User Reviews (18)

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  • trickRrTreat9 October 2022
    Honestly, I'm a sucker for bad B rated horror movies. I love anthology horror and I felt like once we got to the authors stories that's when the film really started to get good.

    The beginning was definitely a little slow and it took some time to get into.

    Acting was okay, nothing to rave about. I'd have to say this was a really fun watch and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    I would give this a 6/10 for sure. I'm not a picky horror movie critic and honestly want to just enjoy a good creepy film.

    Would recommend to anyone who feels the same way.

    I would suggest watching it in the dark and have some fun!
  • baggieboinger25 December 2022
    I love a good horror, especially short horror stories.

    I was a fan of the Creepshow films, back in the day.

    I watch a lot of ghost stories at Christmas, so I was in the mood for some horror.

    I won't go too much into detail as I wouldn't want to spoil it but each story is a different tale.

    I thought the stories were original, quite creepy in parts and the acting was good, for the most part.

    I worked out the ending pretty quickly, which was a little disappointing, but I still enjoyed the movie overall.

    The CGI wasn't epic but it wasn't that bad either.

    I'd probably buy this to add to my horror collection.
  • The trailer wasn't bad so I decided to check it out. Somewhere into the third tale I had to turn it off. Just got a litte too tacky for me. It would of been better if the film had more money behind it. Not a film I'd recommend 4 stars.
  • Quite frankly, this movie sucked. The stories being told by the characters were nothing more than lazy montages of horror cliches with no ties to the plot. The "twist" (I hesitate to even call it a twist) was so obvious and bad that we predicted it in the first ten minutes if the movie. Throw in terrible acting, irritating characters, a bland climax, and a dash of low effort jumpscares, and you can get a good idea of the experience. Save yourself six dollars and ninety minutes and just stare at a wall, it'll be more fun.
  • Some small sparks here and there of interesting ideas. One of the shorts even goes as far as to have a novel premise and a fair enough execution. However when taking into a out the whole films acting coupled with the often times clumsy dialogue, tissue paper thin characters and under utilized framing story the whole movie is lost in the weeds.

    Don't get me wrong I love camp, shlock and off beet stuff but this is just trash. And bad trash at that. So bad in fact I was fighting to stay awake at times. Don't waist your time, let alone you're money. If you find yourself watching for some unfortunate reason fast forward to Deiago's story and then promptly turn it off. There could have been so much more here... Its just never came together. I'd love to see it revisited but as it stands it deeply needs work from the ground up and should not have been released as is.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie WAS good because these characters are telling stories about their horror experience, but the ending was stupid because

    The guy with the glasses is the bad one and we didn't get a chance for him to get killed, so this movie is a waste of time.
  • tman-212891 January 2022
    I can't get my time back for watching this dumb, boring movie!! But maybe I can save you the 97 mins so you can put them to better use than I did. There should be an option for negative stars!! Because this doesn't even deserve one.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm just on the first story as i start to write this, and the usual frustrations arise.

    So it's set in a storage facility and some dumb Woman encounters a Priest whose coughing up blood outside a locked unit. She approaches asking if she can help. The Priest of course tells her to stay away, and to get out. Does she?

    Don't be silly, this is a horror film, and so she's going to act like a complete imbecile and approach the Priest.

    Soon his eyes roll in his head and he appears to be possessed. What does our highly intelligent horror film character do at this point? Run, perhaps like any normal person would? Of course she doesn't. She stands there looking gormless.

    Then she hears a 'girls' voice coming from the unit the Priest was standing outside of. Does it even enter her tiny horror film characters head that something isn't right? Come on, you know the score by now... She unlocks the thing, then finds a locked crate. Surely at this point she'll at very least run and get help? Are you new to to badly written horror? Of course she doesn't, she unlocks the crate, releasing a literal Demon from Hell.

    I mean, i know not everyone can be a great writer, but can someone start using even a tiny bit of thought when scripting a Horror film, because all of this utter nonsense is really making it difficult to enjoy any films in this genre anymore.

    Onto story No.2. And no doubt more of the same utter dross.
  • This is a little horror anthology movie with stories suffering from being way too unoriginal, plot paper thin, acting unconvincing and production worth two shoestrings.

    However - each segment has one or two neat tricks up its sleeve which make the whole show quite watchable. So low-budget or not - this movie is at least not boring.
  • Visually appealing but ultimately lacking true substance. Dialogue was rough and plot was not only incoherent, it was non-existent. It had potential but it fell flat due to the fact that it felt less like a story and more like a jumbled array of random scenes poorly written leading to a predictable and lazy outcome.
  • Noticeable right out of the gate, the production value is far above any other lower-end anthologies that I've seen. Also of higher caliber is the acting. Special effects reach the upper echelon insofar as low-budget anthologies go. Sound design and mixing are top notch. I'm actually almost convinced that this isn't low-budget B-movie cheese.

    I can see some inspiration from some of the old heavy hitters of the horror anthology genre such as Creepshow, Nightmares, After Midnight, and Tales from the Crypt. Yet the wraparound story is akin to Are You Afraid of the Dark?.

    What we get is an extremely well-put-together series of vignettes designed and executed by people with a clear passion and understanding for the art form that is the horror anthology.

    Plot Summaries if interested:

    So, the premise is that 4 up-and-coming writers are gathered together by a local librarian to share these 4 tales:

    Night Haul: Something grisly is waiting to be uncovered by a woman visiting a storage unit one fateful night.

    Untethered: A boy's family undergoes a macabre metamorphosis upon his dad's decision to take a hiatus from work.

    Dead Ringer: Eldritch horrors beset a vagabond who happens upon an abandoned motel while wandering alone at night.

    The Resting: Distressed by her past, a young woman seeks solace in her recently deceased mother's estate. But the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    After everyone tells their stories, the Librarian decides to share an ominous story of his own.

    After Hours: It is closing time for two teenagers working at a movie theater. But as the story unfolds, the 4 writers become more and more uneasy.

    Wraparound: Between segments, we learn of a series of very recent murders by a serial killer known as Cutthroat.
  • dragoncherie30 September 2022
    Well to say right off the bat I really don't understand the bad ratings this movie has . I definitely could understand some of the other reviews that went as low as a say a five, but anything lower than that to me anyways felt a tad dramatic. But we all have our preferences for film enjoyment. Anyways, overall of course there was nothing outstanding here. And yes the plot twist can be seen a mile away but I did actually enjoy most of the stories in here. I am also myself starting to appreciate more casual and cheesy viewings so there's that. As a whole it's a simple, fine and if nothing else an atmospheric anthology.
  • kosmasp27 December 2023
    No pun intended - the movie is an assembly of short stories ... and of course as with most anthology movies the overall story arc has something to say too. I was a bit taken aback by the first story ... I felt like I had seen that before ... I probably have seen something similar ... at least that's how I felt - maybe it was just something else that has the same theme.

    Whatever the case I really liked the stories and I liked the actors. Maybe I am a bit of a sucker for something like this ... but if you suspend your disbelief and just go with the flow ... the movie or rather the movies in this have a certain quality. I may not have gotten the ending overall (not sure what it wants to tell me) ... but it looked good doing whatever it ... well did!
  • Don't be deterred that you haven't heard of any of these actors this is a good anthology of Horror. Give it a shot, most people are spoiled by big budgets and overblown CGI this one gets right to the stories, sit back and enjoy it. And it has a secondary plot throughout the film. Recommended.
  • adie_stone26 February 2022
    Definitely one of the better anthologies of recent years, of course there are flaws and some of the stories are a bit too short or not clear as to what is what, but there's not really a bad one in the bunch.

    I went in blind, and came out pleasantly surprised.

    I think if they shortened the wrap around and lengthened the shorts, it would have been stronger but it was still a decent film.
  • As an avid horror fan and a lover of the 80's cult slashers I generally dislike a lot of the new features that come out! With that said I was truly entertained by this one!
  • Wow!!!! Talk about Next Level Film making!!!! A Truly Amazing Film that covers all the bases!!!excellent casting through out the entire film not a weak performance among them ,camera work and lighting on point and a genuinely Amazing sound track!!! This Film certainly raises the bar its an AZ film that is heads and shoulders above anything I've ever seen come out of Arizona Now This is Indie Film making at its finest Great Direction excellent pacing incredible writing perfection in musical scoring Excellent Performances in Every Scene from top to bottom money well spent watching this Everyone should be proud that was part of this.
  • josmanaba31 August 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Four horror stories told by the main characters who don't know they will become part of the fifth final story.

    Great actors, not the Hollywood stereotypes, only the necessary FX, slightly gore, thriller, slasher, ghosts, exorcism, vampires, possessions, demons, all in one movie.