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  • I like the diversity of the cast. However, both of the lead cast members look biracial yet their parents are both black, black (my skin folks will understand this). Do better! At least make families match.

    Outside of this, this was a very cheesy Christmas romance pretty much on script.
  • Pete-Claus23 December 2020
    I was hoping this movie would live up to the promise of the higher rated user reviews, but mainly it just became a series of events to follow along within an implausible plot. It was pleasant enough to watch and enjoy in the context of the plot tensions and some interesting settings, but that was about it. There was no real energy to get the viewer engaged.
  • lindsayrbrehmer6 December 2021
    The movie was cute, but boring. Did anyone notice the with 21:26 to go in the movie they show a panover shot of the city, and it is literally on fire? Flames coming out of buildings.
  • Though the concept of the idea is passable for a Christmas movie, the production was rather sloppy. The interactions between the characters were awkward and the flow wasn't smooth. The dialogue was a bit cheesy and the jokes were not well delivered.
  • I love cheesy movies. All hallmark. All romance. This was just yucky. The actors were definitely not the problem. They were each interesting but whoever put this together ugh. Forced. All of it. No chemistry. The timing of everything was off. The movie was so bad I never want anyone to go through it. And it could have been good. And Totally not appropriate in parts. Cringy. Please don't watch. I would love to see all the actors in a better produced directed etc film.
  • A workteam travels to pitch a villa project but a bad weather left Rachel and Adrian living a day as queen and king allowing them to know each other better. This is what I call a background movie.

    It won't matter if we miss a scene or a dialogue because it can be described with two words: dating and eating, and we still knowing what's happening. Not big dificulties for the characters, not even enough twists that could make anyone being interested on the characters situations because everything seemed to be already solved. Things looked more faked than all fictions movies are. Doesn't matter how much fiction it has, audience could end up believing in the performance. In other words, not much spoilers to ruin.

    The acting could have been better. I feel the director could have asked for more because actors and actresses seemed to be capaple. But it went according to a simple script.
  • This was a fun, superficial, predictable film, about beautiful young people in their cloistered world. The best acting was by Rachel's father.

    Scenery and snow was pretty, made me miss winter, until the Jeep driving scene, on snowy roads.

    But nice to see winter romanticized.

    Enjoyable movie, for anti-intellectuals.
  • Well, I must admit that a movie based on a Harlequin novel wasn't really what brought the most expectations to mind as I sat down to watch the 2019 Christmas movie "Snowbound for Christmas". But with it being a movie that I hadn't already seen, and this being the season and all, of course I managed to find the time to sit down and watch this movie from director Marco Deufemia.

    Writer Shannon Stacey did manage to put together a movie that was entertaining. Sure "Snowbound for Christmas" contains the usual Christmas cheese that you often see in this type of romantic holiday movies, for better or worse, but I will say that it was actually watchable and entertaining enough.

    Sure, the storyline was predictable and playing all on the archetypical tropes seen in similar Christmas movies, so you pretty much know what you are in for here beforehand sitting down to watch "Snowbound for Christmas". But if you enjoy these sappy Christmas movies, then you will certainly also enjoy the 2019 "Snowbound for Christmas".

    The acting performances in the movie were good. I wasn't familiar with anyone on the cast list here, which is something that I do enjoy when watching movies. And I will say that people did good jobs with their given roles and characters, so they had cast a good ensemble of actors and actresses.

    My rating of "Snowbound for Christmas" lands on a five out of ten stars.
  • The story is pretty simple and predictable. (Even if it is predictable, it would be nice if other reviewers would avoid blatant spoilers.)

    The romance is pretty blah. I didn't think the leads had much chemistry and the movie certainly didn't sell me as to why either one would pine over the other.

    The most interesting part of the movie was the annoying Diane. She was obviously a characteture of a villainous rival, but she was harmless and lame. If you like that kind of humor, then it adds to the movie. Jean Luc was also a bit different and totally unprofessional, but I think that was the point.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The cast is cute, the acting is okay - except for the evil ex, who is basically played as a blond Natasha minus her Boris. The luxury hotel doesn't look quite like real luxury (more like a Super8 with extra holiday decor) but the genuine outdoor shots are very pretty.

    The predictable plot blandly ignores that the whole stated reason for the heroine and heroine going on a work trip by simply having a snowstorm delay the people they were going there to impress. It also utterly ignores a central contradiction by dissing the blond for her 'missing the lecture' on workplace sexual relationships only to have our heroine willing to ignore the same stricture when it proves inconvenient to her desires.

    But its cardinal sin, to me, is that the heroine does literally ALL the heavy lifting, from the first little present to doing emotional support over his - THEIR - high-stress pitch to quietly getting out of his way when it seems he doesn't want her. She's so passive she doesn't genuinely 'win' anything or grow in any way, but simply goes home to lick her imaginary wounds after any rebuff until he comes to his senses and comes to her. As a 'Revenge of the Nice Girls' this is flat, flat, flat.

    And quite a step-down for that familiar face you'll notice on the hotel manager, who does his comic best with a really dull script.

    Now I'm starting to question whether it actually deserves 5 stars...
  • I just watched Snowbound for Christmas and was pleasantly surprised how good it was! I love old classics for the holliday and decided to try somthing more up to date. I loved it so much I'm hoping for a sequel! Both the writing and the acting were on point. Please make a sequel as a follow up!
  • adamjohns-4257523 February 2021
    I actually really liked the romance that blossomed between these two and it was a charming location that made me feel all snug and cosy inside. It wasn't very Christmassy, but the rest was so good that it didn't matter.

    I wasn't sure I was going to like it to start with as the lead female seemed a bit wet, but Henderson Wade is a very sexy man and I think you could see the connection between him and Zarrin Darnell-Martin really easily, as she showed what she was really made of. Franco Lo Presti is also gorgeous, I would like to have seen more of his character. I also think that it's about time Joseph Cannata became a leading man. He would be really good, especially if he was naked. However her Dad and his Mum need to go back to acting school.

    I do wonder why the evil girls are all from The Netherlands, Sweden or that general area nowadays though. Aren't there any evil British ones left?

    All in all, it put a smile on my face and you can tell it was good because it also made me miserable because I don't and never have had a decent relationship like theirs.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First off...the sloppily done comment. The photos they showed of a "blizzard"...that was no blizzard, particularly for a ski resort! And then, when the blizzard was supposed to be over, one shot was showing heavy snow. Which was it? And how is a road perfectly clear one minute and snow-packed with snow a couple of minutes later. That's what I mean by sloppily done. And, by the way, who the heck picked out Henderson Wade's shirt. Must have been the exclusive line from K-Mart.

    That behind us, there are some things to like about this film. First off, I enjoyed Zarrin Darnell-Martin. I'd enjoy seeing her in more things. And Henderson Wade is very pleasant on-screen. The kinda guy you'd like to know. Feels comfortable. I'd enjoy seeing him in more things. And those two are what saved this (as a couple of our reviewers said) "thin" story. They were good together, and you wanted that happy ending you knew was coming.

    There's not really much more to say here. Decent supporting actors, though no one stands out...except for Josephine Buettner...whom I don't want to see again.

    It was pleasant.
  • crjjnjctc21 November 2021
    The only good actor is the male lead. The female lead is not very good at all. The guy who plays the hotel manager is HORRIBLE. Not worth the time to watch this piece of garbage movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I usually LOVE Netflix's Christmas movies. However, this one missed the mark for me. While I am a fan of Henderson Wade, Adrian's character lacks in both depth and "likeability", which makes it difficult to get invested in the story. I found his romance story with Rachel to be dull and rushed. Diane and Fred's chemistry was more believable, but none of the characters are all that memorable. Snowbound for Christmas is nothing more than a causal movie you have on in the background during the holiday season.
  • The perfect movie to turn on a then nap through - it's terrible. I love a good cheesy "Hallmark" type holiday movie but this is one is just plain bad.
  • I never wrote reviews and I had to create an account for this one. This movie gives me tie hope that I can be an actor or a writer. I love Christmas and holiday movies so I am not against a cheesy or predicative storyline and ending, but the acting was horrific! The casting was lazy and not believable at all. I could go on and on but I will not. I have to believe this was this directors' first movie, do not waste your time with this one.
  • tinatalksavon22 November 2020
    I thought it was a cute movie. Typical that the hard worker gets walked on by someone who thinks she's more important,who's also trying to lay claims on the boss. It was a fun movie.
  • If I'm going to watch a Christmas movie I want to know what it's about so that I know whether or not to waste my time so the Person who complained about a spoiler for this movie Doesn't have the advantage of wanting to make sure a movie watched is quality time spent. I'm glad this movie was spoiled for me because then I knew whether I would like it Without feeling like I wasted two hours of my time that I could've spent watching a Christmas movie Christmas which despite the negative reviews I think it's hilarious
  • kathryn-haupt18 November 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    At minute 51:50 part, she pours "hot chocolate" in to 2 cups. They toast (sound guy could have at least covered up the sound of two, obviously empty, cups clanking and then do you think the director could get a different angle other than her drinking from the empty cup? You could literally see into the cup....nothing in it! Lol. I laughed so hard. I didn't realize this movie was so funny!!!
  • Well done Video Editor. You managed some nice cuts to hide the Director's shot rate errors. Buying-in Library footage was wise. I thought Yuppie movies went out in the last century, but apparently they're still going strong in Harlequin World. The problem with the film is the desperate levels of over-acting versus the underwritten script, versus the need for all the bit-part players to build their scene so they get a showreel out of it. Special commendation for stetched-out, moody mooning and 2nd rate Male Model posing must go to Franco Lo Presti and Joseph Cannata who went full-Zoolander on every scene: making it an unusual malange of Comic-Tragic and Pathetic all in the same take. Being generous, the script could be considered thin, at best. Nonetheless, this didn't stop every cast member from selling their "talent" at every scene. There was so much self-promoting going on, I was expecting the Sound Guy to move his boom into shot, with his Resume taped to it. Shout out to Scott Thompson who camped the worst French-Mystery accent this year (c'est nanar, non?) hope the check was worth it. Overall verdict: "2 dimensional" would be being kind.
  • It is so refreshing to see diverse leads in a holiday romance. Zarrin Darnell-Martin and Henderson Wade are just adorable and can we talk about how hilarious Scott Thompson is!
  • My Christmas film viewings over-time have been a very mixed bag. With some surprisingly good hits, where regardless of how predictable they are succeed in being full of charm, warmth and heart so succeeding in being light-hearted and undemanding fun. But also some quite big misses, where the characters are not likeable, everything is forced and shallow with implausibility too in some of the worst cases, the acting and writing being weak and basically with just nothing to them.

    Despite being a long way from perfect or being a complete hit, 'Snowbound for Christmas' is thankfully closer to the former category. Certainly not a film to humbug on. As far as the 2019 Christmas output as part of my Christmas film completest sake goes, 'Snowbound for Christmas' is in the high middle category. Was not expecting a lot admittedly, as there is very little originality in the plot idea and setting, but it turned out to be better than expected.

    'Snowbound for Christmas' main asset is most of the cast. Zarin Darnell-Martin and Henderson Wade are very likeable and engaging leads and their chemistry is very easy going and not hard to relate to. Franco Lo Presti and especially Scott Thompson amuse in support. The chemistry never comes over as disconnected or ill at ease. Most of the production values slick and not drab and the music generally has a pleasant nostalgia.

    There are a fair share of amusing moments that never felt overdone and an equal amount of never too over-sentimental serious ones. The writing is a long way from perfect, but compared to some Christmas films seen recently it's acceptable, here not heavy or not going overboard on the cheese. Enough of the story is very charming and heart-warming and even if the characters are not meaty they were characters to me that were worth caring for on the whole.

    However, the character of Diana came over as an annoying caricature, one that Josephine Buettner overplays. Some of the photography is on the blurry side.

    Also there is no doubt, with it being the case with all Christmas films made by either Hallmark, Lifetime, UpTV etc and being a long way from being a novel premise, that the story is very predictable and quite safe throughout, so there are major plot points and developments that can be seen from a long way away. The ending is easily foreseeable in particular.

    Overall, quite decent. 7/10.
  • Snowbound for Christmas (2019) is a nice holiday romantic comedy. While featuring a mostly white cast, I loved seeing Zarrin Darnell-Martin and Henderson Wade shining as the African American leads, Rachel and Adrian, respectively. Their chemistry made it easy to be swept away by the romance, despite the potential HR nightmare they would encounter in real life. The movie revolves around the classic Boss-Employee romance trope, which still manages to be popular despite the real-life consequences often associated with such relationships, especially in recent years.

    If the story is otherwise good and the characters have real chemistry, I can suspend my disbelief. However, Adrian had a few lines that kept reminding me. In one scene, they were sitting having dinner all alone in the hotel as they were snowbound, and he says something like "since we've been alone I've gotten to see a whole new side of you that I really like..." then he invites her to his parents. She says "Christmas with my new boss?" He said "Yeah nevermind, that sounds weird and creepy..." Ugh a reminder that he should NOT be romancing his employee....then he says "...this feels like we're breaking some kind of rule..." and I'm like "yeah you can't date your subordinates!" but the movie went on and I was swept away again.

    Adrian breaks the mold of the stereotypical mean boss. In fact, both characters defy expectations, steering clear of the trope where one of them is overly focused on work while the other teaches them how to relax. In this movie, they both embrace their shared love for the holidays.

    The romance was basically drama-free until a small wrench was thrown into the mix by a jealous ex. But it was pretty quickly resolved, and this ex also had a cute little romantic stranded-in-a-cabin with a rugged hot guy subplot of her own.

    One thing is that when Rachel and Adrian were dancing and then went their separate ways to watch the snow fall in their rooms, I couldn't hear the words to the song that was playing in the background. I know people complain about how loud the music is in these made for TV movies, but the soundtrack is one of the reasons why I watch them. I caught some of the lyrics:

    Been a long journey So many times have I need you here by my side cuz you know me so well Bringing warmth in the cold night and shelter for my soul you know that I'll always be here...

    Very nice and fit the story. I just wish I could have heard the whole song.

    The little cut out montage at the end of the movie was cute serving as kind of epilogue. Oh and kudos for casting a normal-sized woman as the lead. Rachel who was really into her yoga was no stick figure!
  • It is approaching the Christmas season and Rachel Carter has just landed her dream job as a marketing director in a real estate development company. She is eager to impress her boss, Adrian Blackstone, and when a new project arises, redeveloping a villa in Tuscany, she burns the midnight oil to create a presentation an impressive marketing video. This earns her a spot on her boss's small team heading to a resort - which is about to open for a much bigger presentation to the Tuscan clients. While there, an unexpected snowstorm moves in, trapping Rachel and Adrian at the resort. They get to spend some quality personal time together realizing there may be more to their relationship than just business. (The maitre-d' of the resort, with a silly French-Canadian accent, fusses around the two of them. Because of the snowstorm, none of the scheduled several hundred guests of the resort arrive.) But Diane (or Diana, with a slight European accent), an architect in the same company, and part of Adrian's larger team, had had a brief relationship with Adrian some while ago. She is now jealous of Rachel, and scheming to pair up with him again. However early in the first full day at the resort, as the company architect, she is sent to assess possible re-development of remote cabins on the resort grounds. Then, during the snowstorm, Diana is herself snowbound in a distant primitive cabin, with her local driver. At this point, the story alternates between the extreme luxury Rachel and Adrian are enjoying, as the only guests at the resort (which Adrian had refurbished in a previous project), and the hardships Diana and her reluctant companion are enduring in their icy cabin - can they get the pot-bellied stove burning to heat the cabin? can they survive on cans of Spam? can they tolerate one another? Diana then schemes to set up a big presentation pitch (the first had been abandoned because of the snow storm) at Vale, with Adrian, alone. Diana, dismissively, says she can get all of Rachel's input from a thumb-drive. Later, Rachel is assigned the minor task of organising the company's Christmas party. During the party, Diana, smirking, and returning from Vale, tells Rachel that she and Adrian have reconnected. Rachel is bitterly disappointed. On Christmas Eve, alone in her apartment, she is consoled by her parents arriving unexpectedly, to spend Christmas with her. Then Adrian arrives, confused by Rachel's gallant rebuffs. When Rachel's father, defending his daughter, blurts out about Diana's claims on Adrian, Diana is revealed as a liar - and happy endings ensue. The movie closes with snapshots from what is almost certainly Rachel and Adrian's honeymoon in Hawaii, or some other tropical paradise! Well cast, and pleasantly acted, although the minor characters are more like caricatures, the final result is predictable (of course) but OK. Incidentally, Christmas is not really the theme, only the setting for this workplace romance.
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