User Reviews (40)

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  • I thought this was a fairly entertaining LMN movie that had you guessing what was going on with the kidnapping all through the movie. I really did not know who it was until about 20 or so minutes before the end.

    Things to keep in mind:

    1. Never accept a free trip to a luxurious resort that have villas.

    2. If someone is too friendly, beware.

    3. Try to check your family background if you can - you don't know what will come up!

    4. Don't put your child in any daycare.

    Have a couple of drinks and enjoy the movie.
  • sadimyerz22 March 2021
    Was like a bad episode of home and away. Terrible acting, barely thrilling and a dull predictable twist.

    I probably should have given 1 star but I guess there may be some way to make this movie even worse.
  • This is like a really bad episode of Home and Away mixed with Play School. Obviously pandering to the US by using Australian actors pretending to be American. Todd Lasance drops in and out of accent with aplomb. The kid is irritatingly American and the acting is atrocious. Clare van der Boom is actually a descent actor, so she must be desperate for a role to take on this rubbish. The scenery is nice but that's about it.
  • birrellm25 December 2021
    A waste of Clair Van de Boom who is actually a really good actress. The acting from everyone else was atrocious- especially the cops and the dodgy day care centre worker guy. Makes Home and Away look like Shakespeare.
  • Whoever gave this a high enough rating for it to get an overall of 6.4 needs to give their head a wobble.

    The storyline was ridiculous & the acting was appalling. I actually feel embarrassed that I watched it through to the end.
  • I created an account for the sole purpose of leaving a review to warn others to save their time. Just pour hot chili in your eyes and ears instead. It will be a thoroughly more enjoyable experience.
  • sandibeynon22 December 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Terrible acting and a plot with so many holes I couldn't watch it all the way through. A 5yr old child goes missing from the kids club at an expensive looking resort and the staff member on duty just says sorry? The attempt to put all the iconic Aussie scenery and animals in as well is just stupid.... I'm not sure how many surfers would enthusiastically run into a zero waves, crocodile-infested body of water. It is without doubt a terrible movie .... don't do it to yourself.
  • anthony_viney1 January 2022
    The acting was award winning, I can't believe I had not heard of this movie. Shot in paradise the scenery was as beautiful as the twist and turns the plot delivered I really hope they make a part 2.
  • zxbenjinaxz-9330923 December 2021
    Plot was terrible and the acting was atrocious can't believe Netflix actually took this on.

    This movie has secured a spot on the top 10 worst films. Wouldn't recommend it even to my worst enemy!
  • Wow!!!! 4 people walked out with 15min of it starting, there were so many holes in the story that everyone in the cinema were getting frustrated and muttering under their breath!

    The best actor's in the movie were the Aussie wild life, oh and maybe the 5 year old kid!!!

    Never watch this movie!!
  • First 10 mins on Netflix and I'm clicking 'Back'! Guys, what a waste of everyone's time, bad acting, cliche's all around, the girl behind the counter that's too friendly, awkward dialogue, I can go on but I'll stop wasting my time here...
  • zsecsc27 December 2021
    Not the standard of movie we are used to from Australia.

    The story line was not the worst but the acting was worse than home and away!

    Save yourself 1.5 hrs of your life and give it a miss!
  • Everything about it is atrocious. The cliches come thick and fast. The acting is below average, the script is horrendous and the plot is as gripping as watching paint dry. I honestly can't believe this movie made it to Netflix. What happened!????
  • calharris21 December 2021
    With so many excellent movies & series in this genre why do Aussie film makers bother if they can't at least match the caliber of those successful film makers that have gone before.
  • Absolutely shocking !! I'm embarrassed for everyone associated with this movie, I wish it wasn't made here in Australia major cringe!! Acting atrocious, script deplorable and the plot well my Nan couldn't knit that back together with so many holes! Just spend 90 minutes watching you tv turned off more entertaining !
  • sr_roughton28 January 2022
    Terrible acting by all involved (except for Mr Pickles who is a class above the rest), and a ridiculously transparent plot that will leave you waiting for the twists that you figured out half an hour or so earlier.

    Jessica Fletcher and Scooby Doo wouldn't have been out of place here with the heavy-handed clues and attempts at misdirection that wouldn't fool anyone.

    The only thing that could have improved this masterpiece would have been if after all they hammy dramatic acting Mr Pickles came to life to thwart the villain. 🤣 Highly recommended!
  • sarahphoto-6828329 December 2021
    Not the right kind of bad to be funny bad - just all the wrong kinds of bad. As one other review wrote - awful, awful, awful. Who on earth thought anything about this was a good idea? It may be a plot by a rival tourist destination to make Australia look like a limp, inept, stupid, cheesy backwater. In that case - success! I really take issue with the IMDB classification that this is "Drama/Thriller". It is neither. So bad.
  • tailzx-8026730 December 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    How did this even get made into a film.. and where do you find these "actors".. this movie is so bad, I can't believe I watched it till the end. So cringe. You have someone who's lost their child under your supervision and your response is "you can't come in here".. So unrealistic, everyone would be more frantic than that especially when a kid is missing. Also the police were so fricken useless and cringe. Do yourself a favour and skip this movie, you aren't missing out.
  • No need to even go into details, I haven't finished watching, 16 minutes left, I figured out who did it literally from the moment the kid disappeared, my guess is revenge (maybe some daughter given up for adoption or somehow neglected by other means?) Who cares really, after all, this is a really bad movie with really bad acting (this is saying a lot for me, I generally really like even cheap TV suspense movies), well, I guess I'll suffer through the last 16 minutes, don't bother even starting this rubbish, is my advise.
  • drbreakwell14 November 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Another bad movie. Poor plot. Over protective parents go on a trip to an island off of Australia. Don't want child to play in child area. But changed mind. Let child go next day. Child goes missing. Anxious parents search. Two people take her. Police have done a stupid job looking. Dogs were supposed to be sniffing and mom looks for something to help dogs, but can't think of anything, Mr. Pickles is something the kid never leaves, but the mom can't find anything? Kidnapper leaves with child, but the whole island has supposed to been closed off, but tourists keep coming and going. Kidnapper expects to get off the island? The little girl is calm and not crying? Any other child would be hysterical! How stupid. It was one of those movies you watch to see if it gets any better!
  • This is the kind of movie where you have the opportunity to appreciate just how important a good script, director, cinematographer, set desginer, vocal coach, casting director, sound editor, editor is. This is so bad. It's like they filmed a scene a day and then tried to splice it all together. The long pauses,the really bad music, the dreadful script and acting. The only good way to see this movie is as a student of film making. This would be the class you go to about how NOT to make a movie. Awful, awful, awful.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I...I just.... I just don't.... I just don't know why they made this...

    I literally wished they killed the kid...and the cast...and everyone on the island, so the film never made it off said island and never made it to I never had to watch that I never had to break up with my girlfriend...
  • evesadler26 December 2022
    Actually after reading all the bad reviews I decided to watch this film and did enjoy it so don't let the bad reviews put you off, Ok the acting of some of the cast was a bit to be desired but I thought the police played a good part of being country cops and when you live in the country life is a lot slower, the little girl shouldn't be criticised for her acting after all she is only about 5 years old and probably the first film she has ever acted in so give her time! The ending was a bit feeble and maybe could have been done a bit differently but all in all it was an ok film and I enjoyed it.
  • benmckey1 January 2022
    I don't even know where to start. Absolutely horrible. Definitely a waste of a 90 minutes on a Saturday night. Shame on Netflix for allowing this on their service. Also @ anthony_viney are you on crack?
  • Wow...! If you're in for a laugh, I absolutely recommend watching this movie. My 9 year old chose this, and I was a little hesitant given the listed genre being a thriller, however we laughed WAY too much, so a thriller it is certainly not.

    Do you like home and away? No? Then I'd suggest NOT watching.. the acting is VERY 'soapy'.

    The storyline is...mediocre. The acting? TERRIBLE. The constant clues they throw at you throughout the movie will have you predict the ending fairly early on in the movie.

    Do yourself a favour and watch it; only for a laugh. This particular movie is why I stay away from Australian productions sadly.
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