just watched it again on Netflix.
  • An excellent episode of this series. The prominent role played by Richard Dean Anderson was a wonderful treat, as was the "previously on..." vignette at the very beginning.

    The episode consists of numerous in-jokes, references to different areas of SG-1 fandom and fan fiction (Sam/Jack and Jack/Daniel shippers are in for a treat), and references to other science fiction programs--some blatant and some more subtle.

    A true collaborative effort, each "vignette" is written by a different member of the writing staff, each doing their part to constantly (and openly) poke fun at themselves, the actors (and their previous work, in some cases), the 1994 movie, and even the repeated scheduling--and canceling--of an SG-1 movie.

    All in all, a beautiful piece of work. I would highly recommend it for any fan of science fiction, even if they've never been especially zealous fans of Stargate: SG-1.
  • jamieuk25 August 2006
    Warning: Spoilers
    Full of self knowing nods and pastiche pieces to other genre shows, this episode is deliberately hilarious and self deprecating.

    Constant references to other genre shows (and the mentality of their fans) are worked into the script beautifully.

    When confronted with the fact that a movie is being made of a show that only lasted for 3 episodes on TV, Teal'cs response is. "I believe it did well on DVD" A clear and perfectly timed observation on the Firefly/Serenity situation.

    On the pastiches.

    Seeing the cast in a blatant star trek rip off was a joy to behold, with Ben Browder doing a more than passable Shatner impersonation.

    The Wizard of Oz piece is also mana from heaven.

    But the pinnacle of the piece is the Farscape scene. It was hilarious to see Ben Browder and Claudia Black back on Moya (kind of) but in different roles. And Teal'c playing the part of D'Argo was also great fun.

    If you haven't seen it yet (why are you reading this? Go watch it) you must see it.

    if you have seen it, you know what I'm going on about.

    A true masterpiece.
  • TNTinWelcome3 November 2006
    Although this episode was bittersweet due to the cancellation announcement, it was hilarious with lots of parodies that touched on many great Sci-fi shows. It does touch on a previous episode (#12 of Season 5), it is chalked full of potential outcomes and fantasies of the SG-1 team. Speaking of the cancellation, there is a ground swell effort going on to save the show ( After watching this or any episodes, I would hope that you agree that the show is worth saving. Over the years it has relied on historical and scientific facts as basis for the writing and stimulated the mind to think "what if?". If you have not seen Show #200, seek it out and do so. This episode alone would be enjoyed by someone who has never watched the show.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "200" was the most fun episode of Stargate SG-1 out there.

    To understand the concept of this episode, one has to get into where the show came from. Robert Cooper said on the behind the scenes of the episode that the 200th episode was approaching the writers room. In his mind, he wanted either a regular episode hyped up or they could go so over the top, it would be beyond farcical. He actually wanted a regular episode hyped up. The problem became when he asked a very simple question: "Who is going to write it?" At that point, it became what we see today.

    The array of movies, TV shows it parodies is just beyond wow. I'm not going to go into them (check out the reference section), but they forgot one glaring omission.

    Martin - "What scene are we up to?" Teal'c - "Scene 24." Martin - "My favorite!"

    For a bunch of sci-fi nerds, they sure included the Monty Python: The Quest for the Holy Grail.

    I will concede the ending was kinda weak, but I thought it was great how they incorporated the "Wormhole: Xtreme" cast that we saw in the 100th episode. I love the final quote by Douglas Anders. I believe it is what sci-fi truly is.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    love it, love it and absolutely love it! yes some people are saying that it is just mocking to show's last ten seasons with this episode, BUT THAT WAS THE POINT!!! as people say, you cannot be funny unless you can laugh at yourself, and this episode does this!

    not only is it fun for the writers to break away and celebrate the success of reaching 200 episodes, but it also lets the dedicated fans of ten years to have fun as this show has many inside jokes that only the loyal fans will appreciate.

    every skit was absolutely hilarious as it makes fun of itself and the film, the puppet skit and for fan's enjoyment and also annoyance, the furlings (finally on the show, but not really :D), and also poking fun at classic science fiction clichés and shows (farscape skit) with everything else in between.

    total ten out of ten and more if there were more stars to tick!
  • spotter-216 September 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    One of the reasons I love show is the cast and crew don't themselves too seriously. There are plenty examples of this throughout the series. 200 is the pinnacle of self-parody.

    On the occasion of Mitchell's 200th trip through the gate, TV producer and ET refugee Martin Lloyd has arrived with a problem. He needs a help with movie script based on the failed TV series "Wormhole Xtreme" that he created a produced. He is hoping SG-1 could help him come up with a hit.

    Mitchell and Vala are all for it the rest of the team not so much. As they pitch ideas we are treated with a vision of funny sequences. Former SGC and SG-1 commander Major General Jack O'Neill returns from Malibu to give them a helping hand.

    All in all a fun break in action before the final thirteen regular season episodes and two movies.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First, this is a major revision of my initial review of "200". When I first watched it, I mostly disliked it. I have re-watched it several times since then, and have come to enjoy it a lot --hence the edit. Judging by the number of reviews "200" has attracted, it is easy to see that it is a unique, "love-it-or-hate-it" episode.

    The plot first sounds like a serious re-hatch of Wormhole X-treme: SG-1 is drafted to proofread the script of dear old Martin's future film based on them. But beyond reminding us how bad our series might have been if left in less gifted hands, "200" creates alternate versions of our series "in the style of" classic movies or series. The transitions between reality and fantasy are always original and funny, and some of those creations constitute something of a technical feat (I'm actually reminded of Scrubs --go figure!). However, this is where Mileage May Vary: if you are expecting a strong plot line with a lot of action and character development, you will be disappointed --there is none to speak of. If you can just sit back and enjoy a series of hilarious skits, you will love "200".

    Beyond the homage to its role models, however, the series also takes some time for self-reflection (and as usual, does it well). "200" toys with never-used plot lines (some of which must have originated from fan groups) and has a great time sabotaging them (here every 'shipper will smile guiltily at Vala's wedding scenario.) Where I am a bit more confused is that the series mocks cheap action movie devices that it HAS ACTUALLY USED --and openly says so! It goes as far as to lampshade its own lampshading, if that makes any sense. Now I don't blame the series for resorting to convenient plot devices once in a while, especially considering that it usually does it well; but this much honesty really spoils them for me, and even feels a bit hypocritical in the end.

    So as I said, don't look for a plot line. This episode is a standalone, mostly made up of a series of really great but disconnected skits; every character gets one or two ideas to explore, all coherent with their personalities and most often including some unexpected twist in typical Stargate fashion. Add a few glimpses of Carter's latest technical woes, another visit by Wolsey and a welcome last-minute guest, and that's it. We will never really learn why this mission is so important that it warrants a collective trip through the Gate (unless Vala's final scenario was not that off the mark, as everybody's reactions might suggest? or is that just wishful thinking on my part?) Never mind; in the end, you have to grant that "200" is special just because The Scripwriters Said So, and either go with the flow or hate it.
  • Wow, the reviews here are either 1's or 10's, a very devicive episode indeed! This is probably their best episode, and probably one of the best sci-fi episodes ever. This doesn't just parody sci-fi shows, it parodies the entire TV production process. BTW, if you're not familar the shows parodied or the production references, a lot of the humor might be lost on you. And be sure to make it to the end for one of my favorite Asimov quote's.
  • I know a lot of Stargate fans love the episodes that mocks the show but unfortunately, I am not one of them.

    This 200th anniversary episode is though much better than the 100th "Wormhole extreme" which I more or less hated.

    Even if they are not breaking the fourth wall per se, they do it through the different skits that makes up this episode.

    I would like skip these episodes on a rewatch of the whole series.
  • The writers behind the show were clearly running out of ideas.

    This episode is not even worthy of watching.

    I don't understand the good rating of this episode.

    I watched the whole series of Stargate SG- 1 more than once but this episode "200" and "Wormhole X-Treme" from my point of view are not part of the series.

    If you haven't seen it yet, don't waste your time.

    Total Garbage!!!

    This is a very Bad show inside a Good show, it deserve a negative rating.

    Worst episode ever!!!
  • gwh1126 January 2008
    Warning: Spoilers
    As an avid fan I loved the show and all the great gags. A brilliant way to celebrate 200 shows. The actors and extras must have had a ball doing all the parodies, cause i loved watching it. I am still laughing as i write this. it was meant to be light and funny and it succeeded. The work of the writers bringing it all together was tops. It brought in a lot of my favourite shows for a humorous revisit, farscape i loved. It appeared that the actors enjoyed doing the different characterizations as much as i enjoyed watching them. Even a person who doesn't watch every episode would get a giggle out of this episode.

    Thanks guys for all the laughs.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I sat there watching, trying to reconcile the thought of SG1 and greatness. But my smiles and laughs left me no other out. This 200th episode is both tribute and spoof. A self-spoof and spoof of the entire sci fi genre. And it works. Great googily, it works. Mind you, i'll tell you most assuredly that SG1 is second-rate at best...i couldn't stomach any more than the first two seasons (and the last two, after the cast changed). So i'm imagining how much i would have enjoyed this had i been an unabashed fan. There would have been hooting and hollering and standing. The Hollywood producer (Willie Garson, SEX AND THE CITY) of "Wormhole X-Treme", an action TV series designed to get the public used to the idea of a stargate's existence, is turning the show into a movie. He is allowed to interview the members of SG1 for creative input. The episode is a hodgepodge of imaginings and ideas, most of them awful or egotistic, and all of them pretty hysterical (particularly the segments based on STAR TREK and TEAM America). For one moment in time, SG1 goes where no other sci fi had (or could) go before. If that's not enough, how about the return of Richard Dean Anderson! He always tended toward humor, so he fits right in. Don Davis also returns to lend his voice to a puppet, and Isaac Hayes voices the puppet Teal'c. Veteran sci fi director/producer/actor/writer Peter Deluise does a fantastically filthy turn in front of the camera. And then, after virtually everyone gathers to go through the gate for a mission, the episode ends perfectly, as one of the spoof supporting actors rattles off some words which seem pompous at first, but are a quote from Isaac Asimov. After all the laughs, you might get a little lump in your throat. Brilliant.
  • fig-752758 October 2020
    I didn't really like the first "Wormhole Xtreme episode". I just didn't find it funny. But this one was different, and it got me hooked from the very beginning.

    The only thing I was a little confused about was the swearing. It seemed a little bit out of place, or perhaps those scenes really did reflect the reality of the SG-1 set?

    Overall, I was very happy with this episode, especially as I was very disappointed with the one that came before it!
  • Beyond the fact that this is a hysterical breaking of the fourth wall, it is funny.

    Also, Claudia Black is gorgeous.

    I'm supposed to add more context to my the requirements for a real review.

    I feel so stupid, is a major spoiler.

    I'm mad in love with Claudia Black.

    I'm mad in love with Claudia Black.

    I'm mad in love with Claudia Black.

    Also they episode was hilarious.

    I'm mad in love with Claudia Black.

    I'm mad in love with Claudia Black.

    I had the hots for her in farscape, but she killed me as vala mal doran.

    Beyond the fact that this is a hysterical breaking of the fourth wall, it is funny.

    Also, Claudia Black is gorgeous.

    I'm supposed to add more context to my the requirements for a real review.

    I feel so stupid, is a major spoiler.

    I'm mad in love with Claudia Black.

    I'm mad in love with Claudia Black.

    I'm mad in love with Claudia Black.

    Also they episode was hilarious.

    I'm mad in love with Claudia Black.

    I'm mad in love with Claudia Black.

    I had the hots for her in farscape, but she killed me as vala mal doran.
  • As ever, the crew that write Stargate SG-1 are on top form to poke fun at themselves and other related shows with gracious aplomb in their ever original way.

    I thought it was a neat plot point to have Vala contribute her ideas. The casting for that had, for me, echo's of Trek's Next Gen episode where Worf cries: 'I am not a merry man!'

    However, for all the interplay and fun throughout the story I was sorely disappointed and let down with the ending. To some extent I expected more and much better. On some level it may work and Peter DeLuise is so good at what he does but as far as I am concerned, on first watching, it missed the mark.

    It was a suitable change of pace from the main story arc and again I stress for me, worked right up to the last ten minutes or so. If I've missed the point of it, please let me know as I only saw it once.
  • Calicodreamin13 April 2022
    While a fun concept of parodies hidden inside parodies, there's a lot going on and it's just a bit confusing. Could have been done better. Fun fourth wall breaks.
  • fcabanski8 October 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is one of the worst episodes of any Stargate show. That's saying a lot, because SG-1 has some clunkers, Atlantis is on the whole not as good as SG-1, and Universe is utter crap.

    The Ori are coming. The galaxy is on the verge of falling. SG-1 has to find the weapon to stop the Ori. So they spend time going over a script for a Wormhole X-Treme movie.

    The episode parodies a number of sci fi shows such as Star Trek and SG-1. It also parodies movies including Wizard of Oz.

    For some reason this episode won some awards. But Sci-Fi cancelled SG-1 shortly after this episode aired. It's no wonder. The minds behind the show were clearly running out of ideas.
  • mihaimm23 October 2006
    First of all I just want to say that I LOVE this show!!! But this episode...this episode makes a mockery of the entire show.

    I don't know what they tried to achieve with this episode but they successfully created the WORST episode in the entire series.

    There is no story line, everything is chaotic and the jokes.....are crap.

    The way they tried to answer some of the remaining questions in the game..... For example "how do the furlings look like" by creating that stupid "previously on..." simply embarrassing.

    Its clear that the writers are running out of ideas and that is really too bad.
  • accordsirh12 September 2021
    This episodes rating on here is proof all this trash is bought and paid for. I'd literally rather eat a bullet than ever watch this trash episode again. It serves no purpose and has nothing to do with the show/story. Anyone involved in getting this episode green lit needs to be tortured in the worst hell for infinity.
  • witches_abroad8 December 2020
    Thanks, I hated it. It is totally out of context, doesn't fit the storyline and rather confusing. It's like screenwriters getting high on something throwing in all kind of loosely associated stuff at random. Writer 1- Hey! Let's make a.... (-smokes a joint-) .... parody! (-passes the joint-) Writer 2- Yea, mix in, like, that other tv-serie Ben Browder is in! Writer 1- Dope! And then ... let's blend in some Star Trek and Wizard of Oz! Writer 2- Yea, and make the characters from marionette figures! WTF??
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This really should deserve a "O" rating, or even a negative ten. I watched this show for ages, and the show jumped the shark around series 7. This episode, however, is proof that the show has jumped the shark. It's writing is lazy, absurd, self-indulgent and not even worthy of rubbish like Beavis and Butthead.

    It is quite possible to be ridiculous and still be fun -- Pirates of the Caribbean, the Mummy, Count of Monte Cristo -- all "fun" movies that are not to be taken seriously. However, there is such thing as ridiculous as in "this is the worst thing I've ever seen." And indeed, this is the worst episode of Stargate I've ever seen. It's absolutely dreadful, and this coming from someone with a stargate in her basement.

    Makes me want to sell all of my stargate props, most seriously.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have been a fan of science-fiction since I was a young girl, and now my daughter is following in those footsteps, I am very proud to say - a fan of both Star Trek and Star Wars.

    This episode of Stargate reeks of a very distasteful part of Sci-fi fandom I have experienced, and loathed, for as long as I've enjoyed science fiction. The obligation to make fun of, or appreciate the making of fun of the very thing you love and enjoy or be dubbed a "nerd" with "no sense of humor".

    There is nothing funny about an hour of Stargate with the sole purpose of saying "Star Trek, Star Wars, and even The Wizard of Oz is stupid clap-trap that only boys who get wedgies for a living could enjoy !" Star Trek has been a major part of my life, and a major influence on how I live that life for over 30 years. It was a strong influence on both of my parents - successful teachers who gave their love of Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future to their daughter.

    To see another sci-fi show I have always enjoyed attacking something so important to me, to my family, and to my own child is offensive.

    Maybe I don't have a sense of humor, but I see nothing funny about the Stargate cast serving up an hour-long helping of their arrogance, extolling their low opinion of their competition.

    Would Star Trek ever do an episode making fun of the very shows and films that made Star Trek possible ? No. Because Trek writers know how to come up with a story, and are not ashamed of the genre in which they are writing.

    This episode has the feel of a smug teenager lashing out at their dad, because he wouldn't give up his car keys. Stargate is ashamed of shows like Trek, or Farscape. Embarrassed by movies like Star Wars, or Wizard of Oz.

    And maybe it is because the writers know the truth - without Star Trek, Star Wars, and the rest there would be no Stargate. No 200th episode in which to trash everything that came before, and in comparison to most of the stories on SG-1 after season 7, were far superior.
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