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  • wolkjesmurf5 October 2019
    As an European citizen I am very sceptical. We have a lot of illegal immigrants. And I wouldn't care if they would have the same values. But they don't. Equality between men and women for example...

    This documentary is very sentimental and humanizing. But open borders in the world doesn't seems to be the greatest idea.

    We should improve the conditions of their home country. So people don't have such an urge to go to Europe or the United states.
  • lukyboy15 October 2019
    What makes America great is all the different ethnicities and backgrounds. For those that say my parents came in legally in the 1900's the process was not the same as today, and most were coming from Europeans countries. If you came thru Ellis Island less than 2% were returned. Imagine if the roles were reversed. What we need to do as a nation is fix our immigration system/law instead of criminalize immigrants. This were real people affected in different ways by a broken system. Not every Italian is in the MOB, Not every Mexican is a criminal. The same administration that created this propaganda are in their own mess. KARMA
  • Look, obviously, there are laws against illegally entering borders and the ramifications of those actions. Is this a more stringent era of enforcement? Yes. It's a heated issue. This documentary takes you inside of the families living on the cusp of deportation; the mental effects of that stress, and the consequences. I found it extremely eye opening. I heard about the deportation areas but to hear interviews from inside these places was interesting. The documentary definitely tugs at your heartstrings on a topic that is still extremely difficult to tackle. But overall, I learned things I didn't know and it presented the topic with intrigue. Well done.
  • jennincincy4 October 2019
    I want to address all the haters on here before I give an ACTUAL review. It's clear that many of you either didn't actually watch the series or you just don't comprehend the majority of the issues these people have been through. Also, if even a quarter of undocumented adults were to leave the US, our economy will utterly collapse. This isn't debatable.

    Now, moving along, I found that the narrative was well thought-out and handled skillfully. The point of almost any documentary is to inform and/or educate, and this documentary didn't disappoint in that area. It certainly educated me on some issues I was not aware of previously. I also felt the camera work was exceptional, as was the editing. I highly recommend this series.
  • First off, I cannot believe this has such a low review... it makes me even more devastated to see the inhumanity in some of the reviews which perpetuates the utter ignorance we are living in, in this country, TODAY.

    If you actually watched this and can continue to say it's "propaganda" than I sincerely believe you know nothing of the human condition. All I saw while watching this was other people JUST like me minus the advantage of being born in this country. I saw moms, dads, sons, and daughters striving for a chance at real freedom. Sacrificing so their children and future children's children can have a safer, healthier, and more care free life. If you legit can still be so callous and removed after watching and experiencing what I just did than there is nothing left I have to say to you and I feel sorry for you.

    Thank you Selena Gomez for this.
  • Do not read half the politically motivated ignorance in the comments this is great storytelling . Judge the show not the ignoramouses on the feed!
  • To the one reviewer who wrote: "unless you are a native american you are an immigrant. " Wrong. So called "Native Americans" are also all the descendants of immigrants. They didn't spring from the soil.

    The issue is ILLEGAL ALIENS. Of course many illegal aliens are sympathetic to some degree. So what? If I want to go live in your house, or property illegally, does me being sympathetic mean you have to accept it?

    And look at the supposed issue of "dividing families." By this series makers' logic any family unit -- even a fake one -- ie straw marriage, people claiming to be children of parents who are not related etc -- getting one member of a family illegally in, means the US now has to take a dozen other members of that family? That is absurd and means we would be multiplying by ten-fold the number of illegals, and rewarding them, while penalizing people who waited in line for a legal spot!

    It is the open borders people of the ilk who made this series who are responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of illegal aliens and attempted illegal aliens per year. They keep sending out the message to these people that if they get a toe in it will be a free ride to legal status -- and that is driving more and more people to try it.

    The makers of this series ought to be ashamed of themselves. They typically are the type who want cheaper lawn care, or reduced wages for construction work, farm work, or other work, caused by floods of illegals, which drive down the wages of people who are here legally.
  • aimango18 October 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Its definitely a controversial topic. I won't comment on whether I agree the actual policies but it's definitely a good way to understand the issues from the perspective of those who try to enter the US undocumented. Each story is unique in its own way.

    The most upsetting one is the one with the pregnant woman who was still deported, and the whole interaction with the ICE employee and the attorney.

    It did feel a bit repetitive after the 4th episode or so and they dragged out each story a little bit, and you get the point after awhile.
  • Selena Gomez deserves all the possible recognition for this and she's one of the few mainstream artists who's actually shining a light on difficult subjects like this to tak about. Props to her!
  • First of all, all the whiners complaining about Netflix and their propaganda films. Shut up and stop paying them every month. You're just a bunch of confused angry hypocrites. If you think some of your ancestors weren't illegal immigrants you're truly mistaken.
  • So if I break into someone's home to live there, I'm not "breaking and entering", I'm simply "undocumented" as the inhabitant of that household. Sure, I get it.

    You can try and rebrand it all you want, but an illegal alien is an illegal alien.

    I became a citizen of another country, but not by jumping its fence, but by abiding the Law right from the start. It's only willful ignorance that prevents people from admitting this difference.
  • Let me just say that this was a fantastic documentary. It is so sad to read such mean and unkind words from people. So much hate, so much ugliness. After watching the film if you don't have compassion for these people or you don't feel sad and angry at what this government is doing to these families, I feel sorry for you. I don't agree that everyone should get asylum, or should be able to just be able to cross the border and become US citizens, but these people have been in this country for YEARS, working and living and contributing to the economy, raising kids just like you and I, maybe even better than some of us " legal US citizens " and now after 15-20 years the government decides to deport them, tear apart families, and for what? Because they came to the country illegally so many years ago in fear for their lives??? I can tell you that there are many US citizens who should be deported for being terrible people in general!!! What has happened to the country I have grown up in? We are all to quick to hate and judge people. I think more people need to look in the mirror and pray for the person looking back at them. Pray that their hearts can be more open to kindness and compassion.
  • Let that sink in... the US Federal government spends almost as much on free services for illegal immigrants ($54 Billion annually) as it does on education for its actual citizen ($62 Billion).

    Maybe the US could make universities free or cheaper for its citizens, like they do in Europe, if they would actually enforce their borders.
  • massrer2 October 2019
    Unless you are native American you are an immigrant at some point. European settlers migrated to America for the same reasons many other people from South America are migrating. The series just humanize them. It is sad that Spoty - a dog - could stay and his owner couldn't.
  • I wonder how many 1 star raters would respond if they were put in these situations... would you just stay in a war-torn country or take your family elsewhere? I think I know the answer. You are so far removed from reality and smug in your luxury to not have been born in such a country.
  • imlijkwan3 October 2019
    As someone who Lives In Europe this documentary gives a inside look of the immigrants who fight for a better life in the United States. A real raw and beautiful documentary.
  • This is not propaganda!!! This is real. Unjustified. And wrong. There was once a time I would have dreamed about moving to the USA. Not now it's a sad place and only getting worse. If you feel the need to throw the words "if you break the law....blah blah blah " after watching and hearing the raw stories there is something wrong with you as a human being.
  • ascejim2 October 2019
    Hey people, there are ways to enter the country legally, really don't care for this kind of propaganda that Netflix is encouraging its viewers to watch. The content is empty of rational and lawful arguments. It tries to pull at your emotions, but honestly, I would never risk my family safety and enter a country illegally.
  • It is astonishing to see how anti-immigration trolls are bashing this documentary, because of their political views. First let me say that this an excellently well-made documentary and despite the indifferent gaze from thousands of -I guess- Trump followers, it is also heartbreaking.

    Those heartless who dare to compare illegally entering a COUNTRY to breaking into another's home, completely miss the point: Yes, some of the illegal immigrants made mistakes, or even committed petty crimes, but they are not the majority, and even those who made mistakes are still human beings and deserve as much sympathy and opportunities as any other human being.

    There are others who obviously didn't watch the documentary because blindly claim that there are legal ways to enter the country. I, being a bilingual professional with a job offer, tried three times to enter the US legally and had to give up. Now I am happily living in Canada, where I brought all my savings and talent. Can you imagine how hard it is for people who didn't have the luck I had of being educated and having enough funds?

    Finally, I read the most ignorant claim: It is their fault for taking the risk instead of staying in their countries. Those of course did not watch the documentary and so you should not value their judgement here. The US is deporting people who escaped from extreme poverty, slavery, terrorism and more.

    Isn't the US the best country on Earth? Isn't it the most prosperous land there is? Well, many people I read here surely think America is just a petty house with a limited stock of opportunities, not enough to share with those in need... Wow, how little they think of such a big nation!
  • Virtual signalling is what Netflix does constantly ! Unfortunately they play to the wrong audience! I want to be entertained not subtlety lectured ! Netflix needs to know it's market as opposed to trying to scold them ! Lots of other streaming services out there ! This series is boring and offensively directed towards white middle class !
  • This is a very humanizing view of undocumented immigrants and the hell they endure trying to not have their families split up. It's obvious from the negative comments that those individuals didn't actually watch the show. The 'right way' to come to this country means waiting for 20+ years to come legally. Most immigrants don't have that kind of time fleeing poverty and violence. It doesn't make any sense to deport tax paying consumers! There's no reason other than the cruelty spread by our current evil regime. To work for ICE and perpetuate this evil means you must be without any morality or compassion.
  • I am so very glad I watched this series. It shows immigrants from many different countries who came here under many different circumstances. Not all immigrants are hopping a fence or crossing a river. Some stories end happily and others end in despair... and those moments were very difficult and challenging to watch.

    This series also humanizes these people. They all have families and stories. We are all one on this planet and we can learn a lot by taking a moment to listen to someone else's life experience.

    I feel like I learned I learned a lot about immigration by watching this. I learned more about what it means to seek asylum and game to a greater understanding by hearing directly from people who have had to do so.
  • Like the Bible tells us, we must be kind, we must be forgiving, we must be compassionate.

    Kudos to Netflix for promoting these values, and showing that despite political division, America is still the land of the free, the land of open arms, innovation, and the land with millions of people with a good heart.
  • Let's call this what it is. Anti-Trump propaganda designed to sway the 2020 election. Behind all the sob stories and humane suffering, this documentary dances around the fact that entering United States illegally is a CRIME. Let me iterate that, entering a country without due process makes one a CRIMINAL.

    PS: I'm not a citizen of USA, just so you know.
  • sc-7050617 October 2019
    If you think this is just about Anti Trump propaganda you need to take a look at yourself. Am assuming you,he seen the entire thing,wheather whatever political view you have these stories are the same as millions within the USA that can't speak out abd for the ones who have spoken out, some are in danger because of it, I know people that relate to this heavy and that is why i Give it a 10/10 not because of my friends but because of the accuracy and the bravery to make this film,Crossing the border is illegal but if you watched more than an episode about this you would know that thats less than 10% of the problem, from DACA to the treatment nd lets not forget about the fact that you basically can't get in legally with this system in place. Thats my 2 cents,Brave and Accurate
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