User Reviews (52)

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  • brice-185 February 2007
    Made on the tightest of budgets, this blackish comedy about weirdo Patrick's frantic efforts to get rid of his sister's fiancé is remarkably funny. David Hewlett, who wrote and directed, is hilarious as resentment builds to homicidal mania, showing an unsuspected flair for slapstick and pratfalls: its a (literally!) knock-out performance. Paul McGillon (also from 'Stargate Atlantis') is a genial Ryan, the undeserving target of Patrick's frenzy, while Kate Hewlett (David's actual sister) is delightfully less demure than at first she seems. There's a bonus when Ryan's aunt turns up - but I'd better say no more!There could be a problem with a 'psycho' antihero, but Hewlett preserves a desperate charm. The dialogue is droll, the plot cleverly conceived, and when the odd joke misfires it is mainly through lack of resources. 'Much in a little', indeed!
  • I actually rented this movie expecting to be disappointed.

    We laughed almost the entire way through the film, and it was so strange and hilarious that I intend to purchase it at my first opportunity. You might need to possess that certain type of twisted sense of humor to enjoy it. But if you do, you'll enjoy it immensely.

    Every single member of the cast turns in a fantastic performance. Even characters who are seen for mere seconds become memorable. David and Kate Hewlett are obviously siblings, but they actually capture that antagonistic sibling relationship very well.

    These are the type of independent films I wish were being made. It is smart, funny, and well shot.
  • I thought i would comment on this film, being a massive stargate fan, Knowing the actors helped get into it.

    To start of with the first half hour of this film is VERY slow with some very random and strange humour. but it does then it starts to get good. picking up speed and tieing in the jokes from earlier on. It is an original story line, well one i have not seen before and has some of David's sense of humour for Atlantis in. It is worth a watch but don't expect to laugh throughout.

    If it didn't have the very slow start this would be worthy of an 8 or 9, mainly due to it's originality. If you know the actors definitely watch it.
  • David Hewlett wrote the script for this film, where he plays a slightly mentally challenged weird guy living alone and having to contend with his sister (played by his real sister) bringing a fiancée on Christmas. Some of the guys in Stargate Atlantis also helped, although only Paul McGillion has a major part.

    The film is fun, a bit silly, feeling more like a 3 person play + extras rather than a movie. Its biggest problem is that the script is pretty predictable and the laughs are at the expense of a character who has enough trouble going through life as it is, without people taking advantage of his issues. Any number of things could have gone wrong in real life and that makes suspension of disbelief really difficult while watching. When you laugh, you know you laugh because you are watching a comedy, not because you are "inside"; it would be pretty scary actually feeling inside the script, otherwise.

    Bottom line: I am not really the comedy type; I've watched the movie because of David Hewlett. As such I can't comment on how funny the film is. Other people might enjoy it more, I found it frustrating, but perhaps because I understood the main character a lot better than the "normals" in the film.
  • The twisty story and hilarious characterizations made this first film of Mr. Hewlett's a pleasure to watch, Other reviewers have commented on the clever plot and terrific performances, so I won't repeat that praise here - suffice it to say that I giggled my way through the movie.

    Clever costuming really added to my enjoyment of the film - just quirky enough to establish character without distracting from the story. Marilyn's dresses in particular revealed as much about her as Ms. Hewlett's entertaining performance.

    Director Hewlett used wide angle shots with a stationary camera to great effect for some of the outdoor scenes without overdoing it - the choices he made really added to the mood of the film. And actor Hewlett's expressive face and hilarious delivery made Patrick a very real person instead of the caricature that he easily could have become.

    One small quibble - this is NOT a horror movie! Dark comedy in the hilarious mannered style of 'The Pink Panther' or 'A Fish Called Wanda', yes. Horror? Not so much. Which is fine by me!
  • David Hewlett did a good job writing and directing this movie. The story isn't flawless, could have been better, but overall A Dog's Breakfast is a guarantee for some good laughs. His acting and physical appearance reminds me of Will Forte from The Last Man From Earth. It's not as funny as that amazing show but it's certainly worth a watch. A nice unexpected little twist gave this movie a better ending than I expected. Don't expect a high budget comedy though, it's all very simple but it works.
  • With no disrespect to the filmmakers - this was crap. I own a DVD rental store and I review all the movies I buy online - my staff then review them as they come in. This is the classic example of trusting your gut!! I read quite a few good reviews in IMDb, noticed that there was an unnatural amount of 10/10 votes (700!!) and all in all something smelt very fishy about this movie - despite this i bought multiple copies. What a flop....all of us agreed - awful. To me it can be defined as a low budget attempt at British style farcical humor - a la 'death at a funeral' and fails badly as expected. Unfortunately one of our local distributors picked it up and marketed it as a smash hit....only thing redeeming it from a 1 vote is it appears to be a v small budget flick, written, directed and acted by the same person...something akin to a 2nd year film school project I'd say.

    To the back of the shelf where it belongs...
  • bringonthebooze16 February 2007
    You have to see this film. I mean what more can I say, it's just so funny your sides will split! Well written, great actors, gorgeous mutt. The perfect combination.

    I was lucky enough to attend the London screening of ADB at the beginning of February 2007, with Mr David Hewlett, his sister Kate, fiancé Jane and producer John Lenic from Stargate in attendance to answer questions after the show. It was a great idea - a sort of 'book tour' for a film. Really made it into an event to remember

    If it only goes straight to DVD - BUY IT! Whichever venue it is released in, do your untmost to see it.

    Well done David for your directorial debut - gonna be a hit.

    Roll on the next film
  • I'm about to confess something no Stargate: Atlantis fan should ever confess: I didn't like "A Dog's Breakfast." I thought the humor was forced and stale for the most part. A lot if it seemed almost cutesy, which is weird for a movie like this. The plot was incredibly predictable, although some of the situational comedy was not.

    I only really found crossdressing Paul McGillion funny, because he did it so well. Oh, and the sci-fi spoof that he was supposed to be starring in. But honestly, David Hewlett was playing a character altogether too similar to Rodney McKay, except ten times dumber, which is not a good thing, in my opinion.

    Although, admittedly, Chris Judge's couple of scenes were hilarious. Almost worth sitting through the boring, forced mess that is the rest of the film, which has an almost Home Alone meets Sweeney Todd feel, without the stirring musical numbers (which it might have been able to use).

    Overall, I think Hewlett was just trying too hard.
  • It's hard to review a movie like this without giving anything away, and I don't want to write any spoilers. So to start, I recommend everyone tries to see it.

    One can already see how hilarious it is by the trailer and the few clips on the show, but let me tell you... it gets even BETTER!!

    The acting is great, but if you're a fan of the Stargates, then you already know that. And Kate Hewlett, the female star, has theatrical experience, and I guess good acting is genetic in the Hewlett family. Along with the sense of humor. The sibling rivalry in the movie is great to see, and even funnier knowing that David and Kate actually are brother and sister. I can't even comment on Paul McGillion, 'cause I'd be giving away stuff, but let me pause for a second and giggle madly!! *ROFLMAO* OK, back. The other roles were fairly short, all the actors were great, and I personally hope that we'll get to see "Starcrossed" - the space opera in the movie that is to become a real TV-show soon, so we can see what Paul and Rachel can do in a comedic role (and even if that's not the direction it will take, and even if Paul and Rachel weren't in it, I'd still want to see it. It was so cheesy it was hilarious!!). A special mention goes to Mars, the poster-dog for the movie. Handsome, very natural, and apparently all he asked to do his job was a little doggie biscuit from his friends!

    Again, it's hard to say more without giving bits away, and every little clip from the movie is worth watching without knowing what will happen... even though the second time you watch the movie (personal experience), you'll enjoy it even more. For one, you'll be able to hear all the lines you've missed from laughing to hard the first time around, and you'll be able to see things without the blur of tears (again from laughter). And you'll notice all the funny details that you couldn't focus the first time, when you were focused on the main story.

    It is a low-budget movie, but you'd never know if they didn't tell you. The way it's shot, everything makes perfect sense, and I really don't see how a lot more money could have made any difference (expect, of course, in making people happier!).

    And I wish I could say more, but again I'd go into spoiler-area.

    So from giggling, to laughing out loud, from going "ewww", to seeing a lot more David Hewlett than you've ever wanted to see (or finally enough!, depending on your point of view!), you'll want to watch this movie again and again, ask for a REAL theatrical release by MGM, or at least that the DVDs come out soon!! OK, I just re-ran a little clip in my head, laughed, and the people around me looked at me as if I were nuts. Hope that if you've seen the movie you aren't reading about it in a public place!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What is it with people rating films with either a 10 or a 1? Is there something wrong with recognizing a film's shortcomings and flaws? Or its strengths for that matter? This film has both.

    This film feels like either a play or a made for teevee movie. Sort of an "Afterschool Special" type of feel. I'll call this a shortcoming of reduced production costs. For example, we know that the house was on fire, but we never see it. Not necessarily a big negative, but films that skimp on these types of things can tend to have less of a visceral impact on the viewer. I felt this scene was countered somewhat by hearing the entertaining fireman's radio chatter in the background. These types of details lend to the intelligence of a film and are a nice plus. There are quite a few of these touches in the film and I greatly appreciate a filmmaker believing that there is smart audience watching.

    As far as the acting, it felt a bit wooden to start, but the characters seemed to warm a bit as we progressed through the story. Paul McGillion was my favorite in this one. The other two main characters felt a bit more strained or forced in their performances. Not a lot, but just a bit and it was enough to distract me. The plot was readily apparent after the ladder "accident" so there were no surprises for me in the end. This did not damage my attentiveness or opinion of the film as I already struggled with turning it off from 3 minutes in. I felt this way throughout the film, but I am okay with having watched it to the end. Cute. I'll call it a cute film.

    The Telltale Heart (this appears to be the book he is gripping at one point) aspect of the film was mildly entertaining, but overall the film's limited production costs make this a character piece and the characters are not all that deep or believable to me. Entertaining? Sure. A 10? No. A fat 5 in my book.
  • redphoniex8620 February 2007
    This Movie was brilliant. Very funny and had me laughing all the way though. It kept you guessing till right near the end. I would recommend this film to anyone who has a sense of humour. David Hewlett has done a fantastic job with this. You can see the British side of the humour clearly but anyone from anywhere will find this funny. See this film. You wouldn't regret it. David, i hope you do something else cos i'll be right at the front of the queue. I have not spoken to one person who hasn't loved this film. It's been awhile since i've been to see something and laughed so hard. This is a film for all the family of any age. Thank you. Sarah.
  • Well, this was probably the worst movie I saw in the last 2 years. It started off pretty weird, gives the impression of a cheap local production.

    As it continues, I kept asking myself if the scenes I'm watching are just a dream of the terrible mind-freaked main character. Most of them weren't.

    I constantly threatened to leave the room, but, unfortunately, my friends made me stay to see the pathetic ending.

    Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to throw up. Please, don't watch this movie.
  • kaos-323 February 2007
    I had the pleasure to see the special screening in LA back in November, and I was pleasantly surprised. I thought this would be a so-so vanity project for an actor (David Hewlett), but this is one of the best comedies on film. I want to see it again because I missed bits as the laughter was so loud - and virtually continuous. It is absolutely brilliant. A Dog's Breakfast *deserves* a wide release. It's a sleeper that will make a ton of money by word of mouth. Unfortunately, I think Hollywood is allergic to intelligent films. Think "Napoleon Dynamite" but better, oh Hollywood machine!

    Best of all, this film is very original - dark, but sophisticated, intelligent and good-natured. It's suitable for pretty much anyone without pandering to the lowest common denominator (i.e. no fart jokes).

    David Hewlett is an underrated actor - rent the Canadian TV series "Traders" if you can - he is quite remarkable. You can also catch him in Stargate Atlantis (he can steal a scene with just his posture). I hope that "A Dog's Breakfast" gives him a wider audience. I also hope he expands his horizons as a filmmaker. Write more, please! Kate Hewlett is also very good, and this sibling pairing worked well. Kate plays the "straight man" wonderfully. She might not have a lot projects under her belt but she was equal to David on screen. She is a strong, charismatic, skilled actress. She has the chops to carry a film on her own.
  • The lopsided reviews and ratings here should be a red flag to anyone who is considering watching this dreadful "movie"! Just spare yourself, there is nothing worth watching here.
  • samus4531 March 2007
    Just saw this movie in Vancouver last weekend. Twice. I had high hopes for it and was not disappointed. There's comedy of all kinds (dry, slapstick, morbid, light, etc.) and some really engaging characters. Sure, one or two of the "twists" were kind of obvious to me, but as I didn't go expecting it to be "The Usual Suspects", it didn't bother me that I figured it out before the reveals. Actually, I'm not too sure they didn't mean for the audience to figure it out before the reveal. The main thing seemed to be that the character(s) didn't know everything. So, yeah, I had a really good time, and a lot of good laughs, and will definitely be buying this one on DVD when it comes out.
  • This is quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. The plot is idiotic, Hewlett and his sister are awful, it is choppy, poorly written and delivered. I thought my head was going to explode 15 minutes in, but I really tried. It sucks. Hewlett wasn't all that great in Stargate, he really stinks the place out in this "offering."
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I attended the Los Angeles screening for A Dog's Breakfast not knowing what to expect. I was very pleasantly surprised! David Hewlett does an outstanding job in the role of Patrick, the somewhat eccentric and slightly psychotic older brother of Marilyn, played by Hewlett's real-life sister, Kate Hewlett.

    The title of the movie is quite appropriate, although it may take you until the end of the movie to understand it. Basically, the entire story is about what the dog, played by Mars, is having for breakfast. And, boy, will you be surprised and possibly a little grossed-out to find out just what he is having! This uproarious, black comedy is a must-see for anyone who likes to laugh and have a good time. It is also a must-see for folks who like a darker side to their humor.

    This movie is appropriate for children of all ages. My guess is that it would be rated PG for some content. Younger children won't understand what's going on but my daughter who is 8 years old will absolutely love it when she gets a chance to see it!
  • Nothing worse than a bunch of phoney 10 reviews to Jack up the rating of a movie that should be rated a 3 at best. I gave it a 1 to offset the phoney 10's.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After having the privilege to preview David Hewlett's newest endeavor, I must say my view of him has changed. He is funny, eccentric and talented. For all Stargate fans, for all David fans...this is definitely a MUST SEE. And you will see more of David "Dr Rodney McKay" Hewlett than you would expect.

    Also in the movie are Kate Hewlett (David's sister), Rachel Luttrell (Teyla), Paul McGillion (Dr Beckett), Christopher Judge (Teal'c) and of course, Mars, David's real life adorable dog.

    I was able to talk personally with David and his sister, Kate, who is the female star of the movie. Well she is the only "real" female in "A Dog's Breakfast. Both were charming and very personable and very will to take the time to talk and take pictures with fans.

    So, I say to all you Stargate/Stargate Atlantis fans. Call your local theatre and request this film to be shown.
  • allesredukt21 November 2007
    This film, written and directed by David Hewlett of "Stargate Atlantis" fame, is a charmingly funny first endeavor. It features several of his fellow cast members and friends from the Stargate franchise, as well as his witty and lovely sister, Kate Hewlett, who has also appeared on "Atlantis."

    As revealed by the cast and producers in the DVD commentaries, the comedy's delightful humor springs from the relationships of the people who created it. After all, in what other movie of recent memory will you see a real-life brother and sister tease and taunt each other to near homicidal psychosis? Or the intimidatingly massive Christopher Judge reconceived as a smooth, if somewhat desperate, gentleman suitor come to court his online dating hookup?

    Although without a grand budget, Mr. Hewlett proves that he can find the funny in any awkward situation or gloomy environment. Even the rain, mud, and muck of British Columbia provide key atmosphere and serve as comedic props.

    While many big Hollywood comedies of late seem to try too hard and go too far, the time spent with this goofy family is sure to put a smile on your face and giggles in your belly.
  • bookall7 February 2007
    I loved this movie - there were so many laugh out loud bits, but there were some great sequences which made you cringe, but left you unable to do anything other than watch in fascinated disbelief? The bits you see on the clips from you tube are just the start.

    David, Kate and Paul have perfect comic timing, how they kept a straight face i will never know. Lots of ohs and aahs at certain peoples screen appearances, with much applause and adulation at the end of the movie.

    This film rocks - and i don't think it is necessary to be a Stargate fan to appreciate it. I took a friend who has seen very little of Stargate and he loved it! Without giving away too much of the plot, i would say that the film was very well done, considering that there were such a limited number of actors in it, and it was shot in a contained set. Not once did i feel that there was a lack in the budget or the strength of the acting.

    The dog's breakfast is a must see movie, and i would highly recommend it to everyone.
  • The film is hysterical, uncomplicated, with no special effects just good old fashioned writing. Oh and a Dog. The acting and timing is spot on perfect meaning that some scenes require no dialogue but are carried by the sheer strength of the actors' performances.

    What makes this movie even more remarkable is that it is an independent production that has made use of the internet and fans to market itself. It has had no big media company pushing it, or producing high cost flashy trailers. It has relied on good old fashioned hard work, word of mouth and the never say die attitude of it's creators. On top of that David Hewlett has gotten to know his fan base and asked them to get involved creating the "Squrirrels" who are helping to spread the word. With their help let's hope that Kibble Productions continue to Wag their Way across the Net.
  • zerocool7914 February 2007
    Warning: Spoilers
    Tiny hints at spoilers alert!

    Being one of the lucky few to see this film at the time of writing, I am excited for everyone who hasn't seen this and hope you get to see this soon. I am going to make an attempt to talk about it without spoiling it much and will attempt to detach myself from Hewlett fangirly rantings.

    I can safely say that this film surpassed even my expectations (unsurprisingly high) and did not disappoint. Given that it this is David Hewlett's directing debut (no doubt under the watchful gaze of long time Yoda and chum, Vincenzo Natali among others)Hewlett exhibits a creative flair that marks this film out as distinctively his own. Natali et al were not the crutch for this project that I had feared. Newbie Hewlett seems to have successfully navigated what was probably a mêlée of creative advice well.

    David himself does not hide the fact that he has had to beg, borrow and steal resources to get this film made and producer (fiancée) Jane Loughman has done a remarkable job bringing this film to fruition on such a tiny budget. What this man could do given bigger budget doesn't bare thinking about . He does seem to have wet the appetite of (DVD only) distributor MGM who have commissioned a pilot of 'starcrossed' (the spoof sci-fi featured in the film). Lets hope that this relationship continues.

    What it may lack in polish it more than makes up for in wit, style of expression and originality. An entertainment focused screenplay, it has no pretensions and does not take itself too seriously. It doesn't make too many demands on the audience but it doesn't require you to leave your brain at the door either, a perfect balance. The film is a real testament to the director's ingenuity and understanding of his medium. I would like to see him in the future try out some different genres. Perhaps horror.

    I personally love extremity of character, and Hewlett's performance as the endearing Patrick demonstrated well paced comic timing and relished in the sort of classy but not too crude slapstick that Peter Sellers would have been proud of. Similarly Paul McGillion as Ryan plays well off of Hewlett. Cynics (who have not seen the movie!) may say that their on screen chemistry is already well known and pre-established outside of the film's parameters and that this assumption is a requirement to fully enjoy the film. I would answer by saying that this film dispels the myth that you would to have seen Stargate Atlantis to appreciate 'in jokes'. There simply aren't any. Where would we be if that same argument were levied at anyone 'writing and influenced by what they know'?. Many who have never heard the word Stargate have absolutely loved it.

    I also wondered whether one of the more memorable scenes involving THAT dressing gown and McGillion, had been at all influenced by Cary Grant in 'Bringing up Baby';-)?

    I hope this is the first rung on the long ladder of Hewlett's directing career with preferably Jane supporting the ladder;-)

    yup, the boy done good!
  • lilferret4 February 2007
    I truly believe this is the funniest movie I have ever seen. My friend Fey and I attended the Los Angeles premiere in November and definitely didn't know what to expect. I adore independent films, however, and even if this movie had not been picked up by MGM it would have carried its own weight as such.

    There is nothing better than the comedic timing of skilled actors, and all those involved in this production had a chemistry that is second to none. David and Kate have brought to film their childhood sibling rivalry and honed their skills as actors to pull it off. They did so beautifully.

    I love David Hewlett as part of the Stargate franchise, as well as Paul McGillion, Christopher Judge, and Rachel Luttrell, but am now a huge fan of Kate Hewlett's as well.

    Well played, my friends. Well played.
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