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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Adult siblings Dwight and Jessie take care of their sick, teenaged brother Thomas in a house on the outskirts of Salt Lake City. Thomas needs fresh blood to survive and depends on his brother and sister to provide it for him.

    Over time, Thomas's affliction traps all three of them in an endless cycle of murder and suffocating loneliness. They all want to be someplace else. They all want companionship and love, but duty to the family prevents them from leaving.

    As a horror movie, the film has no jump scares or creepy monsters. People looking for bared fangs and disemboweled bodies probably won't like this film.

    As a metaphor for caring for a dying family member, however, the film underscores a terrifying reality and culturally unacknowledged reality. The efforts made to keep a terminally ill loved one alive crush the hopes and dreams of the caretaker. Each day spent in the arms of death with the dying is a day away from life. The caretaker gives up his life for the person who is dying, until the dying person dies.

    The hardest part of this reality is that caretaking is done out of love. It typically isn't paid labor, but in fact drains the pocketbook. The heart of the dying person can't beat without the caretaker, and every beat costs the caretaker a beat of his own. In this situation, the afflicted feels like a burden and can't die fast enough. The caretaker is overwhelmed with guilt for wanting him to.

    Jonathan Cuartas, the film maker, does a brilliant job of reinforcing the terror with the sets. When the characters are outside in the daylight, beautiful Utah is green and bursting with life. When the characters are inside the house, it is dark, oppressive and suffocating. It's always Christmas inside the house, but we don't know whether the tree is supposed to be comforting or someone could not bring himself to take it down. The only music and sound comes from an organ, which no one knows how to play.

    There's also a strong subtext here about trying to escape the weight of the LDS Church in Utah, which is brought home when Dwight refuses to kill a young blond boy after murdering drifters and immigrants. And, when Dwight stands at the Great Salt Lake with all his freedom, the look on his face says he doesn't know what to do with it.

    Anyway, I liked the film.
  • Three thrifty siblings have a special need that forces them into a gruesome trade in society's cast-offs.

    Downbeat drama of troubled co-dependency that kept me engaged all the way. There are many quiet scenes, with the characters sometimes barely responsive to each other, but directed and edited with expertise so that the whole thing flows, with help from excellent cinematography and score. Performances too are excellent, so a toast all round - a beaker of blood, my good man!

    But it's a light-touch horror, and tending more to the survivalist genre, which I think is a peculiarly American phenomenon, one I don't really get. I prefer a horror to have a weird narrative that maps onto common struggles and fears, so that the extravagance leads to a hidden truth about our place in life. This is too straight a story, and even with its unanswered questions seems strangely plausible in the lonesome alienation of the mid-west.

    Overall: Quality production, but not sure horror was the right way to go.
  • So, viewers seem to either despise or love this offering. I come down somewhere in the middle. The idea here is interesting: a "realistic" family of siblings that have a special circumstance within their midst; and dealing with that circumstance becomes a practical and emotional burden that is increasingly intolerable for everyone.

    This is a low budget offering. To that end, the acting is (mostly) suitable for a film that is more about rumination than explanation or action. The camera work is also suitable for a film that takes place (mostly) inside.

    However, I also agree that pacing is a major issue here. The pregnant pauses, the controlled meter and inflection of the dialogue, the lingering camera shots - at times each of these can seem excessive. My other complaint was that, for a realistic-style movie, there were some real television-style cliches here (for example, two of the potential victims escape only to be found again under circumstances that can only exist on celluloid).

    I think the director may have been aiming for something like "A Girl Walks Home Alone" or "Martin" or maybe even Herzog's 1979 "Nosferatu the Vampyre." It never quite gets up to that level; but if you enjoy a more psychological or emotional approach to the vampire genre, this might work for you.
  • I love the title of this movie - it fits well with this ultra dark indie horror title about two siblings taking care of their vampire brother.

    Somber and slow, the film takes it's time, never gearing up to a big climax, instead ending in a whimper.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I like slow horror films so the pace wasn't a problem for me but if you're not used to films with almost glacial pacing, then it might bore you. Dwight and Jessie need to kill to provide fresh blood for their teenage vampire little brother Thomas. They target the most vulnerable people such as prostitutes, immigrants and homeless. Thomas acted up and threw a paper airplane to the young people passing by. Next day one of those guys showed up to see if Thomas was ok because Dwight took him inside by covering him with a blanket and the boy saw this. Dwight his the kid in the closet but Jessie found him and got stabbed by him. Dwight went on his car to find him and let him free after seeing he was living all alone with his father. He was lonely too and he was seeing a prostitute regularly to talk (and his sister killed her) so he could relate. Then he came back and saw his sister in blood in the bathtub. He buried her in the yard like the others and left. But he couldn't leave his little brother so he came back and Thomas wanted him to uncover the window (it was covered with cardboard) and moved out of the state like he'd dreamed of with that prostitute. It was as bleak and depressing as a vampire flick can get and was very slow and I really enjoyed it. Thomas' and Jessie's actings were really good.
  • This is a well made small indie film, but overall plotting is minimal with only one thing possible to happen, and there is slow movement to get there at the end of the film. The production expertly captures this very small confined family well. And the three main actors do well with embodying the opposing motivations inherent in the situation of their family. The failure of this film how small overall focus of the film is. The stage is set for progression on the one point, and ultimately this is very small point foreshadowed by the nature of the film itself. I was disappointed with the outcome being given the potential it has.
  • ayeitsalexr27 November 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    I was scrolling through tubi when I decided to watch this movie, I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into but after I watched it, I had to watch it again. This movie is fantastic. It shows the trauma and how everyone deals with it throughout the movie.

    I personally think this movie is a metaphor for addiction and how it can affect the lives of you and the people you love. Thomas was addicted to blood and if he didn't have it, it would kill him. He would suffer and do anything he could to get the blood, causing pain to himself and his family. I also like how you could see how Thomas didn't enjoy indulging in his addiction but he couldn't help it, he needed it to survive.

    I liked how the movie was seen through the eyes of Jesse and Dwight instead of thomas himself. It gave the viewer a whole new view on the actual issue at hand, it allowed us to see how it impacted them and not just thomas.

    I think this movie did an incredible job with the acting, the coloring, the camera angles, and the overall story/metaphor.
  • Decent acting, trippy story, but just really kinda sad. There were sympathetic characters and makes you wonder: How far would you go to save someone you love?? Worth a 1 time watch if you like this genre.
  • jubulleroso13 January 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    Watched some of it, pretty well-made, has a good feeling of just pure sadness and sorrow, but then, I had to stop in the middle, because I'm just wondering... Is there a reason why they can't go to the hospital? Why they can't just get blood WITHOUT killing anyone? I really just don't get it.

    Maybe if he had to eat human flesh then I'd understand a bit better why they would need to kill (well even then, if it went the extra mile, they could harvest the meat, have someone in a room where they cut pieces after pieces for each meal). But just blood? Man, you don't need to kill anyone to get their blood. Just go to a blood bank, get some of that stuff.

    Otherwise, the movie is very well-made. I'm just so confused about this part. Like at the very beginning when the guy says "I can't do this anymore" and his sister says "do you have a better idea" I couldn't understand why nobody was mentioning "go to the hospital"
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's sort of a story about a teenage vampire. Problem is, there's literally no need for his family to kill people for blood so the guy could "eat". Bloodletting is a real thing and it doesn't require murder. This fundamental flaw really made the movie hardly believable and relatively pointless. Because of this concept issue, I wouldn't recommend this movie and wouldn't watch it again. The acting is relatively believable and the cinematography is good, otherwise it would have received a lower rating from me.
  • jcooloti4 September 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    I really liked this movie, but I'll be honest in saying that I believe it is in dire need of a stronger climax. The climax kind of fizzled out... it's not that it's bad, I realize what they were going for... it's just not really strong enough in my opinion. Still, this unusual film kept me pretty captivated with great acting and beautiful cinematography.

    The cinematography is definitely the strongest thing going for this movie in my opinion. The scenes in nature are amazing. The choice of lenses are fantastic. Was this shot in film rather than digital? It sure seemed like it... It's a great looking movie with a really great color palette. The set design was minimal but the locations and buildings were chosen very wisely. It just looked great.

    I also found the acting to be top notch. It has to be when dealing with this kind of story where suspending your disbelief is a MUST if you're going to enjoy it. The Spanish speaking immigrant was really fantastic. That guy truly seemed as scared as he should be and have an awesome performance in my opinion.

    I found the plot to be very metaphorical. And even though the ending wasn't strong enough to my liking, I definitely felt what the director and writer wanted me to feel with this film's conclusion... the freedom that comes with the having survived what you always knew to be inevitable... and feared the most. I only wish that I felt that fear more during the climax. I wanted it to be more emotional during the parts that are meant to hit hard, but all that violence didn't really shock me as much as it was maybe meant set out to. The final decision made at the end also kind of felt like it came out of nowhere... (-SPOILER ALERT- I would have had the big brother just mercy kill him against his will... THAT would have made a much better climax in my opinion... A sort of homage to Of Mice and Men if you will...)

    Still, I found this film to be very much above average. I'd definitely give it a 9 or 10 had the climax been a little more solid, but I can live with the 8.

    One final note... all these poor reviews on here are written by people that that are addicted to junk. I enjoy junk films as much as the next person but thus film isn't junk. It's a serious movie. I would barely call it a horror film. It leans more on the drama side. If you enjoy heavy drama and have a taste for the macabre, you'll probably enjoy this movie as much as I did.
  • Very well made in tone and mood helped with excellent cinematography and strong performances. This film could be classified differently, but it is basically a vampire movie, though it is indeed an unusual one given the sympathetic take on the bloodsucker himself. Three siblings live together and one needs blood to survive, though we don't know why or for how long. I liked this film, but it's hard to describe without pointing out its flaws. It's kind of like reading a book that you begin midway. We are never given any knowledge of the origins, development or motivations of these characters other than keeping this very weak, sickly and sweet, and he is a sweet young man, alive. He is bedridden without blood, cannot fend for himself and relies on the other two to provide his sustenance which means, of course, killing people. The older brother apparently does most of the killings and we seem to meet him at a breaking point as he's seemingly a good person who must do what he does to save his brother's life and is having a hard time doing it any longer. The sister is a bit different, harder and laser focused on keeping him alive for no other reason than he is her brother to protect and save no matter what the costs. It seems to be her sole reason for existing. The older brother, very well played by Patrick Fugit, wants more from life. The sickly one, strangely, seems to be suddenly realizing the horrors of what is being done to keep him alive. He also wants, but cannot have, more from life. It's a very odd, bleak and strangely constructed film that I'm sure many will find depressing. I found it kind of fascinating. The director, Jonathan Cuartas, has not made a film since this. He's clearly talented.
  • This movie is incredibly boring and gross. To be honest I watched the first 50 minutes (I believe it's a proof of endurance) and, since I was bored to death up till then, I gave it up. Not worth your time, much less your money. This is one of those examples of bad movies that, for some reason (lobbying, networking) get way too high ratings that are not deserved. It's a low budget, slow movie, lacking any plot or element that might get you to relate to or keep you entartained. The actors look and act like they were highly sedated before undertaking their jobs.
  • I love slow movies, but they must keep my interest. This movie was just plain boring and could not keep my interest.

    I don't need or want to have every question I have answered when watching a movie, but you have to give me something and this movie gave me nothing.

    I was disappointed that I wasted an hour plus of my life watching this.
  • jonvincent8027 June 2021
    Omg this bored me for 30 minutes and had to turn it off so slow and rubbish. Don't waste your time.
  • Dark, sad storytelling. Not for the viewer looking for Jason, Freddy, Dracula or Frankenstein. No instant gratification, nor are you spoon fed all aspects of the story. A dark contemporary drama that explores what sacrifices may be made and how far family might go for a sick loved one. Truly horrific.
  • Hypster movie 100% trying to be edging and special with a long *** title I knew this was going to be pure **** and it was.... long slow and pointless...
  • How rottentomatos gave this a 98% is beyond me: obviously they have some critics on board who also work for a movie company. One of the worse movies ever.
  • I came to this film through The Last Podcast on the Left. I want both my money and time back for this one. It is simply awful. It is senselessly slow paced. The characters are all terrible people. The ""Vampire"" is this total wiener of a person that you just wish would die th entire film. This is probably the worst take on Vampire lore I've ever seen. If you were told you might like this because of LPotL then you are wrong. It seemed like Zebrowski made an attempt to mention it twice so I'm lead to believe he had some skin in the game as he is also mentioned in the credits. This film is terrible and don't waste your time on it.
  • My Heart Can't Beat Unless You Tell it To (2020) is a movie my wife and I recently watched on Prime. The storyline follows a brother and sister with a sick younger brother who needs to drink blood to survive. They'll go to extreme measures to find and extract the blood; meanwhile, the brother feels his world is too small and wants to expand his circumstances...

    This movie is directed by Jonathan Cuartas in his directorial debut and stars Patrick Fugit (Gone Girl), Ingrid Sophie Schram (Phantom Thread), Owen Campbell (Super Dark Times) and Katie Preston (Vagina Town).

    This is a very unique and well done movie. The characters and circumstances draw you in and Campbell does a fantastic job of being eccentric. His mannerisms were perfect and every time he drank blood I cringed a little bit. The cast really does a great job depicting the characters inner struggles with the circumstances. The action scenes in this are very good. The screwdriver scene was well done and you find yourself feeling worse and worse for Campbell the entire film. The ending was smart and I loved how the film concluded.

    Overall this is a well put together picture that's worth your time. I would score this an 8/10 and strongly recommend it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film start with two men talking in the car, and they arrive at a house scene! As turnout, this film is about two siblings(Dwight, and Jessie) need to feed their vampire brother(Thomas) with human blood! Entire film full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Such as, overuse of the driving scene, overuse of the song playing at the background scene, overuse of the watching TV scene, overuse of the eating scene, overuse of the drinking blood scene, overuse of the staring scene, overuse of the playing music instrument scene, overuse of the walking scene, overuse of the searching scene, overuse of the calling names scene, overuse of the arguing scene, and overuse of the open door scene! Make the film unwatchable! At the end, after Jessie died, Dwight refuse to take care Thomas, and leaving him! That's it! Wasting time to watch!
  • westsideschl31 October 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Start with overhead view of car on road - almost always a sign of cheap forthcoming.

    Three siblings one of whom is frail to the point of near death. Never explained why the frail one is a vampire (i.e. Needs human blood; avoids sunlight). Duh, ever hear of a blood bank or hospital storage? Why not pig whose blood is nearly identical? Why live in sunny Salt Lake? Most screen time is within the house, and every so often a victim is brought in to be drained. A poor job of that as it seems they only get a quart or so. Film cheaply only shows a poor cosmetically made up post death victim. One near victim escapes; inexplicably comes back. Cheap ending.
  • This movie was listed as a much watch by some website. It's a boring, uninspiring pseudo art house flick that doesn't deliver in any way. It's not scary, sad, or insightful. Don't waste your time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Reminiscent of the Larry Fessenden produced "The Transfiguration", this movie begins towards what is the climax of what must have been years of a very sad family story. Three siblings hole up in a dingy old house while the older two take drastic measures to care for their younger brother. There is nothing explained here and there aren't any answers. Sometimes this layer of mystery makes for some of the most deep seated horror films I have seen. I always enjoy watching Patrick Fugit in anything he is in and this was no exception. It seems these days that every actor , especially indie actors, get their time to shine in a horror film and this was Fugit's moment. In my opinion he was great.

    This is a cheaply made film and there aren't many big thrilling moments but all of it is interesting. It's a quiet film with sudden bursts of noise that somewhat seep into you as they are effective in the sense that these characters must really be feeling some serious emotions in order to get so loud after being so quiet.

    The silence and noise are equally effective. Like in real life.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Shudder has been a real bummer lately with some of these movies that aren't really horror as much as they're just some terrible Lifetime drama with horror elements mixed in. This kid is a vampire. His siblings kill to get him blood. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.
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