User Reviews (23)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm not sure why and who keeps funding writer and director Steven Luke's war films, but he needs to take up a new hobby - maybe Laser Tag with some kids, so he can learn tactical engagement. This has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Calling this a B film would be a compliment, but this barely classifies as a C film.

    All there is, is a bunch of nonsense dialogue and horrible acting in war scenes that will make you pull a muscle from eyerolls and cringing. A five year old can set up more realistic warfare engagement battle scenes using little plastic green army men. In the first battle, they can't see an ambush out in the open, but are able to reach the ambush with hand grenades lol. And there's so much more laughable tactics and cheesy dialogue, this mess should've been labeled a comedy. If you think you've seen bad B films with Michael Jai White and Dolph Lundgren, this one takes the cake. They even convinced Tyrese Gibson to be in this, which I'm sure he's regretting now, especially when this came out the same as Fast X. It's a generous 3/10 from me, in pity for Gibson.
  • imseeg21 May 2023
    I am a s98ker for a good war movie. I even like to watch the lesser war movies, but there is a limit to how much stupidity I can stumach, before I give up and this movie crossed that line pretty quickly...

    The bad: it's a war movie and I expect to see exciting fighting scenes. But although these fighting scenes are definitely meant to be taken seriously, they achieve the exact opposite.

    It's hilarious to watch these soldiers fight. Really stupid and hilarious. I can forgive a few credibility flaws, but these fighting scenes are so incredibly dumb and silly that even a blind man wouldnt take it seriously.

    Not any good? Dolph Lundgren is getting old, and this is NOT a Dolph Lundgren movie, because he is only starring in a small supporting role.
  • First of all, there is the basic premise: that there are two types of soldiers.

    One type of soldier is always competent and effective. The other type is not only always bumbling and incompetent, but arrogant, nasty and mean-spirited to boot.

    Then there is the glaring incorrect portrayals of military protocol and tactics.

    In this film, officers routinely salute non-coms and hold the salute until the non-coms return it, not the other way round which is reality.

    It depicts an Army without coordination of infantry, armor and artillery. In one scene, artillery and forward armor are both firing on the same position simultaneously while forward motorized infantry are engaging that target in close quarters battle. Insane.

    And then there is the decision to have German characters speaking English with German accents. Reminded me of Inspector Clouseau in the Pink Panther series.

    The acting is not terrible but the dialog is amateurish.

    It is just an all around bad movie.
  • I agree with this:

    I'm not sure why and who keeps funding writer and director Steven Luke's war films, but he needs to take up a new hobby - maybe Laser Tag with some kids, so he can learn tactical engagement. This has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Calling this a B film would be a compliment, but this barely classifies as a C film.

    All there is, is a bunch of nonsense dialogue and horrible acting in war scenes that will make you pull a muscle from eyerolls and cringing. A five year old can set up more realistic warfare engagement battle scenes using little plastic green army men. In the first battle, they can't see an ambush out in the open, but are able to reach the ambush with hand grenades lol. And there's so much more laughable tactics and cheesy dialogue, this mess should've been labeled a comedy. If you think you've seen bad B films with Michael Jai White and Dolph Lundgren, this one takes the cake. They even convinced Tyrese Gibson to be in this, which I'm sure he's regretting now, especially when this came out the same as Fast X. It's a generous 1/10 from me, in pity for Gibson.
  • First and foremost, it feels like this movie was directed and produced by a 4-year-old. With that in mind, be prepared for an agonizing cinematic experience that will leave you yearning for the sweet release of a ceasefire.

    From the moment the opening credits roll, it becomes apparent that the filmmakers have absolutely no understanding of the art of war or the essence of a compelling narrative. If one can even call it that, the plot is a jumbled mess of clichés and nonsensical sequences that fail to form a coherent whole.

    The characters are one-dimensional caricatures devoid of any depth or meaningful development. Their interactions are stilted and devoid of emotional resonance, leaving the audience disconnected and apathetic toward their fates. The script is not worthy of being played in a high school drama; it made talented actors like Tyrese Gibson, Michael Jai White, and Dolph Lundgren (who are great actors) look like comedy skit makers.

    The action sequences, supposedly the film's saving grace, are a disorienting mishmash of shaky camerawork and incomprehensible editing. It's as if the filmmakers strapped cameras to a group of drunken monkeys and let them loose on the battlefield. The result is a chaotic and headache-inducing visual assault that leaves the viewer disoriented and utterly unengaged.

    Even the production values, or lack thereof, contribute to the film's unmitigated disaster. The sets are uninspired and cheaply constructed, while the special effects are laughably amateurish. The sound design is a cacophony of misplaced explosions and exaggerated gunfire, further adding to the overall assault on the senses.

    This movie is a cinematic debacle that fails on every conceivable level. It insults the intelligence of its audience, tarnishes the reputation of war films, and should serve as a cautionary tale for aspiring filmmakers. Save your time, your money, and your sanity by avoiding this cinematic atrocity at all costs.

    I wish I could give this a minus 10-star rating. Even movies made in the 40s make more sense than this. What a waste of my precious time. I would only recommend this movie to those contemplating assisted suicide as a means of escaping this world.
  • gm-8773112 August 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    Ive seen bad WWII films, but this one takes the cake.

    Absolutely AWFUL, so bad in fact that all remaining copies should be binned.

    Starting off with dreadful CGI graphics including a non-existant ME-262 over the Channel in mid 1944, to P-51's strafing CGI railroad trains...

    The actual WWII vehicles used are nice to see, but the dreadful and corny acting, total lack of military discipline and paper thin plot lines make the vehicles and weapons superflous.

    As if it wasn't bad enough, the sub plot was taken straight out of the classic KELLY'S HEROS with the tank platoon commander using several of Oddball's (Donald Sutherland) lines and the mailroom sergeant mimicking Sergeant Crapgame (Don Rickles)

    Avoid seeing this film if you want to avoid putting your blood pressure through the roof seeing a WWII story utterly butchered by juvenile and childish writing, comical screenplays and dreadful acting. An absolute dog turd of a WWII film.... AVOID.
  • emarvets8 June 2023
    How did this get made?

    I wish I knew people that are okay seeing piles of their money set on fire.

    They spent a lot of money on some things. Not terrible CGI dog fighting, physical US and German tanks moving around a battle field, hundreds of small arms, uniforms, and a half dozen B actors.

    And spent zero dollars on other things, like writers, military advisors, directors, cinematographers, editors,

    Like when a truly gifted film maker gets his hands on a microscopic budget, they can make something compelling.

    You give a child with zero self awareness a bucket of money, they have people throwing hand grenades at a mortar team 200 yards away. Or tanks that stop moving once they are fired upon.

    Where were the adults?
  • alehsakalou28 June 2023
    Complete nonsense. The tiger would shoot them all like a shooting range. The Germans fought well. Ambushing tanks with mortars and heavy machine guns and not hitting a single vehicle is ridiculous and counterattacking with rifles is complete nonsense.

    It's a pity that I can not put 0 or even -1. The agenda steers to the detriment of realism. Directing - 0, cameraman - 0, script - -5.

    If you want to see real combat actions - see "Rescue of Private Raivn". And call a detachment of sappers to clear the mines in a combat situation and stand upright on open terrain with the whole team .. what were you smoking there when you came up with this dregs,)))
  • Bullets going through a machine gun belt that obviously hadn't been fired. Men falling dead before they had been shot. Poor writing and directing. Was there a military advisor for this film? If so, they should never work on a WWII movie ever again. The plot had a chance but it was executed poorly. Could have been a great movie given the subject matter but it never reached its potential. In one scene the lieutenant tells his men to take up defensive positions as they begin a charge towards the enemy. How is charging towards the enemy a defensive position? This was only one example of the poor script writing, producing and directing. Towards the end, the General Patton character says, "some say patriotism is dying for your country, let's go make patriots out of those Germans." Patron's actual quote is, Patton : "Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." At least get that right.
  • Come out fighting more like don't come out to watch this poor excuse.of war movie Mr Ivan getting too old to play the role uniform are too clean for combat Mr Gibson thinking about fast and furious but in ww2 tank action scenes are off come Hollywood if gonna make a war movie try make realistic one even got Africa American in back ground wearing Vietnam era jungle hat actor got confused he thought it's nam war movie waiting for Charlie to pop up.and start shooting very poor standard war movie the director needs go back college learn how to direct a war movie.i should get the one star for filling a comment about this movie I thought the world moving from COVID time this film should have not been made kept quarantine full time from public view.
  • There have been many straight to DVD WW2 movies in the last 20 yrs. This movie is way better than those. The story line is factual and the acting is decent. It lacks the true epic quality but I would be happy if all WW2 movies were up to this standard.

    What impressed me were the depth of vehicles and aircraft. Not a few soldiers taking pot shots in a forest like so many other movies.

    ME262 dog fight with Mustangs, later ME109's. Later Sherman tanks and Honeywell as well as German Tiger. Lots of authentic German half tracks of various types, as well as armoured cars.

    Even films not long after the war lacked these vehicles. You would often see allied tanks depicted as German, or 1950's tanks would be used.

    It lacks the big epic feel, not many extras employed here. Although the actors did their job. Thought their was not enough build up of the characters, to draw you in to their plight.

    Worth watching.
  • This movie Come Out Fighting is a disgrace to the Black soldiers in which this movie is loosely based! First off this movie suffers from a white savior complex from the White actors listed ahead of the Black actors much like the movie glory! The movie was written and directed by a white Director which by itself is not the main problem with the movie but explains a lot. The 761 Tank battalion also known as the Original Black Panthers of the United States Army was a separate Tank battalion consisting of Black Soldiers. The 761 Tank Battalion had numerous exploits that the director could have used for his movie but chose to dishonor these heroic soldiers with a badly written script. The Black Actors through no fault of their own did the best they could with the weak script given to them. Hollywood deserves to give the Black Soldiers of the 761 Tank battalion a big budget movie so the world can give them the praise they deserved!
  • Honest to God, the WORST film I've seen in a long time. I felt so embarrassed for the actors because the script was idiotic. Not worth more comments. But I'm 180 characters short. Unrealistic, terribly written, incorrect weapons, incorrect uniforms, incorrect military courtesy - just an unmitigated disaster. Even the CGI wasn't consistent. Oh - and the voice recognition software was entertaining in its innaccuracy. The whole story line was ridiculous. The P51s we're returning from a mission at about 200 feet altitude- never happened. Then the pilot says they attacked the ME 262s - buts that not what happened.

    Don't waste your 5.99.
  • jordangault-5720215 June 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    I love a good ww2 movie however this is absolutely a joke to the men who served.

    The story behind it could have been fantastic in the right hands, however it was like no one on set could be bothered. The acting is terrible, the Germans sound like Austin powers villains and that's a compliment.

    The over use of the CGI is absolutely laughable that some scenes look like it was actually done on arma3.

    I really haven't worked out what the purpose of the tank battle was in the film the Tiger tank looked like it have literally came out of a car show room. After all these were meant to be battle hardened SS units and they looked like the war just started too. The Sherman tanks literally went from 0-60 in 2 seconds considering the top speed was around 17mph on a road.

    I am really disappointed in this film as it looked amazing in the trailers but that was the only good part I must admit if I could give this film a zero I would.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    During WWII, Lt Frank Ross (Kellan Lutz) gets shot down behind enemy lines and parachutes. Saving Lt. Ross has become a priority. Michael Jai White is part of a company of African-Ameican mine specialists. They also have a small tank fighting unit and are typically used as fodder. They cross paths with their own white soldiers and their leader gets sent back only to be attacked by German soldiers.

    The production was less about war and more about the race relations. It didn't know which way to go and as a result failed as a war picture and as a drama about race.

    Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
  • This was the worst World War II movie I have ever seen in my entire life. I have a huge love for World War II, Pearl Harbor, holocaust era style movies. This was a disgrace. The action style scenes would've been better depicted by using snippets from video games. I have seen better action come out of theater style acting out of a high school. This movie was very lucky that I even gave it three stars.

    Whoever was the Director, or writer of this movie should stop doing this style of movies immediately. Like I would imagine that if I was a Director and writer that I would take a lot more pride and effort and show my passion for the industry than what this portrayed. Disgrace. Waste of time and money.
  • jan-hranac26 June 2023
    It's no secret anymore that Hollywood constructs movies in a modular way. They write and shoot a bunch of scenes and then they try to combine them in random ways and show the results to test audiences. The combinations which make the best score are pushed forward to later iterations of editing and, eventually, to a "final" cut for theatrical release.

    The problem with this approach is that you get a disjointed set (not a sequence) of unrelated scenes rather than a wholesome story - in the best case scenario. Realistically, there will be cracks. For example, when a character references past events, it does not match what was actually shown (or, sometimes, what was later put into CGI - the actors don't know what they are talking about, those events never happened for them, they happened only inside GPUs of some server farm).

    That's not how storytelling works!
  • I will watch Micheal Jai White in anything.

    That can be a bad thing sometimes as movies like this show.

    The sound mixing is terrible, the music and sound effects are louder than the talking which makes it hard to hear what's being said.

    The special effects are very low budget. It looks like a made for tv movie.

    The acting isn't very good but that can mostly be put down to the poor script.

    The idea of an all black unit in the army being told they can't go after their lost black lieutenant as they "can't spear the man power" while actively trying to save a white lieutenant in the same area is actually a good premise for a movie. Sadly this doesn't live up to the concept.
  • This is a black movie almost completely. Usually I would just turn something like that off but it doesn't start out that way. They have some nice planes flying along and then a German CGI jet attacks them somehow.

    There is the theme of dats bees raycist rammed down your throat. None of them were slaves, it's about time these uppity bucks ans sows got over it. Same with the Jews. 6million didn't die, it was around 1.4 million, mainly from Typhus, which is the same as other ethnic groups. Stop milking it. The Jews tried to claim 6 million died in WWI as well. There was a headline in a newspaper but it didn't catch on. The Holocaust is a fabrication.

    The film is almost complete nonsense as a war film. Other reviewers have gone into that. The battles don't make sense. The way they get approval for the "mission" is ridiculous.

    The film is less about war and more about race. People need to let things go. Race and religion are the worse things about this planet. Nearly all conflict comes from it and as usual the first casualty of war is truth. People don't want the truth, they want to think they know what they're being told is true and feel good believing it.

    Then they make laws against free expression. Check what is censored to talk about and you'll find who the real scumbags are.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Writer & director Steven Luke has surpassed himself with his latest low-budget, World War II epic "Come Out Fighting," about a rugged platoon of African American Army soldiers and a downed Army Air Forces' aviator whose paths cross each other in this nimble helmed, 85-minute actioneer. As a connoisseur of World War II films (I wrote my Ph. D. dissertation about Warner Brothers' World War II era film and the OWI), I loved this little movie for a variety of reasons.

    First, unlike his deeply flawed Battle of the Bulge movie "Wunderland" (2018), Luke has tanks galore here. The Sherman tanks that Tyrese Gibson and his guys ride in looked were pretty darn convincing. The armor that the Germans had looked doggone convincing, considering that the only survivors are locked up in museums.

    Second, and probably more revealing to me, were the two P-51 Mustangs that looked extremely real and appeared to have been borrowed, meaning they were genuine. As for the Messerschmitt Me 262, it was clearly a CGI model but it was well-done, and the dogfight between the P-51 fighters and the Me 262 made for a gripping opening gambit that sets the plot in motion, with a guilt-ridden pilot, Lieutenant Frank Ross (Kellan Lutz of "Twilight") losing his friend because he shot up a train transporting more tanks. This opening sequence reminded me, too, of another above-average World War II thriller, writer & director Michael B. Chait's "Wolfhound" (2022) that featured genuine, vintage World War II aircraft.

    Third, any movie that educates me about a subject that I spent a lot of time studying in college is always going to impress me no matter how low-budget or otherwise it is. Nobody told me about the African American tankers that fought for General George S. Patton during his race across Europe. The 761st "Black Panther" Tank Battalion was comprised of African Americans and they were the first to see active combat. Everybody knows about director Budd Boetticher "The Red Ball Express" (1952) with Sidney Poitier and Anthony Hemingway's "Red Tails" (2012) with Cuba Gooding, Jr., but apart from a handful of war movies that throw African Americans into combat, few have been memorable, while some have violated history, such as director Julius Avery's historically flawed but entertaining thriller "Overlord" (2018) which too liberties with history and desegregated the ranks so that black and whites served together with a black sergeant in charge. The first casualty of war is truth, and despite its super-soldier saga, "Overlord" violated that principle. Happily, Luke has sidestepped that obstacle like one of the land mines that the black GIs disarm in "Come Out Fighting." Consequently, despite contrivance and anachronism, "Come Out Fighting" stands at attention for everybody to salute for all of these reasons.

    The contrivance referred to above is the inclusion of Gibson and his tankers in the mission. I couldn't help but think of Brian G. Hutton's wonderful behind the lines bank robbery "Kelly Heroes" (1970) with Clint Eastwood and Telly Savalas picking up Donald Sutherland's hippy tanks to embark on their raid. Altogether, I enjoyed "Come Out Fighting" but I was surprised in retrospect to find that Luke didn't make more out of the African American tankers. Performances were strong throughout, especially from "Fast and Furious" actor Tyrese Gibson as the tank commander. Indeed, Gibson looks like he was really under fire during his scenes when he is buttoned up in the tank and bawling orders to his tanker crew. Naturally, the Germans are given the short shrift, except from one older Kraut who struggles to string up young black Lieutenant Robert A. Hayes (Hiram A. Murray of "Operation Seawolf"), which I am going to have to watch now. As Sergeant AJ 'Red' McCarron, Michael Jai White of "Black Dynamite" gives one of his more evocative performances as a non-com so dedicated to his commanding officer that he is prepared to face charges for leading his men out in the field without orders to find him. Gary David Keast has a few brief moments as old "Blood & Guts" George Patton. He is appropriately gruff but subdued compared with the flamboyance that Oscar winner George C. Scott brought to the role. Patton fanatics may take issue with his costume because he wears his Colt revolvers in flap holsters instead of cutaway fast draw rigs.

    Too many second and third string producers and directors are making World War II movies that aggravate old guys like me, particularly director Nick Lyon's disappointing naval yarn "The Rebels of PT-218" (2021) which was impossible to finish after watching after his superior earlier effort "D-Day: The Battle of Omaha Beach" (2019). Suffice to say, everybody has bombed "Come Out Fighting," but this combat epic lives up to its title and its gung-ho heroics were good enough for me to champion Steven Luke's latest effort. I could rave on more about this movie, but I'd probably bore anybody reading it.
  • I kinda realized I was in for a bad ride when I saw Dolph Lundgren's name on the list. The acting was horrible, the story even more so and even Bollywood does better visual effects than this. It's supposed to take place in the 40s but it felt more like modern times.. It was a watered down version of Saving Private Ryan and the creators obviously don't know anything about WW2 or any form of history for that matter. This movie is an insult to my ingelligence and anyone with an IQ above 60. Don't waste you time on this, you can learn from my mistake and spend ot more productively.

    Arguably the worst War related movie I have seen in my life and I've seen quite a few.
  • I'm a big fan of some of the actors in this movie, like Michael Jai White and Tyrese Gibson. This movie has a few good points but many bad. But it's not the worst WWII movie I've seen. It does portray the stress of battle well, showing how Lt. Hayes is suffering from battle fatigue (PTSD) and how that can affect soldiers, and Hyram Murphy did a good job portraying that. Tyrese Gibson also did a good job portraying a tank commander who has seen too much. The movie did an okay job of showing how black soldiers faced prejudice during the war, such as white soldiers refusing to salute or doing so grudgingly, but I feel that could have been done better. Many of the battle scenes were poorly executed and the CGI effects, which would have been decent for the early 90s, are about unforgivable for 2022. Overall it was okay, but many moments left me groaning and asking "seriously?". There was obviously either a very poor military technical adviser or none at all, as many of the battle tactics and maneuvering were haphazard and sloppy. The story doesn't specify (or I missed it if it did) what month/year it took place, but unless it was mid-1944 or later, seeing the German ME-262 jet fighter would have not have been realistic. However, I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt and accept that the timing could have been correct for its appearance. Overall, I rated it a 5 because I liked the story, but this movie could have been executed much better with an experienced director and military technical adviser. Worth the watch? Honestly, I can't give a positive answer.
  • IN A NUTSHELL: The gritty WWII movie was written and directed by Steven Luke (Operation Seawolf, Battle of the Bulge: Winter War). It was produced by Steven Luke, Dean Bloxom, and Andre Relis.

    Set during WWII, in this military adventure, a small, specialized squad of U. S. Army African American soldiers are sent on an unofficial rescue mission behind enemy lines to locate their missing commanding officer. The squad upon battling their way through the German defenses encounter more than they bargain for when they locate a downed U. S. Army fighter pilot. With the help of their friends at the 761st tank battalion, known as "The Black Panthers," the squad must find a way to survive and make it back in one piece. This film was inspired by the 761st Tank Battalion, although the story is fictional.

    THINGS I LIKED: The movie features great performances by Michael Jai White (The Dark Knight), Tyrese Gibson (The Fast and Furious franchise), Kellan Lutz (The Twilight Saga), Hiram A. Murray (Operation Seawolf) and the fan favorite Dolph Lundgren (Rocky IV).

    The movie starts off with an action sequence and immediately pulls you in.

    Beautiful cinematography by Joseph Loeffler.

    Not-so-fun fact: During WWII, black soldiers were not allowed to fight alongside whites. It's extremely impressive that so many African Americans signed up in the Army to fight for a country that didn't treat them as equals.

    The title of the movie is taken from the motto and insignia of this courageous black battalion.

    If you like war movies with lots of explosions and battles, this one is for you.

    General George S. Patton is represented in the movie and is played by Gary David Keast. Patton had a very favorable reputation among the black soldiers in real life.

    The Tuskegee Airmen also get a shout-out in the story, although the movie isn't about their red-tail story. That's an inspiring story too!

    THINGS I DIDN'T LIKE: Some of the visual effects and sound effects aren't very realistic.

    Fans of Dolph Lundgren will be disappointed that he doesn't engage in any action in this war movie. He's top brass and just sits behind a desk. Of course, he does so in a very manly way. Ha ha We saw the same thing in his recent movie called Operation Seawolf. The made-up scars on Lundgren's face look super fake.

    The 761st Tank Battalion is depicted as always angry and disobedient to orders.

    While I'm a fan of WWII movies, I'm definitely no history expert. I imagine that Army vets will be able to point out a lot of inaccuracies in the film.

    Why would the Germans take the time and effort to hang prisoners rather than just shoot them? That didn't seem very believable or rational. It was a convenient choice to allow the good guys more time to be rescued.

    A lot of lines are spoken between overacted, gritted teeth, often making it difficult to understand what was said.

    TIPS FOR PARENTS: Kids will probably be bored.

    Profanity, including F-bombs Lots of fighting with various weapons.

    Very high dead-body count.

    Lots of destruction and explosions
