User Reviews (15)

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  • SnoopyStyle25 August 2023
    Abby Meyers (Halston Sage) is at a New York City bar with her friends and her fiance when famous actress Kenzie Scott walks in. The conversation quickly turns to celebrity passes as everybody makes up their own list. During the wedding shower, her fiance lets slip that he slept with Kenzie Scott after the bar encounter and this sends her into a tailspin. Her best friend Chloe (Chrissie Fit) takes her to L. A. where she starts hunting down her own list with Chloe's ex Sam (Shelley Hennig)'s help.

    As often is the case in this type of rom-com, the hot young girl with model looks just can't get laid. It's a stupid trope. Halston Sage is a hot actress with some comedic chops. She tries. Comedy is not her best skillset but she tries. The stale comedy writing is not helping her and those two guys seems to be relative newcomers. I think Halston can be unleashed with better material and more physical comedy. She needs to do more slapstick to heighten the comedy. Plenty of hot ladies have made that comedic leap and she can be one of them.
  • The List is a perfectly decent movie. It's quite well made. It's quite well acted. And it's quite funny in parts.

    Where it falls down is it's lack of oomph, lack of punch, lack of edginess. This is mainly down to the direction and the writing......and the plot with it's conveniences and contrivances......and the ending that is telegraphed in the first half of the movie.....and the weak comedy editing make the slapstick scenes seem a little wooden.

    The biggest problem with the direction is the almost constant use of montage and the problem with the script is the constant LA pop culture references.

    Maybe singletons in California will get more from this movie more than I did.
  • I'm quite mad given how actually good the bulk of the story is compared to the editing, the rhythm of the dialogs.

    And if you can go pass that, you might actually laugh over some really good lines like I did.

    But sometimes it just sounds like you're following a conversation made of voice messages on a cellphone. One abrupt and disconnected vocalization after the other.

    The movie was shot in "19 days" and for the scope of what's presented, all the moving parts, they did a great job, so shout out to that.

    But again, I can't stress enough how unflattering in post-production the editing was.

    I bet this can be saved. Gosh, I hope someone does it.
  • Dialogue is mostly made up of cliches, plot is unsurprising, acting is bland and the characters are absurd and unnuanced. All in all a terrible experience and really a total waste of time. Why didn't anyone pull the brakes on this, before getting this far?

    The movie suffers mostly from the writers lack of imagination, like the politician without empathy, the weddingplanner without empathy, the boyfriend without empathy (sorry, did I repeat myself? Maybe I should be a script writer), the conversations without depth, the sad sighs from the audience, when the dialogue is trying to be funny.

    Maybe just add som kittens and puppies, so there could be something interesting to watch, while wasting precious time on this.

    I simply can not recomend this to anyone and I don't know, how the movie ends, because like my ex-wifes cooking, I couldn't finish it all.
  • jonpaulharley23 August 2023
    Wow, what a completely disgusting premise for a film. Society is going down the drain.

    At the end of the day the acting and characters were mid, but the fact this story was even made makes me sick to my core.

    Why is it that films like this can even be greenlighted and put into production? I imagine the film will do well just because of the current state of the world with social media, debauchery, dating apps, etc.

    If I could turn back time and not even know this film existed I certainly would. I will just be spending the next couple weeks trying to erase this film from my memory with lots of drugs and alcohol.
  • A movie centering on infidelity and the whole premise being " if you can cheat, I can cheat" explains everything wrong with our current society.

    How you can give something like this a 10/10 explains the absolute morale bankruptcy of your ability think and make grownup decisions.

    This is not cool, trendy or remotely acceptable for mature adults; this is trash, pure and simple.

    And please get off you high horse and start accusing me of being a religious zealot. You could t be further from the truth.

    This movie is hedonistic garbage and these two "actors" should never work again. Hollywood needs to stop cramming this garbage down people's throats as "normalized" behavior. It's not, is what monkeys and dogs do. If you think it's ok, then which one are you?
  • I really like the lead actress, I've seen her in another movie and she's just lovely.

    The movie has the feel of a romantic comedy but doesn't follow the formula for one. So it's light hearted and fun but isn't as sappy as some can be. Not that there's anything wrong with those sorts of movies, we watch them because we know the formula and like it.

    It's a good story that is very watchable and keeps you "engaged" ;)

    It feels slightly long in the middle and perhaps lacks a bit of direction scriptwise. I liked it and think it promises to deliver what it claims.

    Just enjoy the ride and maybe learn a little about being engaged to someone and how that may not work out. Some of us have been there.

    A solid movie that is enjoyable and I give it 7/10 as in I'd watch it again.

    Thanks for reading.
  • I sat down to watch the 2023 movie "The List" with the intentions of watching a comedy. Sure, I had not heard about the movie prior to sitting down to watch it, so I didn't really know what I was in for here, aside from it being labeled as as comedy.

    However, I must say that writers Rob Lederer and Steve Vitolo utterly failed to conjure up a script and storyline that appealed to my taste in movies. I found no entertainment in the movie, and there was nothing to enjoy here for me. So it was quite a struggle to sit through the movie. And I didn't manage to sit through the entire movie, because I was bored senseless with the narrative in the movie.

    And while "The List" is labeled as a comedy, I have to admit that I wasn't brought to any laughs in the time I watched the movie, nor were I even brought to a smile or a smirk.

    There were a couple of familiar faces on the cast list for me, that being Chrissie Fit and Geoff Pierson. Aside from them, then I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble. Usually having unfamiliar talents in a movie that I am watching is something I enjoy, but not in "The List", because the movie didn't entertain me the least.

    I am sure that there is an audience out there for a movie such as "The List". I just happened not to be a part of that particular target audience.

    My rating of director Melissa Miller Costanzo's 2023 'comedy' "The List" lands on a two out of ten stars.
  • solojere5 September 2023
    The List was a cute enough movie, even though the main character was frustrating at times. The film follows Abby, a New York speech writer, who is set to get married. However, Abby's world is turned upside down when she finds out her fence fiancé sleeps with a celebrity on his free pass list. Shaken by this, Abby sets out with her best friend Chloe (Chrissie Fit) to L. A. to even the score. I won't spoil anything, but the plot is pretty straightforward from there. I found myself saying repeatedly just break up with him, girl. While it's an interesting enough premise to talk about, cheating is cheating, even if it is with a celebrity. And in this case, the dude clearly didn't have any remorse for his actions, and it's not like Abby hooking up with someone else would magically make things all better. Sometimes, you need to just know when to walk away from a relationship. Halston Sage is a charming lead, making her character likable enough, even if she is a bit dense. The jokes are hit and miss, and at times, the film tries a little too hard to be funny. It was nice to see Chrissie Fit in a somewhat leading role. She never seems to get the credit that she deserves, as she is usually just cast as a supporting character(like in Pitch Perfect). But I think she is really talented, and I hope this opens some doors for her in the future. All in all, it wasn't a bad little film, but I don't know if I'd recommend paying for it either. My recommendation is to watch it on streaming somewhere on a rainy day when you need a laugh and don't think too much about it.
  • helenabbb2 September 2023
    If you're looking for a more edgy rom com than the usual schlock that all the streamers serve up, then The List is for you.

    The script is really good. Even if it's not quite pulled off in how it was all thrown together, you can just get a strong sense of the cleverness behind the jokes. And when it gets funny, IT GETS FUNNY. I won't spoil some of the surprises but there are some wacky scenes in here that cracked me up!!!

    I heard people complaining about it being predictable. People! Have you ever seen a rom com before???? Even the best ones of all time are predictable.

    Settle in for the date night movie of the year. It's a perfect one to throw on and kick back on a Saturday night.
  • remisongod26 August 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    Abby Meyers (Halston Sage) is at a New York City bar with her friends and her fiance when famous actress Kenzie Scott walks in. The conversation quickly turns to celebrity passes as everybody makes up their own list. During the wedding shower, her fiance lets slip that he slept with Kenzie Scott after the bar encounter and this sends her into a tailspin. Her best friend Chloe (Chrissie Fit) takes her to L. A. where she starts hunting down her own list with Chloe's ex Sam (Shelley Hennig)'s help.

    The storyline is kinda suck and the end was very strange don't know what happened to Abby at the end she just sit on a plane and this is the end. 6 stars only for good acting from Halston Sage and Christian Navarro. Watched this movie only for Halston Sage and her pretty cutie face and she did great work as always. Can't wait to see her in decent popular movies.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I must say, I'm quite taken with the lead actress in this film. Having seen her in another movie, I can confidently say she's absolutely charming. The movie exudes the vibe of a romantic comedy, yet it deviates from the typical formula. It's light-hearted and enjoyable without being overly sentimental, not that there's anything wrong with those kinds of movies - we often watch them because we love the familiar formula. Iwin club gamingiwin88

    The storyline is engaging and very watchable, keeping you hooked throughout. Iwin club bid. However, I did find the middle section to drag a bit, and the script could have used a bit more focus. Nonetheless, I found it to be a good story overall, delivering on its promises.

    Watching this film, you get a glimpse into the complexities of being engaged to someone, and how it doesn't always pan out as expected - a relatable theme for many. Overall, it's a solid movie that offers an enjoyable viewing experience. I'd give it a solid 7 out of 10, meaning I'd definitely consider watching it again.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts - go88 am (
  • Is it a 10? No, it's not a 10. But I'm showing my support against the people who inexplicably rated it a 1. Realistically, it's a solid 7 and a helluva good time.

    Basic plot is Abby Myers is about to get married and finds out her fiancé slept with a celebrity from his free pass list. With her life turned upside down, she heads out to LA with her best friend Chloe to track down and sleep with one of the five men on her own list.

    The setup is actually super fun and relatable. It opens the doors to lots of celebrity name dropping and pop culture references which makes this super fun for anyone who reads US Weekly or follows gossip pages on social.

    Dialogue is really clever. I found myself giggling at a lot of the exchanges and then cracking up at some of the big physical comedy moments. If anything I wanted to see even more if it. Halston carries the movie (she is basically in every scene, and I wasn't complaining). Great supporting cast led by Chrissie Fit who is hilarious, and Christian Navarro who is absolutely charming. The small characters also really bring the funny too.

    Overall - a sweet and charming rom com with more laughs than average. I think it's a perfect date night movie!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    From the trailer thought it would be light fun, maybe even a little lane and low budget. But was pleasantly surprised by this movie. Some scene are genuine lol moments where I was cracking up. And overall it's really sweet. I fell for Christian Navarro when I was watching this movie. He's sooooo cute in it. Love the chemistry with Christian and Halston but wish they had a bigger romantic scene at the end. It just kinda fizzled... not sure what they were doing there.

    The dialogue was fast and really clever. Thought the writing was really good from beginning to end. Would def recommend this to all my friends for a fun night in.
  • My wife and I have spent countless and countless nights scrolling streaming services to eventually be disappointed by an underwhelming rom com that looks to have potential. Finally, we found an enjoyable one. The List features a cute plot where a fiancé sleeps with a celebrity from his hall pass list, and follows the journey of the former soon to be bride on her quest for revenge. As you can imagine, her quest is not as straightforward as she intended, and the fantastic writing leads her to unexpected discoveries both funny and heart-warming. Overall, if you're looking for an easy watch with your partner, that's funny, well written and keeps your attention, The List ticks all the boxes.