User Reviews (10)

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  • These men fought on behalf of the United States, so when do they become worthy of not being deported? When they raise their hand and swear to protect us? Upon graduation from basic training? The first time they wear the uniform? When the get on a plane with Americans and fly to a war zone? Their first combat mission? After their first deployment? After two? Ever? I fought in Afghanistan and Iraq with guys from Mexico and Belize, and they were just as much my brothers as anyone else born in KS. If they were killed, we draped an American flag over them and said goodbye. But if they survive we might deport them? Important message that hopefully brings change.
  • ocanau3 December 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    After seeing a 1 star from a reviewer on Amazon, and 5.6/10. I decided to give it a shot. My take on the entire documentary I can see how this film can be perceived as being a bit biased, in fact in the very beginning it seems as if the film director has an agenda but after watching the entire film I understand the message. As we all know too well many of our soldiers come back from war with ptsd, and a lot of our vets ("Americans" "non" immigrants) tend to self medicate, others even resort to committing non-violent offenses such as retail theft and other non-violent drug offenses. What I take from this film is if these "immigrants" were good enough to be excepted into the military and sent to war, than they should be excepted as "Americans" and they should able to remain in the United States.
  • On surface, it seems like How could they send a vet back / deport them? But they are a very few as most have legally 8 years to nationalize and become a US citizen. And 95% of vets in this scene- do so. The problem with this doc is they don't show the other side. These are a small fraction who have all admitted that they have returned to crime, made mistakes legally, and are caught in the system... it's about crime and wanting exception for crime because they served in military. If you are ambitious and want to add value to a built society- then there are ways for you in the US. If you are a slacker, undriven, a drain, and only want to take from an advanced society- then No, that's not what US is about. And legal citizens flip the tax bill so that's why people get mad about opening the floodgates to immigrants who just 'want'- but aren't willing to 'give' by registering legally, paying taxes and sharing the load. Military? Paid by US Tax paying citizens. Hospitals, treatment, and Vet benefits?-Again paid by US Tax paying citizens. Every year, 300,000 unregistered immigrants cross into California... Don't pay taxes- and they wonder why State has gone broke/ bankrupt? Why cost of living is sky high? There are proper channels to be a US citizen- doing drugs and becoming hit men are not the way. But I do believe Military service should be weighed considerably in these men's cases-
  • Each soldier that is not a citizen is given 8 years to become a citizen. Commanders are more than happy to give the soldier time to get this done. So this is a story about lazy soldiers that failed to complete the mission. So making this up about anything else is a lie.
  • grantonearth23 November 2019
    A "Documentary" about Illegals (technically a criminal) who join the US armed forces, fail to become a citizen within 8 years even though approval is guaranteed while they serve, then leave the service and become criminals (or continue to be criminals) get caught and get deported...then act like victims.
  • Let's be real, most mass media is left leaning, so, the reviewers making a big fuss about this being leftist really isn't adding any value, but regurgitating what they hear.

    But, to level with them, just taking the facts presented in this documentary, let's consider for a moment the possibility that cartels are using our military to train their staff. Right or left leaning, that alone should give food for thought.

    Point is, accept that anything presented to you by another human being will always be biased. So, use what's between your ears, think for yourself instead of regurgitating everything that's fed to you.

    I give this documentary a 10 for being well made and providing another data point for me to chew on. Until the people claiming this is leftist propaganda can present actual facts to counter what's presented, I can't take their input seriously, and nor should you.
  • This film dives into the lives of true Americans fighting for their right to pursue happiness AFTER they've fought for the rights of others to do the same. Thank you Andrew Renzi and team for bringing to light this injustice that's often hidden behind blanketed cries of "support the troops."
  • jamesjump6 November 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Just saw a cut release online, and holy christ, are you joking? These people come and serve in the us military with the promise of citizenship and once their tours are over, they deport them back to their country of origin! Back in the day, service guaranteed citizenship...this is unreal, these soldiers put their life on the line and once they're done fighting the Americans give them the shaft, somehow you just know Donald Trump and his alt-right Nazi Administration are responsible for this travesty. Great movie. One of a kind. I won't even get into the fact that some of these people when they get back to their home country, they go right into the waiting arms of the drug cartels, who love getting professional soldiers...putting them teach the younger sicarios how to kill. 10 out of 10.
  • mjose-3522726 November 2019
    In any developed nation people will make mistakes and that is why we have due process. These veterans deserve better. Proves how much of a collateral we are. There were some happy endings in the docue but for the ones who have no way out of Mexico were probably better off dying on the battlefield.
  • Too biased, agenda driven. It could have been a gem if it focused on the question of why these illegals don't fix their own countries, instead of leaving others behind in those current cesspools to do the work.