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  • Season 1 was about the death of Cheryls brother. Season 2 about Black Hood. And now? They are keeping alive the show with no main story. Only with singing, dancing, fighting and flying to the moon with a rocket. Lol. There is no reason to watch this show anymore. I'm out. Finally.
  • Minor spoilers nothing major

    I am not going to sit here and bag the whole season, I think this episode was pretty good. I know some people say "filler, filler" but yes every show needs to have fillers, how does everyone think they get 22 episodes! As long as they tackle the plot with a bit of progression and uniqueness I think it is ok.

    Now for the episode takeaways.

    Enjoying Brett vs Betty battles. As much as I dislike Archies uncle and think he is bad news there were some good scenes and a nice fight sequence/inclussion of tom keller. Nice music track throughout. i like how underage selling of alcohol (liboniet - veronica) was adressed (finally)

    things i didnt like - quiz show - should of made it so viewers could answer the questions. apart from that goodish episode...
  • rebeckaflygare8 February 2020
    I don't know why people write more and more negative reviews with every episode but still keep watching the show. It's like you enjoy torturing yourselfs. Anyhow, I think the storyline keeps building up really well, we may miss the jump scares- but learning more about the characters is nice. And don't we all want to know if -you know who- is really going to die?
  • chrissyelizabeth-145632 February 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Overall this show is kind of a dizzying merry-go-round. The first season was a very straight forward and normal murder mystery. Season two had the whole Black Hood and Jughead joining the Serpents than being beaten nearly to death thing but was still pretty straight forward. Season Three was a mess with the whole Archie in jail, The Farm, and the whole Gryphons and Gargoyles crap-shoot that ended up just tying everything from seasons two and three back to Penelope Blossom wanting revenge for Jason and everything she went through as a child so therefore she turned Hal into the Black Hood and set him loose on the town and as it turns out she also killed Clifford Blossom and turned Chic into the real Gargoyle King although there were two false Gargoyle Kings in Tall Boy and Moose's dad. My problem with season three although the intrigue was great is that there were too many storylines and that made it hard to follow and also I didn't really buy Hal as the Black Hood in season two or three because it is completely counter to his character in season one. As for this season with all of the flash-forewords of Jughead's fate it's unnerving but also trying to make it look like Dark Betty is responsible is a stupid red-herring because Betty would never hurt Jughead. If it's anyone my guess is either Charles or Baxter DuPont and the Stonewall kids but I guess we'll see
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Can we kill off this Veronica and her dad beef! It's honestly weird how a grown man wants to constantly ruin a teenager trying to grow lol. Plus it's the same old things
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show is beyond help. They decided to not use the same plot this episode. And that made it even worse. First, let's start with Archie. Nevermind. He did nothing as usual. Except the wrong thing. Second, Betty and Jughead. I am so sick of their scenes. They constantly throw themselves at each other in bed. It's terrible for teens to see this and think it's okay. They are so boring and overrated. Which the show has taken advantage of. Then, Veronica and Cheryl. The whole dancing club scene where they just dance and laugh until, oh no, "Daddy" shows up. Who breaks in and smashes their rum. Like what just happened. And now I saved the best for last, Kevin. Oh boy. This is the worst and most hilarious plot line. He basically makes a porn video. But, hold on, it's a tickle video. Where this guy tickles him and they kiss. People actually pay to buy this video. A man tickling another man. Just wow. It's sickening.
  • This show should have ended after the first season , back to when it was good. That's it i am not watching it again and i will consider that seasons 2,3,4 don't even exist.